hey listers.

the results are in from the last poll, which asked the question "what was 
the first SDRE song you heard knowing it was them?" i got a total of 30 
responses including my own, and here are the results:

in circles-5

the blankets were the stairs, two promises, j'nuh, theo b, shadows, and 
roses in water each received 1.

so there ya go. i figured "seven" would win out, but it didn't by as huge a 
margin as i might have thought. thanx for the responses everyone. =)
so now, onto the new poll. this one goes out to all of you that have had the 
wonderful experience of seeing the band live. and the question is:

what are your three favourite live SDRE songs?

this of course can be (and in many cases, including mine, will be) different 
from your favourite three SDRE songs. this asks for the SDRE songs you most 
enjoy hearing live. and as hard as this will be to do, PLEASE put them in 
order 1-2-3. i will have some trouble with that myself, but the only way i 
can do the poll right is if it goes this way. thanx. =)
the poll will run for the usual two weeks, and i'll look to have results out 
on the 14th of june.
take care everyone. =)


np: genesis "invisible touch"


"if i don't let myself be happy now
then when?
if not now when?"

                  -Jim Adkins

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