
I have been sitting back listening to all of the reviews/rumors about 
pre-release of the Rising Tide and heard a lot of negative comments. Now 
that I have heard the albumn I will throw in my two cents...

First of all the first time I heard SDRE was in '94 with Shudder to Think in 
Chapel Hill. That show, the one that followed a few years later in Chapel 
Hill and every album they have made have blown me away, including there 
latest effort. After hearing the rising tide a couple of times this 
definately sounds like a band that has matured in a positive way. 'How it 
Feels...' always felt to me like they were struggling to find their sound 
post break up. A mix between old SDRE and Jeremy's solo stuff.

People who think SDRE sold out or is now weak or whatever, go out and learn 
how to play instruments and sing and try and make songs like the ones on the 
first two albums to get your fix. Musicians grow...people grow. No one is 
forcing you to like the band so if you dont like the new stuff savor the old 
and move on to other pursuits.

In closing I just want to say that this still is one of the most amazing 
bands out today. The new material is awsome. I feel they have intigrated the 
use of keys and strings to accomodate THEIR sound instead of Jeremys (Just 
think about the keys on the song the rising tide and the guitar effects on 

(Please would someone post if they are playing Grendel at any of the shows)

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