Morality defined differently by different people

2013-02-18 Thread Stephen Kent Gray
The Baha'i Studies Listserv

I was on Wikipedia. It somehow led to the article above by either clicking 
random page or click articles links.
Morality, justice, child development mean different things to different people 
in the quotes below. Virtues as well.
They can mean different things to different people.

Prudence and virtue
Seneca, the Roman Stoic, said that perfect prudence is indistinguishable from 
perfect virtue. Thus, in considering all consequences, a prudent person would 
act in the same way as a virtuous person.[citation needed] The same rationale 
was expressed by Plato in Meno, when he wrote that people only act in ways that 
they perceive will bring them maximum good. It is the lack of wisdom that 
results in the making of a bad choice instead of a prudent one. In this way, 
wisdom is the central part of virtue. Plato realized that because virtue was 
synonymous with wisdom it could be taught, a possibility he had earlier 
discounted. He then added correct belief as an alternative to knowledge, 
proposing that knowledge is merely correct belief that has been thought through 
and tethered.

The proposed solution: a metaphorical model
Lakoff tries to resolve these difficulties through a model in which liberals 
and conservatives are shown to have different and contradictory worldviews. 
These worldviews are thought to conflict in a number of ways relevant to the 
understanding of politics. Nonetheless, Lakoff claims that all of these 
differences center around the two sides' respective understandings of a single 
concept - the ideal nuclear family.
The family is central to Lakoff because he views the family as Americans most 
common model for understanding the country; that is Americans often 
metaphorically understand their country as a family, with the government 
corresponding to the parent(s) of the family and the individual citizens 
corresponding to the children. Thus, one's understanding of how a family is 
best organized will have direct implications for how the country should be 
Liberals' ideal conceptualization follows the model of the nurturant parent 
family, while Conservatives' follow the model of the strict father family. 
Given the importance of these concepts in Moral Politics, it is important to 
consider their meaning along with how each view suggests and is justified by a 
corresponding view of the nature of child rearing, morality, and justice.
A nurturant parent family is one that revolves around every family member 
caring for and being cared for by every other family member, with open 
communication between all parties, and with each family member pursuing their 
own vision of happiness. The nurturant parent model is also correlated with the 
following views:
Morality: The basis of morality is in understanding, respecting, and helping 
other people, and in seeking the happiness of one's self and of others. The 
primary vices are selfishness and anti-social behavior.
Child development: Children develop morality primarily through interacting with 
and observing good people, especially good parents. Punishment is necessary in 
some cases, but also has the potential to backfire, causing children to adopt 
more violent or more anti-social ways. Though children should, in general, obey 
their parents, they will develop best if allowed to question their parents' 
decisions, to hear justifications for their parents' rules, and so on. Moral 
development is a lifelong process, and almost no one is so perfect as not to 
need improvement.
Justice: The world is not without justice, but it is far from the ideal of 
justice. Many people, for example, do not seem properly rewarded for their hard 
work and dedication. We must work hard to improve everyone's condition.
In contrast, the strict father family revolves around the idea that parents 
teach their children how to be self-reliant and self-disciplined through tough 
love. This is correlated with the following views:
Morality: Evil is all around us, constantly tempting us. Thus, the basis of 
morality is strong moral character, which requires self-reliance and 
self-discipline. The primary vices are those that dissolve self-discipline, 
such as laziness, gluttony, and indulgent sexuality.
Child development: Children develop self-discipline, self-reliance, and other 
virtues primarily through rewards and punishment, a system of tough love. 
Since parents know the difference between right and wrong and children still do 
not, obedience to the parents is very important. Moral development basically 
lasts only as long as childhood; it's important to get it right the first time, 
because there is no second chance.
Justice: The 

Mercury has ice

2013-02-18 Thread Hasan Elías
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
The new discovery of ice (possible organic material) on Mercury is amazing, but 
what is a creature in the sense of the following quote? 

Know thou that every fixed star hath its own planets, and every planet its own 
creatures, whose number no man can compute.

The news:

New results from the MESSENGER spacecraft not only confirm that the planet 
closest to the sun has ice inside shaded craters near the north pole, but that 
a thin layer of very dark organic material seems to be covering a good part of 
the frozen water. Both likely arrived via comets or asteroids millions — or 
hundreds of millions — of years ago.

Thanks for comments,

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