Hello Mike,

Thursday, 26 June 2003, you wrote:

MQ> On Thu, Jun 26, 2003 at 02:02:29PM +0100 or thereabouts, Miah Gregory wrote:
>> If I remember correctly, some USB hubs (including those built in) won't
>> provide power until a device has properly connected, ie. talked it's way
>> through the handshakes etc.
>> I could be completely wrong though, it's been a while.

MQ> I can't claim to know much about this, but if that were the case
MQ> wouldn't it render devices with no external power supply useless -
MQ> they wouldn't be able to gnerate a handshake without USB power.

Sounds likely!

It's the ethernet hub I was after.  Thanks Mike.  They look just like
the thing.  Just need to find a UK supplier now.


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