[agi] Fwd: [DIV10] opportunity for graduate studies in evolution of human creativity

2008-04-01 Thread Ben Goertzel
It's not exactly AGI ... but if anyone is looking for an interesting,
funded PhD project, this could be worth applying for ... I know Liane
and she's pretty open-minded and interesting...

-- Ben G

- Original Message -
From: Liane Gabora
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2008 11:20 AM
Subject: [DIV10] opportunity for graduate studies in evolution of
human creativity


I have funding for one or two bright, motivated graduate students
interested in either experimental studies or computer modeling related
to the evolution of human cognition with an emphasis on human
creativity. An outline of the funded project is provided below, but it
is completely acceptable that the project deviate from this original
proposal according to the interests of the student and the demands of
the project as it unfolds. It is still potentially possible for the
student to begin in the fall of 2008 but it would be necessary to
contact me more or less immediately by email at [EMAIL PROTECTED] if
we were to make this happen. A 2009 start date is also possible.


Liane Gabora, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Psychology
University of British Columbia
Okanagan campus,  University Way
Kelowna BC, V1V 1V7, CANADA
Ph: (250) 807-9849 Fax: (250)807-8439

Summary of Proposed Research

It has often been proposed that life is not the only thing to have
evolved on our planet, that the stories, ideas, beliefs systems, and
artifacts that make up culture also evolve. However it has not been
established in what sense culture constitutes an evolutionary process.
The goal of this research is to definitively establish the mechanisms
by which human culture evolves. I aim to bring forward a theoretical
framework for cultural evolution that is as sound as our theoretical
framework for biological evolution, and apply it to the task of
reconstructing our past and exploring possible futures.
It is widely assumed that what evolves through culture is discrete
units of information (e.g. culturgens or memes). The alternative
investigated here is that what evolves through culture is the mind as
a whole, or more specifically, individuals' internal models of the
world, including habitual ways of thinking and communicating (Gabora,
2004, 2008). This internal model is referred to as a worldview. Of
necessity, a worldview acquires and expresses cultural information in
the form of discrete units (e.g. gestures or artifacts), but the
processing of it reflects the multifaceted web of knowledge,
experience, needs and perspectives that constitute the worldview. It
is proposed that the worldview is to cultural evolution what the body
is to biological evolution: a self-organizing, self-mending,
self-regenerating structure. It is further proposed that a worldview
evolves not—like modern-day organisms—through natural selection
(survival of the fittest), which operates at the level of populations
(Gabora, 2004, 2005, 2008), but—like pre-DNA life forms—through
piecemeal transformation at the level of individuals (Gabora, 2006;
Vetsigian, Woese, & Goldenfeld, 2006). In other words, cultural
evolution evolves through a Lamarckian process more akin to the
evolution of the earliest life than present-day life.
This theory will be developed and tested in the proposed research
program. The first project builds on a computer model of culture that
showed that the invention and imitation of ideas in a group of neural
network based agents exhibits change that is cumulative and adaptive
but of limited complexity, and not open-ended (Gabora, 1995). Agents'
cognitive architecture will be modified to facilitate the blending of
concepts, the chaining of ideas and actions, and implementation of
actions that cumulatively modify their environment. They will also be
given the ability to shift according to the demands of the situation
between top-down and bottom-up modes of information processing,
thereby simulating the human capacity to spontaneously and
unconsciously shift between analytic (convergent) and associative
(divergent) forms of thought. I will assess the degree to which the
resulting cognitive architecture has the self-organizing,
self-mending, self-regenerating structure proposed to make Lamarckian
evolution possible. I will investigate whether the modified agents
exhibit cultural evolution that is not just cumulative and adaptive
but open-ended, i.e. generate inventions that are unanticipated, and
that create niches for new inventions. The second project will result
in a psychologically informed software program for reconstructing
human material cultural history. The program allows the user to enter
the attributes of artifacts associated with one or more distinct or
interacting cultural groups. It provides information about this
pattern of artifact distribution that is not evident from the

Re: [agi] The resource allocation problem

2008-04-01 Thread Vladimir Nesov
On Tue, Apr 1, 2008 at 6:30 PM, William Pearson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The resource allocation problem and why it needs to be solved first
>  How much memory and processing power should you apply to the following 
> things?:
>  Visual Processing
>  Reasoning
>  Sound Processing
>  Seeing past experiences and how they apply to the current one
>  Searching for new ways of doing things
>  Applying each heuristic

This question supposes a specific kind of architecture, where these
things are in some sense separate from each other. If they are but
aspects of the same process, with modalities integrated parts of
reasoning, resources can't be rationed on such a high level. Rather
underlying low-level elements should be globally restricted and
differentiate to support different high-level processes (so that
certain portion of them gets mainly devoted to visual processing,
high-level reasoning, language, etc.).

Vladimir Nesov

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Re: [agi] Symbols

2008-04-01 Thread Richard Loosemore

Mike Tintner wrote:
Richard:  I already did publish a paper doing exactly that ... haven't 
you read it?

Yep. And I'm still mystified. I should have added that I have a vague 
idea of what you mean by complex system and its newness, but no idea of 
why it will solve any unsolved problem of AGI, and absolutely no idea of 
what it actually does. My guess is: you use it to bet on the gee-gees 
:)  Does anyone else know BTW? (This is marketing research).

So I went to the trouble of writing an 8424-word paper and you have 
absolutely no idea what it means, and cannot even get so far as to ask 
some specific questions about it?   It sounds a little like you are 
saying:  "I didn't understand this so you must try again."

How do I know that the text I already wrote was not perfect the way it 
was, and that the problem is at your end?  ;-)  Just asking.

I was actually going to re-write it in a longer form soon, because the 
size of the chapter that Ben would accept for the conference proceedings 
was barely enough for me to explain the idea properly.

Richard Loosemore

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Re: [agi] The resource allocation problem

2008-04-01 Thread Mike Tintner
Charles H: Due to this, the resource management should not be algorithmic, 

 free to adapt to the amount of resources at hand. I'm intent on a
 economic solution to the problem, where each  activity is an economic

The idea of economics is v. interesting & important. I think - & I'm 
confident science will come to think - of humans as psychoeconomies - 
continually having to decide how much effort and time we will continue to 
invest in each activity, both mental and physical. We automatically ask 
whether it's "worth" investing our resources  - worth the likely risks and 
costs in terms of effort and time . ("Is it worth it?" "Can I be 
arsed/bothered" "Is there any chance of it working?" "It'll take forever/no 
time at all.." etc. etc)

This is a continuous metacognitive level of activity-assessment, and it 
applies to very small sub-activities as well. We continually ask ourselves, 
for example, even in putting together posts like these, whether it is worth 
developing this idea or that, or trying to dig up a reference, or find an 
analogy. We don't just proceed in automatic trains of thought, as AFAIK 
current computer programs do.

Such psychoeconomic, metacognitive "resource management" is essential for a 
true AGI. For one thing, a true AGI has to be able to drop - and therefore 
decide whether it's worth dropping - any activity at literally any moment - 
in order to attend to something more important that may arise.

So I'd be interested to hear more from you here, especially on how your 
management will be other than algorithmic.

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Re: [agi] The resource allocation problem

2008-04-01 Thread Pei Wang

In NARS I use dynamic resource allocation. See
http://nars.wang.googlepages.com/wang.computation.pdf and

A similar approach is Hofstadter's "parallel terraced scan", see

Beside the references you mentioned, you may also want to check out
the other works reported at 1996 AAAI Symposium on "Flexible
Computation" (http://flexcomp.microsoft.com/flexpr.htm),


Stuart Russell and Eric Wefald, Principles of Meta-Reasoning,

plus the psychological literature on attention and memory.

I'd be very interested in your paper.


On Tue, Apr 1, 2008 at 10:30 AM, William Pearson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The resource allocation problem and why it needs to be solved first
>  How much memory and processing power should you apply to the following 
> things?:
>  Visual Processing
>  Reasoning
>  Sound Processing
>  Seeing past experiences and how they apply to the current one
>  Searching for new ways of doing things
>  Applying each heuristic
>  Is there one right way of deciding these things when you have limited
>  resources? At time A  might you want more reasoning done (while in a
>  debate) and at time B more visual processing (while driving).
>  There is also the long term memory problem, should you remember your
>  first kiss or the first star trek episode you saw. Which is more
>  important?
>  An intelligent system needs to solve this problem for itself, as only
>  it will know what is important for the problems it faces. That is it
>  is a local problem. It also requires resources itself. If resources
>  are tight then very approximate methods of determining how many
>  resources to spend on each activity.
>  Due to this, the resource management should not be algorithmic, but
>  free to adapt to the amount of resources at hand. I'm intent on a
>  economic solution to the problem, where each  activity is an economic
>  actor.
>  This approach needs to be at the lowest level because each activity
>  has to be programmed with the knowledge of how to act in an economic
>  setting as well as to perform its job. How much should it pay for the
>  other activities of the the programs around it?
>  I'll attempt to write a paper on this, with proper references (Baum,
>  Mark Miller et Al.) But I would be interested in feedback at this
>  stage,
>   Will Pearson
>  ---
>  agi
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[agi] The resource allocation problem

2008-04-01 Thread William Pearson
The resource allocation problem and why it needs to be solved first

How much memory and processing power should you apply to the following things?:

Visual Processing
Sound Processing
Seeing past experiences and how they apply to the current one
Searching for new ways of doing things
Applying each heuristic

Is there one right way of deciding these things when you have limited
resources? At time A  might you want more reasoning done (while in a
debate) and at time B more visual processing (while driving).

There is also the long term memory problem, should you remember your
first kiss or the first star trek episode you saw. Which is more

An intelligent system needs to solve this problem for itself, as only
it will know what is important for the problems it faces. That is it
is a local problem. It also requires resources itself. If resources
are tight then very approximate methods of determining how many
resources to spend on each activity.

Due to this, the resource management should not be algorithmic, but
free to adapt to the amount of resources at hand. I'm intent on a
economic solution to the problem, where each  activity is an economic

This approach needs to be at the lowest level because each activity
has to be programmed with the knowledge of how to act in an economic
setting as well as to perform its job. How much should it pay for the
other activities of the the programs around it?

I'll attempt to write a paper on this, with proper references (Baum,
Mark Miller et Al.) But I would be interested in feedback at this

  Will Pearson

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Re: [agi] Symbols

2008-04-01 Thread Bob Mottram
On 31/03/2008, Mark Waser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Did you get the fact that once you generalize your idea enough, we're
> all in complete agreement -- but that *a lot* of your specific facts are
> just plain wrong (to whit -- the phrase "*vision isn't just saccade-ing.
> The retina does also register whole images, even if in varying degrees of
> fidelity*" is nonsensical if you truly understanding what saccading is and
> how the retina operates)?

I think it's not presently known exactly how the brain reconstructs the
visual scene from a sequence of samples obtained by saccades.  If there are
any papers on this I'd be grateful if someone could point them out.  What we
do know is that the data obtained from the retina at any point in time is a
fairly low resolution noisy image heavily biased towards the foveal area,
and that from a sequence of movements our brain somehow synthesises this
data and gives us a kind of executive summary of what's in front of us (a
simulation, if you prefer).

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