Bizarrely not seeing my own posts hitting either list, or anyone's replies. :-(

Anyway, fsck from Kmoppix on /dev/sda1 & /dev/sda3 show OK.

QTparted shows;

/dev/sda1  ext3 101Mb /boot
/dev/sda2  linux-swap 508Mb
/dev/sda3  ext3  *Mb /

I'm going to try another FC6 install, testing the media this time.

What other disk testing/formatting tools can I try from Linux rescue
disk or Knoppix?


On 08/03/07, Peter George <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Funny, not seeing my own posts to the lists or any responses. Gmail.

Thanks for the tips Dan, I got some ideas of things to try off
#scotlug. Will post when fixed, citing what helped.

On 08/03/07, Dan Shearer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 08, 2007 at 09:45:22PM +0000, Peter George wrote:
> > Are my posts getting through to EdLug and ScotLug? (See below).
> Yep, saw them both (suggestion: pls Cc in future to help remind each
> that the other exists.)
> You're best off dropping in to #scotlug and asking online.
> Personally I'd start the install and then verify the various steps
> manually as they happen in another console. Definitely don't believe any
> errors a GUI shows you -- but that's ok because we get access to quite a
> bit of the guts anyway.  I guess you ran an example rpm command
> manually, what did it say?
> You have checked fundamental stuff have you? Like booting with a LiveCD
> from the same distro and version number to see if there is a fundamental
> no likee hardware.
> If any of these suggestions have helped please tell the lists so it gets
> archived for other people (otherwise my writing is wasted :-)
> > How did you get on with Sarah?
> Well, in the sense that we don't hate each other, she's sure I can help
> her in her business including at the earliest stages, and now she has to
> decide if she's going to proceed and if so how. She's busy writing an
> unrelated book for the next couple of weeks tho.
> Thanks for the intro, and I've already mentioned how at one level there
> could be a tie in between what she'd like to do and what you've told me
> you'd like to do. Eg giving you R&D ready-cooked for running courses.
> D

Peter George
Net Resources Ltd 26 Palmerston Place, Edinburgh, EH12 5AL, UK
T: +44 (0)131 477 7127 F: +44 (0)131 477 7126

Peter George
Net Resources Ltd 26 Palmerston Place, Edinburgh, EH12 5AL, UK
T: +44 (0)131 477 7127 F: +44 (0)131 477 7126

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