Hi Guys,

I am a complete Perl-SDL "newbie" and have spent a few days reading the docs on CPAN perl-SDL. I'm using version 2.536.

I would like to create a surface from my own RGBA data and there seems to be no way to do that unless you do it a pixel at a time :(

I am trying to hack Net::VNC so that it uses SDL:: instead of Image::Imlib2, so for example:

The "raw encoding" from Net::VNC does this:

 $socket->read( my $data, $w * $h * 4 );
 my $raw = Image::Imlib2->new_using_data( $w, $h, $data );
 $image->blend( $raw, 0, 0, 0, $w, $h, $x, $y, $w, $h );

I need to replicate the above in perl-SDL

There is an map_RGBA function which maps 1 pixel, but not a bunch of them, so you can do:

        $dpixel=SDL::Video::map_RGBA( $display->format, 0, 0, 255);

but not this:

        $dpixel=SDL::Video::map_RGBA( $display->format, $data);
                SDL::Video::fill_rect( $surface, $srect, $dpixel );

I tried using SDL::RWOps as follows:

        $rw = SDL::RWOps->new_const_mem( $data);

        but I don't know how to get $rw into the surface!

        $surface = SDL::Image::load( $rw );
        does not work.

Any help would be much appreciated.


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