Author: jghali
Date: Sun May  6 14:02:41 2018
New Revision: 22524

#15302: Documentation points to old Ghostscript download page


Modified: branches/Version14x/Scribus/scribus/doc/de/readme-win32.html
--- branches/Version14x/Scribus/scribus/doc/de/readme-win32.html        
+++ branches/Version14x/Scribus/scribus/doc/de/readme-win32.html        Sun May 
 6 14:02:41 2018
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 <h3>Vor der Installation</h3>
-<p>Installieren Sie <a href="";>Ghostscript 
f&uuml;r Windows</a> &ndash; Ghostscript 8.7+ oder h&ouml;her werden empfohlen. 
Dieses Programm ben&ouml;tigen Sie f&uuml;r den import von EPS- und PDF-Dateien 
sowie den Strichode-Generator. <br>Nach der Installation finden Sie auf Ihrem 
System zwei ausf&uuml;hrbare Ghostscript-Dateien. Die richtige *.exe-Datei, die 
sie in den <a href="settings1.html#15">Allgemeinen Einstellungen</a> unter 
&raquo;Externe Tools&laquo; f&uuml;r Ghostscript eintragen m&uuml;ssen, ist 
<code>gswin32c.exe</code>, <b>nicht</b> <code>gswin32.exe</code>. In den 
allermeisten F&auml;llen wird Scribus ein installiertes Ghostscript von alleine 
finden. Bedenken Sie, da&szlig; Sie Ghostscript nicht zwangsl&auml;ufig 
ben&ouml;tigen. Ohne gs stehen Ihnen lediglich weniger Funktionen zur 
Verf&uuml;gung. Wenn Sie Ghostcript nicht installiert haben, wird eine Warnung 
angezeigt, die Ihnen hilft, es herunterzuladen, aber das ist lediglich!
  ein Angebot.</p>
+<p>Installieren Sie <a 
href="";>Ghostscript f&uuml;r 
Windows</a> &ndash; Ghostscript 8.7+ oder h&ouml;her werden empfohlen. Dieses 
Programm ben&ouml;tigen Sie f&uuml;r den import von EPS- und PDF-Dateien sowie 
den Strichode-Generator. <br>Nach der Installation finden Sie auf Ihrem System 
zwei ausf&uuml;hrbare Ghostscript-Dateien. Die richtige *.exe-Datei, die sie in 
den <a href="settings1.html#15">Allgemeinen Einstellungen</a> unter 
&raquo;Externe Tools&laquo; f&uuml;r Ghostscript eintragen m&uuml;ssen, ist 
<code>gswin32c.exe</code>, <b>nicht</b> <code>gswin32.exe</code>. In den 
allermeisten F&auml;llen wird Scribus ein installiertes Ghostscript von alleine 
finden. Bedenken Sie, da&szlig; Sie Ghostscript nicht zwangsl&auml;ufig 
ben&ouml;tigen. Ohne gs stehen Ihnen lediglich weniger Funktionen zur 
Verf&uuml;gung. Wenn Sie Ghostcript nicht installiert haben, wird eine Warnung 
angezeigt, die Ihnen hilft, es herunterzuladen, aber d!
 as ist lediglich ein Angebot.</p>
 <h3>W&auml;hrend der Installation</h3>
 <p>Falls Sie die Option &raquo;Zus&auml;tzliche Schriften&laquo; w&auml;hrend 
der Installation w&auml;hlen, werden auf Ihrem Rechner zus&auml;tzlich zwei 
Sammlungen mit hochwertigen Freien Schriften installiert. Die eine enth&auml;lt 
die URW-Fonts aus Ghostscript. Darunter sind 45 Schriftschnitte enthalten, die 
kompatibel mit den typischen PostScript-Druckerschriften sind. Die andere 
besteht aus der Vera-Familie von Bitstream, die unter Linux sehr weit 
verbreitet ist und auch von eingen Vorlagen verwendet wird.</p>
 <h3>Nach der Installation</h3>

Modified: branches/Version14x/Scribus/scribus/doc/de/toolbox5.html
--- branches/Version14x/Scribus/scribus/doc/de/toolbox5.html    (original)
+++ branches/Version14x/Scribus/scribus/doc/de/toolbox5.html    Sun May  6 
14:02:41 2018
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 <p>We always encourage you to have the latest Ghostscript available for your 
 <h3>Installing Ghostscript</h3>
-<p>As mentioned above, Ghostscript is required by many applications, including 
the printing subsystem. Thus, it&rsquo;s unlikely that it isn&rsquo;t installed 
on your system. If, for any reason, <code>gs</code> isn&rsquo;t available on 
your system or your system is being shipped with a version that&rsquo;s too old 
(you should at least use Ghostscript 8.6 with Scribus), you can <a 
href="";>download</a> a tarball from the 
<code>gs</code> website. Be careful to download Ghostscript itself, not 
ghostpdl, whose source code is in the same directory. Then follow the build 
instructions in the tarball and install it.</p>
+<p>As mentioned above, Ghostscript is required by many applications, including 
the printing subsystem. Thus, it&rsquo;s unlikely that it isn&rsquo;t installed 
on your system. If, for any reason, <code>gs</code> isn&rsquo;t available on 
your system or your system is being shipped with a version that&rsquo;s too old 
(you should at least use Ghostscript 8.6 with Scribus), you can <a 
href="";>download</a> a tarball 
from the <code>gs</code> website. Be careful to download Ghostscript itself, 
not ghostpdl, whose source code is in the same directory. Then follow the build 
instructions in the tarball and install it.</p>
 <p> See the <a href="readme-win32.html">general information</a> about Scribus 
on Windows for further details.</p>
 <h4>Mac OS X</h4>
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 <li>You can download an <a href="";>installer</a> 
for <code>gs</code> which works with various OS X versions.</li>
 <li>You can install <code>gs</code> via <a 
 <li>The most current releases of Ghostscript are always available via <a 
-<li>Finally, you can, of course, download the latest <a 
href="";>source code</a> and compile Ghostscript 
+<li>Finally, you can, of course, download the latest <a 
href="";>source code</a> and 
compile Ghostscript yourself.</li>
 <h4>OS/2 and eComStation</h4>
 <p> See the <a href="readme-os2.html">general information</a> about Scribus on 
OS/2 and eComStation for further details.</p>

Modified: branches/Version14x/Scribus/scribus/doc/en/readme-win32.html
--- branches/Version14x/Scribus/scribus/doc/en/readme-win32.html        
+++ branches/Version14x/Scribus/scribus/doc/en/readme-win32.html        Sun May 
 6 14:02:41 2018
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 <h3>Before Installing Scribus</h3>
-<p>Install <a href="";>Ghostscript for 
Windows</a> &ndash; Ghostscript 8.7+ or later is recommended. This is important 
for EPS import and some other features. <br>Note: After installing there are 
two Ghostscript *.exe files available on your system. The correct *.exe name to 
use in the <a href="settings1.html#15">Scribus Preferences</a> (under 
<i>External Tools</i>) for Ghostscript is <code>gswin32c.exe</code> (or 
<code>gswin64c,exe</code>), <b>not</b> <code>gswin32.exe</code> (or 
<code>gswin64,exe</code>). In the large majority of cases <b>if</b> Ghostscript 
is properly installed before installing Scribus, Scribus will automatically 
detect the location of Ghostscript for you. This having been said, Ghostscript 
is not essential to the use of Scribus for most purposes. If you have not 
installed Ghostscript, when you run Scribus you will get a warning and a link 
to help you get it, but you can choose not to add this external tool.</p>
+<p>Install <a 
href="";>Ghostscript for 
Windows</a> &ndash; Ghostscript 8.7+ or later is recommended. This is important 
for EPS import and some other features. <br>Note: After installing there are 
two Ghostscript *.exe files available on your system. The correct *.exe name to 
use in the <a href="settings1.html#15">Scribus Preferences</a> (under 
<i>External Tools</i>) for Ghostscript is <code>gswin32c.exe</code> (or 
<code>gswin64c,exe</code>), <b>not</b> <code>gswin32.exe</code> (or 
<code>gswin64,exe</code>). In the large majority of cases <b>if</b> Ghostscript 
is properly installed before installing Scribus, Scribus will automatically 
detect the location of Ghostscript for you. This having been said, Ghostscript 
is not essential to the use of Scribus for most purposes. If you have not 
installed Ghostscript, when you run Scribus you will get a warning and a link 
to help you get it, but you can choose not to add this external tool!
 <h3>During the Installation</h3>
 <p>When you select the &ldquo;Extra Fonts&rdquo; Option in the installer, this 
will install two sets of high-quality, freely distributable fonts. One set is 
the the URW fonts from Ghostscript. This includes 45 typefaces which are 
compatible with those included with most PostScript printers. The second is the 
Bitstream Vera font family, widely used on Linux and by some of the included 
 <h3>After the Installation</h3>

Modified: branches/Version14x/Scribus/scribus/doc/en/toolbox5.html
--- branches/Version14x/Scribus/scribus/doc/en/toolbox5.html    (original)
+++ branches/Version14x/Scribus/scribus/doc/en/toolbox5.html    Sun May  6 
14:02:41 2018
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 <p>We always encourage you to have the latest Ghostscript available for your 
 <h3>Installing Ghostscript</h3>
-<p>As mentioned above, Ghostscript is required by many applications, including 
the printing subsystem. Thus, it&rsquo;s unlikely that it isn&rsquo;t installed 
on your system. If, for any reason, <code>gs</code> isn&rsquo;t available on 
your system or your system is being shipped with a version that&rsquo;s too old 
(you should at least use Ghostscript 8.6 with Scribus), you can <a 
href="";>download</a> a tarball from the 
<code>gs</code> website. Be careful to download Ghostscript itself, not 
ghostpdl, whose source code is in the same directory. Then follow the build 
instructions in the tarball and install it.</p>
+<p>As mentioned above, Ghostscript is required by many applications, including 
the printing subsystem. Thus, it&rsquo;s unlikely that it isn&rsquo;t installed 
on your system. If, for any reason, <code>gs</code> isn&rsquo;t available on 
your system or your system is being shipped with a version that&rsquo;s too old 
(you should at least use Ghostscript 8.6 with Scribus), you can <a 
href="";>download</a> a tarball 
from the <code>gs</code> website. Be careful to download Ghostscript itself, 
not ghostpdl, whose source code is in the same directory. Then follow the build 
instructions in the tarball and install it.</p>
 <p> See the <a href="readme-win32.html">general information</a> about Scribus 
on Windows for further details.</p>
 <h4>Mac OS X</h4>
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 <li>You can download an <a href="";>installer</a> 
for <code>gs</code> which works with various OS X versions.</li>
 <li>You can install <code>gs</code> via <a 
 <li>The most current releases of Ghostscript are always available via <a 
-<li>Finally, you can, of course, download the latest <a 
href="";>source code</a> and compile Ghostscript 
+<li>Finally, you can, of course, download the latest <a 
href="";>source code</a> and 
compile Ghostscript yourself.</li>
 <h4>OS/2 and eComStation</h4>
 <p> See the <a href="readme-os2.html">general information</a> about Scribus on 
OS/2 and eComStation for further details.</p>

Modified: branches/Version14x/Scribus/scribus/doc/fr/readme-win32.html
--- branches/Version14x/Scribus/scribus/doc/fr/readme-win32.html        
+++ branches/Version14x/Scribus/scribus/doc/fr/readme-win32.html        Sun May 
 6 14:02:41 2018
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 <h3>Avant le t&eacute;l&eacute;chargement</h3>
-   <li>Il est recommand&eacute; d'installer Ghostscript pour Windows - <a 
href="";>Ghostscript 8.53</a> ou plus 
r&eacute;cent. Cette pr&eacute;caution vise l'importation et l'impression 
EPS,PS. Note : le nom correct pour l'ex&eacute;cutable de Ghostscript est 
gswin32c.exe, <strong>et non</strong> gswin32.exe.</li>
+   <li>Il est recommand&eacute; d'installer Ghostscript pour Windows - <a 
href="";>Ghostscript 8.53</a> ou 
plus r&eacute;cent. Cette pr&eacute;caution vise l'importation et l'impression 
EPS,PS. Note : le nom correct pour l'ex&eacute;cutable de Ghostscript est 
gswin32c.exe, <strong>et non</strong> gswin32.exe.</li>
    <li>Scribus n'admet aucune police mal construite ou marginale. Une fois le 
progiciel install&eacute;, veuillez lire attentivement la section sur 
l'installation des polices dans la documentation d'aide.</li>
    <li>Il s'agit d'un logiciel beta dont le code subit plusieurs changements 
par jour. M&ecirc;me s'il est relativement stable et utilisable, la vigilance 
est de mise. Scribus n'est pas encore recommand&eacute; pour un contexte de 
production. Le format de fichier sous-jacent subit des changements 
fr&eacute;quents et ne sera pas d&eacute;finitif avant le lancement de la 
version 1.3.4 ou d'un niveau sup&eacute;rieur.</li>

Modified: branches/Version14x/Scribus/scribus/doc/it/readme-win32.html
--- branches/Version14x/Scribus/scribus/doc/it/readme-win32.html        
+++ branches/Version14x/Scribus/scribus/doc/it/readme-win32.html        Sun May 
 6 14:02:41 2018
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 <h3>Prima di installare Scribus</h3>
-<p>&Egrave; consigliabile installare <a 
href="";>Ghostscript</a> 8.7 o successivo, che 
serve per l'importazione EPS e per alcune altre funzioni. <br>Nota: dopo 
l'installazione troverete due file Ghostscript *.exe sul vostro sistema. Quello 
corretto da utilizzare nelle <a href="settings1.html#15">preferenze di 
Scribus</a> (in <i>Strumenti esterni</i>) per Ghostscript &egrave; 
<code>gswin32c.exe</code> (o <code>gswin64c.exe</code>), <b>non</b> 
<code>gswin32.exe</code> (o <code>gswin64.exe</code>). Nella gran maggioranza 
dei casi, <b>se</b> Ghostscript viene installato correttamente prima di 
Scribus, Scribus individua automaticamente la sua posizione. Ci&ograve; detto, 
Ghostscript di solito non &egrave; essenziale per poter utilizzare Scribus. Se 
non avete installato Ghostscript, Scribus all'avvio vi avverte della mancanza 
di Ghostscript e vi d&agrave; un link per scaricarlo, ma potete anche decidere 
di non installare questo strumento esterno.</p>
+<p>&Egrave; consigliabile installare <a 
href="";>Ghostscript</a> 8.7 o 
successivo, che serve per l'importazione EPS e per alcune altre funzioni. 
<br>Nota: dopo l'installazione troverete due file Ghostscript *.exe sul vostro 
sistema. Quello corretto da utilizzare nelle <a 
href="settings1.html#15">preferenze di Scribus</a> (in <i>Strumenti 
esterni</i>) per Ghostscript &egrave; <code>gswin32c.exe</code> (o 
<code>gswin64c.exe</code>), <b>non</b> <code>gswin32.exe</code> (o 
<code>gswin64.exe</code>). Nella gran maggioranza dei casi, <b>se</b> 
Ghostscript viene installato correttamente prima di Scribus, Scribus individua 
automaticamente la sua posizione. Ci&ograve; detto, Ghostscript di solito non 
&egrave; essenziale per poter utilizzare Scribus. Se non avete installato 
Ghostscript, Scribus all'avvio vi avverte della mancanza di Ghostscript e vi 
d&agrave; un link per scaricarlo, ma potete anche decidere di non installare 
questo strum!
 ento esterno.</p>
 <h3>Durante l'installazione</h3>
 <p>Se selezionate l'opzione &ldquo;Extra Fonts&rdquo; nel programma di 
installazione, saranno installati due pacchetti di caratteri di alta 
qualit&agrave; liberamente distribuibili. Il primo comprende i caratteri URW da 
Ghostscript: si tratta di 45 tipi di carattere compatibili con quelli compresi 
nella maggior parte delle stampanti PostScript. Il secondo comprende la 
famiglia Bitstream Vera, ampiamente utilizzata in ambiente Linux e da alcuni 
dei modelli inclusi in Scribus.</p>
 <h3>Dopo l'installazione</h3>

Modified: branches/Version14x/Scribus/scribus/doc/it/toolbox5.html
--- branches/Version14x/Scribus/scribus/doc/it/toolbox5.html    (original)
+++ branches/Version14x/Scribus/scribus/doc/it/toolbox5.html    Sun May  6 
14:02:41 2018
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 <p>&Egrave; sempre consigliabile avere Ghostscript nella pi&ugrave; recente 
versione disponibile per il vostro sistema.</p>
 <h3>Installazione di Ghostscript</h3>
-<p>Come detto prima, Ghostscript &egrave; richiesto da molte applicazioni, tra 
cui il sottosistema di stampa; quindi &egrave; improbabile che non sia 
installato sul sistema. Se, per qualche ragione, <code>gs</code> non &egrave; 
presente sul vostro sistema, o se la versione presente &egrave; troppo vecchia 
(con Scribus dovreste usare almeno Ghostscript 8.6), potete <a 
href="";>scaricare</a> l'archivio contenente il 
codice sorgente dal sito di <code>gs</code>. Fate attenzione a scaricare il 
vero e proprio Ghostscript, non ghostpdl, il cui codice sorgente si trova nella 
stessa directory. Poi seguite le istruzioni per la compilazione che trovate 
nell'archivio e installatelo.</p>
+<p>Come detto prima, Ghostscript &egrave; richiesto da molte applicazioni, tra 
cui il sottosistema di stampa; quindi &egrave; improbabile che non sia 
installato sul sistema. Se, per qualche ragione, <code>gs</code> non &egrave; 
presente sul vostro sistema, o se la versione presente &egrave; troppo vecchia 
(con Scribus dovreste usare almeno Ghostscript 8.6), potete <a 
l'archivio contenente il codice sorgente dal sito di <code>gs</code>. Fate 
attenzione a scaricare il vero e proprio Ghostscript, non ghostpdl, il cui 
codice sorgente si trova nella stessa directory. Poi seguite le istruzioni per 
la compilazione che trovate nell'archivio e installatelo.</p>
 <p>Trovate spiegazioni nelle <a href="readme-win32.html">informazioni 
generali</a> su Scribus in ambiente Windows.</p>
 <h4>Mac OS X</h4>
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 <li>potete scaricare un <a href="";>programma di 
installazione</a> per <code>gs</code> per la maggior parte delle versioni di OS 
 <li>potete installare <code>gs</code> per mezzo di <a 
 <li>le pi&ugrave; recenti versioni di Ghostscript sono sempre disponibili 
tramite <a 
-<li>e infine, potete, naturalmente, scaricare il pi&ugrave; recente <a 
href="";>codice sorgente</a> e compilarlo 
+<li>e infine, potete, naturalmente, scaricare il pi&ugrave; recente <a 
href="";>codice sorgente</a> e 
compilarlo direttamente.</li>
 <h4>OS/2 ed eComStation</h4>
 <p>Trovate spiegazioni nelle <a href="readme-os2.html">informazioni 
generali</a> su Scribus in ambiente OS/2 ed eComStation.</p>

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