Nigel asked of me:

 ..."Bellany's Brush" was written for the painter in the hope that he
would give a priceless canvas in return...

Which I don't suppose panned out. He did, however, provide several
paintings for your (i.e. The Whistlebinkies) album covers; what was the
arrangement? Did he get a fee? A free LP?

Derek suggested:

1 LP if he delivered, and threatened with 2 LPs if he didn't stump up.


To set the record straight in the interest of the history of Scottish
painting Bellany did paint one canvas for a fee in 1979 for the album
Whistlebinkies 2. It's a big one too and after the artwork for the album was
set up it was offered for sale. I was just a new member at the time and did
not play on the album which was released in 1980 and felt I had little claim
on it. It was going for a ridiculously low sum but I was just about to be
married and could not get my hands on the required amount. Before I could
pursue the matter it was snapped up by a Glasgow journalist who was a fan of
the group. He was really chuffed with his bargain buy that he had us all
round for drinks to celebrate! I regert not having been to see my bank
manager more quickly to this day.

We played at most of Bellany's big exhibition openings in Scotland during
the 80s and 90s. The other painting by him which were used on covers were
from existing stock in private or public collections. Copies of these albums
are still available. I keep meaning to hand a full set into the Scottish
Gallery of Modern Art for their collection.

I note that a number of book publishers have used Ballany's for their book
covers of late and that this has attracted a lot of attention - as always
Scottish traditional music was leading the other arts!

I never did get my canvas in return for the tune but I know that my
manuscript hangs framed on Bellany's wall.


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