[ANNOUNCE] Apache UIMA DUCC 2.2.1 released

2017-08-31 Thread Jaroslaw Cwiklik
The Apache UIMA team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache
UIMA-DUCC version 2.2.1.

The Unstructured Information Management Architecture (UIMA) is a component
framework supporting development, discovery, composition, and deployment of
multi-modal analytics tasked with the analysis of unstructured information.

Apache UIMA is an Apache licensed open source implementation of the UIMA
specification which is being developed by a technical committee within
OASIS, a standards organization. The implementation comprises an SDK and
tooling for composing and running analytic components written in Java and
C++, with some support for Perl, Python and TCL.

DUCC stands for Distributed UIMA Cluster Computing. DUCC is a cluster
management system providing tooling,management, and scheduling facilities
to automate the scale-out of applications written to the UIMA framework.
Core UIMA provides a generalized framework for applications that process
unstructured information such as human language, but does not provide a
scale-out mechanism. UIMA-AS provides a scale-out mechanism to distribute
UIMA pipelines over a cluster of computing resources, but does not provide
job or cluster management of the resources.
DUCC defines a formal job model that closely maps to a standard UIMA
pipeline. Around this job model DUCC provides cluster management services
to automate the scale-out of UIMA pipelines over computing clusters.

This release contains a number of improvements and bug fixes. Notable
updates in this release include:

-The userid of a privileged DUCC installation does not have to be "ducc"
-ducc-mon login can be used on systems where users do not have password
-The DUCC head-node daemons may be moved to another host without breaking
working applications
-The deployment descriptor for a UIMA-AS service can be loaded from the
-Interactive applications run correctly with viaducc (fixed lost inputs)
-Files created by DUCC jobs inherit the permissions of the launching
shell's umask.
-DUCC performance breakdown for scaled synchronous pipelines is now correct
-Fixed javadoc method headers to enable ducc build with java 8
-Fixed JP communication threads wait logic when JD returns no work
-GC stats not available sometimes from remote JP

For a complete list of bugs and improvements included in this release
please see

-- Jerry Cwiklik, for the Apache UIMA development team

[ANNOUNCE] Apache UIMA DUCC 2.2.0 released

2017-02-23 Thread Jaroslaw Cwiklik
The Apache UIMA team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache
UIMA-DUCC version 2.2.0.

The Unstructured Information Management Architecture (UIMA) is a component
framework supporting development, discovery, composition, and deployment of
multi-modal analytics tasked with the analysis of unstructured information.

Apache UIMA is an Apache licensed open source implementation of the UIMA
specification which is being developed by a technical committee within
OASIS, a standards organization. The implementation comprises an SDK and
tooling for composing and running analytic components written in Java and
C++, with some support for Perl, Python and TCL.

DUCC stands for Distributed UIMA Cluster Computing. DUCC is a cluster
management system providing tooling,management, and scheduling facilities
to automate the scale-out of applications written to the UIMA framework.
Core UIMA provides a generalized framework for applications that process
unstructured information such as human language, but does not provide a
scale-out mechanism. UIMA-AS provides a scale-out mechanism to distribute
UIMA pipelines over a cluster of computing resources, but does not provide
job or cluster management of the resources.
DUCC defines a formal job model that closely maps to a standard UIMA
pipeline. Around this job model DUCC provides cluster management services
to automate the scale-out of UIMA pipelines over computing clusters.

This release contains a number of improvements and bug fixes. Notable
updates in this release include:

 - Ships with the latest UIMA-AS v2.9.0 and UIMA SDK 2.9.0
 - Ships with ActiveMQ v5.14.0
 - Added support for static failover and capability to move the head node
 - Fixed DUCC OR "warm" restart issues
 - Fixed DUCC startup script to fail if the DB doesn't start
 - Fixed DUCC shutdown sequence bug which prevented agents from stopping if
Broker was shutdown first
 - Fixed Rogue process detector to detect and cleanup orphan services
 - Deprecated ducc.agent.node.metrics.sys.gid.max and replaced with
 - Enhanced DUCC Job Driver (JD) to provide individual work item
performance breakdowns
 - Modified DUCC to restrict broker use to ducc user only
 - On process launch failure, agent supplies a reason for failure for
display in ducc mon
 - Added duplicate daemon detector to prevent starting duplicate DUCC daemon
 - Many DUCC Database improvements
 - Many DUCC webpage improvements

For a complete list of bugs and improvements included in this release
please see

-- Jerry Cwiklik, for the Apache UIMA development team

[ANNOUNCE] Apache UIMA AS 2.9.0 released

2016-12-16 Thread Jaroslaw Cwiklik
The Apache UIMA team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache
UIMA-AS version 2.9.0, which includes asynchronous scaleout capabilities
for the UIMA annotators.

UIMA-AS includes the base UIMA SDK and augments it with scaleout
capability; it is a next-generation replacement for the original CPM
(Collection Processing Management) scaleout that is part of the core UIMA
Framework. For more information, please visit:


This release contains a number of improvements and bug fixes. Notable
updates in this release include:

  - Updated to use Activemq 5.14.0
  - Added dependency on UIMA SDK 2.9.0
  - Fixed http based service connectivity
  - Added support for automatic recovery of temp queues after broker
  - Fixed per CAS Performance Metrics breakdown
  - Fixed per process CPU & RSS reporting
  - Fixed example runtime configurations
  - Fixed error recovery on exception while deserializing a CAS
  - "Pinned" JMX MBeans to a specific deployment to enable orderly cleanup
  - Fixed support of AMQ white listing of packages
  - Added support to disable JMX via a new argument
  - Fixed dd2spring issues
  - Updated version checker to test compatibility with UIMA SDK.

For a complete list of bugs and improvements included in this release
please see

-- Jerry Cwiklik, for the Apache UIMA development team

[ANNOUNCE] Apache UIMA DUCC 2.1.0 released

2016-08-08 Thread Jaroslaw Cwiklik
The Apache UIMA team is pleased to announce the release of the UIMA DUCC,
version 2.1.0.

DUCC stands for Distributed UIMA Cluster Computing. DUCC is a cluster
management system providing tooling, management, and scheduling facilities
to automate the scale-out of applications written to the UIMA framework.
Core UIMA provides a generalized framework for applications that process
unstructured information such as human language, but does not provide a
scale-out mechanism. UIMA-AS provides a scale-out mechanism to distribute
UIMA pipelines over a cluster of computing resources, but does not provide
job or cluster management of the resources. DUCC defines a formal job model
that closely maps to a standard UIMA pipeline. Around this job model DUCC
provides cluster management services to automate the scale-out of UIMA
pipelines over computing clusters.

The main changes in this release are:

- DUCC framework now runs on Java 7 or Java 8
- Ubuntu and RHEL 7 support
- cgroup enhancements
 - uses standard cgroups organization
 - supports cgroup swappiness setting, restricting any swapping if
- DUCC state and history storage moved from flat files to Cassandra DB,
reducing storage size 5x
- Ships with the latest UIMA-AS v2.8.1
- Ships with recent ActiveMQ v5.13.2
- DUCC's UIMA-AS services support failover and ssl connectors
- Many DUCC webpage improvements
- Clear user display of DUCC classes and relation to machines
- Robust handling of dynamic changes to DUCC class and nodepool definitions
- Full support of nodepools with different quantum
- DUCC broker access restricted to user ducc
- Eliminate need for user home directories located on a shared filesystem
- Built-in Job error handler programmable per job
- Migration utility for DUCC updates
- Change to vary-off behavior to facilitate cluster management
- Horizontal stacking of services instance allocations
- java-viaducc improvements including separation of stdout from stderr
- An alert banner is displayed on ducc-mon pages if daemons are down
- Promoted DUCC from sandbox to the regular Apache project in the SVN

For a full list of the changes, please refer to Jira report:

More information about DUCC can be found here:

-Jerry Cwiklik, for the Apache UIMA community

[ANNOUNCE] Apache UIMA-AS 2.8.1 released

2016-05-20 Thread Jaroslaw Cwiklik
The Apache UIMA team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache
UIMA-AS version 2.8.1, which includes asynchronous scaleout capabilities
for the UIMA annotators.

UIMA-AS includes the base UIMA SDK and augments it with scaleout
capability; it is a next-generation replacement for the original CPM
(Collection Processing Management) scaleout that is part of the core UIMA
Framework. For more information, please visit:


This release contains a number of improvements and bug fixes. Notable
in this release include:

- Replaced Activemq 5.7.0 with 5.13.2
- Added dependency on UIMA SDK 2.8.1
- Fixed per CAS Performance Metrics breakdown for async deployments
- Added new feature to allow warm up of a JVM service instance before real
processing begins,  by feeding it a specified set of CASes before the
instance connects to the service input queue.
- Allow dd2spring to use a custom XML parser

For a complete list of bugs and improvements included in this release
please see

-- Jerry Cwiklik, for the Apache UIMA development team

[ANNOUNCE] Apache UIMA DUCC 2.0.1 released

2015-10-26 Thread Jaroslaw Cwiklik
The Apache UIMA team is pleased to announce the release of the UIMA DUCC,
version 2.0.1.

DUCC stands for Distributed UIMA Cluster Computing. DUCC is a cluster
management system providing tooling, management, and scheduling facilities
to automate the scale-out of applications written to the UIMA framework.
Core UIMA provides a generalized framework for applications that process
unstructured information such as human language, but does not provide a
scale-out mechanism. UIMA-AS provides a scale-out mechanism to distribute
UIMA pipelines over a cluster of computing resources, but does not provide
job or cluster management of the resources. DUCC defines a formal job model
that closely maps to a standard UIMA pipeline. Around this job model DUCC
provides cluster management services to automate the scale-out of UIMA
pipelines over computing clusters.

This is a bug release, addressing bugs found since DUCC 2.0.0 release. For
a full list of the changes, please refer to Jira report:

More information about DUCC can be found here:

-Jerry Cwiklik, for the Apache UIMA community

[ANNOUNCE] Apache UIMA DUCC 2.0.0 released

2015-08-12 Thread Jaroslaw Cwiklik
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the UIMA DUCC,
version 2.0.0.

DUCC stands for Distributed UIMA Cluster Computing. DUCC is a cluster
management system providing tooling, management, and scheduling facilities
to automate the scale-out of applications written to the UIMA framework.
Core UIMA provides a generalized framework for applications that process
unstructured information such as human language, but does not provide a
scale-out mechanism. UIMA-AS provides a scale-out mechanism to distribute
UIMA pipelines over a cluster of computing resources, but does not provide
job or cluster management of the resources. DUCC defines a formal job model
that closely maps to a standard UIMA pipeline. Around this job model DUCC
provides cluster management services to automate the scale-out of UIMA
pipelines over computing clusters.

This is a major release containing new features and bug fixes. Please visit
http://uima.apache.org/news.html for more details.

-Jerry Cwiklik, for the Apache UIMA community

[ANNOUNCE] Apache UIMA DUCC 1.1.0 released

2014-10-23 Thread Jaroslaw Cwiklik
The Apache UIMA team is pleased to announce the release of
Apache UIMA DUCC, version 1.1.0.

DUCC stands for Distributed UIMA Cluster Computing. DUCC is a cluster
management system providing tooling, management, and scheduling facilities
to automate the scale-out of applications written to the UIMA framework.
Core UIMA provides a generalized framework for applications that process
unstructured information such as human language, but does not provide
a scale-out mechanism. UIMA-AS provides a scale-out mechanism to distribute
UIMA pipelines over a cluster of computing resources, but does not provide
job or cluster management of the resources. DUCC defines a formal job model
that closely maps to a standard UIMA pipeline. Around this job model DUCC
provides cluster management services to automate the scale-out of UIMA
pipelines over computing clusters.

This is a maintenance release that contains fixes and improvements over
UIMA DUCC 1.0.0.

For a full list of changes, please refer to Jira:

More information about UIMA DUCC can be found here:

 - Jaroslaw Cwiklik, for the Apache UIMA development team

[ANNOUNCE] Apache UIMA-AS 2.6.0 released

2014-07-17 Thread Jaroslaw Cwiklik
The Apache UIMA team is pleased to announce the release of version 2.6.0 of
the Apache
UIMA AS, which includes asynchronous scaleout capabilities for the UIMA

The UIMA AS 2.6.0 binaries and source are available for download from:

UIMA AS includes the base UIMA SDK and augments it with scaleout
capability; it is a next-generation replacement for the original CPM
(Collection Processing Management) scaleout that is part of the core UIMA
Framework. For more information, please visit:


This release contains a number of improvements and bug fixes. Notable
in this release include:

- Replaced ActiveMQ version 5.6.0 with version 5.7.0

- Added HTTP support

- Improved error handling and recovery

- Performance improvements

For a complete list of bugs and improvements included in this release
please see

-- Jerry Cwiklik, for the Apache UIMA Development Team

[ANNOUNCE] Apache UIMA DUCC 1.0.0 Released

2014-01-30 Thread Jaroslaw Cwiklik
The Apache UIMA team is pleased to announce the first release of Apache
UIMA DUCC 1.0.0.

DUCC stands for Distributed UIMA Cluster Computing. DUCC is a cluster
management system providing tooling,management, and scheduling
facilities to automate the scale-out of applications written
to the UIMA framework. Core UIMA provides a generalized framework
for applications that process unstructured information such as human
language, but does not provide a scale-out mechanism. UIMA-AS extends
UIMA and provides a scale-out mechanism to distribute UIMA pipelines
over a cluster of computing resources, but does not provide job or
cluster management of the resources.  DUCC extends UIMA-AS by defining
a formal job model that closely maps to a standard UIMA pipeline.
Around this job model DUCC provides cluster management services to
automate the scale-out of UIMA pipelines over computing clusters.

Source and binary distributions are available for download from the
Apache UIMA download site:


For complete information on Apache UIMA DUCC, including instructions
on how to submit bug reports, patches, or suggestions for improvement,
see the Apache UIMA website:


Jaroslaw Cwiklik, on behalf of the Apache UIMA Community

[ANNOUNCE] Apache UIMA-AS 2.4.0 released

2012-11-16 Thread Jaroslaw Cwiklik
The Apache UIMA team is pleased to announce the release of version 2.4.0 of
the Apache UIMA AS, which includes asynchronous scaleout capabilities
for the UIMA annotators.

The UIMA AS 2.4.0 binaries and source are available for download from:

UIMA AS includes the base UIMA SDK and augments it with scaleout
capability; it is a next-generation replacement for the original CPM
(Collection Processing Management)
scaleout that is part of the core UIMA framework. For more information,
please visit:

This release contains a number of improvements and bug fixes. Notable
updates in this release include:

  - Added support for programmatic generation of deployment descriptors

  - Fixed UIMA-AS client to work with user supplied CR

  - Fixed UIMA-AS Aggregate to block listener thread until a CAS is

  - Supports securing ActiveMQ connection with application provided

  - Modified UIMA-AS client to handle InterruptedException while blocking
in sendAndReceive()

  - Added support to collect AE performance breakdown and return it along
with a reply

  - Fixed a bug to prevent a parent CAS from accessing its Flow object
until all child CASes
obtain their Flow objects.

  - Expanded UIMA-AS client API to include a callback containing
information where a CAS
is being processed (host IP, PID and thread ID)

  - Improved error handling and stability

For a complete list of bugs and improvements included in this release
please see

-- Jerry Cwiklik, for the Apache UIMA Development Team

[ANNOUNCE] Apache UIMA AS 2.3.1 released

2011-03-23 Thread Jaroslaw Cwiklik
The Apache UIMA team is pleased to announce the release of version 2.3.1 of
the Apache UIMA AS, which includes
asynchronous scaleout capabilities together with the base Apache UIMA SDK.

The UIMA AS 2.3.1 binaries and source are available for download from:

UIMA AS includes the base UIMA SDK and augments it with scaleout capability;
it is a next-generation
replacement for the original CPM (Collection Processing Management) scaleout
that is part of the core UIMA
framework. For more information, please visit:

This release contains a number of improvements and bug fixes. Notable
in this release include:

- Upgraded to Apache ActiveMQ 5.4.1

- Allow placeholders for endpoint names in deployment descriptors

- The UIMA-AS binary build includes base UIMA version 2.3.1

- Extended UIMA AS service JMX API to dump service state

- Modified UIMA AS Primitive Service to optionally dump JVM stack if
process() method takes too long

- Fixed ParentProcessLast logic

- Many bug fixes, improved stability and error handling

For a complete list of bugs and improvements included in this release please

--The Apache UIMA Team