Re: Vitality and fertility ofsoils

2003-04-01 Thread Christiane . Jaeger

Hi Lloyd

Do a [google] search on bentonite for Australia.  there is a fair bit on
the web.  Yes, there is a calcium bentonite, which would probably be much
better than the sodium bentonite. See the page 'Mineral Information Leaflet
Quoting from Sattler-Wistinghausen, 1985, Der landwirtschaftliche Betrieb
biologisch-dynamisch (The agricultural enterprise bio-dynamic), Ulmer,
Stuttgart, my bd bible:
Addition of bentonite:
   compost: 1-2 kg/m³
   spreading in the garden - not field (sic!) - 0.2-0.4 t/ha  (Don't know,
   why it is okay in the garden, but not in the agricultural field (Acker).
   Perhaps adding it to the manure is the better way.)
   liquid manure 200 g/m³
   200 g/100 l spray as additive to the trunk coat and additive as
   resistance inducing preventative fungicidal sprays in orchards and
The Al-ions are the effective components. [Hofmann, Köpfer und Werner,
1995, Oekologischer Weinbau (Ecological Viticulture), Ulmer, Stuttgart].
Sorry, I am not biased towards German vs Australian books.  These are just
the ones I have got, because I had easy access to them.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 02/04/2003 04:01:34 PM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]



Subject:Re: Vitality and fertility ofsoils

Hi Christiane
Thanks for your input - bentonite sounds like good stuff to me - is there
just one bentonite - animal feeders round here use sodium bentonite and I
can get some of that - I know soil conservation used to recommend bentonite
for repairing leaky dams and I thought I had heard of a calcium bentonite
there such a thing ? Maybe my ears were ringing at the time.
> There seem to be two lines of thought:
> 1. Stimulating soil life, by making clay minerals available.  Bentonite
> a weathering product of volcanic tuffs, usually high Mg containing
> montmorillonites.  The minerals are easily available to microorganisms
> plants and especially recomended for light sandy soils in small
> but frequently.
> 2. "but I'd rather use local paddock reared clay"  sounds to me as you
> wanting to access energies or, in my interpretation, in the [clay] soils
> laid down learning by your environment (or is it of your environment?).
> relate this  to deep psychology - accessing the sub- or unconscious deep
> learnings and then connect this with what is happening now in an
> up-and-down process.  Analogously, what about  adding little bits of each
> soil layer to create an interchange of knowledge between the past and the
> present?
Nothing so deep, just figuring we have some nice clay here thats a strong
part of what this farm is and what the soils will do, why bring in clay
hundreds of miles away ? However for a nutritional kick along, supplying
readily available trace minerals - thats a different and interesting
subject. What rate of bentonite would you suggest to use on a sandy loam
soil? - is it affordable on a broadacre scale?

Lloyd Charles

Re: Vitality and fertility ofsoils

2003-04-01 Thread Lloyd Charles

Hi Christiane
Thanks for your input - bentonite sounds like good stuff to me - is there
just one bentonite - animal feeders round here use sodium bentonite and I
can get some of that - I know soil conservation used to recommend bentonite
for repairing leaky dams and I thought I had heard of a calcium bentonite is
there such a thing ? Maybe my ears were ringing at the time.
> There seem to be two lines of thought:
> 1. Stimulating soil life, by making clay minerals available.  Bentonite is
> a weathering product of volcanic tuffs, usually high Mg containing
> montmorillonites.  The minerals are easily available to microorganisms and
> plants and especially recomended for light sandy soils in small quantities
> but frequently.
> 2. "but I'd rather use local paddock reared clay"  sounds to me as you
> wanting to access energies or, in my interpretation, in the [clay] soils
> laid down learning by your environment (or is it of your environment?).  I
> relate this  to deep psychology - accessing the sub- or unconscious deep
> learnings and then connect this with what is happening now in an
> up-and-down process.  Analogously, what about  adding little bits of each
> soil layer to create an interchange of knowledge between the past and the
> present?
Nothing so deep, just figuring we have some nice clay here thats a strong
part of what this farm is and what the soils will do, why bring in clay from
hundreds of miles away ? However for a nutritional kick along, supplying
readily available trace minerals - thats a different and interesting
subject. What rate of bentonite would you suggest to use on a sandy loam
soil? - is it affordable on a broadacre scale?

Lloyd Charles

Re: Vitality and fertility ofsoils

2003-04-01 Thread Lloyd Charles

> >
> >What about an egg shaped urn buried in the earth, the one I have has a
> >foot influence on the farm and surrounding area.  I fill it with teas of
> >bc, 501 508, nettles, etc...sstorch
> Steve,

I missed this first time around . this is not radionics ? but as my old dad
would say "its as near as dammit is to swearing from it"
Lloyd Charles

Re: Vitality and fertility ofsoils

2003-04-01 Thread Hugh Lovel
>In a message dated 4/1/03 8:53:54 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
><< broadcaster coils and blending with the patterns of the preps held in the
>well replicates the role of stirring. cosmic energies coming in through
>vortex and chaos to blend with the patterns of the preps. >>
>I have to dis agree.  If it is not done by the human hand where does the farm
>individuality arise from.  Take ten minutes, stir the water and make the
>"reagent",, you owe it to yourself...sstorch

Dear Steve,

By human hand or by human thought? What is the deciding factor? If
by the human hand without the human thought, what then? And if by the human
thought without the human hand, what then? Consider this. You DO own it to
your self.

Take ten minutes--or an hour--and stir. It's a good activity. And
cover an acre or several. Take two minutes and even ten and cover a
thousand or even four thousand. What's the difference? The human thought
goes with both, even if the human hand does not so much. Where's your
valuation of things? Where does it lie? With certain personalitles and
their persuasions, or with your own knowing? What do each say? What do you
say? While I like you and what you are doing, are you under the persuasion
of others, and have you the choice of getting into radionics or not? Are
you that free? I'll like you either way, and acknowledge y ou either way,
can you do the same for me? Can you grant me the validity of my path?

I grant I don't think I have ever sold one of your stirring
machines, though I've recommended them. I would always recommend them since
they keep the EMF as far as possible from the solution to be sprayed. I
must wonder when you have ever recommended one of my broadcasters for a
client who had too rough a terrain or too much acerage for stirring and
sprayin to be an option.
Aren't we trying to get the benefits of our preparations out over the
largest possible areas of the earth for the earth's healing for the benefit
of all?

Aren't you interested in how this works? Granted you may be coming
from a belief that this does not work. But surely that doesn't serve true,
and you have to acknowledge that what I and Lorraine, and Lloyd, Arden
Anderson, Phil Wheeler, etc. are doing works. .Aren't you interested? You
can expeeriment around and see what you think. Anyone amongst us will help
you, ask anyone you trust. We'd all like to see you experiment, and no
telling you might teach us things we didn't know and didn't understand.
That's ordinarily the way of the way of things.

Anyway, here's a critical brother. I appreciate all the good you
do, which is plenty. I'm being critical. I wish it wasn't so. When I see
you at conferences or gatherings, let me always be your friend and
supporter. But, please be a little more open-minded. Okay?

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Question for Hugh: Growing Ginger

2003-04-01 Thread Allan Balliett
Dear Hugh -

You gave me a lot of cultural information about growing ginger at 
ACRES. I've finally got around to buying a couple of cases of it from 
the local food co-op.

Something I was wondering was if you thought that here in the 
Northern Virginia area I might be better off planting it in a 
hoophouse rather than in the open. Hoophouse will be ventilated but 
temperatures will run around a hundred on most sunny days.



Re: Vitality and fertility ofsoils

2003-04-01 Thread Hugh Lovel
>- Original Message -
>Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 8:28 PM
>Subject: Re: Vitality and fertility ofsoils
>> Hey, I am glad to here that you will get around to actually doing some
>> of the living spraying.  When you make your "cards" are the preps right
>> of the ground or are they stirred?  How can you introduce the stirring
>> process to radionics and field broadcasting?  Is there a stirred water
>> card???  Keep on... SStorch
>Steve  I use cards made from Hugh Lovel's preps - I figure his are as good
>as any - better than most - I assume they are from the ground.  I keep some
>special energised rainwater vials in the broadcaster well and I believe the
>cosmic energies travelling through the forward and reverse rotation of the
>broadcaster coils and blending with the patterns of the preps held in the
>well replicates the role of stirring. cosmic energies coming in through
>vortex and chaos to blend with the patterns of the preps.
>Lloyd Charles >


I have to laugh. Yes. my preps are from the ground. In fact, they are
Courtney's preps, and as Lloyd says they probably are as good as any and
better than most. I sent these samples off to England and had the cards
made by Wendy. But we could as well make our own cards, really. Each has
their own perspective in making a card, but I think I might trust the
perspective of an older person with a lot of experience than most younger
persons--though not all. Some are born with a better connection than I can
ever hope to have. And so it goes.

 We each have our focus, and our distortions. It is useful to ask what your
own focus and distortions are, and to pursue this, as one can learn a lot.

I don't exactly want to say that I have done this, even though I have,
because I cannot tell how much I have to work through to attain what others
may be born with. I don't know that I have done this to the finish. In
fact, I'm sure I have not done this to the finish.

I've worked on my consciousness, sure, and know that we could all afford
to--would greatly benefit from it. It's humbling, as what comes out is all
one's foolishness, pettyness, stupidity,  blindness, wishful thinking, etc.
And when is that reservoir dry? When we wish? Or when we cannot find any
more? And even when we can't, are we good at finding more in the depths of
our spirit?

When dowsing, are we not taking on the most direct of spiritual challenges?
One sets an intent and then explores what might be the answer. And one must
take the indication, clear, either yes or no, or either a degree or
percent, a gradient, a scale or a selection. One must go from there with

Here's one of the hitches. Reality conforms to our mental images. So when
we think things must be one way or another, they generally conform, though
there are a lot of factors involved, particularly when many other people
are involved. But Heisenberg, back in the thirties, proposed that the very
presence of the observer and his measuring instruments was a determining
factor in the field of investigation. And so it seems to be. We tend to
create the realities we inhabit. So where will we experience the ultimate
truths? When we mould them? Or when we seek the creative authority of the
whole, entire universe to show us the mould?

I'll leave us with that question.

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Re: Vitality and fertility ofsoils

2003-04-01 Thread Hugh Lovel
>In a message dated 3/31/03 11:02:19 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
><< Heck I'm not trying to convert you guys to radionics you have no need of
>it - just see our side of the story - and try to appreciate why we (or some
>of us) are so interested in these other ways of doing things.
>Lloyd Charles >>
>What about an egg shaped urn buried in the earth, the one I have has a 12,000
>foot influence on the farm and surrounding area.  I fill it with teas of 500,
>bc, 501 508, nettles, etc...sstorch


There you are. You do good work. Keep it up.

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Re: Vitality and fertility ofsoils

2003-04-01 Thread Hugh Lovel
>In a message dated 3/31/03 11:21:28 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
><< Are you meaning cow pat pit or horn clay as the BCR?
> >>
>Due to some bs government eyebrow raising on interstate shipments we stopped
>all reference to barrel compost or cow pat manure and call it biodynamic
>compound preparation.  I make mine with a special arrangement of 500-508 with
>clay, not orn clay just clay, I am not sold on horn clay, will make the Hugo
>Herbe clay prep this fall...SStorch


Jeez, Storch! Why not put your clay in a horn? What's the problem? Afraid
it will get some cosmic forces?

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Re: Raw Milk - Submission to Health Canada

2003-04-01 Thread Hugh Lovel
>- Original Message -
>From: Virginia Salares <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Monday, March 31, 2003 12:17 PM
>Subject: Raw Milk - Submission to Health Canada
>> Virginia Salares
>Hi Virginia
> Are you aware of the health implications involved in the A2 milk issue?? -
>Google search 'A2 milk' for more info.
>Lloyd Charles

Dear Virginia, Lloyd, et. al.,

Back when Pasteur came up with his process of pasteurization to cure the
wine industry's problems of wine turning to vinegar, he was on to
something. The trouble is the same principle does not apply to milk,
although in our day good old bad science has prevailed again in the face of
good sense.

In the case of milk, there are immune cells, sometimes called somatic
cells, leukocytes or white blood cells. These fight pathogens such as the
common E. coli, Staph. aureus, Strep. etc. that are rather commonly found
in the envrionments of milk cattle. While grape juice has no leukocytes,
and thus has no means of fighting contamination, raw milk does. And what
all the immune factors are in raw milk, we cannot know, for the scope of
biochemistry can only penetrate the chemistry of milk maybe 10 or 20
percent--as when we analyse it, we must kill it. Thus the subtlety of its
chemistry could be far greater than the scope of our ability to analyse it.
But nevertheless we know that within the immune cells we have a terrific
ability to fight pathogens.

Pasteurization kills not only the majority of micro-organisms that exist in
raw milk, it kills all the immune cells. Thus the resulting pasteurized
milk, when it gets a bad micro-organism in it, the pathogen takes over big
time. And we get some types we wouldn't have seen in raw milk, such as
Listeria and Pasteurella.

Studies from back in the thirties--I don't have the exact reference--show
that amonst people drinking raw milk none got tuberculosis, while amongst
those drinking pasteurized milk 7 to 9 percent did. Tuberculosis is one of
the diseases that pasteurization is supposed to protect people against, yet
the research indicates otherwise.

An explanation of this was given to me by no less than Charles Murphy, the
chief scientist of the Georgia Milk Commission. In his words, "Any more,
milk in the store has so few micro-organisms in it that when people DO get
some pathogen in their milk they have no acquired immunity."

This makes some sense. When people drank fresh raw milk it contained a
variety of immune factors, all of which we cannot know, but some of which
are documented. When pasteurized, these are lost. So we may kill the
tuberculosis organisms in the pasteurized milk that we drink, but we get no
immunity to tuberculosis by drinking that milk. So if we encounter
tuberculosis from other sources, we are lost.

Is pasteurization of milk bad science, or what?

Trust that in government money talks and science walks. Money can utilize
bad science and get away with it, because lawmakers are usually not
scientists though they usually have a keen appreciation of money. There
are, of course, some exceptions, and I do not wish to malign all
politicians. But generally what is the accepted scientific wisdom on any
subject is ten to twenty years in advance of the laws. In some cases, like
the fertilizer laws, it is a hundred years ahead. In others it may be only
a couple years ahead. But on the average, 10 to 20 seems a safe figure.

Hugh Lovel

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Re: Vitality and fertility ofsoils

2003-04-01 Thread Lloyd Charles
Hugh wrote
> I haven't any doubt that were Rudolf  Steiner around today he would be
teaching > farmers how to use radionic  instruments and field broadcasters
as well as getting > kids to stir  preparations for their Waldorf School
gardens by hand.

Nor have I any doubt about that
All those 'anti' to radionics should read Steiner's reply to Pfeiffer more

" the benefits of the biodynamic preparations should be made available as
quickly as possible to the largest possible areas of the entire Earth, for
the Earth's healing"

does'nt say anything about restricting the manner of application of those
benefits to a pre ordained method.
There are vast areas of the earth that cannot possibly be treated by
conventional spraying of the preps - application costs will just not allow
it to happen - field broadcasters can be set up for 50cents an acre and
maintained in active service for a small fraction of that.
Cheers all
Lloyd Charles

Re: Vitality and fertility ofsoils

2003-04-01 Thread Christiane . Jaeger


May I have a go as someone who knows precious little about all this.

There seem to be two lines of thought:
1. Stimulating soil life, by making clay minerals available.  Bentonite is
a weathering product of volcanic tuffs, usually high Mg containing
montmorillonites.  The minerals are easily available to microorganisms and
plants and especially recomended for light sandy soils in small quantities
but frequently.

2. "but I'd rather use local paddock reared clay"  sounds to me as you
wanting to access energies or, in my interpretation, in the [clay] soils
laid down learning by your environment (or is it of your environment?).  I
relate this  to deep psychology - accessing the sub- or unconscious deep
learnings and then connect this with what is happening now in an
up-and-down process.  Analogously, what about  adding little bits of each
soil layer to create an interchange of knowledge between the past and the


[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 02/04/2003 09:27:47 AM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]



Subject:Re: Vitality and fertility ofsoils

Steve Storch wrote >
> I have to dis agree.  If it is not done by the human hand where does the
> individuality arise from.  Take ten minutes, stir the water and make the
> "reagent",, you owe it to yourself...sstorch
 OK Steve (and any others that would like to comment) - I'll try this - a
couple of questions though -
1. will this stirred water hold the energy pattern long enough to use it in
a vial in the broadcaster (weeks or months) - that doesn't work with
preps ? Otherwise I need to make your 'stirred water 'card.

2. three of us are putting down some horns (of 500) this weekend and I'd
like to include some clay, you have some different ideas on clay - any
suggestions ?
these are some options
:: bentonite - its easy but I'd rather use local paddock reared clay
:: I have a nice maroon clay from our subsoil layer - sticky and extremely
dense, mostly magnesium it comes from about 6 to 18 inches deep in the
:: a yellowish sticky but highly dispersive, high sodium clay from our deep
:: black pond muck - you talked about this stuff a while back  - its a
silty clay that settles in the bottom of our farm water storage dams -
powerful stuff - very nutrient rich - has some humic material included from
organic wash in
3. we will be doing this in a new pit - any suggestions to pre treat the
for a better result - I'd thought to spray it out with stirred 500 before
putting the horns in ? Line the bottom with good compost maybe? What else
Thanks for any suggestions
Lloyd Charles

Re: Vitality and fertility ofsoils

2003-04-01 Thread Hugh Lovel
>In a message dated 3/30/03 7:08:48 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
><< how it can be measured and how it can be
>changed using Albrecht/Rheams. >>
>How can we enhance the vitality using the biodynamic remedies???  By doing
>sequential sprays of 500, 501, and biodynamic compound remedy [bcr] with
>502-508, and 508, 500/508, 501/508 and bcr that is how.  Is this a radionics
>or a biodynamic discussion group???  In the agriculture lectures Steiner
>refers several times to keeping the work on the farm in the realm of the
>living.  Ergo, sheathe material from domestic and wild animals, plants, and
>As  far as I am concerned I do not care for any of these scientific
>evaluations until the preparations have been used for two years...sstorch


I think you are way out of line.

What is so "in the realm of the living" about a stirring machine, a spray
rig and a tractor? I don't get it. A radionic instrument is a whole lot
MORE in the realm of the living as it is a bit mechanical--like a transit
or a telescope--and a good bit more living operator who is using the
radionic instrument to project his intention.

And what is this notion you seem to have that radionics and biodynamics
are, what? Mutually exclusive? Huh??? I haven't any doubt that were Rudolf
Steiner around today he would be teaching farmers how to use radionic
instruments and field broadcasters as well as getting kids to stir
preparations for their Waldorf School gardens by hand.

As you know I fully support you in your stirring and spraying. I think that
you're doing good work there. Why send me scorn by return mail for
radionics? Is this some only solution trip you're crusing on?


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Re: Vitality and fertility ofsoils

2003-04-01 Thread Lloyd Charles

Steve Storch wrote >
> I have to dis agree.  If it is not done by the human hand where does the
> individuality arise from.  Take ten minutes, stir the water and make the
> "reagent",, you owe it to yourself...sstorch
 OK Steve (and any others that would like to comment) - I'll try this - a
couple of questions though -
1. will this stirred water hold the energy pattern long enough to use it in
a vial in the broadcaster (weeks or months) - that doesn't work with stirred
preps ? Otherwise I need to make your 'stirred water 'card.

2. three of us are putting down some horns (of 500) this weekend and I'd
like to include some clay, you have some different ideas on clay - any
suggestions ?
these are some options
:: bentonite - its easy but I'd rather use local paddock reared clay
:: I have a nice maroon clay from our subsoil layer - sticky and extremely
dense, mostly magnesium it comes from about 6 to 18 inches deep in the
:: a yellowish sticky but highly dispersive, high sodium clay from our deep
:: black pond muck - you talked about this stuff a while back  - its a black
silty clay that settles in the bottom of our farm water storage dams -
powerful stuff - very nutrient rich - has some humic material included from
organic wash in
3. we will be doing this in a new pit - any suggestions to pre treat the pit
for a better result - I'd thought to spray it out with stirred 500 before
putting the horns in ? Line the bottom with good compost maybe? What else
Thanks for any suggestions
Lloyd Charles

Re: Vitality and fertility ofsoils

2003-04-01 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 4/1/03 8:53:54 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< broadcaster coils and blending with the patterns of the preps held in the
well replicates the role of stirring. cosmic energies coming in through
vortex and chaos to blend with the patterns of the preps. >>

I have to dis agree.  If it is not done by the human hand where does the farm 
individuality arise from.  Take ten minutes, stir the water and make the 
"reagent",, you owe it to yourself...sstorch

ELF - Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Fields

2003-04-01 Thread Peace Beours
Dear Alberto and list,

Regarding: << ... seeing what they do empirically, and kind of sounding the 
alarm on my own head and seeing what they do empirically, and kind of 
sounding the alarm on what we are now experiencing.

By Dr Robert Beck. President United States Psychotronics Association, 1985. 

Is this the same Dr. Robert Beck who wrote The Body Electric?
Help STOP SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*

Re: Vitality and fertility ofsoils

2003-04-01 Thread Lloyd Charles

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 8:28 PM
Subject: Re: Vitality and fertility ofsoils

> Hey, I am glad to here that you will get around to actually doing some
> of the living spraying.  When you make your "cards" are the preps right
> of the ground or are they stirred?  How can you introduce the stirring
> process to radionics and field broadcasting?  Is there a stirred water
> card???  Keep on... SStorch
Steve  I use cards made from Hugh Lovel's preps - I figure his are as good
as any - better than most - I assume they are from the ground.  I keep some
special energised rainwater vials in the broadcaster well and I believe the
cosmic energies travelling through the forward and reverse rotation of the
broadcaster coils and blending with the patterns of the preps held in the
well replicates the role of stirring. cosmic energies coming in through
vortex and chaos to blend with the patterns of the preps.
Lloyd Charles >

Re: Vitality and fertility ofsoils

2003-04-01 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 3/31/03 11:02:19 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< Heck I'm not trying to convert you guys to radionics you have no need of
it - just see our side of the story - and try to appreciate why we (or some
of us) are so interested in these other ways of doing things.
Lloyd Charles >>

What about an egg shaped urn buried in the earth, the one I have has a 12,000 
foot influence on the farm and surrounding area.  I fill it with teas of 500, 
bc, 501 508, nettles, etc...sstorch

Re: Vitality and fertility ofsoils

2003-04-01 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 3/31/03 11:21:28 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< Are you meaning cow pat pit or horn clay as the BCR?  


Due to some bs government eyebrow raising on interstate shipments we stopped 
all reference to barrel compost or cow pat manure and call it biodynamic 
compound preparation.  I make mine with a special arrangement of 500-508 with 
clay, not orn clay just clay, I am not sold on horn clay, will make the Hugo 
Herbe clay prep this fall...SStorch 

Re: Vitality and fertility ofsoils

2003-04-01 Thread SBruno75
Hey, I am glad to here that you will get around to actually doing some realm 
of the living spraying.  When you make your "cards" are the preps right out 
of the ground or are they stirred?  How can you introduce the stirring 
process to radionics and field broadcasting?  Is there a stirred water 
card???  Keep on... SStorch

In a message dated 3/31/03 11:02:19 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< long term.
Heck I'm not trying to convert you guys to radionics you have no need of
it - just see our side of the story - and try to appreciate why we (or some
of us) are so interested in these other ways of doing things. >>