On Tue, 2005-03-15 at 17:20 +0000, John McCreadie wrote:

> Regarding Suse Linux 9.2 I bought it separately from the computer. The

If you got the official boxed product, you may want to use the support
that came with it, you did pay for it after all. ;)

> Regarding the Sound I am not getting anything out of it as it is within the
> motherboard under Creative SB Live and Suse Linux do not support it??

It seems to be a hit and miss from looking at google (I don't have that
hardware myself), do you see the card in YAST? If so, you may want to
try running alsamixer (or alasmixer-gui) to muck with the levels. It's
also probably worth checking the output of dmesg for anything relevant.

> The Graphics card has been configured with software within the Linux but it
> does not have 3D.

You may need to install additional (closed source) drivers to get this
working. If you try to click the 'enable 3d box' in YAST does it give
you instructions? The additional drivers may be available through the
online update part of YAST.

- Aidan

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