From: "Jaymee Payan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
<<Another thing I wanted to discuss...I would like to know who here actually
enjoys "The Profit"?  SDRE is my favorite band and all but I absolutley
detest that song. No offense to those who like it.  The beginning just kills
all hope of me ever liking it. >>>

hahaha, i totally agree.  i just can't bear to listen to the beginning of 
that song.  whenever i'd tell anyone that i always skip that song (along 
with songs 2,4) they can't believe i don't like it.  so, yeah, i'm glad 
others agree.

at 'this aint no picnic' did anyone see the killingtons?? they (+sdre, of 
course) were the reason i went to that show. the killingtons were opposite 
the get up kids though, so i guess they had a harsh slot.  but they're 
really cool!  everyone (in so. cal at least) should like them.  yep.

also about "picnic":  the feeler-downer-people were nazis.  they took away 
my poptarts.  my *poptarts*.  they suck.

<< ya No Knife rocks a
lot.  i'm fortunate enough for them to be from here (san diego) so i've been
able to see them a few times.  you'll love Hitman Dreams (the previous
album).  At their last show (Jejune headlined and it was their last show, 

yay, i was there!  sd. hooray. haha.  (although i was there to see jejune) 
(actually i initially went to see smile...but..yeah..they weren't there 
obviously)  what shows in sd are coming up?  i'm going through complete 


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