Re: Missed call communication protocol

2007-02-07 Thread wim delvaux
On Wednesday 07 February 2007 12:16:33 Richard Bennett wrote:
> Hi all,
> In keeping with moving the control advantage away from the network
> operators, and to the users, I wonder what you think of this suggestion:
> When you use a SIP server, like , you can set the CLI (Calling
> line identifier) to any value you like when you send the call on to a PSTN
> gateway.
> That means the 'from' number you see on your mobile screen when I call you
> from a SIP proxy can be any numeric value I like. (most PSTN termination
> gateways will require a valid e164 number
> So I can send a call to my openmoko number, using a CLI set to +10 followed
> by 13 arbitrary numbers, which should satisfy the e164 requirement .
> No real phone numbers start with +10 , so I could program my openmoko to
> reject any calls arriving with a CLI starting with +10, and to process the
> next 13 numbers of the CLI as a message, hiding this call from the missed
> calls list.
> As far as I know there is no networks charge for a rejected call from a
> mobile, and initiating a call from the openmoko to a number that always
> returns a 'busy' would also be free of charge.
> This gives us a free up/down communication channel that can take a payload
> of 13 numbers in each packet.
> This could be used for:
> * Push email notification.
> * Presence. Like the 'online' indicator in a chat app that shows your
> status. This is the next big area carriers are looking to charge us for,
> with their new IM platforms. It can also be used in the routing logic of
> your own SIP proxy/PBX, for instance: "Forward calls to mobile unless GSM
> presence is 'meeting' in that case send calling number by SMS, if SMS
> presence is 'available', and forward calls to secretary".
> * Ultra Short Message Service (SMSes that use a phrase-book on both sender
> and receiver, so you send the number that identifies a pre-formatted
> message i.e.: 112='Please call home when you're free').
> * Trigger predefined macros (shell scripts) on the phone, like "Send GPS
> coords by SMS".
> * Sync applications, like 'mark meeting14 as postponed', or "New updates
> available, do you want to sync now?"
> etc
> Unless our list lawyers shoot this idea down from the start, we could start
> thinking about the best way to define a missed-call protocol.
> I'm thinking of using 4 of the numbers as a identifying pincode, then a 3
> digit action identifier, and use the next 6 digits as payload depending on
> what action was selected .
> For instance update our presence info from the Openmoko to a server:
>  Call server: +122334455
>  send CLI +101234999100100
> That is:
> +1=   Required valid international code
> 0 =   protocol identifier that never occurs in real calls.
> 1234= pincode to identify the caller, and assign access rights. (Many
> different servers could send MCP (missed call protocol) messages to the
> same phone, a bit like the bluetooth pincode/identifier)
> 999   =   matches 'update presence information'
> 1 =   GSM available.
> 0 =   GPRS offline
> 0 =   Bluetooth offline
> 1 =   SMS available
> 0 =   reserved
> 0 =   reserved.
> What do you think?

If this works I vote for it (for as long as it will work ...)  However 
receiving SMS is also free no ? couldn't you use that ?

> Richard.
> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Google's summer of code 2007

2007-02-16 Thread wim delvaux
Since the NEO is open , perhaps submit some projects ?


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: FOSDEM OpenMoko talk now on

2007-02-27 Thread wim delvaux
On Tuesday 27 February 2007 17:26:42 Igor Foox wrote:
> On 2/26/07, Rod Whitby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >> Ole Tange wrote:
> > >> > I had hoped there was video coverage of the event. When I found out
> > >> > there was not I asked one of the better seated persons to record the
> > >> > event using my pocket camera. I have yet to see if the recording is
> > >> > acceptable.
> > >> >
> > >> > What is the easiest way to distribute the video?
> >
> > Thanks to Ole and SpeedEvil (on IRC), the FOSDEM talk is now on
> > - search for "openmoko" and you'll find it.
> Can anyone who was present at FOSDEM tell the rest of us what the
> pricing options for the Neo are? There is a slide in the video where
> Sean talks about the pricing for the {Regular,Car Kit, Hacker's
> Lunchbox} and the included accessories, but he never says the price
> outloud, and alas the slides are incomprehensible. :P

IIRC : retail 350 (375 ?) for the neo with some stuff and 200 for the lunchbox
> Thanks,
> Igor
> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: coverage at

2007-03-05 Thread wim delvaux
On Tuesday 06 March 2007 03:02:38 Andreas Kostyrka wrote:
> * Marcin Juszkiewicz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [070305 07:35]:
> > Dnia niedziela, 4 marca 2007, Joe Pfeiffer napisał:
> > > Andreas Kostyrka writes:
> > > >Just wondering, but did I get that right, the Hackers version that
> > > >will be available this month will only be a developers board, without
> > > >a phone casing => unuseable as a mobile phone in day-to-day
> > > >operations, right?
> > >
> > > My understanding is that the $350 "standard kit" will be a real live
> > > phone, though a bit rough around the edges.  You seem to be describing
> > > the $250 "hacker's lunchbox".
> >
> > Hacker's lunchbox is EXTRA equipment (costs 200 USD) to normal package of
> > Neo1973 (costs 350 USD).
> >
> > So Hacker's lunchbox version is 550 USD in total. Thats how I understand
> > it and I think that this is how it looks.
> Well, that doesn't seem to be the answer in this case, because the
> $350 package won't be available before Summer, right?

No, AFAIK it will available but in a 0-version.  the summer we will see 
an 'update'/'upgrade'.  the lunchbox version (name will be changed I think), 
will be only for those ppl. that need to mess with hardware 

> Andreas
> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Where to find latest ...

2008-02-05 Thread wim . delvaux
Qtopia download images and the latest OpenMoko images ?


OpenMoko community mailing list

odd UI for 12/01 snapshot

2008-02-09 Thread wim . delvaux
Just installed 20071201 snapshot and the nice black UI seems to have turned to 
odd window-like environment.  Is this an option I should set ?


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Community update: Regarding Neo FreeRunner pre-orders

2008-02-26 Thread wim . delvaux
Do not forget shipping costs and problems with repair etc. If you have to keep 
sending devices back and forth to foreign EU countries.

AFAIK, these are much more expensive than in the US.


On Monday 25 February 2008 22:48:08 David Pottage wrote:
> On Monday 25 February 2008, Michael Shiloh wrote:
> > Ivo Anjo wrote:
> > >>  3. When the phones reach the distribution centers in Europe and USA,
> > >> we will open the web store and begin taking orders.
> > >
> > > Does this mean that it will be possible to purchase openmoko from
> > > inside the EU, so there are no random customs taxes? That would be
> > > great!
> >
> > Hi Ivo,
> >
> > That is certainly our intention, which is why we have been trying to set
> > up distributors in as many places as possible.
> >
> > The only one I know of so far is in Germany. Since that's in the EU,
> > that should work for you, right?
> It would work, but the rate of sales tax is fairly high in Germany. Under
> EU rules, Europeans can buy stuff from anywhere in the EU, and pay the
> sales tax rate prevalent in the country where the shop operates instead of
> the rate in their home country.
> If FIC setup a web shop in a European country with a low sales tax rate
> such as Belgum, Europeans buying Freerunner phones could save around 10%
> compared with buying from a German web shop.
> Having said that, it is not a huge cost, and having a web shop any where in
> Europe is a great improvement over importing from the Far East.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: TomTom on Openmoko?

2008-03-27 Thread wim . delvaux
On Thursday 27 March 2008 15:05:58 Christ van Willegen wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 2:51 PM, Marcus Bauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> >  And working phone operating systems can be bought from Symbian, Apple
> >  and even Microsoft. And yet we develop a new one!
> >
> >  The whole point of Open Source is the freedom (and fun) to participate.
> That's why I am opposed to running TomTom software on the Freerunner.
> I know their software, and I know their maps, but closed source and
> closed data will not help us forward...

Sorry FREEdom is choice.  If I want to pay TomTom for the quality of their 
maps I want to be free to do so.

So chosing closed stuff is choice of the beholder.

Hence I think you should not oppose but rather NOT choose to install TomTom.  
However if your opposition to bring it onto the freerunner limits my choice I 
think you are wrong.


> Christ van Willegen

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Video Playback virtually impossible on Neo Freerunner? (Re: Video of Qt 4.4 on Neo1973: brings iPhone like graphics)

2008-04-28 Thread wim . delvaux
What if you could use one of those 'coming very soon' Laser projection 
device(s) connected to USB ?

On Monday 28 April 2008 08:17:18 Flyin_bbb8 wrote:
> just thinking out loud here, for example maybe you have some short videos
> you want to show to some other people, so u can open an app that checks the
> amount of memory you have, then checks the amount it needs to do
> decoding. if it has enough it does the decoding (not at full speed) 'n
> lets u know when it's complete, then u can watch it 'n decide if u wanna
> watch it again or delete the decoded part from memory again... not sure if
> this is possible, not an expert here...
> On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 4:47 AM, The Rasterman Carsten Haitzler <
> > On Mon, 28 Apr 2008 03:09:51 +0200 ramsesoriginal <
> >
> > babbled:
> > > I'm not an expert, so maybe this question is silly, but it just popped
> > > to my mind: using mencod, couldn't you decode the video, store it in
> > > decoded form and then you have onyl to copy it? If this would be
> > > possible, you cold make some sort of video-transfere-applciation where
> > > you can set the desidred speed/size/ratio..
> > >
> > > again, i have no idea if it's possible, just 2 thoughts from my side..
> >
> > yes. that's possible. of course your 100mb movie file becomes about 1-2gb
> > now :) maybe more...
> >
> > in theory u should manage [EMAIL PROTECTED] (24fps is movie framerate in the
> > cinemas). as u have almost no decode (though you have to read it from
> > some IO
> > souce). so u need an IO source that can stream 7mb/sec to you (good luck
> > finding that!) but *IF* u did... a 2 hour movie would be about 46gb of
> > data...
> > good luck finding that storage too! :)
> >
> > in other words... "not practical to have it unencoded to avoid decoding".
> >
> > i used a 2hr movie just as an example so you know just how much video
> > compression gets you... it saves an AMAZING amount of space. the numbers
> > for
> > pure video source (that is zero quality loss original RGB data) is double
> > that
> > for [EMAIL PROTECTED] (92gb)...
> >
> > in the end beyond a "hey my phone is so cool i play high-res video" demos
> > of 30
> > second clips (that woul still be enormous and u wouldnt be able to store
> > more
> > than 1 or 2 anyway - but as a demo to show off its enough), it is just
> > not useful or practical.
> >
> > yes - we can go for simpler compression schmes that still require decode,
> > but
> > just less effort and eerything just adjusts. we spend less decode time,
> > but
> > require more IO bandwidth and vice-versa. once decoded u have a tradeoff
> > of
> > resolution vs frames per second as the pipe u have to send it down is
> > fixed in
> > size. you choose your favorite tradeoff, but somewhere there you will
> > need to
> > make one.
> >
> > --
> > Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > ___
> > Openmoko community mailing list
> >
> >

Openmoko community mailing list

Upgrading 1973 to Freerunner

2008-04-28 Thread wim . delvaux
In view of 'many' 1973's becoming obsolete and probably 'ridden' with 
unfixable problems, would it be 'thinkable' to replace the
internals of the device with a FreeRunner Motherboard ?

I heard that the most costly part of a device it the screen, and that the 
screen IFAIK is the same for both systems, an upgrade would be 

Is this at all thinkable ?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Video Playback virtually impossible on Neo Freerunner? (Re: Video of Qt 4.4 on Neo1973: brings iPhone like graphics)

2008-04-28 Thread wim . delvaux
On Monday 28 April 2008 17:40:38 Carsten Haitzler wrote:
> On Mon, 28 Apr 2008 09:26:43 -0500 "Tim Shannon"
> babbled:
> > But isn't it still limited by the bandwidth available from the micro SD
> > card?  Maybe I misunderstood that.
> >
> > Basically what I'm curious about is if in the future someone does take
> > the time to figure out and write the appropriate driver for the glamo
> > chip, will we be able to watch movies on the free runner?
> please follow the thread. it *IS* possible. you just need to give up
> something. resolution or framerate. simple as that. the glamo has limits
> like any piece of hardware. they are just not very "extreme" limits. they
> are rather narrow.

Euh, I thought that is it because the glamo and the SD are on the same 'bus' 
or something that there is a bottleneck, not because of the glamo.

Or am I missing something ?


> > On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 7:12 AM, Mikko Rauhala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > wrote:
> > > On ma, 2008-04-28 at 13:59 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > > What if you could use one of those 'coming very soon' Laser
> > > > projection device(s) connected to USB ?
> > >
> > > You'd be looking at 12 Mbit/s max for the USB1.1, not fun.
> > >
> > > Really peeps, face it, seems that the sane way to do non-crappy video
> > > on the Freerunner is to get driver support for that Glamo mpeg-4
> > > decoding (remember, the hardware is capable). Hopefully everyone's
> > > grasping at straws makes OM bump up the priority a bit (though again,
> > > for now there are certainly more important things to do).
> > >
> > > --
> > > Mikko Rauhala   - [EMAIL PROTECTED] ->
> > > Transhumanist   - WTA member ->
> > > Singularitarian - SIAI supporter ->
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ___
> > > Openmoko community mailing list
> > >
> > >

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Programming OM (was: Software)

2008-05-06 Thread wim . delvaux
On Wednesday 07 May 2008 01:19:00 Thomas Jensen wrote:
> Clinton Ebadi wrote:
> > The nice part about the Openmoko platform is that you can now apply
> > the Emacs mentality to a phone: if it is a simple feature you can hack
> > it together in an afternoon yourself.
> I am new here. Do I understand this correct - it will be possible to
> write programs on the phone for the phone? Or will I need to write and
> compile the programs on a pc?
> One thing I liked about my Palm PDA was OnBoardC - I had my first
> program running, written on the PDA, a week after I got it. But Palm
> also had some very fine documentation, and OnBoardC had a programming
> Cookbook, so it was easy to get started.
> I have not been able to find the same level of documentation (yet?) to
> OM. I have downloaded the toolchain, and I more or less know how to use
> it, thanks to a wiki page (
> But..
> > It would probably take about two hours if you were jumping into the
> > framework from scratch. So just do it.
> Do you have a link to a good starting point?  :-)

AFAIK, the OM system is a FULL linux system allowing support for ANY 
programming tool available on linux Providing there is a arm version of the 
tool floating around.

In fact, because of cross compilers, it is possible to write software on the 
phone but not for the phone (e.g even for WinCE might be feasible)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Freerunner games

2008-05-12 Thread wim . delvaux
On Tuesday 13 May 2008 00:30:51 Ron K. Jeffries wrote:
> Etch-a-sketch using accelerometers would rock
> the classic Snake game would also be and cool
> with these controls

or a car-driving games where you could use the accelerometer as 'steering 


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Marble madness type interface

2008-05-12 Thread wim . delvaux
On Tuesday 13 May 2008 01:30:58 andre n wrote:
> Since you have the accelerometers. What about a marble madness type inter
> face for control scrolling or menu functions.  Not so much of
> a balancing act, as a quick twitch or roll of the wrist.
> ?

Yes that would be nice (no need for fingers to scroll)

> Andre'
> (Long time listener first time caller.)

Openmoko community mailing list


2008-06-03 Thread wim . delvaux
Hi all,

is there any page on the wiki that shows the current GUI state of OM ?

Especially with the 'switch' to Qt I would like to know how both environments 
interact graphically.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: screenshots

2008-06-03 Thread wim . delvaux
In essense I was looking for pictures that give me an Idea of the OM user
experience to drool over :)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Illume / ASU on GTA01 - Video

2008-06-04 Thread wim . delvaux
On Thursday 05 June 2008 01:38:03 thomasg wrote:
> Hi list,
> there are still many people who don't know about ASU, and about the change
> in the Openmoko distribution - and there are not many videos, too.
> So I decided to do a small video to show what it looks like, what it
> behaves like and some of the next-generation apps.
> I took my Neo (still gta01), flashed one of the qtopia-x11 images[1]
> (that's what ASU is at moment!) and played around.
> It's far away from being complete, it's not perfect and it surely doesn't
> show what will come, but I hope it will show you what the softwareguys at
> openmoko are working on and what the future will look alike.
> Here it is: (16 MB,
> ~3.5 min)
> I hope you don't mind getting no crappy flashvideo this time, but a 500
> kbps h264 with vorbis sound.
> Feel free to download, share, and whatever you want.
> P.S. Excuse my bad english, I'm not a native speaker :(

That's more like it !

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: No 3G for GTA03, 2G/EDGE only?

2008-06-10 Thread wim . delvaux
On Tuesday 10 June 2008 13:46:59 Justyn Butler wrote:
> 2008/6/10 The Rasterman Carsten Haitzler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > i'd love a better cpu - better memory bus and much more. right now the
> > only thing we have is gta03 - same cpu as freerunner etc etc. just
> > different gsm subsystem (2g/edge) and no glamo (dumb 2442 fb), new case,
> > added camera.
> Hi,
> Maybe this was a typo, but are you saying that the current plan is to
> ditch the existing GSM subsystem yet replace it with a modem that
> can't even handle 3G?

In fact 2G/Edge is really fast (more like standard ADSL speeds over here in 

Also latency is the real pain for Cellurar communication.

> That sounds crazy!
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: No 3G for GTA03, 2G/EDGE only?

2008-06-10 Thread wim . delvaux
On Tuesday 10 June 2008 22:31:52 thomasg wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 3:12 PM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > In fact 2G/Edge is really fast (more like standard ADSL speeds over here
> > in Europe).
> You're kidding, right?
> EDGE maxes out at about 470 kbps - if you get a full channel (8 timeslots)
> for yourself.
> In most GSM networks one of the timeslots is reserved for signalling (BCCH)
> so 7 staying (~420 kbps).
> Even this is only true if you get coding scheme 9. But then you'd have to
> have a device that supports EDGE at this rates.
> Most devices only support up to ~250 kbps (mostly less). Under real life
> conditions you'll get about 120 to 200 kbps as best rates.
> In germany DSL starts at 384 kbps if the landline is very long. The slowest
> available option normally is 1000 kbps. The average should be between 3000
> and 6000 kbps. 16000 kbps are available in most areas. Max is at 25000 or
> 5 in some cities.
> There are other countries like sweden where much higher rates are common.

Well entry level ADSL here in belgium are 250 Kbits.
Also UMTS claimed 2Mbits are never acchieved except perhaps in densly 
populated area

> > Also latency is the real pain for Cellurar communication.
> >
> > CU
> > W
> >
> > > That sounds crazy!
> > >
> > > ___
> > > Openmoko community mailing list
> > >
> > >
> >
> > ___
> > Openmoko community mailing list
> >
> >

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Why not use forum?

2008-06-12 Thread wim . delvaux
On Thursday 12 June 2008 23:33:37 Ben Burdette wrote:
> >> Hi!
> >> I was wondering - why are we not using forum for community?
> >> It's much  better to view, you can subscribe and unsubscribe to the
> >> topics you want and etc.
> >
> > For me, mailing list is much better to view, filter, read off-line,
> > quick download etc. etc. For admins, mailing list is much easier to
> > maintain (no buggy, crappy phpBB, etc.).
> I wouldn't say mailing lists are entirely bug free - witness the
> duplicate messages I regularly delete out of my openmoko folder on a
> regular basis.
> for me some advantages of forums:
> - far easier to set up and use, no filters and etc.

Supposing that you read other mail using thunderbird your mail is always 
running.  So Instead of firing up FF, clicking on a bookmark, selecting the 
forum and waiting all the time while pages load, look at your running mail 
and see if messages of OM have arrived.  'easier to use ' what could be 
easier ?

> - far less distracting, with no emails coming in every 5 secs for every
> topic.

I have set up a rule automatically moves the OM messages to a folder I read 
when I have time.  Setting up that rule takes less time than registering on a 

> - don't have to download 1 million emails onto all my machines that I
> use thunderbird on.

Leave your messages on the server for all thunderbirds that are NOT master so 
you only download the messages you want to read.

> +1 for forums from me.
> or, why not usenet??   what's wrong with newsgroups?  I don't understand
> why people prefer mailing lists to newsgroups.

Because mailing lists do not require you to check for new news from time to 
time but you get messages as they become available.

Because mails are much easier to process than web pages are. (bloated with 
stuff as they frequently are).

Because you have fewer steps needed to access messages.  Forums generally 
require you to select at least the forum you want to open).

> Ben B.
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Why not use forum?

2008-06-12 Thread wim . delvaux
On Friday 13 June 2008 00:55:34 arne anka wrote:
> > No, thanks. If I have to check a particular webpage, or even many of
> > them,
> > periodically to see if someone wrote something new, I'll give up quickly.
> well, i've seen a forum recently which propagates new entries through rss
> feeds. thus, it works pretty much like a mailing list -- but. of course
> you still have to log in to post a reply/new message ...

Still this is not the same as you need to start an rss program to trace the 
rss whereas my email is always open.  Also i do not know if rss has thread 
processing ?


> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Why not use forum?

2008-06-13 Thread wim . delvaux
> But I still don't understand why groups choose mailing lists over
> newsgroups.  Weren't newsgroups designed with this kind of thing in
> mind?   By default you just download the headers without having to get
> the text of every message, you can subscribe and unsubscribe from them
> without impacting your regular email account.  I know you can just get
> email headers if you want, but that means I have to set my regular email
> account up all 'header only' or all downloading everything.

True, newsgroups are VERY similar to mail.  I use them too for other stuff.  
However I use news for groups I follow very unregularly (from time to time).  
Forums I use only when there are problems I need to solve and I am looking 
hard for solutions, mail I use for groups I want to follow very closely (and 
even participate in replying to issues such as this :).


PS. About you remark that ppl repeat the context of the reply.  I like this 
since it allows me to follow threads more easily.  If only the reply would be 
present I would need to find the mail to which this reply was intented.

> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtExtended] some things

2009-03-16 Thread wim . delvaux
Dale, lorn ... please, go take a cold shower and a few deep breaths to cool 

This discussion isn't leading anywhere ...


On Tuesday 17 March 2009 01:39:22 Lorn Potter wrote:
> Dale Maggee wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> > Lorn Potter wrote:
> >> Dale Maggee wrote:
> >>> Aah, the fun continues...
> [snip utter nonsense]
> and you have just demonstrated your maturity level. Go home, your
> parents want to wash your mouth out with soap.
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

'dead' neo

2009-04-13 Thread wim . delvaux
Hi all,

I want to 'revive' my 'neo' but as expected battery is completly empty .. so 
no recharge possible.

I was looking for the cheapest way to put some charge in the device so it can 
work again.

I was thinking about buying a new and compatible battery and charge again, but 
which batteries are compatible and can be found easily ?

Other suggestions perhaps ?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: 'dead' neo

2009-04-13 Thread wim . delvaux
Hi franky,

'Van liedekerke' sound flemish ... are you ?

It is the Neo (not the freerunner).  it only has a power button AFAIK ...


On Monday 13 April 2009 20:04:58 Franky Van Liedekerke wrote:
> On Mon, 13 Apr 2009 19:56:47 +0200
> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I want to 'revive' my 'neo' but as expected battery is completly
> > empty .. so no recharge possible.
> >
> > I was looking for the cheapest way to put some charge in the device
> > so it can work again.
> >
> > I was thinking about buying a new and compatible battery and charge
> > again, but which batteries are compatible and can be found easily ?
> >
> > Other suggestions perhaps ?
> connect the usb to your pc, press and hold aux and then press the power
> button, that should give you the NOR boot menu, where you can select
> "boot" ... that worked for me in the past.
> Franky
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: 'dead' neo -- IT IS ALIVE, IT IS ALIVE !!! ... thanx all

2009-04-13 Thread wim . delvaux
On Tuesday 14 April 2009 01:02:23 Robin Paulson wrote:
> 2009/4/14  :
> > I want to 'revive' my 'neo' but as expected battery is completly empty ..
> > so no recharge possible.
> >
> > I was looking for the cheapest way to put some charge in the device so it
> > can work again.
> >
> > I was thinking about buying a new and compatible battery and charge
> > again, but which batteries are compatible and can be found easily ?
> >
> > Other suggestions perhaps ?
> personally, i've never had any problems booting it as i normally boot,
> while connected to my pc by usb. it usually takes a couple of
> attempts, but no need to mess around with spare nokia batteries, nor
> boot or any other tricks. i just plug it in, boot through nand and
> away it goes
> this is running 2008.12, with the stock kernel, and u-boot from last
> year i think
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

latest qt-embedded image

2009-04-13 Thread wim . delvaux
Hi all,

sorry to ask this question 'again' but I have been following this list with 
half-an-eye so I am not sure which i should take.

Could anybody point me to the latest kernel and qt-embedded image that can run 
on the NEO 1973 () so not on the Freerunner !!!

Or can all images run on the neo1973 (GTA01) (I have read a message that some 
snapshots do not work but that might be old news)

Is there any WIKI-or-not page I can check upon regularly to find newest 
images ?


Openmoko community mailing list

[QtExtended] and GTA01 image

2009-04-15 Thread wim . delvaux
On Wednesday 15 April 2009 00:43:56 Franky Van Liedekerke wrote:
> On Tue, 14 Apr 2009 23:25:56 +0200
> Franky Van Liedekerke  wrote:
> > On Tue, 14 Apr 2009 22:30:28 +0200
> >
> > Sander van Grieken  wrote:
> > > On Tuesday 14 April 2009 21:54:53 Franky Van Liedekerke wrote:
> > > > Maybe the latest version is ok again, but it is IMPOSSIBLE TO TEST
> > > > since ssh no longer works. Surely somebody must notice this, or is
> > > > nobody even using these images?
> > >
> > > Yeah I noticed too, but I assumed I b0rked my build system, since I
> > > tried to use the SHR overlay manually.. also, X didn't start
> > > anymore, that's when I noticed SSH didn't work.
> > >
> > > but, while waiting for the entire rebuild to finish, I'm taking a
> > > look at the commits since April 4 :)
> >
> > well, I don't know, but reverting to that kernel+rootf fixed the
> > incoming SMS when suspended thing.
> > But now the whole missed-call comes flying back to me: whenever I
> > answer a call, the second after I pressed "answer", a new call
> > notification pops up saying I have the same incoming call.
> > Seems like a timing issue to me ... propably something in
> > qmodemcallprovider.cpp that should be redefined in vendor_neo.cpp
> >
> > Franky
> ok, for those curious: I've put online a AT-listing of a missed call:
> The scenario is this: call the device from another line, answer the
> call and watch a notification for a second call arrive (sometimes).
> The AT commands in the text file are of course the results of both
> calls, so it can be a bit confusing. Although the AT-call "ATA" should
> give you a hint that the device in the end thinks there is only one
> active call (otherwise it would be AT+CHLD=2).
> I think the cause of the problems lies in the function
Hi all,

i found the last 3/3/2009 image of Qt-extended.  However i wonder if that 
image is for the FREERUNNER (!) only or if it can be installed on the GTA01 
too ?

> void QModemCallProvider::clccIncoming()
> in the file src/libraries/qtopiaphonemodem/qmodemcallprovider.cpp
> Specifically this part seems to be the culprit:
> if ( callType.isEmpty() ) {
> // We could not determine the call type, so the incoming call
> // has probably disappeared.  Flag it as a missed voice call.
> d->incomingCallType = "Voice";  // No tr
> announceCall();
> d->missedTimer->stop();
> missedTimeout();
> } else {
> This part makes sure that for a call that can't be identified, the call
> gets announced and then flagged as being missed, exactly what I see in
> the logfile.
> Now I don't get this: why flag an dissapeared call of unknown type as
> voice and missed call?
> From what I can see, this code should be:
> if ( callType.isEmpty() ) {
> // We could not determine the call type, so the incoming call
> // has probably disappeared. Ignore it.
> stopRingTimers();
> } else {
> Any comments on this?
> Ok, the fact that the modem sends an extra RING after the call is
> accepted is probably because it's a bit slow sometimes (or the RING
> arrives a bit too slow).
> Franky
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

[qtExtended] and GTA01 - repost - sorry for the copy crap

2009-04-15 Thread wim . delvaux
Hi all,

i found the last 3/3/2009 image of Qt-extended.  However i wonder if that 
image is for the FREERUNNER (!) only or if it can be installed on the GTA01 
too ?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [qtExtended] and GTA01 - repost - sorry for the copy crap

2009-04-15 Thread wim . delvaux
On Wednesday 15 April 2009 19:25:39 Andy Selby wrote:
> > i found the last 3/3/2009 image of Qt-extended.
> Really!
> Could you post a link?
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list


Openmoko community mailing list

vmware image for building apps for openmoko

2009-04-21 Thread wim . delvaux
Hi all,

is there some image of VMware that contains all the tools and stuff to compile 
applications for OM ?


Openmoko community mailing list

GTA01 question : what capacity of ....

2009-04-23 Thread wim . delvaux
... Micro SD card does it support ?

I.e. if I buy a 8GB micro SD card, would the GTA01 be able to use it ?


Openmoko community mailing list

GTA01 - qtextendedimproved -kernel image

2009-04-24 Thread wim . delvaux
Hi all,

I want to update my NEO1973 (GTA01v4) to the newest available version of 
qtembeddedimproved and some kernel.

Since the WIKI generally speaks about the freerunner, stating exceptions for 
GTA01 that turn out to refer to the freerunner, confuses me.

So I downloaded the following files :


Now my devices hangs while stating 'starting kernel'.

So I presume the testing-om-gta01... is not a proper kernel image.  

QUESTION : which is the latest compatible GTA01 kernel  and where can I find 
it ?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: GTA01 - qtextendedimproved -kernel image

2009-04-25 Thread wim . delvaux
On Saturday 25 April 2009 05:27:15 Pablo Miño wrote:
> I have a GTA01 which I am using with Qt Extended and I have been wondering
> the same for a few days but as I have been really busy at work I did not
> find much resources but I guess that we will have to compile it.

Did you find info about :

1. where to find the proper kernel sources + patches
2. config settings to be applied
3. how to createg a root jffs ?

For QtExtended I did find info but I think the problem is not there


> On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 9:32 PM,  wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I want to update my NEO1973 (GTA01v4) to the newest available version of
> > qtembeddedimproved and some kernel.
> >
> > Since the WIKI generally speaks about the freerunner, stating exceptions
> > for
> > GTA01 that turn out to refer to the freerunner, confuses me.
> >
> > So I downloaded the following files :
> >
> > qt-extended-4.4.3-rootfs.jffs2
> > testing-om-gta02-20090120.uImage.bin
> >
> > Now my devices hangs while stating 'starting kernel'.
> >
> > So I presume the testing-om-gta01... is not a proper kernel image.
> >
> > QUESTION : which is the latest compatible GTA01 kernel  and where can I
> > find
> > it ?
> >
> > Thx
> >
> > ___
> > Openmoko community mailing list
> >
> >

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtEI] GITs

2009-04-26 Thread wim . delvaux
As CVS user, is there any 'howto' about GIT ? 



On Sunday 26 April 2009 13:22:15 Fabio Locati wrote:
> why? what will happen?
> On Sun, Apr 26, 2009 at 1:03 PM, Franky Van Liedekerke
>  wrote:
> > On Sun, 26 Apr 2009 11:33:07 +0200
> >
> > Fabio Locati  wrote:
> >> Forgot mine -.-
> >> -
> >>
> >> On Sun, Apr 26, 2009 at 11:32 AM, Fabio Locati
> >>
> >>  wrote:
> >> > I think that we should have a "complete list" of the QtEI GITs:
> >> > -
> >> > -
> >> > -
> >> > -
> >> > -
> >> >
> >> > If you know others, please, report here.
> >> > --
> >> > Fabio A Locati
> >
> > that's about it for now I guess. I hope this gets cleaned up once
> > 2.6.28 is accepted by all :-)
> >
> > Franky
> >
> > ___
> > Openmoko community mailing list
> >
> >

Openmoko community mailing list

Dead Neo 1973 - drained battery

2009-01-23 Thread wim . delvaux
Any way I can ressusitate this device ?


Openmoko community mailing list

State of OM/Freerunner

2009-02-03 Thread wim . delvaux
Hi all,

I have been 'following' - admittingly - from a distance the dicussions on this 

As till now i have not found a CLEAR (!) overview over the current state of 
the freerunner and its software stack(s).  In fact scanning through 
the 'issues' on the list it looks as if things are not really workable at 
all.  However knowing lists and the things ppl. try with the device, this 
view might be overly negative.

What I would like to see or be pointed to is a web page or YouTube movie or 
what not that shows what WORKS and with WHICH environment (OM, QT, 
Android, ... ).

We are looking for a device that could be used in a professional context. I.e. 
the device would be preconfigured for its purpose and no 'regular' end user 
would need to 'configure' anything.

So could somebody point me to a place I could read that is CURRENT and allows 
me to get a good (non-kernel, non-hardware, ...) overview over how usefull FR 
is could be in the above situation.



Openmoko community mailing list

when buying a freerunner, ...

2009-02-07 Thread wim . delvaux
there were issues with noise/buzz on the speaker that would be solved with
some soldering.

If I would buy a new freerunner now, would it have the fix ? If none, when 
would that fix become standard ? If all current, after which 'serial number' 
would the fix be included ?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: tomtom on the Neo1973

2007-04-02 Thread wim delvaux
On Monday 02 April 2007 11:42:51 Attila Csipa wrote:
> On Monday 02 April 2007 08:13, Hans L wrote:
> > I guess it is a question of whether the map providers are willing to
> > cooperate and divulge the details of their file format to an open source
> > project, or alternatively converting their data into some open format for
> > use with such a project.
> In my experience this is highly unlikely. Their first thought would be
> content protection - and on OpenMoko you (should) have none. When they
> license data to software companies, it's easier, since they have NDA-s,
> contractual obligations, etc, but they would see no incentive to open up
> their formats. The income from end users buying open format data is
> minuscule compared to the possible damages from pirated data and/or lost
> bulk contracts from their point of view. And to reiterate a personal
> opinion about commercial software on OM - please do not change or put a
> minute of effort in OpenMoko to make commercial software run easier than
> any other software (unless you get a substantial donation :) - if a company
> is to make some money on OpenMoko users, let it at least pay it's own costs
> in full.

and what about smart2go ?


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: tomtom on the Neo1973

2007-04-02 Thread wim delvaux
> Seems to confirm parent's interpretation. The code is closed, and 'free'
> only in so far as Nokia are allowing a no-cost download of the beta
> version. Navigation is a paid-for upgrade. The license agreement prevents
> redistribution of the data files, and prevents reverse-engineering of the
> data files as far as local law allows. Nokia, like Google, have paid for a
> license and are absorbing the cost, presumably to make money off a related
> sevice, but neither are allowed to let you use the data for anything else.

Well if you find some company willing to give away the maps and the routing 
application for free ... Hard luck.

I would settle for a working modern yet non-free applicationn than a not 
working, poorly detailed yet free version.

Also I 'think' smart2go would be providing a linux version.

Also AFAIK nor tomtom nor smart2go use their own charts.  They buy them too.  
What if somebody writes a free application that works but with charts that 
cost money ?


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Size and weight considerations for future Openmoko devices

2007-05-03 Thread wim delvaux

most of these 'light' phones do seem so 'fragile'.  It looks like any drop 
from pocket or table might smash them to bits.  Less weight generally means 
more flimsy devices.

I have had the NEO in my hands and although the numbers may make if sound like 
it is chunky it is not AND when held gives you the feeling that it is rather 

Personally I prefer 'robustness' over 'light weight'.  (Hell, I still run 
around with my NOKIA 6130 which to any modern standard looks like a brick, 
but I lost track of how many times it dropped on the floor)


OpenMoko community mailing list

support for bt headsets

2007-06-04 Thread wim delvaux

I own a stereo BT headset with built in microphone.  This headset supports
picking up a call when paired with a cellphone (donno the profile which does 

Do there exists BT extensions/daemons that support the same under linux ? I.e. 
can I pickup the phone using the BT headset while listening to MP3 player ?


OpenMoko community mailing list

Voice/Command recongnition

2007-06-04 Thread wim delvaux

Do any of you know packages that would allow vocal command recognition much 
like voice dialling on some cell phones ?

This would be handy to start applications without having to navigate through 


OpenMoko community mailing list

Anti theft protection of our cherished device.

2007-06-30 Thread wim delvaux
Hi sean and other OpenMoko-ers

Just read an article on Slashdot (?) about the fact that lots of
of our precious gadgets get stolen (or lost).

Not being a hardware guy, I was wondering if one could build/integrate/stick 
to them some kind of 'anti-proximity' detector.

This is a device that consists of a a central - costly ? - pockettable 
detector (that probes for a set of devices within a  know list every now and 
then) and which you put in your pocket, or wallet or on your keychain.

Around that device a 'cloud' of periferals exists (Neo, wallet, Phone, 
Laptop, ...) each tagged with a cheap ID which gets probed by the central.

If any of the periferals fall out of range, the central beeps warning me - the 
owner of these nice periferals - that I am loosing one.

I do not know if this idea is at all feasible (battery consumption, size, ...) 
or perhaps it even exists, but I wanted to float this idea.

Suggestions comments welcome


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: OK, the forum is coming..

2007-07-23 Thread wim delvaux
On Tuesday 24 July 2007 00:06:55 Mickael Faivre-Macon wrote:
> Maybe you're right, and the whole point is here: mailing lists are for
> geeks and forums are for all other people. We should then have a web
> based forum.

Are you sure ? I find personally a mailing is much easier.  You get the 
messages with your regular mail, you can sort them to a special inbox folder 
to read them when you have time.  Whereas a forum you need to start your web 
browser, generally wade through some pages to get to the location you want, 
log on, use some user interface that changes from forum to forum.

Searching a mailing list is also easy : google or some searchable mail 

Adding another channel is counter productive.  Focus all data in one location 
and optimize that medium to the max. 


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: OK, the forum is coming..

2007-07-23 Thread wim delvaux
On Tuesday 24 July 2007 02:08:32 Daniel Robinson wrote:
> I already use my browser to read my email.  I use Gmail to handle the mail
> from my domain.  I can read it at home, at the coffee house or at my day
> job.

great for you but AFAIK almost all ISP offer reading mail from their web page 
so GMAIL, hotmail, yahoo etc are all obsolete.

> The argument that you have to start your browser seems thin to me.  What is
> a mail reader if not an application as complex as a browser?

well most mail readers are integrated in your desktop and impose far less 
overhead when checking for email.  Also you can do nice filtering and other 
scanning for stuff.  Also YOU control your email box and not the application 
that your 'web'-mail provider has made available to you.

> A forum allows the _writer_ to sort the posting.  I have yet to find an
> email filtering program that does works in a more than rudimentary fashion.
> A forum can be searched for keywords in much the same way that an email
> list can be searched.

I do not get that ... what do you mean by the 'writer' and sorting ? my mail 
application (Kontact of KDE) allows searching for ANY data in ANY part of the 
mail (body subject etc)

> Posts stay on a forum.  Much of the email on this list goes into the bit
> bucket for me.  Advertising?  Marketing?  We don't have a working phone
> yet.

Well most mailing lists collect the email too.  All mailing lists I have 
subscribed to have a page on which you can scan through the archive.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: New looker where to start?

2007-08-03 Thread wim delvaux
On Friday 03 August 2007 17:14:36 Ian Darwin wrote:
> Tim Milliken wrote:
> > I am looking into joining in on this project. Welcome aboard!
> Welcome aboard!
>  > I am a windows programmer
> >
> > and know almost nothing about Linux. Where should I start? Can anyone
> > give me some starting points on getting started. Like do I have to be
> > running Linux as a host development OS?
> While it is in theory possible to develop on other *NIX-like OSes than
> Linux (such as BSD), I believe it would be a major amount of work. Doing
> so on Windows is probably beyond the capabilities of most individuals.
> > I am really lost but very
> > interested in this. I have thought about running Win CE 6.0 sine it is
> > kinda like and opensource, MS now includes the all the source for 6.0.
> Really? Allow me to ask a rhetorical question: Where can I download the
> complete source of Wince without paying anything, without signing
> anything and without confirming any license agreement?  If I can't, it
> is not anything like "open source". :-)

well for me 'open source' does not mean GPL.  'Open source' for me means the 
source is available to you and you can modify it but it does not give you the 
right to do what you want with it.

GPL that is another story.  It allows you to explicitely do what you want with 
it (to some extent)

Mind you IANAL

> Seriously, there is no reason you could not run another OS (like Wince),
> but you should not expect people on this list to divert from what
> they're doing to help you.
> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

At the risk of being flamed : State of software

2007-08-24 Thread wim delvaux
HI all,

Champion of open source and user of familiar on Ipaq when time was new, i 
wonder if it was such a good idea to rewrite from scratch an entire GUI 

Knowing that the device is now about 6 months late and looking at the overall 
stability and completeness of the GUI (List of issues is still long perhaps 
too long ?) I wonder if it would not have been a better solution to put 
things like QTopia on the phone. I mean, how long will it still take to get 
things to this level 

Perhaps with a different style or something but at least QTopia has been 
around for quite a few years, sporting a nice portfolio of apps, having a 
nice ,portable and powerfull GUI library.

I know that the software is not fully GPL and FREE but what REALLY is Fully 
free ? AFAIK you can mess around with qtopia ad lib (hey, look at opie's 
fork), sources are available, support is great (KDE ...) and for FIC's sake, 
they can focus there entire resource of a great phone.

For me, the free community does not need (really) a new GUI library.  It needs 
a good phone ! Our interest lies in having a nicely featured device available 
so that we hackers can release our creativity and write apps that users like 
and not - yet again - re-invent the wheel to start all over again.  And for 
what ? For a theme ? For true GPL ? ...

So what about porting QTopia to the NEO as backup scenario ? I.e. how much 
more delays can we afford ?


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: At the risk of being flamed : State of software

2007-08-24 Thread wim delvaux
On Friday 24 August 2007 17:14:54 Thomas Wood wrote:
> On Fri, 2007-08-24 at 16:59 +0200, wim delvaux wrote:
> > HI all,
> >
> > Champion of open source and user of familiar on Ipaq when time was new, i
> > wonder if it was such a good idea to rewrite from scratch an entire GUI
> > system.
> >
> > Knowing that the device is now about 6 months late and looking at the
> > overall stability and completeness of the GUI (List of issues is still
> > long perhaps too long ?) I wonder if it would not have been a better
> > solution to put things like QTopia on the phone. I mean, how long will it
> > still take to get things to this level
> > (
> >screenshots) ?
> To be honest, I think we are quite close already but you really need to
> be more specific about what you mean.

Well I just flashed with the latest 0813 release and beside looking great, 
there is not much yet that is ready : no bluetooth, no gprs, no contacts, 
phone working a bit, no mail, suspend resume not OK yet, crashes etc etc.

> [...]
> > For me, the free community does not need (really) a new GUI library.  It
> > needs a good phone ! Our interest lies in having a nicely featured device
> > available so that we hackers can release our creativity and write apps
> > that users like and not - yet again - re-invent the wheel to start all
> > over again.  And for what ? For a theme ? For true GPL ? ...
> The primary aim of the OpenMoko project and the Neo1973 is to create a
> software platform and a device that are entirely Free in the spirit of
> the Free Software movement. See
> <> for a definition of this. I
> don't think we need "just another phone", we need one that embraces the
> ideals of the Free Software movement. This way we will be creating
> something truly unique and valuable.

But wat IS free ? Personally the 'free' as defined by Trolltech : free for 
free soft, payed for soft that will be sold, sounds more 'reasonable' then 
free and you cannot make money out of your application.  For me freedom means 
I have the possibility to do what I want with it providing I do not harm the 
rights of others.  I think the freedom of QTopia (compare it to KDE) is good 
enough.  It gives me lots of freedom and If I make a buck out of what I do 
with their work I need to pay them a buck too ...


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: At the risk of being flamed : State of software

2007-08-24 Thread wim delvaux
On Friday 24 August 2007 17:26:28 Tim Shannon wrote:
> They aren't reinventing the wheel, it's GTK.  And as far as GPL not being
> important, I think you miss the point of the entire project.  Open source
> isn't just about free software, it's about a free community.

GTK ? GTK is a graphics library on top of which you desperately need a higher 
level of abstraction (e.g. WxWidgets).  Also GTK AFAIK does not really define 
a style guide.  Look at OpenMoko and look at Gnome or at WxWidgets : same GTK 
lib but completely different programming model.

Also what is a 'free community' ? I think it means that anybody can do what he 
wants without limitations.  Well, guess what, there are ALWAYS limitations 
perhaps not of the software kind but perhaps on (percieved) stability 
side ...

Comparing with QTopia, if you look at all what has been acchieved with KDE : 
K3B, Amarok etc etc all great apps using a 'non free' but freely available 
high quality library...


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: At the risk of being flamed : State of software

2007-08-24 Thread wim delvaux
On Friday 24 August 2007 18:31:47 Carlo E. Prelz wrote:
>   Subject: Re: At the risk of being flamed : State of software
>   Date: ven 24 ago 07 05:53:43 +0200
> Quoting wim delvaux ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > GTK ? GTK is a graphics library on top of which you desperately need a
> > higher level of abstraction (e.g. WxWidgets).
> I used GTK, either directly from C or from its Ruby interface, so many
> times now, without feeling any specific need for a further level of
> abstraction. The Ruby interface defines objects for the various GTK
> classes, but then it has almost a 1-to-1 correspondence between
> function calls and methods. Flexibility is not negative: it offers
> more opportunities.

have you ever tried using WxWidgets or Qt ?

> > Comparing with QTopia, if you look at all what has been acchieved with
> > KDE : K3B, Amarok etc etc all great apps using a 'non free' but freely
> > available high quality library...
> I believe you are welcome, even encouraged, to do your own port of
> Qtopia for the OpenMoko phone, and distribute it. If you do it, and
> you do a good job, many people who buy their phone could follow
> appropriate instructions and be able to enjoy a Qtopia interface from
> day one. Maybe someone might even provide the phones with Qtopia
> pre-installed (I do not know about licensing though).
> But OpenMoko developers should have the right to choose the
> development tools they prefer. It is they who have a lot at stake in
> this project. The worse that can happen to you or me is that we won't
> be able to play with a new gizmo. Sean, Mickey, and the rest of the
> paid OpenMoko team are defining their future, while they put ideas to
> test. Let them work the way they prefer.
> Carlo
> PS I see that the Greenphone is on sale at $695. Any direct
> experience? Is it possible to have OpenMoko running on the Greenphone?

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: At the risk of being flamed : State of software

2007-08-24 Thread wim delvaux
On Friday 24 August 2007 18:31:47 Carlo E. Prelz wrote:
>   Subject: Re: At the risk of being flamed : State of software
>   Date: ven 24 ago 07 05:53:43 +0200
> Quoting wim delvaux ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > GTK ? GTK is a graphics library on top of which you desperately need a
> > higher level of abstraction (e.g. WxWidgets).
> I used GTK, either directly from C or from its Ruby interface, so many
> times now, without feeling any specific need for a further level of
> abstraction. The Ruby interface defines objects for the various GTK
> classes, but then it has almost a 1-to-1 correspondence between
> function calls and methods. Flexibility is not negative: it offers
> more opportunities.
> > Comparing with QTopia, if you look at all what has been acchieved with
> > KDE : K3B, Amarok etc etc all great apps using a 'non free' but freely
> > available high quality library...
> I believe you are welcome, even encouraged, to do your own port of
> Qtopia for the OpenMoko phone, and distribute it. If you do it, and
> you do a good job, many people who buy their phone could follow
> appropriate instructions and be able to enjoy a Qtopia interface from
> day one. Maybe someone might even provide the phones with Qtopia
> pre-installed (I do not know about licensing though).
> But OpenMoko developers should have the right to choose the
> development tools they prefer. It is they who have a lot at stake in
> this project. The worse that can happen to you or me is that we won't
> be able to play with a new gizmo. Sean, Mickey, and the rest of the
> paid OpenMoko team are defining their future, while they put ideas to
> test. Let them work the way they prefer.
> Carlo
> PS I see that the Greenphone is on sale at $695. Any direct
> experience? Is it possible to have OpenMoko running on the Greenphone?

We contacted Qt about this phone before we switched to the NEO.  It is a phone 
you can buy from some chinese manufacturer.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Power on device after being powered down

2007-08-26 Thread wim delvaux
I powered down my device a couple of days ago.

I want to power it back on ... HOW 

1. press power button for several seconds ? NOPE

2. pull out battery and do step 1 ? NOPE

3. press aux + power ? NOPE 

4. Try all of the above while plugged in into the USB ? NOPE



OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: How "snappy" can the Openmoko GUI get using GTK?

2007-09-02 Thread wim delvaux
On Sunday 02 September 2007 16:17:25 Giles Jones wrote:
> On 2 Sep 2007, at 14:57, denis wrote:
> > Watching a lot of videos about Openmoko and the GUI I saw that it is
> > very slow and yards away from being "snappy". (regarding the
> > application
> > startup and the acting inside an application) I know that speed is not
> > the priority thing in developement  at the moment but how fast and
> > "snappy" can the Openmoko GUI using GTK get? I'm looking at this from
> > the user point of view, I'm not a developer so it would be very
> > interesting to me what can be expected in the future. What are you're
> > expectations? Will it get as snappy as the old PALM Pdas had been?
> >
> > I'm really looking forward for your answers.
> >
> > Regards, Denis.
> Launch speed is something that can be fixed, I'm not sure if the
> build system is using pre-linking? if not it will be something to use
> as this is the cure to application launch speed delays on Unix like
> systems.

Lazy loading is too ... (the problem with delay is that ALL symbols need 
linkage also those not needed by the current user needs)

> The interface is VGA and so there's a lot more to draw and this makes
> the GUI less responsive than QVGA. The acceleration in the next gen
> hardware will solve this.
> The Palm PDAs were using task switching, it wasn't a full
> multitasking OS, so you have to realise that a Linux based PDA will
> always lag behind a very simple OS.
> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

About Qtopia packages - additional software

2007-10-23 Thread wim delvaux
How do I install additional packages for Qtopia ? (e.g. web browser)
Is there a apt-get URL or what ?


OpenMoko community mailing list

About Qtopia packages

2007-10-23 Thread wim delvaux
How do I install additional packages for Qtopia ?
Is there a apt-get URL or what ?


OpenMoko community mailing list