Re: A little problem in "A Heros Call"

2019-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : danielpicard via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A little problem in "A Heros Call"

Thanks, Defender. I still haven't found it, but if it's a randomly selected location then I have no other choice than to search on my own.Regards!


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Re: A little problem in "A Heros Call"

2019-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : danielpicard via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A little problem in "A Heros Call"

But there are two of them and they are quite far away from each other. There is one to the North and one to the south of the fort. But I will try to search around them more carefully. Thanks.


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Re: A little problem in "A Heros Call"

2019-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : danielpicard via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A little problem in "A Heros Call"

Thanks for the Response.Do you know where exactly it is?


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A little problem in "A Heros Call"

2019-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : danielpicard via Audiogames-reflector


A little problem in "A Heros Call"

Hello!I can not find the book that tells me how to unlock the massive tree in the ruin forrest. Maybe someone can give me some directions where to find the goddamn Thing. Thanks a lot!Kind regards from Daniel!


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Re: question on beating the drake in Entombed

2019-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : danielpicard via Audiogames-reflector


Re: question on beating the drake in Entombed

Hi there!Its quite a long time ago that I have played this game, but as far as I remember it was not too difficult to kill the dragon - at least compared to some other nice fellows whom you will meet a little later in the game. Especcially the boss at the end has some nice spells that can kill most of your party with only one move. :-)However, what party do you have at the moment? Its hard to help you without knowing that - each character has his/her own strengths and weaknesses.Some general advice, - as far as I remember:  If you have e.g. fighters and assasins whom you have well trained then you might be successful with a flurry attack, maybe even a hidden one, and by using powerful weapons.A mage can weaken teh dragon with the shrink spell and or strenghten your physical attackers with the grow spell. Some jobs can conjure an animal, which can be helpful by taking some of the dragons attack damage which otherwise would hit your party. I think that nearly no other spells work against the dragon, as far as I remember it is quite resistant against charming, cursing and sleeping spells. But all together its not as difficult as it seeems to kill the beast.Kind regards from Daniel.


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Re: Dreamlands: Official announcements and discussion topic

2019-01-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : danielpicard via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dreamlands: Official announcements and discussion topic

Wow. The Trailer sounds nice - probably one of the best Sound Qualities I have heard in an Audio game so far. I am looking Forward playing it.Regards from Daniel!


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Re: Problem with Return Of The King!

2017-08-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : danielpicard via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Problem with Return Of The King!

Hi 拓海!Thanks for the reply. However, I am a little bit confused. How could you create a character for me if you don't know how my user credentials are.However, I have tried to login, I still have the same problem: Program reports "Network abnormal."Maybe you have another idea to help me.Regards from Daniel!


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Problem with Return Of The King!

2017-08-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : danielpicard via Audiogames-reflector


Problem with Return Of The King!

Hello!After several recommendations I decided to try out Return of the King. After creating an account on the web site (which was not too easy by the way) I tried to sign up with my account. However, the program only announces: “Network abnormal” and closes. My internet connection works without error and I even tried to temporarily disable my firewall, but nothing helped.Maybe someone can help me!Greetings from Daniel!


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Re: Strange Eurofly problem - airplane much slower than it should be

2017-08-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : danielpicard via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Strange Eurofly problem - airplane much slower than it should be

Thanks a lot, Rastislav. This was very informative.Kind regards!


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Strange Eurofly problem - airplane much slower than it should be

2017-08-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : danielpicard via Audiogames-reflector


Strange Eurofly problem - airplane much slower than it should be

Hello!Maybe someone can provide me some info about a Eurofly problem which I have encountered several times now.Sometimes when I am on a long flight it takes much longer than expected. Off course I always use the turbo mode on such flights, but even if I accelerate to 10.000 km/h the flight often takes much longer than it should.By pressing d both the flown distance as well as the elapsed time are announced.There are flights when I fly only 7000 kilometers in one hour even if my speed is 10.000 from the beginning. However, this does not happen all the times, sometimes I am much quicker.Maybe someone knows about this problem – the only idea that I have is that wind is somehow influencing the speed, but I am not sure about this.Greetings from Daniel!


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2 Swamp questions

2017-07-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : danielpicard via Audiogames-reflector


2 Swamp questions

Hi!I have got 2 little Swamp questions for which I could not find the correct answers in the forums.1. I have not played swamp for some months and have now reactivated my account. Since I had died in the past I had to start looting to get back all of the nice equippment which I desire so much. :-) However, meanwhile it seems to me that both the number of Zombies as well as their agressiveness has significantly imcreased. What I mean is that earlier it was possible to kill all the zombies on one of the sub-levels and then search for items quite untouched. But now it seems to me that the monsters are respawned much more regularely than earlier and I am under constant and heavy attack all the time.Is this just my imagination or has there been a change which I have missed because of my absence?2. When I get killed it sometimes happens that my character is still there after I reconnect. The characters health is close to zero but all collected items are still 
 there. However, this seems to happen quite seldomly, most of the time the character is completely reset and I have to start from scratch.Is this a bug in the Swamp server? Why is this happening just so rarely?Maybe someone could help me with that matters.Kind regards from Daniel!


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Re: CoolForTheBlind is hosting a Three-D Velocity server

2017-05-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : danielpicard via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CoolForTheBlind is hosting a Three-D Velocity server

Hi! I have downloaded the opensource-version 2 weeks ago or so, but this version seems to be too old already because there is no online game to select in the apropriate menu. So I tried to download the latest version today only to find out that the github repository seems to be offline. Maybe someone could put the latest binaries online for me and other players who require it.Kind regards from Daniel - looking forward to shoot you all down soon!


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Re: A short Eurofly question!

2017-02-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : danielpicard via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A short Eurofly question!

Hi Rastislav!Thanks for the answer, it works very well.Regards!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

A short Eurofly question!

2017-02-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : danielpicard via Audiogames-reflector


A short Eurofly question!

Hello everyone!I have a little Eurofly problem which I could not solve for myself yet.The speech output in the game does not work fine anymore, the game has stopped speaking in several dialogues like the task information list or the airplane status list box. On the other hand, things like "Current speed" or "current altitude" are still spoken fine. In short: All elements which are in dialogues apart from the main game screen are not spoken anymore.Since I have not edited any configuration file recently, I can only assume that there is a keyboard shortcut which enables or disables those speech announcements and that I have pressed that key unintentionally.Maybe someone can tell me how to re-enable the speech output again!Kind regards from Daniel!


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Re: New to Eurofly - need some help please

2017-01-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : danielpicard via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New to Eurofly - need some help please

Hi Grryf!Thanks for the infos. These were extremely helpful to me, I now managed to successfully land on my first target airport.Greetings!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New to Eurofly - need some help please

2017-01-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : danielpicard via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New to Eurofly - need some help please

Hi Moritz!First of all, thanks for your quick response.I have already consulted Captain John Tyson's beginners guide which can be found in the articles room. However, he seems to have forgotton to mention the info that I need.Can you tell me how to communicate with the target airport - how to connect to their control tower ETC. I suppose that I have to set their frequency and transponder ID first, but how do I get that stuff?I have the problem that I can not even ask for landing permission because my radio is still connected to the airport from which I took off.Thanks for the help.PS: You have a great signature - what a pitty that only so few people can understand it. ^^


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New to Eurofly - need some help please

2017-01-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : danielpicard via Audiogames-reflector


New to Eurofly - need some help please

Hi everyone!Yesterday evening I started to play around with Eurofly a little. I am sorry to say so, but the quickstart guide is quite confusing and not always helpful to me. I managed to get a new task, configure my airplane and even get airborne. But now I am circling around the air without knowing how to continue. I even found out that I can select a target airport by pressing f8, choosing the appropriate one and pressing space to set it. Is this procedure correct?What I could not find out yet is how to navigate to the target airport, how to communicate with it and how to know how far away it is and in which direction to fly.Is there a good beginners tutorial available which covers this topics?I would be very grateful for some hints.Kind regards from Daniel!


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Re: entombed help please.

2016-04-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : danielpicard via Audiogames-reflector


Re: entombed help please.

Hi!Its a while since I played through entombed for the last time. Are the stone guards really on level 6? I thought they come later and you have to battle the dragon on this level.However, I remember that the guards are quite a chellenge, What skills have you trained? I personally prefer characters with more power, healers are quite useless. If you lose an arm during a battle its better to load from auto-save and try again. The only hint I can give you without further information is to try the battle several times.Kind regards!


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Some Swamp beginner questions

2015-08-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : danielpicard via Audiogames-reflector


Some Swamp beginner questions

Hi everyone!Although I have quite a lot of experience with several audio games, I am an absolute beginner with Swamp. After reading the README file and playing around with the offline maps for a while, I have now decided to purchase an account and begin playing online. However, I have some beginner questions which I couldn't find out for my self yet. So maybe someone in this forum can help me.1. Orientation: Is there any way to navigate inside of huge buildings? I have found out that I can use the tracking system to locate the entrance/exit of buildings, but finding special rooms inside a building seems to be quite difficult. Do I really have to stumble through buildings helplessly or is there a way to get something like a list of available rooms or an other navigation helper?2. Targeting enemies:In most other audio games I played so far there was some audio feedback indicating whether an enemy is correctly targeted or whether the enemy is within s
 triking distance of my currently selected weapon. However, here I haven't found anything alike so far. For me it is allways a matter of luck whether I hit a target or  miss it. How do I know whether a target is within fireing range of my weapon or not.Moreover, it is not clear to me how I can find out whether the target is in front of me or maybe it is behind me. Is there a way to find this out?3. Completing quests:I have, very unsuccessfully, tried to complete a quest. But since completing quests seems to be a quite time-consuming task, especially for a beginner. Is it possible to log out of the game and to continue a quest later? Even if I am perfectly healthy and quit the game while I am located in the safe zone, the quest is cancelled  when I logon for the next time, all work that I have already done is lost. Is it possible to pause a quest or do I have to complete it before I end the game?That's all for the moment, although I
  am sure that I will have to ask many many more questions in the future. I would be very grateful for some helpful hints?Kind regards from Daniel!


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