In a message dated 01/14/2000 1:58:29 PM US Mountain Standard Time, 

<< christine, i'm not accusing you of forging a letter (because it actually 
 like it's from joe's mouth). but i just think that something major like this
 would probably come from someone like brian (or greg or janna).  i dunno.  
 someone clear this up?
Well, guys, look, that letter was REALLY from Joe. He was subscribed to the 
list for a while, but he didn't like his E-Mail getting clogged up with 
I think, and this is from ME not Joe, but I think that Joe is really trying 
to distance himself from the whole SDRE thing.... the reason he wanted me to 
post his letter is because he said he's tired of getting E Mails asking about 
You know, Joe was an accomplished musician before SDRE, and he still is....he 
has projects going with his Daughter, Brette, who is also a very talented 
I think he just wants people to notice HIM, apart from SDRE....
but again, those are MY thoughts, not Joe's.....
You all will see that Joe wrote that letter soon enough, when the new record 
is out, and Jeremy and dan are doing bass on it....

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