
O.k. so once I sorted the paths for working with macports on osx all D
tests pass except the above.

It yields a bunch of these:
> ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x100050CD3
(_D53TypeInfo_S3std5array17__T8AppenderTAyaZ8Appender4Data6__initZ + 24
from proj.o)
> ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x100050CE3
(_D53TypeInfo_S3std5array17__T8AppenderTAyaZ8Appender4Data6__initZ + 40
from proj.o)

It's picking up cc from /usr/bin/gcc instead of /opt/local/bin/gcc-mp-4.7
which is also installed by macports.

Thoughts on best way to modify tests to work?
I notice that your not checking stderr for dmd on debian due to some error

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