Holy shit.......that was the 2nd best show I've ever been to in my
entire life (second only to being 7th row center in Bloomington on the
Infinite Sadness pumpkins tour).....Jeremy was right on....I was so far
away from him last time I saw them that I didn't get to check out his
facial expressions....at one point in the show there were a bunch of
people behind me smokin a bowl and Jeremy just stared at them the entire
time they were doin it.....I couldn't tell if he was glaring or
not....hell I kinda thought he was stright-edge or something, but I
dunno....and Dan.....I remember him really gettin into the music at
ziggy's a coupla years ago.....but he was just amazing this time
around....he moved around so much and sang along with those of us in the
audience who were singing......I didn't really get to watch Will much,
however, his drums were being felt by my body which moved almost the
entire show.....damn I'm friggin sore...my throat is hoarse....and I
can't hear worth a poo, but I'm never gonna forget this show.....Tearing
in the Heart was absolutely AMAZING....that's definitely a live song, so
fuckin beautiful......8 kicked muh butt.....the pink album's my
favorite, but this one was never one of my favs, until now.....it's just
another great live song.....Killed By an Angel was, of course,
amazing......Snibe, which is my favorite song on the new album, rawked
my ass off.....The Rising Tide was friggin beautiful especially with the
powerful little jam that they did at the end.....and J'nuh always kicks
my ass, every single time I hear it......my only disappointment about
the show was that the setlist, except for 8, is almost exactly like the
last tour......almost all of the new album, plus the old 'hits':
Pillars, Guitar and Video Games, Every Shining Time You Arrive, J'nuh,
In circles......although I think it's funny that they still won't play
seven.....at both shows I've been to there were people who just yelled
"PLAY SEVEN!" all night.....the band didn't do anything about it last
time, except I think dan thanked us for knowing the names of their
songs......but this time, dan came up to the mike and said that they'd
better just save their voices because seven was not going to be
played.......hehe......all in all, the show was a religious
experience.....Thank you Sunny Day!!

Commander Vander

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