Thanks for your all replies and now I know what to do.
I have an interest here in Hastings, New Zealand. I am a Highland Dance teacher with two daughters who dance, the older one aged 15 also plays the bagpipes with the City of Hastings Pipe Band.
Our good friend Jim Tweedie (for whom the tune Jim Tweedie's Sealegs was written in 1953) died on Friday. His funeral was held yesterday here in Hastings and a great celebration of his life was held at St.Andrews Church. It was a wonderful service with lots of stories told. He was truely a popular gentleman, loved by all as was easy to see by the great turnout of his family and friends. Many tributes were paid and his tune "Jim Tweedie's Sealegs" was played during the service by his long time friend Doug Thoresen.  Three senior band members played Highland Cathedral (his choice)as he was lead from the alter and The City of Hastings Pipe Band formed a Guard of Honour outside the Church and then escorted him with 'Scottish Soldier' from the Church.  A wonderful emotional tribute to a much loved and respected man.

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