fuck that, man.  fuck that.

i love sunny day because i love sunny day.  i love weezer because i love weezer.  i enjoy the music each of those bands puts out.  sure, weezers new stuff isnt brilliant, i'll give anyone that.  the green album sure as hell isnt another pinkerton, but what is another pinkerton? you know?

i do enjoy the green album.  and i think that in order to like it you need some context.  weezer are the best band of their kind.  period.  no one makes hooks and pop rock like they do.  because they're honest.  and they rock, my friend.   it dosnt really matter if he layers thick emotional meaning into the music, he tried that and got his head ripped off and shit poured down his throat.  how would you feel about that?  

as far as sunny day,  get off it.  i dont give a fuck about emo kids listening to sunny day.  good for them, sunny days a great band.  they made great music.  and hopefully the members that decide to go on makin music continue in the same vein.

but get over yourself, my friend.  stop caring so much what everyone else thinks and listen to what you like.

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