
Indeed I see value in the following:
1) getting to github
2) integrated git+issues+wiki+ all the 3rd part integrations which work
with github, but not with bitbucket
3) Migrating all the issues (frankly I'm not sure tigris will be around as
long as github). There is useful information contained in the bugs which
are fixed already, as well as the ones which are not yet.   Perhaps post
migration we can do some triage to see what open bugs are actually fixed.
Which bugs are duplicates or different symptoms of the same issue and mark
duplicates as is appropriate?
4) Retaining a link to the tigris issue in the migrated issue to retain
access to patches,etc.  If possible a notation or perhaps a tag that there
are files on tigris, but if it's painful to do so, then it's not a
requirement (the tagging).
5) Tagging migrated issues with tag "migrated".  I don't think we need any
date based tags beyond that.  Old vs new I think is sufficient.
6) A change to github for source control doesn't need to wait for the
issues and the wiki to be migrated.  Code first, the rest follow (hopefully
fairly quickly but immediate is not necessary).

A big thanks to Dirk for endurance on pushing moving the bugs off of
tigris! (and a million other ways he's contributed to the project..;)


On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 9:11 AM, Dirk Baechle <tshor...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Bill,
> you're right about the issue ID...I stand corrected. I may have been
> dreaming, but I remember a time when these weren't available in the list of
> all issues. All the better then...;)
> Referring to Russel's latest post I'd like to state that I'm not against
> moving to Github as issue tracker. But I see that we will lose information,
> there will be a "delta". I want us all to be aware of this consequence, and
> if we agree that this is nevertheless the way to go...then let's do it.
> This includes starting from scratch, and keeping the Tigris tracker as
> "archive" only. We do have some code and patches in there...
> Best regards,
> Dirk
> --
> Sent from my Android with K-9 Mail.
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