
I am having terrible trouble with the nvidia nforce chipset on my
motherboard. I downloaded and installed (or so I thought) the rpm for
RH9. But when I tried to set up a network found that the eth0 was not
seen. Advice from nvnews.net was:

"It means that the nvnet driver has been miscompiled and that the module
loading code cannot find the symbols that nvnet supposedly needs. You
need to recompile nvnet and try again."

I really don't know what to do. When I try to uninstall it (as per
nvidia instructions) I get a message saying that the rpm is not
installed but when I try to install it get the message that it is
already installed.
The list of rpm packages shows it to be there.

Is this a difficult thing for a newbie to do?
Should I reinstall linux and start from scratch?


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