We were talking about how to get free O'Reilly books in return for publishing reviews on the ScotLug site.

I'd said that O'Reilly prefer to receive requests from a nominated person on the Lug, and that reviewers need to publish on the Lug site etc.

I dare say there will be data protection concerns with collation of
people's addresses, this one thing that's stalled me getting the focus
page for book requests and reviews together. Any thoughts on that?

Willie Hamilton wrote:

Can't say I'm quizzed up on the DPA, but I think so long as there is a nominated "Data Controller" and that everyone is clear what their data is used for and that it is only used for that purpose we should be in the clear?

Colin Horne wrote:

Thanks for the reply

They easiest solution I can think of is:

When users submit books, they insert their address into a write-only
database - it gives them a unique ID, which they then paste bellow their
request on the wiki.

Only the admin can then read the addresses from the db.

I'm just thinking how we might move this forward ...

1. Does Scotlug have a nominated data controller? If so who is it etc ...

2. Colin, fancy building a prototype system? ;-)

3. Question for Scotlug site admin: Could we get a sandbox area on the ScotLug site to try and build a book request/book review system?

Could be a fun project ...



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