On 03.11.2014 14:44, Ben Golding wrote:
Hi Dirk,

Thanks for the clarification.

Nevertheless, what effect does this "marking" of the side effect file actually 
have during the build? What can I usefully do with the object returned by SideEffect()?
Not very much, I'm afraid...and why would you want to anyway? I'm not a native speaker, so take it with a grain of salt please that it appears obvious to me, that declaring a file as "SideEffect" means that I don't really care about it.

Does it have an effect during the parallel build? (like a mutex, restricting 
that only one builder instance can run concurrently if they share the same 
hard-coded filename)
Yes, it does exactly that.

> Another thing that "SideEffect()" does, is to mark the file for getting
> removed on a "scons -c". In the past, this has misled many writers of
> builders/tools, to use SideEffect() in favour of the more correct Clean()...

If you are correct, this behaviour is certainly in contradiction with the docs:
In the passage above I was referring to the "might be removed as part of cleaning the directory in which it lives" part...sorry, if this got you confused.



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