========  The Scout Report                                            ==
========  February 2, 2001                                          ====
========  Volume 7, Number 32                                     ======
======                                   Internet Scout Project ========
====                                    University of Wisconsin ========
==                              Department of Computer Sciences ========

==   I N   T H E   S C O U T   R E P O R T   T H I S   W E E K  ========

====== New From Internet Scout ====
1.  Open Letter to Our Readers

====== Subject Specific Reports ====
2.  _Scout Report for Science & Engineering_

====== Research and Education ====
3.  Two New Online Catalogs from the British Library
4.  Facility for the Analysis of Chemical Thermodynamics, F*A*C*T-Web
5.  Statistical Accounts of Scotland
6.  Refugee Caselaw Site
7.  Tibet Information Network (TIN)
8.  QueerTheory.com
9.  EverythingESL.net
10. "Adding It Up: Helping Children Learn Mathematics"

====== General Interest ====
11. Online Classics
12. LSU Digital Library -- Ogden Museum of Southern Art and Louisiana
State Museum Photographs
13. "A Report Card on the Department of Energy's Non-Proliferation
Programs with Russia" -- CEIP
14. European Commission Online Press Room
15. _The New Grove Dictionary of Jazz_ -- xrefer
16. WorldWideWeb Tax
17. Families and Students Living in a College Town

====== Network Tools ====
18. Axie
19. Aboriginal Connections

====== In The News ====
21. One Convicted for Lockerbie Bombing

Copyright and subscription information appear at the end of the Scout
Report. For more information on all services of the Internet Scout
Project, please visit our Website: http://scout.cs.wisc.edu/

If you'd like to know how the Internet Scout team selects resources
for inclusion in the Scout Report, visit our Selection Criteria page
at: http://scout.cs.wisc.edu/about/criteria.html

The Scout Report on the Web:
   Current issue: http://scout.cs.wisc.edu/report/sr/current/
   This issue: http://scout.cs.wisc.edu/report/sr/2001/scout-010202.html

Visit the Internet Scout Weblog at:

Feedback is always welcome: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

====== New From Internet Scout ====

1.  Open Letter to Our Readers

Dear Readers: Here at the Internet Scout Project, we have been
working on securing a new source (or sources) of funding for the
Scout Reports. We are soliciting your ideas in an Open Letter to
Readers that has been sent to the subscriber mailing lists and is
available on our Website. Please read the letter at the address above
and send us your ideas.

====== Subject Specific Reports ====

2.  _Scout Report for Science & Engineering_

Volume 4, Number 11 of the _Scout Report for Science & Engineering_
is available. The In the News section annotates ten resources on the
recent Harvard light-halting experiment, other light-speed
experiments, and the possible application of this breakthrough to
black hole studies. [MD]

====== Research and Education ====

3.  Two New Online Catalogs from the British Library
British Library Public Catalogue
National Sound Archive Catalogue (Cadensa)

The British Library has announced the release of two new major online
resources. The new Public Catalogue supercedes the OPAC97 service
(reviewed in the May 23, 1997 _Scout Report_) and will be available
24 hours/ 7 days a week. The new catalog indexes "over 10 million
books, journals, reports, conferences and music scores covering every
aspect of human thought since 1450" and features improved search
options. Visitors can order copies of articles and conference papers
direct from the library's Document Supply Centre, while members of
registered organizations may also request material on loan through
the site. The second new resource is a searchable online catalog of
almost 2.5 million sound recordings held by the British Library
National Sound Archive (NSA), from pop music to Miss Piggy to tree
frogs to oral histories. At present, users cannot listen to or
download these recordings, but the site does offer information on
accessing them at the NSA and placing orders for copies. The catalog
is searchable by keyword, name, title, subject, place, or through an
advanced search. The full details for each entry vary by recording
type; most have notes on the contents and the quality of the
recording or the copy when appropriate. [MD]

4.  Facility for the Analysis of Chemical Thermodynamics, F*A*C*T-Web

Housed at the Centre for Research in Computational Chemistry at Ecole
Polytechnique de Montreal, F*A*C*T is "a fully integrated
thermochemical database which couples proven software with
self-consistent critically assessed thermodynamic data. F*A*C*T is
now employed in many diverse fields of chemical thermodynamics by
pyrometallurgists, hydrometallurgists, chemical engineers, corrosion
engineers, inorganic chemists, geochemists, ceramists,
electrochemists, environmentalists, and so on." The highlight of
F*A*C*T-Web is its free, easily searchable databases that include
Compound-Web, Reaction-Web, Equilib-Web, and Aqualib-Web. With
Compound-Web, users enter up to four elements or one compound and the
program gives compounds of the elements or phases of the compound.
With Reaction-Web, users enter units, temperature limits, phase, and
number of steps and the program calculates changes in extensive
thermochemical functions (H, G, V, S, Cp, A) for a species, a group
of species, or for a chemical reaction. With Equilib-Web, users enter
temperature, mass and pressure, and up to three reactants and five
different elements and the program will list the most stable products
of that combination. With Aqualib-Web, users enter up to three
reactants, including water, with up to five different elements and
the program will calculate the chemical equilibrium. All four
databases have instructions. Besides these handy databases,
F*A*C*T-Web also includes neatly categorized links to sites in
inorganic chemical thermodynamics. A section on the FACT-Win database
(for purchase), solution database, and links to news and
announcements from F*A*C*T round out the site. This is a superb
resource for chemists. [HCS]

5.  Statistical Accounts of Scotland

Provided by the Edinburgh Data and Information Access (EDINA) on
behalf of the Scottish Confederation of University and Research
Libraries, this new site is an excellent resource for anyone
researching Scotland, Britain, or the social impact of the industrial
revolution. The site hosts the two Statistical Accounts of Scotland,
which cover 1791-99 and 1834-1845. The information contained in the
Accounts was largely provided by each parish church minister and
covers topics such as "wealth, class and poverty; climate,
agriculture, fishing and wildlife; population, schools, and the moral
health of the people." Visitors can browse the Accounts via a table
of contents, a general index, or by county or parish lists, or
conduct a keyword search. The site provides digitized copies of the
original texts which, unlike many similar projects, are easy to read
and navigate. Further information about the Accounts and the project
is available from the main page. [MD]

6.  Refugee Caselaw Site [.pdf]

Provided and maintained by the University of Michigan Law School,
this site aims to promote "transnational analysis of refugee law by
advocates, decision-makers, and policymakers committed to the
effective implementation of international standards." To this end, it
provides a database of approximately 400 recent cases from highest
national courts of Australia, Austria, Canada, Germany, New Zealand,
Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Users may
search the database by jurisdiction, title, court, date, country,
Hathaway number, and by keyword. Initial returns include date
decided, court, jurisdiction, country of origin, Hathaway number(s),
a one-sentence description, and a link to the full text of the
decision in .pdf format. A fast, well-organized, and very useful site
for anyone interested in refugee law. [MD]

7.  Tibet Information Network (TIN)

Based in London, the Tibet Information Network (TIN) has served as an
independent news and research agency monitoring and reporting on the
political, social, economic, environmental, and human rights
situation in Tibet for the past twelve years. The site offers
reports, news updates, photos, and other related publications
organized by topic. These include culture, women, environment,
education, prisoners and protest, and tourism, among others. The
currency of the content in each section varies widely. News updates
are also available in Tibetan and Chinese (no special software
needed). Other offerings include a Tibet File, which contains images,
travel information, a chronology, population statistics, a glossary,
a bibliography, and a list of counties and prefectures. Users may
also subscribe to a free email news update service. [MD]

8.  QueerTheory.com

Designed and maintained by Danne Polk in association with Erratic
Impact's Philosophy Research Base, this metasite guides users to
quality online and print resources in the fields of LGBT studies,
gender studies, and queer theory. Resources are indexed in several
ways: by topic, names, subjects, authors, and schools. Other
offerings include links to the latest news on LGBT issues and
purchase information for related books. [MD]

9.  EverythingESL.net [.pdf]

Created by award-winning English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher
Judie Haynes and Web designer Chas Haynes, this attractive site is a
nice resource for any teacher with second language students. The site
offers teaching tips with classroom activities and a select annotated
list of books, CD-ROMS, and Websites. EverythingESL.net also hosts
two message boards, one for general discussion and the other for
questions posted directly to Judie Haynes, both available from the
Discussion button at the top of the page. An internal search engine
rounds out the site. [MD]

10. "Adding It Up: Helping Children Learn Mathematics" [.pdf]

Released on January 23, this report from the National Research
Council finds that too few American children "are leaving elementary
and middle school with adequate math skills and understanding." The
report strongly recommends major reforms in math instruction,
curricula, and assessment from pre-kindergarten through grade 8. The
full text of the 444-page report may be read by chapter in .pdf
format at the National Academy Press site. [MD]

====== General Interest ====

11. Online Classics [Windows Media Player]

Here's a nice counterpart to the huge mass of pop music videos
offered online -- streaming live and archived videos of the
performing arts. At the site, visitors will find over 150 hours of
video-on-demand of opera, theatre, concerts, plays, dance, and
musicals, and new and live broadcasts are added each week. The video
selections are organized by performance type (opera, other vocal,
orchestral, plays, dance), and most are offered in multiple
connection speeds, though only those with broadband connections are
likely to get the most out of the site. Even with a fast connection
playback was less than optimal on most of the selections we viewed.
The site states that "at the moment" all content is free. If this
remains the case and if the site can improve playback quality, it has
the potential to become a major resource for teachers and students as
well as fans of the performing arts. [MD]

12. LSU Digital Library -- Ogden Museum of Southern Art and Louisiana
State Museum Photographs

Lousiana State University's Digital Library, in partnership with the
Ogden Museum of Southern Art and the Louisiana State Museum, makes
two image databases available: The Preservation of Louisiana's
Treasures Program, about 200 images of Southern fine art, primarily
20th-century paintings and photographs from the Roger Houston Ogden
collection; and the Rowles Stereograph Collection, 386 stereographs,
"vintage albumen prints of New Orleans and Louisiana . . . from mid
1860s to the early 20th century." There are some surprisingly modern
images in the stereograph collection, such as a 1978 Karem Abdul
Jabbar slam dunk, and a 1930 stereograph portrait of Huey Long. The
search interface for both databases is the same, allowing keyword
searches or browsing by titles, creators, or subjects. In the browse
mode, images are presented as pages of five thumbnails. This simple
arrangement is missing some navigational tools; when browsing, there
is no way to get back to the beginning without hitting the back
button repeatedly; after search results are displayed, it is
difficult to do a new search without going all the way back to the
LSU Digital Library homepage. [DS]

13. "A Report Card on the Department of Energy's Non-Proliferation
Programs with Russia" -- CEIP [.pdf]
Appendices [.pdf]

Issued on January 10, this bipartisan study from the Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace (CEIP) concludes that the "most
urgent unmet national security threat" to the US today is weak
protection of nuclear weapons and materials. The authors propose that
the new administration develop a plan to address this problem and
increase the budgets of related programs. Readers can download the
full text and Appendices of the 49-page report, which reviews
"Department of Energy programs on nuclear material protection,
control and accounting; the disposal of excess plutonium and highly
enriched uranium; programs to address the 'brain drain' of former
Soviet weapons scientists (Initiatives for Proliferation Prevention
and the Nuclear Cities Initiative); and nuclear safety." [MD]

14. European Commission Online Press Room [.pdf]

Available in both English and French, the European Commission's (EC)
new online press room is an excellent resource for any users
interested in the latest news and press releases from the EC and the
European Union. At the site, visitors will find links to the latest
headlines and releases (many available in multiple languages), a
weekly archive, a searchable database of press releases since 1985,
and links to video news, photos, and other resources. Registered
users may also sign up to receive free electronic press releases on
designated areas of interest. [MD]

15. _The New Grove Dictionary of Jazz_ -- xrefer

Since it was originally reviewed in the June 2, 2000 _Scout Report_,
reference engine xrefer has expanded to include fifty texts. The most
recent addition is the _The New Grove Dictionary of Jazz_,
self-described as "the largest, most comprehensive and most accurate
reference work on jazz ever published." The dictionary contains over
4,500 articles on a wide variety of jazz-related topics, including
detailed biographies, jazz groups, musical instruments, terms and
styles, record companies and labels, and more. The dictionary also
offers 1,800 discographies and numerous reading lists. Visitors can
not search the _New Grove Dictionary_ exclusively, but they can limit
their search to the music reference works, which also include the
_Oxford Dictionary of Music_, _Penguin Dictionary of Music_, and the
_Grove Concise Dictionary of Music_. [MD]

16. WorldWideWeb Tax [.pdf]

Relaunched on December 1 for the new tax season, this site aims to
serve as the most comprehensive online source for a broad range of
tax information. While the site does offer a for-fee e-file service,
it also features a wealth of free information, including IRS forms,
IRS instructions, IRS publications, IRS tables, IRS rate schedules,
IRS charts, and IRS worksheets. Also included are FAQs, tips and
strategies, state tax information, and a glossary of tax terms. This
site certainly won't make filing your tax returns fun, but it could
make it easier. [MD]

17. Families and Students Living in a College Town

Created and maintained by Bob Karrow of Miami University (Ohio), this
site brings together a number of resources on a very interesting
topic: community relations and town planning in neighborhoods
adjacent to college and university campuses. As Karrow notes, many
older neighborhoods in college towns find it difficult to "achieve
the type of balanced diversity that creates an optimal environment
for all residents." This site features news articles, zoning rules,
reports, and other resources that illustrate how some communities
have addressed the issue. These are organized by topic, such as
College Town Plans, Student Housing, Quality of Life, Campus
Expansion, Economics of Student Rentals, and Court Cases, among
others. The site also sponsors a discussion list, CTPlan, for issues
related to college towns. [MD]

====== Network Tools ====

18. Axie

Axie is a neat tool for tracking additions to the Open Directory
Project (ODP) (reviewed in the November 20, 1998 _Scout Report_).
After free registration, users can register searches they want Axie
to monitor. Each week, Axie will email notifications (HTML or plain
text) of newly added sites in the specified categories. While weekly
additions to the ODP are not necessarily new sites, Axie offers users
the opportunity to monitor only those additions that interest them.

19. Aboriginal Connections

Created and maintained by Rob Wesley, this Web directory indexes
sites related to Canadian aboriginal, Native American, and
international indigenous peoples and cultures. The annotated links
(currently over 1,900) are organized by topic, including First
Nations, Education, Government, History, and Organizations, among
others. What's new, a top 100 listing, and an internal search engine
are also provided. Visitors are welcome to submit additional sites
for inclusion. [MD]

====== In The News ====

21. One Convicted for Lockerbie Bombing
Lockerbie Verdict [.pdf, Word]
Lockerbie Trial Briefing Site
The Lockerbie Verdict -- BBC [RealPlayer]
"News Analysis: Courts Are a Limited Anti-Terror Weapon" -- _New York
Times_ [RealPlayer]
Lockerbie Bombing Trial - CNN
Arabic News
Middle East News Online

On Wednesday a special Scottish court convened in the Netherlands
convicted Abdel Basset al-Megrahi for the bombing of Pan Am Flight
103 in December 1988 over Lockerbie, Scotland and sentenced him to
life in prison, with the possibility of parole after twenty years.
Megrahi's co-defendant, Al Amin Khalifa Fhimah, was found not guilty
and has since returned to Libya. Both men are or were allegedly
members of Libya's intelligence service, and some, especially among
family members of the victims, have expressed the belief that
responsibility for the act ultimately rests with Libyan leader
Muammar Gaddafi. Gaddafi has decalred that Libya would never accept
responsibility for the bombing and demanded compensation for the 1986
US bombing raid on Libya. The United Nations suspended sanctions
against Libya after it surrendered the two suspects, and Gaddafi has
demanded that they should now be removed entirely. The United States
has indicated that it will push for keeping the sanctions at least
until the relatives of the victims have been compensated, makingit
unlikely that the sanctions will be removed any time in the near
future. A lawyer for the American families has also announced that
they will sue Libya for $10 billion in damages.

Readers can begin with the full text of the verdict itself, available
from the official Scottish Courts Website. In-depth analysis,
background information, a dramatis personae, a FAQ/Glossary, and
multiple other resources are available at the Lockerbie Trial
Briefing Site, maintained by the University of Glasgow School of Law.
The BBC's special on the verdict includes the latest news, a great
deal of analysis and background, photos, audio and video selections,
a timeline, and related links. The _New York Times_ report (free
registration required) contains links to previous articles, an
interactive feature, and some video clips. CNN's site on the trial
offers new and archived stories, background, images, and a number of
other resources. Additional coverage can be found at Arabic News,
Middle East News Online, and ArabNet. [MD]

======                        ======
==   Index for February 2, 2001   ==
======                        ======

1.  Open Letter to Our Readers

2.  _Scout Report for Science & Engineering_

3.  Two New Online Catalogs from the British Library
British Library Public Catalogue
National Sound Archive Catalogue (Cadensa)

4.  Facility for the Analysis of Chemical Thermodynamics, F*A*C*T-Web

5.  Statistical Accounts of Scotland

6.  Refugee Caselaw Site [.pdf]

7.  Tibet Information Network (TIN)

8.  QueerTheory.com

9.  EverythingESL.net [.pdf]

10. "Adding It Up: Helping Children Learn Mathematics" [.pdf]

11. Online Classics [Windows Media Player]

12. LSU Digital Library -- Ogden Museum of Southern Art and Louisiana
State Museum Photographs

13. "A Report Card on the Department of Energy's Non-Proliferation
Programs with Russia" -- CEIP [.pdf]
Appendices [.pdf]

14. European Commission Online Press Room [.pdf]

15. _The New Grove Dictionary of Jazz_ -- xrefer

16. WorldWideWeb Tax [.pdf]

17. Families and Students Living in a College Town

18. Axie

19. Aboriginal Connections


21. One Convicted for Lockerbie Bombing
Lockerbie Verdict [.pdf, Word]
Lockerbie Trial Briefing Site
The Lockerbie Verdict -- BBC [RealPlayer]
"News Analysis: Courts Are a Limited Anti-Terror Weapon" -- _New York
Times_ [RealPlayer]
Lockerbie Bombing Trial - CNN
Arabic News
Middle East News Online

======                                ====
== Subscription and Contact Information ==
====                                ======

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this list.

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====== The Scout Report
====== Brought to You by the Internet Scout Project
The Scout Report (ISSN 1092-3861) is published every Friday of the
year except the last Friday of December by the Internet Scout
Project, located in the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Department
of Computer Sciences.

    Executive Director   Susan Calcari       [SC]
              Director   Rachael Bower       [REB]
       Managing Editor   Travis Koplow       [TK]
                Editor   Michael de Nie      [MD]
          Contributors   David Charbonneau   [DC]
                         Aimee D. Glassel    [AG]
                         Emily Missner       [EM]
                         Laura X. Payne      [LXP]
                         Debra Shapiro       [DS]
                         Scott Watkins       [SW]
                         Ed Almasy           [EA]
                         Hilary C. Sanders   [HCS]
                         Andy Yaco-Mink      [AY]
                          Ananthapadmanabhan [MA]
  Technical Specialist   Pat Coulthard       [PC]

Internet Scout team member information:

Below are the copyright statements to be included when reproducing
annotations from The Scout Report.

The single phrase below is the copyright notice to be used when
reproducing any portion of this report, in any format.

 From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2001.

The paragraph below is the copyright notice to be used when
reproducing the entire report, in any format:

Copyright Susan Calcari and the University of Wisconsin Board of
Regents, 1994-2001. The Internet Scout Project
(http://scout.cs.wisc.edu/), located in the Computer Sciences
Department of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, provides
information about the Internet to the U.S. research and education
community under a grant from the National Science Foundation, number
NCR-9712163. The Government has certain rights in this material.
Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of the
entire Scout Report provided this paragraph, including the copyright
notice, are preserved on all copies.

Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed
in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily
reflect the views of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, or the
National Science Foundation.

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