I¹d like to resurface this email thread.

Summary: When we upgrade from JB to KK load, the /data/data/<app> dirs are
not relabeled.
We use patches from SEAndroid 4.4.2 branch and verified that
is invoked. However, the call fails because inode_owner_or_capable()
returns false.

We believe that installd should have FOWNER capability so the function
inode_owner_or_capable() should return true.
Is our understanding correct? Do we need any patch to make it work?


On 4/6/15, 8:41 AM, "Stephen Smalley" <s...@tycho.nsa.gov> wrote:

>On 04/03/2015 05:02 PM, Tai Nguyen (tainguye) wrote:
>>Do we have any restriction on using app_data_file domain for system_app?
>>We made the following change, but the data directory still show
>>- File mac_permissions.xml
>>     <signer signature="@PLATFORM" >
>>       <!-- CFG app -->
>>       <package name="cip.cfg">
>>         <seinfo value="cfg_app" />
>>       </package>
>>- File seapp_contexts
>>user=system seinfo=cfg_app name=cip.cfg domain=system_app
>>This is for KitKat 4.4 code base. The app needs to be system_app for
>>other interaction but its data does not need to be protected.
>You need to specify whether you are using one of our branches (and if
>so, which one, e.g. seandroid-4.4.4) or vanilla AOSP (and if so, which
>release tag or branch, e.g. android-4.4.4_r2.0.1 or
>kitkat-mr2.2-release).  Vanilla android-4.4.x_rN does not include the
>code changes necessary to automatically relabel the app's /data/data
>directory on upgrades but should label it correctly on first creation
>regardless, whereas our seandroid-4.4.x branches include a backport of
>the support that went into Android 5.0 Lollipop.  Are you seeing the
>problem on an upgrade with an already existing /data/data/cip.cfg
>directory or on first creation?
>They would all be in our seandroid-4.4.x branches.  Since you said
>4.4.2, look at seandroid-4.4.2 branch in frameworks/base,
>frameworks/native, and external/libselinux.
>The AOSP commits are listed below, but you'll find it easier to use our
>seandroid-4.4.2 branch as it already includes the changes back-ported to

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