This Months meeting is Tomorrow! 7.30pm as usual in Livvy Tower, 9pm
onwards in the Counting House. Details at

This month Subhi S Hashwa (aka InfraRed on IRC) will be talking about "he
use of open source in public access pcs", drawing from his experience with
an internet cafe in Edinburgh (IIRC)

As usual, there will probably be an informal pre-meeting beer+curry(/other
food) in the Counting House - there's usually somebody there from at least
6pm, if not a bit earlier. If you don't know anyone, but want to come to
this pre-meet, then either declare your interest on IRC (#scotlug on
freenode - see the site for more details) or drop a mail to the list; sadly
the big fluffy penguin that used to identify the group is not currently
with us :(

Ben Thorp (aka mrBen)

Scottish mailing list

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