I'm so sorry to hear the news about Iain.  In the days when I was running
the Edinburgh Folk Festival he was a constant source of support, often
coming up in Sandy Bell's to offer an idea or an observation on the running
of things.  He loved the open stages, and would get a tune going at any
point in the day when there was a lull or an interesting looking newcomer.
He embodied the spirit of that festival in many ways.

One of my fondest memories of him was in connection with a concert we
produced a couple of times. The Flowers of Edinburgh, as we named it, was a
showcase of the many great musicians, well known and not so well known, who
live and play in the city.    At the second of these I asked Iain if he
would start things off with the tune the Flowers of Edinburgh, and anything
else he cared to add.  He walked out on to the stage unheralded, to the
evident bemusement of many in the audience who didn't know him, walked up to
the mike with his moothie and played the Flooers twice through and nothing
else, a perfect miniature, and wandered off again with that classic rolling
gait and a farewell wave.
'You could have played more if you'd wanted,' I said to him.  'Ach,' he
said, 'I thought that would be fine to get it started.  Besides they're no
interested in me.'  So modest, and so wrong.  There were few better moothie
players and few greater characters.

I said that he seemed to embody the spirit of one particular festival.  I'd
go further.  The spirit of Scottish traditional music itself.

David Francis

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