In a message dated 99-04-27 17:17:43 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< promise ring sucks >>

So, obviously, SDRE doesn't suck, but... Oh great God of music... please show 
me the way to bands its okay to like. I'm sorry I did not check with you 
about purchasing the PromiseRing CD's... what was I thinking? Hmmm, I better 
go back to listening to all the other trendy bands I like, such as Nerdy 
Girl, Tsunami, Dan Bern, and Clutch. Yes... I know that they suck as well, 
and I'm sorry I'm not indie enuf to take part in this list.

:::end sarcasm:::

If you are going to bash a group, I think it may be wise to have reasons for 
doing so, and explain yourself, instead of saying it as if it is a gospel 
truth. Saying PromiseRing sucks and leaving it at that is not the same as 
saying that Matchbox 20 sucks. We all know that the latter blows, and we all 
know why. Any reason for the PromiseRing hatred, and what bands am I allowed 
to like????
Thank you, God of indie for pointing me in the right direction. What kind of 
clothes do you wear so I can be MORE like you??


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