Re: Flaws in OpenSSL FIPS Object Module

2007-12-03 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 9:58 AM -0500 12/3/07, Perry E. Metzger wrote:

I don't know if people have been following this, but it is interesting
from the point of view of studying how the FIPS process does (or does
not) interact with the underlying goal of producing assured systems.

Another interesting part is that open-source systems are much more 
susceptible to being attacked by competitors (that is, having their 
validation suspended) than are closed-source systems.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--VPN Consortium

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Flaws in OpenSSL FIPS Object Module

2007-12-03 Thread Perry E. Metzger

I don't know if people have been following this, but it is interesting
from the point of view of studying how the FIPS process does (or does
not) interact with the underlying goal of producing assured systems.

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Date: Mon, 03 Dec 2007 09:05:37 -0500
From: Steve Marquess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Fwd: Flaw in OpenSSL FIPS Object Module v1.1.1 - Update

The vulnerability reported earlier
( cannot be patched in the
usual way due to the requirements of the FIPS 140-2 validation program
(the CMVP).  Discussions on ways to craft a fix that will satisfy FIPS
140-2 with the least delay in approval have been underway for several days.

The situation is complicated by the fact that there is a second bug in
the FIPS 140-2 mandated continuous PRNG self-test.  This other bug does
not constitute a security vulnerability, but the CMVP understandably
requires that both bugs be corrected at the same time.  FIPS 140-2 has
the concept of an algorithm boundary around each separate algorithm
implementation in addition to the overall crypto module boundary.
Changes to code inside an algorithm boundary require considerably more
time and effort for approval.  We can implement a workaround for the
CVE-2007-5502 vulnerability outside of any algorithm boundary, but
cannot do the same for the self-test bug.

As a consequence approval of a new distribution will take longer.  How
long is hard to estimate, perhaps as little as a couple of weeks.

In the meantime the CMVP has effectively revoked the current v1.1.1
by declaring the PRNG as non-compliant.  Since essentially all
cryptographic applications utilize a PRNG the entire v1.1.1 module is
for all practical purposes revoked as well.  This means vendors of
software products using or based on the v1.1.1 PRNG will need to be
patched or updated with the new v1.1.2 of the OpenSSL FIPS Object Module
once that becomes available.  It would be prudent to anticipate
additional quasi-revocations of other validations for products derived
from the v1.1.1 baseline.

-Steve M.

Steve Marquess
Open Source Software Institute
OpenSSL Project
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Re: PlayStation 3 predicts next US president

2007-12-03 Thread William Allen Simpson

Dirk-Willem van Gulik wrote:
Keep in mind that the notary is still 'careful' -- effectively they sign 
the hash -- rather than the document; and state either such (e.g. in the 
case of some software/code where you do not hand over the actual code) 
or state that _a_ document was presented with said hash.

And that makes all the difference.  The digital notary is not certifying the
original document.  You described the notary generating its own tuples
(credentials as presented, the hash, a timestamp, and a notarized declaration
that such was presented).  There is no problem, and the described attack does
not apply.

Note that the notary bears no responsibility for presentation of false
credentials.  Here, in a case with which I'm personally familiar, somebody
with the SAME NAME as his father got a new driver's license, signed it in
the same fashion as his father, then went to banks and presented the
driver's license and signature, causing all his father's deposits to be
transferred to his wife's name, and adding his son to the house deed (and
then mortgaging the house).  It was certainly not the several notaries'
fault that identical names were used.  The "certificate" (same name driver's
license and signature) appeared valid.

All the cryptography in the world will not prevent false certification,
where the underlying information is already compromised.

To reiterate the topic at hand: trust is not transitive!

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Re: PlayStation 3 predicts next US president

2007-12-03 Thread Dirk-Willem van Gulik

On Dec 2, 2007, at 3:09 AM, William Allen Simpson wrote:

There are no circumstances in which any reputable certifier will ever
certify any of the "multitude" containing a hidden pdf image,  

where generated by another party.

It is getting fairly common for notaries in for example the  
Netherlands to timestamp or otherwise attest that an (asset with) hash  
(e.g. MD5 an) was presented to them by a person or company with such  
and such credentials.

E.g. NotarSign ( its email service will attest such in  
an automated fashion.

Essentially what you are getting is a notarized statement containing  
the credentials as presented, the hash, a timestamp and a notarized  
(backed with an Appostille of the Hague if to be used internationally)  
declaration that such was presented.

Note presentation of the asset is quite optional in this process. And  
for practical reasons it is quite common now in certain trade- 
environments to _not_ sent the actual document to NotarSign but just  
the statement with an MD5* and a https URL to the Purchase Order  
(where the biz. partner needs his x509 or a physical RSA token to pick  
it up) - to be forwarded to the trading partners.

THIS is what makes this "tongue in cheek" example 'somewhat' relevant  
for day to day workflows for those who are still using MD5s.  
'Somewhat' - as ultimately in this example it is hard to argue  
entirely accidental tampering. However - in some biz. sealed-bid  
processes the damage is done by that time.

The attack requires the certifier to be compromised, either to certify
documents that the certifier did not generate, or to include the  

text (hidden image) in its documents in exactly the correct location.

While there are plenty of chosen text attacks in cryptography, this  
is highly impractical.  The image is hidden.  It will not appear,  
and thus

would not be accidentally copied by somebody (cut-and-paste).

Keep in mind that the notary is still 'careful' -- effectively they  
sign the hash -- rather than the document; and state either such (e.g.  
in the case of some software/code where you do not hand over the  
actual code) or state that _a_ document was presented with said hash.

The _assumption_ that there is a 1:1 mapping is one left to the  
reader. Compare it to the passport/personalia -- the statement of fact  
usually says that a person appeared in front of the notary which  
presented... rather than Mr X submitted himself to...


*) The above example falls somewhat apart as the current message  
   an 'at&t 'sum', md5, SHA-256, SHA-512 and the length - and almost  

   ERP systems check all but the AT&T checksum.

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RE: PlayStation 3 predicts next US president

2007-12-03 Thread Arcane Jill

I'd be interested in seeing
references to older work on chosen-prefix multicollisions.

This has been on the web since at least July.

I'm sure it's not the only one either.

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Re: PlayStation 3 predicts next US president

2007-12-03 Thread Allen

William Allen Simpson wrote:


Actually, I deal with notaries regularly.  I've always had to
physically sign while watched by the notary.  They always
read the stuff notarized, and my supporting identification,
because they are notarizing a signature (not a document).

And yes, they always generate the stamp or imprint they sign.
To do otherwise would be irresponsible (and illegal).

Having been a notary in the State of California (Shocked myself, 
got 100% on the test!) I can attest that the contents of the 
document are looked at, but only so that I could record what 
*type* of document I was notarizing, not the exact textual 
meaning of the content or whether it might or might not allege 
something that is untrue.

The description of the document in my log book was always 
relatively short as there was only space for about 20 words.

The requirements are simple, see that the document you are 
notarizing has as many pages it says it does so that the count 
can't be changed without arousing suspicion, and the the person 
who is signing the paper is identified by enough documentation 
that I could be assured, within the limits of my ability to give 
a superficial, not expert, less than ten minutes perusal of the 
identification documents presented match the person presenting 
them to the best of my ability to judge.



It always was a good faith certification, not a proof beyond 

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Re: PlayStation 3 predicts next US president

2007-12-03 Thread James A. Donald

James A. Donald wrote:

A notary is a certifier.  Have you ever seen a notary
read the stuff he notarizes, let alone generate it?

William Allen Simpson wrote:

Actually, I deal with notaries regularly.  I've always had to
physically sign while watched by the notary.  They always
read the stuff notarized, and my supporting identification,
because they are notarizing a signature (not a document).

But they don't read the document, let alone generate it.

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Re: Open-source PAL

2007-12-03 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Thu, 29 Nov 2007 16:05:00 -0500
"Tim Dierks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> A random thought that's been kicking around in my head: if someone
> were looking for a project, an open-source permissive action link (
> is a good link,
> thank you Mr. Bellovin) seems like it might be a great public
> resource: I suspect it's something that some nuclear states could use
> some education on, but even if the US is willing to share technology,
> the recipient may not really trust the source.
> As such, an open-source PAL technology might substantially improve
> global safety.
I don't think it would be fruitful.  Have a look at page 2 of -- it notdes
that "The system hinges on what is essentially a switch in the firing
circuit that requires the would-be user to enter a numeric code that
starts a timer for the weapon?s arming and detonation."  I don't think
that that's quite correct -- it permits arming; PALs are not in the
firing circuit, I believe -- but this section is more interesting:
"Delicate design details involve how to bury the link deep inside a
weapon to keep terrorists or enemies from disabling the safeguard."
In other words, it's easy to have a circuit that keeps the bomb from
arming; the hard part is doing so with high assurance against attacks,
and that's very design-dependent.

--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: PlayStation 3 predicts next US president

2007-12-03 Thread William Allen Simpson

Weger, B.M.M. de wrote:

Our first chosen-prefix collision attack has complexity of about
2^50, as described in our EuroCrypt 2007 paper. This has been 
considerably improved since then. In the full paper that is in

preparation we'll give details of those improvements.

Much more interesting.  Looks like the death knell of X.509.  Why
didn't you say so earlier?

(It's a long known design flaw in X.509 that it doesn't provide
integrity for all its internal fields.)

Where are MD2, MD4, SHA1, and others on this continuum?

And based on the comments in the page above, the prefix is quite large!
Optimally, shouldn't it be <= the internal chaining variables?  512 bits
for MDx.  So, the attacks need two values for comparison: the complexity
versus the length of the chosen prefix.

Let me know when you get the chosen prefix down to 64-bits, so I can say
"I told you so" to Bellovin again.  I was strongly against adding the
"random" IV field to IPsec

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Re: PlayStation 3 predicts next US president

2007-12-03 Thread William Allen Simpson

James A. Donald wrote:

 Not true.  Because they are notarizing a signature, not
a document, they  check my supporting identification,
but never read the document being signed.

This will be my last posting.  You have refused several requests to stick
to the original topic at hand.

Apparently, you have no actual experience with the legal system, or
are from such a different legal jurisdiction that your scenario is
somehow related to MD5 hashes of software and code distribution.

Because human beings often try to skirt the rules, there's a long
history of detailed notarization requirements.  How it works here:

(1) You prepare the document(s).  They are in the form prescribed by law
-- for example, Michigan Court Rule (MCR 2.114) "SIGNATURES OF ATTORNEYS

(2) The clerk checks for the prescribed form and content.

(3) You sign and date the document(s) before the notary (using a pen
supplied by the notary, no disappearing ink allowed).

(4) The notary signs and dates their record of your signature, optionally
impressing the document(s) with an embossing stamp (making it physically
difficult to erase).

You have now attested to the content of the documents, and the notary has
attested to your signature (not the veracity of the documents).  Note
that we get both integrity and non-repudiation

The only acceptable computer parallel would require you to bring the
documents to the notary, using a digital format supplied by the notary,
generate the digital signature on the notary's equipment, and then the
notary indempotently certify your signature (on the same equipment).

In the real world, the emphasis is on binding a document to a person, and
vice versa.  Any digital system that does not tie the physical person to
the virtual document is not equivalent.

This is simply not equivalent to a site producing its own software and
generating a hash of its own content.  There should be no third party
involved as a certifier.

If they were to generate an MD5 hash of documents
prepared by someone else, then the attack described
(eight different human readable documents with the same
MD5 hash) works.

If a notary were to do that, they'd be looking at a fairly severe penalty.
By definition, such a notary was compromised.

But nothing like the prison sentence that you'd be facing for presenting
the false documents to the court.  And I'd be pushing the prosecutor for
consecutive sentences for all 8 fraudulent documents, with enhancements.

Nobody has given any examples of "human readable documents" that will
produce the same hash when re-typed into the system.  All those proposed
require an invisible component.  They are "machine readable" only.

That's why we, as security analysts, don't design or approve such systems.
We're not (supposed to be) fooled by parlor tricks.

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