Ha Ha! Nigel, I wondered if anyone would feel the suspense. I'm fairly certain "Chris" is female, I never asked but I did hazard using "she" in reference to her once and didn't get corrected. :-D

But the real topic here was this book to which I was led by Bev's posting. Anyone else seen it yet? Any feelings on it? I'm enjoying it, so far just reading the introduction and biographies. And who knew Cecil Sharp was so testy? I missed that until now. Personalities are so important to what work is done and who collaborates with whom, and yet that's the hardest part to grasp sometimes.

--Cynthia Cathcart

At 05:38 AM 9/2/04, you wrote:
Cynthia Cathcart wrote:

> ...I tip-toed around "Chris Johnson" for months (the moderator of the
> wire-harp list), not sure if I should address her...him, as she
> or...well...you get the idea...


Nigel Gatherer, Crieff, Scotland

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