On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 4:39 AM, Russel Winder <rus...@winder.org.uk> wrote:

> The alternative is to abandon the current python3-port and start again
> from default based solely on future.

This doesn't seem crazy to me, although there was a LOT of hand-tweaking of
code on the current python3 branch: utf8/locale stuff, print stmts, which
in a fair number of cases didn't look like any automation would've caught
them. So if you start again I suspect most of that work will have to be
redone. I spent a couple of days on it, iirc, and I wasn't the only one.
Maybe some of those changes could be cherry-picked over? I suggest skimming
some of my changes on that branch (not the merges, just the by-hand stuff)
to get a sense of what had to be done.

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