Hope you find your way through that bunch of typos :-/

2015-10-03 0:06 GMT+02:00 Florian Miedniak <florian.miedn...@gmail.com>:

> Having spent some time to read the past scons-dev threads related to bug
> tracker. Let me summarize in short:
> - Tigris is badhttps://
> mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#label/scons%2Fscons-dev/150007f69c46a119v
> (considered awful)
> - Want another tracker, that is most attractive to contributors (make it
> easy to report bugs / feature requests)
> - New tracker shall integrate well with version control system (today:
> mercurial), hosting system (today: bitbucket). Integration with build
> system (today: buildbot) nice to have
> - New tracker preferably shall have no vendor-lockin regarding
> export/import and customizing the tracker itself
> - RoundUp was discussed as the future tracker
> - Discussion stalled about a year ago, when some problems occured on
> migration to RoundUp (import issues and some work left to get RoundUp in a
> "beautiful" state)
> - Import problems seem to be fixed (?) with latest demo by dirk, but
> reading recent comments of this thread, it seems that the demo doesn't
> provide a good enough user experience
> - Some prefer a hosted solution with less effort to maintain, even if that
> means a possible vendor-lockin
> - Others (totally) object to this and want to improve RoundUp instead (due
> to common roots with scons in software carpentry contest, written in
> python, open source)
> As far as I can see, there is little about the requirements for an issue
> tracker for scons that has not been said until know. ;-) What's left to do
> is "simply" to make a decision, which way to go:
> - Proceed with RoundUp / another open source issue tracker and host it
> ourselves
> - Watch out for and evaluate another issue tracker (that's possibly hosted)
> I heavily agree with Andrew Featherstone that a good issue tracker and the
> sane state of issue within it is *the *metric many people have a look on
> very early when evaluating an open source project. So honestly I'm a bit
> confused, that this topic seems to be neglected a bit (Reading through the
> threads felt like there is more discussion than action ...)  and IMO this
> just doesn't fit to the otherwise very smooth handling of contribution to
> the project, which I experienced recently :-)
> -Florian
> 2015-10-02 14:24 GMT+02:00 Dirk Baechle <tshor...@gmx.de>:
>> To everybody interested in this "bugtracker migration " thread,
>> please read up on the scons-dev list threads "Is Tigris issue tracking
>> actively used " and "Bugtracker and stuff...", in order to better
>> understand what our main concerns with Tigris have been in the past and
>> where the decision to try Roundup comes from.
>> Thank you! :)
>> Dirk
>> Am 2. Oktober 2015 13:47:33 MESZ, schrieb William Blevins <
>> wblevins...@gmail.com>:
>>> Same boat.  I just want our solution to work well and not require lots
>>> of overhead.  Any solution that meets this reasonably basic criteria is
>>> fine.
>>> On Fri, Oct 2, 2015 at 12:20 PM, Florian Miedniak <
>>> florian.miedn...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Anatoly,
>>>> be sure, I don't want to "sell" JIRA as the ultimate bug tracking tool
>>>> for developing scons ;-) From my experience, especially customizing its
>>>> configuration can imply effort, that's not small. I saw JIRA installations,
>>>> that both from a user's and admin's point of view are a pain because due to
>>>> heavy over-configuration.
>>>> The main reason for that I recommended it was, that for the existing
>>>> bitbucket environment it has good integration, that (and that's the point!)
>>>> works out-of-the-box.
>>>> From my point of view the effort spent by a team for the services like
>>>> hosting, bugtracker, wiki, build server, ... should be always as small as
>>>> possible to allow for concentrating on the main task: Developing.
>>>> In find it honorable, if there is a agreement in an open source project
>>>> like scons is one, to prefer the use of products that are itself open
>>>> source / written in python / ..., but I sometimes find it kind of
>>>> fundamelist ... A very common reason for not using open source projects
>>>> like scons is, that people even if they consider the product itself
>>>> outstanding, they don't trust the community to be strong enough to maintain
>>>> and support the project properly because the members have lots of tasks to
>>>> do that are not directly related to the product.
>>>> I don't know the scons project good enough yet, to know if there is a
>>>> rather idealistic or more pragmatic view on this topic.
>>>> I'm able to speak for myself only: I'm rather a pragmatist. If RoundUp
>>>> or any other tool(set) can provide a similar degree of integration without
>>>> costing too much effort to migrate and maintain, I would be happy with that
>>>> as well :)
>>>> -Florian
>>>> 2015-10-02 11:06 GMT+02:00 anatoly techtonik <techto...@gmail.com>:
>>>>> It looks like I am biased. =)
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