Hello fellow authors,

In an attempt to make SDL games distributable I have been looking at how to package with PAR. In the first run using:

pp -B -p -o shooter.par shooter.pl

PAR was picking up all of CPAN::* and the multitude of deps that came with it.

After hunting around I found that SDL::ConfigData was requiring Module::Build in the autogenerated sub feature(). Ironically it has a comment saying to remove this in future releases.

Until then I decided to try:

pp -X Module::Build -B -p -o shooter.par shooter.pl

The file size did not change much so I
unziped shooter.par. And sure enough lib/Module/Builder.pm is gone but tge rest of lib/Module/Builder.pm and the multiple deps still presisted.

How can I do the equivalent of -X Module::Build* ?

Here is the shooter.pl script.


Kartik Thakore

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