Re: entropy depletion

2005-01-27 Thread John Kelsey
>From: William Allen Simpson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Jan 11, 2005 1:48 PM
>Subject: Re: entropy depletion

>Ben Laurie wrote:
>> Surely observation of /dev/urandom's output also gives away information?
>ummm, no, not by definition.

> blocks on insufficient estimate of stored entropy
>  useful for indirect measurement of system characteristics
>  (assumes no PRNG)

>  blocks only when insufficient entropy for initialization of state
>  computationally infeasible to determine underlying state
>  (assumes robust PRNG)

So, the big issue here is that  we're counting on a cryptographic algorithm to 
both provide full entropy outputs and to mask the different outputs from one 
another.  There's no guarantee that it can do either.  That is, even if another 
160 bits of entropy have been put into the pool, there's no guarantee that 
there will be no relationship between the next 80 bit output and the last one.  
That depends on your beliefs about SHA1, and about unproven properties of it. 
(It's been a long time since I've looked at the algorithm used by /dev/random, 
but I think there are some narrow pipe issues there which might limit the total 
entropy that can affect a sequence of outputs from a sequence of inputs.)  

>William Allen Simpson

--John Kelsey

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Re: entropy depletion

2005-01-27 Thread John Kelsey
>From: "Steven M. Bellovin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Jan 11, 2005 10:58 AM
>Subject: Re: entropy depletion 

>Let me raise a different issue: a PRNG might be better *in practice* 
>because of higher assurance that it's actually working as designed at 
>any given time.

This is a good point.  In the ANSI X9.82 work we've been doing (working on a 
standard for random number generation for cryptography), we kind-of make a 

PRNGs seeded once --> PRNGs with live entropy sources --> full entropy PRNGs 

The idea here is that you can use a PRNG algorithm in a mode where it's seeded 
once at the factory and runs forever, or where it has access to an entropy 
source but has to produce output bits faster than the entropy source can, or 
where it produces outputs that include as many bits of entropy as bits of 
output.  Any good PRNG algorithm can be run in all three of these modes, with a 
bit of thought.  (We have our own terminology for all this in X9.82; we call a 
PRNG a "DRBG" and a random bit generator producing full entropy an "NRBG".)  

We also distinguish among full-entropy RNGs that include a strong PRNG and 
those that are pure hardware based.  When you're running the PRNG in a 
full-entropy mode (we give constructions for this) you get a guaranteed 
fallback to a secure PRNG even if your entropy source fails.  If you're using a 
pure hardware-based RNG and the hardware fails, you're out of luck.  

>To me, the interesting question about, say, Yarrow is not how well it 
>mixes in entropy, but how well it performs when there's essentially no 
>new entropy added.  Clearly, we need something to see a PRNG, but what 
>are the guarantees we have against what sorts of threats if there are 
>never any new true-random inputs?  

If there's really no entropy ever entered, then no PRNG algorithm can help you. 
 If we ever get to an unguessable state, then Yarrow should (barring some 
clever cryptanalysis) stay in a secure state for as long as we need to use it.  
The tricky bits seem to happen in the middle--when the entropy trickles in at a 
slower rate than expected.  That's what Yarrow's two pool reseeding strategy is 
for, and what Niels Ferguson's Fortuna design does in a pretty-close-to-optimal 
way.  I think these strategies are interesting, but as I've worked on X9.82, I 
have become a lot more concerned with getting the PRNG to a secure starting 
point than with recovering later.  Recovering is important, too, but a lot of 
real-world systems use their first PRNG state to generate their high-value 
signing key, or the session key used to communicate their high-value secrets to 
some server, or whatever.

>   --Prof. Steven M. Bellovin,

--John Kelsey

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Re: entropy depletion

2005-01-27 Thread Daniel Carosone
On Tue, Jan 11, 2005 at 03:48:32PM -0500, William Allen Simpson wrote:
> >2.  set the contract in the read() call such that
> >the bits returned may be internally entangled, but
> >must not be entangled with any other read().  This
> >can trivially be met by locking the device for
> >single read access, and resetting the pool after
> >every read.  Slow, but it's what the caller wanted!
> >Better variants can be experimented on...
> Now I don't remember anybody suggesting that before!  Perfect,
> except that an attacker knows when to begin watching, and is assured
> that anything before s/he began watching was tossed.

The point is interesting and well made, but I'm not sure it was
intended as a concrete implementation proposal.  Still, as long as
it's floating by..

Rather than locking out other readers from the device (potential
denial-of-service, worse than can be done now by drawing down the
entropy estimator?), consider an implementation that made random a
cloning device.  Each open would create its own distinct instance,
with unique state history.

One might initialise the clone with a zero (fully decoupled, but
potentially weak as noted above) state, or with a copy of the base
system device state at the time of cloning, but with a zero'd
estimator. From there, you allow it to accumulate events until the
estimator is ready again.  Perhaps you clone with a copy of the state,
and allow an ioctl to zero the private copy.. perhaps you only allow a
clone open to complete once the base generator has been clocked a few
times with new events since the last clone.. many other ideas.  Most
implementations allow data to be written into the random device, too,
so a process with a cloner open could add some of its own 'entropy' to
the mix for its private pool, if it wanted additional seeding
(usually, such writes are not counted by the estimator).

The base system device accumulates events while no cloners are
open. You'd need some mechanism to distribute these events amongst
accumulating clones such that they'd remain decoupled.

It's an interesting thought diversion, at least - but it seems to have
as many potential ways to hurt as to help, especially if you're short
of good entropy events in the first place.

Like smb, frankly I'm more interested in first establishing good
behaviour when there's little or no good-quality input available, for
whatever reason.


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Re: entropy depletion

2005-01-26 Thread Ian G
William Allen Simpson wrote:
Ian G wrote:
The *requirement* is that the generator not leak
This requirement applies equally well to an entropy
collector as to a PRNG.
Now here we disagree.  It was long my understanding
that the reason the entropy device (/dev/random)
could be used for both output and input, and blocked
awaiting more entropy collection, was the desire to
be able to quantify the result.
Otherwise, there's no need to block.

I'm sorry, I don't see the relationship
between the requirement to not leak,
and the requirement to deliver a quantifiable
For an entropy collector there are a number of ways
of meeting the requirement.
1.  Constrain access to the device and audit all
users of the device.
2.  set the contract in the read() call such that
the bits returned may be internally entangled, but
must not be entangled with any other read().  This
can trivially be met by locking the device for
single read access, and resetting the pool after
every read.  Slow, but it's what the caller wanted!
Better variants can be experimented on...
Now I don't remember anybody suggesting that before!  Perfect,
except that an attacker knows when to begin watching, and is assured
that anything before s/he began watching was tossed.

That seems to address the "trivial implementation"
rather than the requirement?
(In practice, I'd be inclined to not so much reset the
pool after every read, but flush or discard a certain
amount that is calculated to reduce any cross read
leakage.  But yes, the requirement may prove to
present some interesting challenges to the implementor.)

In my various key generation designs using MD5, I've always used
MD-strengthening to minimize the entanglement between keys.
There was MD5 code floating around for many many years that I wrote
with a NULL argument to force the MD-strengthening phase between
uses.  I never liked designs with bits for multiple keys extracted
from the same digest iteration output.
And of course, my IPsec authentication RFCs all did the same.  See
my IP-MAC design at RFC-1852 and RFC-2841.

Zooko and I struck this issue in our recent SDP1.
As a datagram secret key layout, it uses a lot of
secret keying material.  The way we resolved it was
to set a requirement for quality in the key exchange
phase, which derived from a requirement to reduce
the complexities of the datagram encryption phase
(for programming reasons, not crypto reasons);  in
effect we punted the problem upstairs and put all
the load on the key exchange phase.
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Re: entropy depletion

2005-01-26 Thread Ben Laurie
William Allen Simpson wrote:
Ben Laurie wrote:
William Allen Simpson wrote:
Why then restrict it to non-communications usages?

Because we are starting from the postulate that observation of the
output could (however remotely) give away information about the
underlying state of the entropy generator(s).

Surely observation of /dev/urandom's output also gives away information?
ummm, no, not by definition.
 blocks on insufficient estimate of stored entropy
 useful for indirect measurement of system characteristics
 (assumes no PRNG)
 blocks only when insufficient entropy for initialization of state
 computationally infeasible to determine underlying state
 (assumes robust PRNG)
These are the definitions we've been using around here for many years. 
It does help when everybody is talking about the same things.
Around where? I've never heard of a /dev/random that doesn't include a 
PRNG. But I'll admit its entirely possible I just haven't been paying 
attention. Can you give examples?

In any case, if the postulate is that observing the output could give 
away information about the underlying state, then I cannot see how 
/dev/urandom gets around this problem.

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Re: entropy depletion

2005-01-26 Thread William Allen Simpson
Ian G wrote:
The *requirement* is that the generator not leak
This requirement applies equally well to an entropy
collector as to a PRNG.
Now here we disagree.  It was long my understanding
that the reason the entropy device (/dev/random)
could be used for both output and input, and blocked
awaiting more entropy collection, was the desire to
be able to quantify the result. 

Otherwise, there's no need to block.
For an entropy collector there are a number of ways
of meeting the requirement.
1.  Constrain access to the device and audit all
users of the device.
2.  set the contract in the read() call such that
the bits returned may be internally entangled, but
must not be entangled with any other read().  This
can trivially be met by locking the device for
single read access, and resetting the pool after
every read.  Slow, but it's what the caller wanted!
Better variants can be experimented on...
Now I don't remember anybody suggesting that before!  Perfect,
except that an attacker knows when to begin watching, and is assured
that anything before s/he began watching was tossed.
In my various key generation designs using MD5, I've always used
MD-strengthening to minimize the entanglement between keys. 

There was MD5 code floating around for many many years that I wrote
with a NULL argument to force the MD-strengthening phase between
uses.  I never liked designs with bits for multiple keys extracted
from the same digest iteration output.
And of course, my IPsec authentication RFCs all did the same.  See
my IP-MAC design at RFC-1852 and RFC-2841.
We are still left with the notion as Bill suggested
that no entropy collector is truly clean, in that
the bits collected will have some small element of
leakage across the bits.  But I suggest we just
cop that one on the chin, and stick in the random(5)
page the description of how reliable the device
meets the requirement.
(This might be a resend, my net was dropping all
sorts of stuff today and I lost the original.)
That's OK, the writing was clearer the second time around.
William Allen Simpson
   Key fingerprint =  17 40 5E 67 15 6F 31 26  DD 0D B9 9B 6A 15 2C 32
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Re: entropy depletion

2005-01-26 Thread William Allen Simpson
Ben Laurie wrote:
William Allen Simpson wrote:
Why then restrict it to non-communications usages?
Because we are starting from the postulate that observation of the
output could (however remotely) give away information about the
underlying state of the entropy generator(s).
Surely observation of /dev/urandom's output also gives away information?
ummm, no, not by definition.
 blocks on insufficient estimate of stored entropy
 useful for indirect measurement of system characteristics
 (assumes no PRNG)
 blocks only when insufficient entropy for initialization of state
 computationally infeasible to determine underlying state
 (assumes robust PRNG)
These are the definitions we've been using around here for many years. 
It does help when everybody is talking about the same things.

I'll note that many systems (including the MacOSX that I'm using to
write this) have made /dev/random and /dev/urandom the same
William Allen Simpson
   Key fingerprint =  17 40 5E 67 15 6F 31 26  DD 0D B9 9B 6A 15 2C 32
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Re: entropy depletion

2005-01-26 Thread Ian G
Ben Laurie wrote:
William Allen Simpson wrote:
Why then restrict it to non-communications usages?

Because we are starting from the postulate that observation of the
output could (however remotely) give away information about the
underlying state of the entropy generator(s).

Surely observation of /dev/urandom's output also gives away information?
Right.  I'd suggest the original statement of the
issue at hand might be better rephrased as:
The *requirement* is that the generator not leak
This requirement applies equally well to an entropy
collector as to a PRNG.
For an entropy collector there are a number of ways
of meeting the requirement.
1.  Constrain access to the device and audit all
users of the device.
2.  set the contract in the read() call such that
the bits returned may be internally entangled, but
must not be entangled with any other read().  This
can trivially be met by locking the device for
single read access, and resetting the pool after
every read.  Slow, but it's what the caller wanted!
Better variants can be experimented on...
We are still left with the notion as Bill suggested
that no entropy collector is truly clean, in that
the bits collected will have some small element of
leakage across the bits.  But I suggest we just
cop that one on the chin, and stick in the random(5)
page the description of how reliable the device
meets the requirement.
(This might be a resend, my net was dropping all
sorts of stuff today and I lost the original.)
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Re: entropy depletion

2005-01-26 Thread Ian G
Ben Laurie wrote:
William Allen Simpson wrote:
Why then restrict it to non-communications usages?

Because we are starting from the postulate that observation of the
output could (however remotely) give away information about the
underlying state of the entropy generator(s).

Surely observation of /dev/urandom's output also gives away information?
Right.  So what we are looking at here is a requirement
such that we don't leak any internal state.  Traditionally,
the Unix people would do this by a) limiting access to the
resource to root and b) auditing the user of the resource
carefully.  But that's a bit OTT, IMHO.
Another way of doing this is to put in a requirement that
each read is separate and unlinked.  That is, if you do a
read of 1024 bits for some key operation, the contract with
the random device is that entropy might be mixed between
those bits, *but* it isn't mixed with any other read that
might be done.
Trivially, this could be met by throwing away all existing
entropy, locking the entropy for syncronised read, and
waiting until enough fresh stuff was built up.  That might
take a while, but hey, that's the contract that the coder
asked for.  And there are plenty of variants imaginable.
Either way, it seems that restriction is not the only way
to deal with the leakage problem, once we understand that
avoiding the leakage is the requirement.
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Re: entropy depletion

2005-01-26 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
Let me raise a different issue: a PRNG might be better *in practice* 
because of higher assurance that it's actually working as designed at 
any given time.

Hardware random number generators are subject to all sorts of 
environmental issues, including stuck bits, independent oscillators 
that aren't independent, contamination by power line frequency noise, 
etc.  By contrast, a correct implementation of a cryptographic 
algorithm will always function correctly.  (Yes, there could be an 
undetected hardware fault.  Run it three times, on different chips)

To me, the interesting question about, say, Yarrow is not how well it 
mixes in entropy, but how well it performs when there's essentially no 
new entropy added.  Clearly, we need something to see a PRNG, but what 
are the guarantees we have against what sorts of threats if there are 
never any new true-random inputs?  (Remember the purported escrow key 
generation algorithm for Clipper?  See
for details.  The algorithm was later disavowed, but I've never been 
convinced that the disavowal was genuine.)

--Prof. Steven M. Bellovin,

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Re: entropy depletion

2005-01-11 Thread Ben Laurie
William Allen Simpson wrote:
Why then restrict it to non-communications usages?

Because we are starting from the postulate that observation of the
output could (however remotely) give away information about the
underlying state of the entropy generator(s).
Surely observation of /dev/urandom's output also gives away information?
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doesn't mind who gets the credit." - Robert Woodruff
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Re: entropy depletion

2005-01-09 Thread William Allen Simpson
Ian G wrote:
(4A) Programs must be audited to ensure that they do not use
/dev/random improperly.
(4B) Accesses to /dev/random should be logged.
I'm confused by this aggresive containment of the
entropy/random device.  I'm assuming here that
/dev/random is the entropy device (better renamed
as /dev/entropy) and Urandom is the real good PRNG
which doesn't block post-good-state.
Yes, that's my assumption (and practice for many years).
If I take out 1000 bits from the *entropy* device, what
difference does it make to the state?  It has no state,
other than a collection of unused entropy bits, which
aren't really state, because there is no relationship
from one bit to any other bit.  By definition.  They get
depleted, and more gets collected, which by definition
are unrelated.
If we could actually get such devices, that would be good. 

In the real world, /dev/random is an emulated entropy device.  It hopes
to pick up bits and pieces of entropy and mashes them together.  In
common implementations, it fakes a guess of the current level of
entropy accumulated, and blocks when depleted. 

If there really were no relation to the previous output -- that is, a
_perfect_ lack of information about the underlying mechanism, such as
the argument that Hawking radiation conveys no information out of
black holes -- then it would never need to block, and there would
never have been a need for /dev/urandom!
(Much smarter people than I have been arguing about the information
theoretic principles of entropy in areas of physics and mathematics
for a very long time.) 

All I know is that it's really hard to get non-externally-observable
sources of entropy in embedded systems such as routers, my long-time
area of endeavor.  I'm happy to add in externally observable sources
such as communications checksums and timing, as long as they can be
mixed in unpredictable ways with the internal sources, to produce the
emulated entropy device.
Because it blocks, it is a critical resource, and should be logged.
After all, a malicious user might be grabbing all the entropy as a
denial of service attack.
Also, a malicious user might be monitoring the resource, looking for
cases where the output isn't actually very random.  In my experience,
rather a lot of supposed sources of entropy aren't very good.

Why then restrict it to non-communications usages?
Because we are starting from the postulate that observation of the
output could (however remotely) give away information about the
underlying state of the entropy generator(s).
What does it matter if an SSH daemon leaks bits used
in its *own* key generation if those bits can never be
used for any other purpose?
I was thinking about cookies and magic numbers, generally transmitted
verbatum.  However, since we have a ready source of non-blocking keying
material in /dev/urandom, it seems to be better to use that instead of
the blocking critical resource
William Allen Simpson
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Re: entropy depletion (was: SSL/TLS passive sniffing)

2005-01-09 Thread Taral
On Sat, Jan 08, 2005 at 10:46:17AM +0800, Enzo Michelangeli wrote:
> But that was precisely my initial position: that the insight on the
> internal state (which I saw, by definition, as the loss of entropy by the
> generator) that we gain from one bit of output is much smaller than one
> full bit. 

I think this last bit is untrue. You will find that the expected number
of states of the PRNG after extracting one bit of randomness is half of
the number of states you had before, thus resulting in one bit of
entropy loss.

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Re: entropy depletion (was: SSL/TLS passive sniffing)

2005-01-09 Thread Ian G
William Allen Simpson wrote:
There are already other worthy comments in the thread(s).

This is a great post.  One can't stress enough
that programmers need programming guidance,
not arcane information theoretic concepts.
We are using
computational devices, and therefore computational infeasibility is the
standard that we must meet.  We _NEED_ "unpredictability" rather than
"pure entropy".

By this, do you mean that /dev/*random should deliver
unpredictability, and /dev/entropy should deliver ...
pure entropy?
So, here are my handy practical guidelines:
(1) As Metzger so wisely points out, the implementations of /dev/random,
/dev/urandom, etc. require careful auditing.  Folks have a tendency to
"improve" things over time, without a firm understanding of the
underlying requirements.

Right, but in the big picture, this is one of those
frequently omitted steps.  Why?  Coders don't have
time to acquire the knowledge or to incorporate
all the theory of RNG in, and as much of today's
software is based on open source, it is becoming the
baseline that no theoretical foundation is required
in order to do that work.  Whereas before, companies
c/would make a pretence at such a foundation, today,
it is acceptable to say that you've read the Yarrow
paper and are therefore qualified.
I don't think this is a bad thing, I'd rather have a
crappy /dev/random than none at all.  But if we
are to improve the auditing, etc, what we would
need is information on just _what that means_.
E.g., a sort of "webtrust-CA" list of steps to take
in checking that the implementation meets the
(2) The non-blocking nature of /dev/urandom is misunderstood.  In fact,
/dev/urandom should block while it doesn't have enough entropy to reach
its secure state.  Once it reaches that state, there is no future need
to block.

If that's the definition that we like then we should
create that definition, get it written in stone, and
start clubbing people with it (*).
(2A) Of course, periodically refreshing the secure state is a good
thing, to overcome any possible deficiencies or cycles in the PRNG.

As long as this doesn't effect definition (2) then it
matters not.  At the level of the definition, that is,
and this note belongs in the "implementation notes"
as do (2B), (2C).
(2B) I like Yarrow.  I was lucky enough to be there when it was first
presented.  I'm biased, as I'd come to many of the same conclusions,
and the strong rationale confirmed my own earlier ad hoc designs.

(2C) Unfortunately, Ted Ts'o basically announced to this list and
others that he didn't like Yarrow (Sun, 15 Aug 1999 23:46:19 -0400).  Of
course, since Ted was also a proponent of 40-bit DES keying, that depth
of analysis leads me to distrust anything else he does.  I don't know
whether the Linux implementation of /dev/{u}random was ever fixed.

( LOL... Being a proponent of 40-bit myself, I wouldn't
be so distrusting.  I'd hope he was just pointing out
that 40-bits is way stronger than the vast majority
of traffic out there;  that which we talked about here
is buried in the noise level when it comes to real effects
on security simply because it's so rare. )
(3) User programs (and virtually all system programs) should use
/dev/urandom, or its various equivalents.
(4) Communications programs should NEVER access /dev/random.  Leaking
known bits from /dev/random might compromise other internal state.
Indeed, /dev/random should probably have been named /dev/entropy in the
first place, and never used other than by entropy analysis programs in
a research context.

I certainly agree that overloading the term 'random'
has caused a lot of confusion.  And, I think it's an
excellent idea to abandon hope in that area, and
concentrate on terms that are useful.
If we can define an entropy device and present
that definition, then there is a chance that the
implementors of devices in Unixen will follow that
lead.  But entropy needs to be strongly defined in
practical programming terms, along with random
and potentially urandom, with care to eliminate
such crypto academic notions as information
theoretic arguments and entropy reduction.

(4A) Programs must be audited to ensure that they do not use
/dev/random improperly.
(4B) Accesses to /dev/random should be logged.
I'm confused by this aggresive containment of the
entropy/random device.  I'm assuming here that
/dev/random is the entropy device (better renamed
as /dev/entropy) and Urandom is the real good PRNG
which doesn't block post-good-state.
If I take out 1000 bits from the *entropy* device, what
difference does it make to the state?  It has no state,
other than a collection of unused entropy bits, which
aren't really state, because there is no relationship
from one bit to any other bit.  By definition.  They get
depleted, and more gets collected, which by definition
are unrelated.
Why then restrict it to non-communications usages?
What does it matter if an SSH daemon leaks bits used
in its *own* key generation if those bits can

Re: entropy depletion (was: SSL/TLS passive sniffing)

2005-01-08 Thread William Allen Simpson
Wondering how in the world we got into this endless debate, I went back
and re-read the entire thread(s).  I think that early comments were
predictive, where Ian Grigg wrote:
  ... Crypto is
such a small part of security that most all crypto people
move across to general security once they realise there
isn't much work around for a pure crypto person.  Which is
good, because only in the general security field can one
really make a difference, IMHO, because that's when starts
to understand what is needed, as opposed to what's cool.

It was Denker that jumped off into the realm of entropy density (again)
(Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>), recommending that nobody use
/dev/urandom.  He's right about entropy in the strict theoretical sense,
but wrong about our _need_ for practical security.
As David Wagner wrote with regard to another such claim:
(That poster wants you to believe that, since /dev/urandom uses a
cryptographic-strength pseudorandom number generator rather than a
true entropy source, it is useless.  Don't believe it.  The poster is
confused and his claims are wrong.)

And John Kelsey recently wrote:
... The critical question is whether the PRNG part gets to a secure state, which basically means a state the attacker can't guess in the amount of work he's able to do.   If the PRNG gets to a secure state before generating any output, then assuming the PRNG algorithm is secure, the outputs are indistinguishable from random.  

There are already other worthy comments in the thread(s).  We are using
computational devices, and therefore computational infeasibility is the
standard that we must meet.  We _NEED_ "unpredictability" rather than
"pure entropy".
So, here are my handy practical guidelines:
(1) As Metzger so wisely points out, the implementations of /dev/random,
/dev/urandom, etc. require careful auditing.  Folks have a tendency to
"improve" things over time, without a firm understanding of the
underlying requirements.
(2) The non-blocking nature of /dev/urandom is misunderstood.  In fact,
/dev/urandom should block while it doesn't have enough entropy to reach
its secure state.  Once it reaches that state, there is no future need
to block.
(2A) Of course, periodically refreshing the secure state is a good
thing, to overcome any possible deficiencies or cycles in the PRNG. 

(2B) I like Yarrow.  I was lucky enough to be there when it was first
presented.  I'm biased, as I'd come to many of the same conclusions,
and the strong rationale confirmed my own earlier ad hoc designs.
(2C) Unfortunately, Ted Ts'o basically announced to this list and
others that he didn't like Yarrow (Sun, 15 Aug 1999 23:46:19 -0400).  Of
course, since Ted was also a proponent of 40-bit DES keying, that depth
of analysis leads me to distrust anything else he does.  I don't know
whether the Linux implementation of /dev/{u}random was ever fixed.
(3) User programs (and virtually all system programs) should use
/dev/urandom, or its various equivalents.
(4) Communications programs should NEVER access /dev/random.  Leaking
known bits from /dev/random might compromise other internal state.
Indeed, /dev/random should probably have been named /dev/entropy in the
first place, and never used other than by entropy analysis programs in
a research context.
(4A) Programs must be audited to ensure that they do not use
/dev/random improperly.
(4B) Accesses to /dev/random should be logged.
William Allen Simpson
   Key fingerprint =  17 40 5E 67 15 6F 31 26  DD 0D B9 9B 6A 15 2C 32
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Re: entropy depletion

2005-01-08 Thread John Denker
Zooko O'Whielacronx wrote:
I would love to have an information-theoretic argument for the security 
of my PRNG, but that's not what we have,
Yes, and I'd like my goldfish to ride a bicycle, but he can't.
The P in PRNG is for Pseudo, and means the PRNG is relying
on computational intractability, not entropy.
 and I don't think reducing the 
entropy_count by one bit per output bit gets us any closer to such an 
For PRNGs that's true ... which is why I have introduced the
terminology of SRNG, meaning Stretched RNG, which is a
hermaphrodite, being partly PRNG and partly HESG.  Linux
/dev/urandom is an early and less-than-satisfactory attempt
at a SRNG.  Yarrow is vastly better.
For starters, the entropy_count value before you output the bit is 
obviously not a measure of the real information-theoretic entropy in the 
PRNG's state.  It is a guess implemented by a simple algorithm (the 
"entropy estimator").  So if we set the resulting entropy_count after 
outputting one bit to be equal to the previous entropy_count - 1, we 
really have no justification for thinking that the resulting 
entropy_count is any closer to the true information-theoretic entropy 
than if you had set it equal to the previous entropy_count - 2.

On the other hand, I've haven't heard an information-theoretic argument 
that the output bit contains a whole bit of entropy. 
Well, that depends on details.  Suppose you seed your PRNG with
1000 bits of entropy, and then put out 50,000 bits of output.
For one typical class of PRNGs, which includes linux /dev/urandom
and excludes yarrow, the first 1000 bits of output will use up
all the entropy, in the sense that the mapping from seeds to
output-strings will be very nearly one-to-one.  To say the
same thing another way, the adversaries are trying to find the
seed by brute-force search of seed-space, if they've guessed
the wrong seed they'll know it with very high probability after
seeing the first 1000 bits of output.  (They could also wait
and know the same thing from the second 1000 bits of output,
so we can have metaphysical arguments about just where the
entropy resides ... but since the adversaries get to see the
output stream in order, our minimax strategy is to assume
they are not stupid and have used the first 1000 bits to
reduce *their* entropy.  The number that I'm decrementing by
one bit per bit is my minimax estimate of the adversaries'
entropy.  If you have some other number that you would like
to decrement by some other rule, that's fine ... but I think
I'm doing the right thing with my number.)
Yarrow, in contrast, might well be configured to use only
100 bits of entropy for the first 50,000 bits of output,
and then reseed itself with another 100 bits for the
second 50,000 bits of output.  This leads to a notion of
average entropy density of the output, which is greater than
zero but less than 100%.
There is a nice 
practical-cryptography argument that an observer gains a whole bit of 
information from seeing that output bit, but in pure 
information-theoretic terms an observer gains less than one bit of 
information from seeing that output.  So perhaps when you output a bit 
from /dev/random you ought to decrement entropy_count by 0.9 instead?
That is not minimax, as explained above.
In general, I've heard no persuasive information-theoretic argument to 
justify the practice of decrementing the entropy_count by 1 bit per 
See above.
> If that practice does indeed ever protect someone from a
cryptanalytic attack on their PRNG, it will not be because the practice 
is Information Theoretically Correct, but because the 
entropy_count-bits-added-per-input-bit minus the 
entropy_count-bits-subtracted-per-output-bit were an engineering fudge 
factor that was turned up high enough to drown out the cryptanalytic 
weakness in the PRNG.
I'm not sure I would have said it that way, but I might agree
with the sentiment.  If the PRNG were secure against
cryptanalysis, including "practical cryptanalysis" such as
peeking at the state vector, then you wouldn't need more
than an infinitesimal entropy density.
Of course using such a fudge factor has some other costs, including the 
cost of introducing new security risks.  I estimate that the chance of a 
successful attack due to timing attacks, induced failure, taking 
advantage of accidental failure, social engineering, etc. outweighs the 
chance of a successful attack due to cryptanalysis of the PRNG, which is 
why I use /dev/urandom exclusively [*, **].  You may weigh those 
trade-offs differently, but you shouldn't think that by decrementing 
entropy_count you are achieving information-theoretic security.

[*] Of course I have to be aware of the regrettable possibility that 
/dev/urandom has *never* been properly seeded and protect against that 
in user space.
[**] ... and the possibility that the operating system is re-using 
stored random state which it already used just before an unclean shutdown.
Meanwhile, implementing a High

Re: entropy depletion

2005-01-08 Thread Zooko O'Whielacronx
I would love to have an information-theoretic argument for the security 
of my PRNG, but that's not what we have, and I don't think reducing the 
entropy_count by one bit per output bit gets us any closer to such an 

For starters, the entropy_count value before you output the bit is 
obviously not a measure of the real information-theoretic entropy in 
the PRNG's state.  It is a guess implemented by a simple algorithm (the 
"entropy estimator").  So if we set the resulting entropy_count after 
outputting one bit to be equal to the previous entropy_count - 1, we 
really have no justification for thinking that the resulting 
entropy_count is any closer to the true information-theoretic entropy 
than if you had set it equal to the previous entropy_count - 2.

On the other hand, I've haven't heard an information-theoretic argument 
that the output bit contains a whole bit of entropy.  There is a nice 
practical-cryptography argument that an observer gains a whole bit of 
information from seeing that output bit, but in pure 
information-theoretic terms an observer gains less than one bit of 
information from seeing that output.  So perhaps when you output a bit 
from /dev/random you ought to decrement entropy_count by 0.9 instead?

In general, I've heard no persuasive information-theoretic argument to 
justify the practice of decrementing the entropy_count by 1 bit per 
bit.  If that practice does indeed ever protect someone from a 
cryptanalytic attack on their PRNG, it will not be because the practice 
is Information Theoretically Correct, but because the 
entropy_count-bits-added-per-input-bit minus the 
entropy_count-bits-subtracted-per-output-bit were an engineering fudge 
factor that was turned up high enough to drown out the cryptanalytic 
weakness in the PRNG.

Of course using such a fudge factor has some other costs, including the 
cost of introducing new security risks.  I estimate that the chance of 
a successful attack due to timing attacks, induced failure, taking 
advantage of accidental failure, social engineering, etc. outweighs the 
chance of a successful attack due to cryptanalysis of the PRNG, which 
is why I use /dev/urandom exclusively [*, **].  You may weigh those 
trade-offs differently, but you shouldn't think that by decrementing 
entropy_count you are achieving information-theoretic security.

[*] Of course I have to be aware of the regrettable possibility that 
/dev/urandom has *never* been properly seeded and protect against that 
in user space.
[**] ... and the possibility that the operating system is re-using 
stored random state which it already used just before an unclean 

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Re: entropy depletion (was: SSL/TLS passive sniffing)

2005-01-08 Thread Enzo Michelangeli
- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, January 07, 2005 9:30 AM
Subject: Re: entropy depletion (was: SSL/TLS passive sniffing)

> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Enzo
> > Michelangeli
> > Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2005 7:50 PM
> >
> > This "entropy depletion" issue keeps coming up every now and
> > then, but I still don't understand how it is supposed to
> > happen. If the PRNG uses a really non-invertible algorithm
> > (or one invertible only with intractable complexity), its
> > output gives no insight whatsoever on its internal state.
> >
> I see much misunderstanding of entropy depletion and many misstatements
> because of it.
> It is true you don't know what the internal state is but the number of
> possible internal states tends to reduce with every update of the
> internal state. See "Random Mapping Statistics" by Philippe Flajolet and
> Andrew M. Odlyzko (Proceedings of the workshop on the theory and
> application of cryptographic techniques on Advances in cryptology,
> Houthalen, Belgium, Pages: 329 - 354, year 1990) for a thorough
> discussion.
> In the real world, our PRNG state update functions are complex enough
> that we don't know if they are well behaved. Nobody knows how many
> cycles exist in a PRNG state update function using, for example, SHA-1.
> You run your PRNG long enough and you may actually hit a state that,
> when updated, maps onto itself. When this occurs your PRNG will start
> producing the same bits over and over again. It would be worse if you
> hit a cycle of 10,000 or so because you may never realize it.
> I don't know of any work on how not-so well behaved PRNG state update
> function lose entropy.

But that was precisely my initial position: that the insight on the
internal state (which I saw, by definition, as the loss of entropy by the
generator) that we gain from one bit of output is much smaller than one
full bit. However, I've been convinced by the argument broght by John and
others - thanks guys - that we should not mix the concept of "entropy"
with issues of computational hardness.

That said, however, I wonder if we shouldn't focus more, for practical
purposes, on the replacement concept offered by John of "usable
randomness", with a formal definition allowing its calculation in concrete
cases (so that we may assess the risk deriving from using a seeded PRNG
rather than a pure RNG in a more quantitative way). The paper you mention
appears to go in that direction.


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Re: entropy depletion

2005-01-07 Thread John Denker
I wrote:
A long string produced by a good PRNG is conditionally 
compressible in the sense that we know there exists a
shorter representation, but at the same time we believe it
to be conditionally incompressible in the sense that the
adversaries have no feasible way of finding a shorter

In contrast,
A long string produced by a HESG is unconditionally,
absolutely incompressible. There does not exist a shorter
representation. There cannot possibly exist a shorter
Jerrold Leichter wrote:
You're using Kolgomorv/Chaitin complexity here, but unfortunately that's a
bit hard to apply.  
It works for me.  It is in principle hard to apply exactly, but
in practice it's easy to apply to a good-enough approximation.
In particular, for any given PRNG I can readily exhibit the
compressed representation of its output, namely the PRNG
itself along with the initial internal state.
> K/C complexity is robust
when you talk about sets of possible strings, because playing around with
the machine can only shorten a fixed number of them.  
Yes, I stand corrected.  I sloppily wrote "string" when I should
have written "strings".  Specifically, the set of strings
collectively cannot be compressed at all. As for each string
individually, it is not compressible either, except possibly for
trivially rare cases and/or trivial amounts of compression.
*Any* string has a shorter representation - if I get to
specify the model *after* you choose the string.
Yes, for one particular string, or very small set of strings.
You get to choose the model, but you only get to choose once.
So you can only compress a trivially small subset of all the
output strings, unless we're talking about a trivial degree
of compression.  In any case, you derive no cryptanalytic
advantage from compression based on an ad-hoc model, so you
might as well not bother, and just stick to some convenient
standard model.
> Turning that into a
notion useful for cryptography is a bit tougher - and in any case, if you
want to get at PRNG's, you need to get at K/C complexity "with trapdoor
information":  The bit stream may *look* uncompressible, but given the
internal state, it is easily produced.
Isn't that what I said, as quoted above?  I said it was
conditionally compressible.  It should go without saying
that knowing the trapdoor information, i.e. the internal
state, is the sufficient condition for feasible compressibility.
More generally:  We're talking about "stretching" entropy here. 
Well, I can agree that that's what we _should_ be talking about.
I like to speak of an SRNG (stretched random number generator)
as having a nonzero lower bound on the entropy density of the
output, as opposed to a traditional PRNG where the entropy
density is asymptotically zero.
> There are
certainly theoretical results in that direction, the one usually mentioned
being the BBS bit generator, which takes k bits of entropy and gives you
p(k) (for some polynomial p) bits that are polynomially-indistinguishable
from random bits.  But you (a) need some significant work to set this up and
prove it; (b) BBS generators are slow.
A simpler approach that does work (in some sense) is:  Choose a random
starting value R, and a number k.  Compute SHA^i(R) for i from 0 to k.  Emit
these values *backwards*.  Then given the first k-1 outputs, an attacker
cannot determine the next one (under the standard hypotheses about SHA).
Unfortunately, this is useless as, say, a key generator:  If you send me
the k-1'st output for use as a key, I can't determine what your *next* key
will be - but I can trivially read your preceding k-2 sessions.
When I wanted to stretch entropy, I implemented the Yarrow
approach, i.e. encrypted counter plus systematic reseeding:
It's not slow, and appears incomparably stronger than the
SHA^i example.  Indeed it does not have any serious weaknesses 
that I know of.  If anybody knows of any flaws, please explain!

The idea that revealing just the hash of random bits "doesn't reduce the
effective entropy" sounds great, but it's naive. 
We agree it's naive.  Indeed it's just wrong, as I've said N
times over the last couple of days.  And please let's not talk
about "effective" entropy.  I have no idea what "ineffective"
entropy is supposed to be, and I can't imagine any way that makes
sense to distinguish "effective" entropy from plain old entropy.
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Re: entropy depletion (was: SSL/TLS passive sniffing)

2005-01-07 Thread John Kelsey
>From: John Denker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Jan 5, 2005 2:06 PM
>To: Enzo Michelangeli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: entropy depletion (was: SSL/TLS passive sniffing)

>You're letting your intuition about "usable randomness" run roughshod over
>the formal definition of entropy.  Taking bits out of the PRNG *does*
>reduce its entropy.  This may not (and in many applications does not)
>reduce its ability to produce useful randomness.

Right.  The critical question is whether the PRNG part gets to a secure state, 
which basically means a state the attacker can't guess in the amount of work 
he's able to do.   If the PRNG gets to a secure state before generating any 
output, then assuming the PRNG algorithm is secure, the outputs are 
indistinguishable from random.  

The discussion of how much fresh entropy is coming in is sometimes a bit 
misleading.  If you shove 64 bits of entropy in, then generate a 128-bit 
output, then shove another 64 bits of entropy in, you don't end up in a secure 
state, because an attacker can guess your first 64 bits of entropy from your 
first output.  What matters is how much entropy is shoved in between the time 
when the PRNG is in a known state, and the time when it's used to generate an 

--John Kelsey

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Re: entropy depletion

2005-01-07 Thread Jerrold Leichter
| > 
| >  random number generator this way.   Just what *is*
| > good enough?
| That's a good question.  I think there is a good answer.  It
| sheds light on the distinction of pseudorandomness versus
| entropy:
|   A long string produced by a good PRNG is conditionally
|   compressible in the sense that we know there exists a shorter
|   representation, but at the same time we believe it to be
|   conditionally incompressible in the sense that the adversaries
|   have no feasible way of finding a shorter representation.
| In contrast,
|   A long string produced by a HESG is unconditionally, absolutely
|   incompressible. There does not exist a shorter representation.
|   There cannot possibly exist a shorter representation.
You're using Kolgomorv/Chaitin complexity here, but unfortunately that's a
bit hard to apply.  *Any* string has a shorter representation - if I get to
specify the model *after* you choose the string.  K/C complexity is robust
when you talk about sets of possible strings, because playing around with
the machine can only shorten a fixed number of them.  Turning that into a
notion useful for cryptography is a bit tougher - and in any case, if you
want to get at PRNG's, you need to get at K/C complexity "with trapdoor
information":  The bit stream may *look* uncompressible, but given the
internal state, it is easily produced.

More generally:  We're talking about "stretching" entropy here.  There are
certainly theoretical results in that direction, the one usually mentioned
being the BBS bit generator, which takes k bits of entropy and gives you
p(k) (for some polynomial p) bits that are polynomially-indistinguishable
from random bits.  But you (a) need some significant work to set this up and
prove it; (b) BBS generators are slow.

A simpler approach that does work (in some sense) is:  Choose a random
starting value R, and a number k.  Compute SHA^i(R) for i from 0 to k.  Emit
these values *backwards*.  Then given the first k-1 outputs, an attacker
cannot determine the next one (under the standard hypotheses about SHA).

Unfortunately, this is useless as, say, a key generator:  If you send me
the k-1'st output for use as a key, I can't determine what your *next* key
will be - but I can trivially read your preceding k-2 sessions.

The idea that revealing just the hash of random bits "doesn't reduce the
effective entropy" sounds great, but it's naive.  It's like the argument
that if H is a good hash function, then H(K || message) is a good MAC.  Not
-- Jerry

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Re: entropy depletion

2005-01-07 Thread John Denker
Jerrold Leichter asked:
 random number generator this way.   Just what *is*
good enough?
That's a good question.  I think there is a good answer.  It
sheds light on the distinction of pseudorandomness versus
  A long string produced by a good PRNG is conditionally
  compressible in the sense that we know there exists a shorter
  representation, but at the same time we believe it to be
  conditionally incompressible in the sense that the adversaries
  have no feasible way of finding a shorter representation.
In contrast,
  A long string produced by a HESG is unconditionally, absolutely
  incompressible. There does not exist a shorter representation.
  There cannot possibly exist a shorter representation.
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Re: entropy depletion (was: SSL/TLS passive sniffing)

2005-01-07 Thread Jerrold Leichter
| > You're letting your intuition about "usable randomness" run roughshod
| > over the formal definition of entropy.  Taking bits out of the PRNG
| > *does* reduce its entropy.
| By how much exactly? I'd say, _under the hypothesis that the one-way
| function can't be broken and other attacks fail_, exactly zero; in the
| real world, maybe a little more. But in
| /usr/src/linux/drivers/char/random.c I see that the extract_entropy()
| function, directly called by the exported kernel interface
| get_random_bytes(), states:
| if (r->entropy_count / 8 >= nbytes)
| r->entropy_count -= nbytes*8;
| else
| r->entropy_count = 0;
| ...which appears to assume that the pool's entropy (the upper bound of
| which is POOLBITS, defined equal to 4096) drops by a figure equal to the
| number of bits that are extracted (nbytes*8). This would only make sense
| if those bits weren't passed through one-way hashing.
The argument you are making is that because the one-way function isn't
reversible, generating values from the pool using it doesn't decrease its
"computational" entropy.  (Its mathematical entropy is certainly depleted,
since that doesn't involve computational difficulty.  But we'll grant that
that doesn't matter.)

The problem with this argument is that it gives you no information about the
unpredictablity of the random numbers generated.  Here's an algorithm based
on your argument:

Pool: bits[512]
{   Fill Pool with 512 random bits; }

getRandom() : bits[160]
{   return(SHA(bits));

By your argument, seeing the result of a call to getRandom() does not reduce
the effective entropy of the pool at all; it remains random.  We certainly
believe that applying SHA to a random collection of bits produces a random
value.  So, indeed, the result of getRandom() is ... random.  It's also

Granted, no one would implement a random number generator this way.  But
*why*?  What is it you have to change to make this correct?  Why?  Can you
prove it?  Just saying "you have to change the pool after every call"
won't work:

getRandom() : bits[160]
{   Rotate bits left by 1 bit;

This (seems to) generated 512 random values, then repeats.  Just what *is*
good enough?
-- Jerry

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Re: entropy depletion (was: SSL/TLS passive sniffing)

2005-01-07 Thread Taral
On Thu, Jan 06, 2005 at 04:35:05PM +0800, Enzo Michelangeli wrote:
> By how much exactly? I'd say, _under the hypothesis that the one-way
> function can't be broken and other attacks fail_, exactly zero; in the
> real world, maybe a little more.

Unfortunately for your analysis, *entropy* assumes that there is
infinite compute capacity. From an information-theoretic point of view,
there is NO SUCH THING as a perfect one-way function.

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Re: entropy depletion (was: SSL/TLS passive sniffing)

2005-01-07 Thread Michael_Heyman
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Enzo 
> Michelangeli
> Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2005 7:50 PM
> This "entropy depletion" issue keeps coming up every now and 
> then, but I still don't understand how it is supposed to 
> happen. If the PRNG uses a really non-invertible algorithm 
> (or one invertible only with intractable complexity), its 
> output gives no insight whatsoever on its internal state.
I see much misunderstanding of entropy depletion and many misstatements
because of it.

It is true you don't know what the internal state is but the number of
possible internal states tends to reduce with every update of the
internal state. See "Random Mapping Statistics" by Philippe Flajolet and
Andrew M. Odlyzko (Proceedings of the workshop on the theory and
application of cryptographic techniques on Advances in cryptology,
Houthalen, Belgium, Pages: 329 - 354, year 1990) for a thorough

The jist is that a well behaved state update function for a PRNG will
have one very long cycle. This cycle will be shorter than the number of
possible values that the state can hold. States not on the cycle are on
branches of states that eventually land on the cycle. Flajolet and
Odlyzko go on to show that the expected cycle length for a 1000 bit
state will be around 2^500 iterations.

So, you start your PRNG by filling the state with 1000 bits of real
entropy. You have 2^1000 possible states. You use your PRNG and update
the state. Now, there are a certain number of states that the PRNG
cannot be in. After one state update, the PRNG cannot be in the states
at the ends of the chains of states branched off from the aforementioned
cycle. This means that, after one state update, you have slightly less
than 1000 bits of entropy. When you update the state again, you now have
more states that the PRNG cannot be in, thus reducing your entropy
again. Every time you use your PRNG, you reduce your entropy in this way
and you keep on doing so in an asymptotic way until, after many many
iterations, you are close enough to 500 bits that you don't care

In the real world, our PRNG state update functions are complex enough
that we don't know if they are well behaved. Nobody knows how many
cycles exist in a PRNG state update function using, for example, SHA-1.
You run your PRNG long enough and you may actually hit a state that,
when updated, maps onto itself. When this occurs your PRNG will start
producing the same bits over and over again. It would be worse if you
hit a cycle of 10,000 or so because you may never realize it.

I don't know of any work on how not-so well behaved PRNG state update
function lose entropy. I figure the state update functions we as a
community use in what we consider to be well designed PRNGs probably
have multiple long cycles and maybe a few scary short cycles that are so
unlikely that nobody has hit them. I don't even know what multiple
cycles means for entropy.

Because of the lack of knowledge, cryptographic PRNGs have more state
than they probably need just to assure enough entropy - at least that is
one thing I look for when looking at cryptographic PRNGs.

-Michael Heyman

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Re: entropy depletion

2005-01-06 Thread John Denker
I wrote:
>>  Taking bits out of the PRNG *does* reduce its entropy.
Enzo Michelangeli wrote:
By how much exactly?
By one bit per bit.
I'd say, _under the hypothesis that the one-way
function can't be broken and other attacks fail_, exactly zero; in the
real world, maybe a little more. 
If you said that, you'd be wrong.
This is getting repetitious.  As I said before, this is an abuse of the
terminology.  If you want to quantify the goodness of your PRNG, go right
ahead, but please don't apply the word "entropy" to it.  The word is already
taken.  It means something very specific.
But in
/usr/src/linux/drivers/char/random.c I see that the extract_entropy()
function, directly called by the exported kernel interface
get_random_bytes(), states:
if (r->entropy_count / 8 >= nbytes)
r->entropy_count -= nbytes*8;
r->entropy_count = 0;
...which appears to assume that the pool's entropy (the upper bound of
which is POOLBITS, defined equal to 4096) drops by a figure equal to the
number of bits that are extracted (nbytes*8). This would only make sense
if those bits weren't passed through one-way hashing. 
The linux /dev/random driver has lots of problems, but that's not one of 
That makes perfect sense.  Anything else would not make sense.  That's what
entropy is.  If you're not interested in entropy, then go measure whatever
you are interested in, but don't call it entropy.
> Perhaps, a great
> deal of blockage problems when using /dev/random would go away with a more
> realistic estimate.
100% of the blocking problems go away if you use /dev/urandom to the exclusion
of /dev/random.
For the Nth time:
  a) Most of modern cryptography is based on notions of computational 
I'm not saying that's good or bad;  it is what it is.
  b) My point is that there is an entirely different set of notions, including 
notion of entropy and the related of unicity distance, which have got *nothing* 
do with computational intractability.
You can study (a) if you like, or (b) if you like, or both.  Maybe (a) is best
suited to your application, or maybe (b).  But whatever you do, please don't
mistake one for the other.
Lots of things have large amounts of usable randomness, with little or no
entropy.  Please don't mistake one for the other.
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Re: entropy depletion (was: SSL/TLS passive sniffing)

2005-01-06 Thread Enzo Michelangeli
- Original Message - 
From: "John Denker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2005 3:06 AM

> Enzo Michelangeli wrote:
>  > If the PRNG uses a
>  > really non-invertible algorithm (or one invertible only
>  > with intractable complexity), its output gives no insight
>  > whatsoever on its internal state.
> That is an invalid argument.  The output is not the only source of
> insight as to the internal state.  As discussed at
> attacks against PRNGs can be classified as follows:
>1. Improper seeding, i.e. internal state never properly initialized.
>2. Leakage of the internal state over time. This rarely involves
>  direct cryptanalytic attack on the one-way function, leading to
>  leakage through the PRNG’s output channel.  More commonly it
>  involves side-channels.
>   3. Improper stretching of limited entropy supplies, i.e. improper
>  reseeding of the PRNG, and other re-use of things that ought not
>  be re-used.
>   4. Bad side effects.
> There is a long record of successful attacks against PRNGs (op cit.).

Yes, but those are implementation flaws. Also a true RNG could present
weaknesses and be attacked (e.g., with strong EM fields overcoming the
noise of its sound card; not to mention vulnerabilities induced by the
quirks you discuss at

Anyway, I was not saying "RNG's are useless because PRNG's are more than
enough": the scope of my question was much narrower, and concerned the
concept of "entropy depletion".

> I'm not saying that the problems cannot be overcome,
> but the cost and bother of overcoming them may be such
> that you decide it's easier (and better!) to implement
> an industrial-strength high-entropy symbol generator.

Sure, I don't disagree with that.

>  > As entropy is a measure of the information we don't have about the
>  > internal state of a system,
> That is the correct definition of entropy ... but it must be correctly
> interpreted and correctly applied;  see below.
>  > it seems to me that in a good PRNGD its value
>  > cannot be reduced just by extracting output bits. If there
>  > is an entropy estimator based on the number of bits extracted,
>  > that estimator must be flawed.
> You're letting your intuition about "usable randomness" run roughshod
> over the formal definition of entropy.  Taking bits out of the PRNG
> *does* reduce its entropy.

By how much exactly? I'd say, _under the hypothesis that the one-way
function can't be broken and other attacks fail_, exactly zero; in the
real world, maybe a little more. But in
/usr/src/linux/drivers/char/random.c I see that the extract_entropy()
function, directly called by the exported kernel interface
get_random_bytes(), states:

if (r->entropy_count / 8 >= nbytes)
r->entropy_count -= nbytes*8;
r->entropy_count = 0;

...which appears to assume that the pool's entropy (the upper bound of
which is POOLBITS, defined equal to 4096) drops by a figure equal to the
number of bits that are extracted (nbytes*8). This would only make sense
if those bits weren't passed through one-way hashing. Perhaps, a great
deal of blockage problems when using /dev/random would go away with a more
realistic estimate.


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Re: entropy depletion (was: SSL/TLS passive sniffing)

2005-01-05 Thread John Denker
Enzo Michelangeli wrote:
> This "entropy depletion" issue keeps coming up every now and then, but I
> still don't understand how it is supposed to happen.
Then you're not paying attention.
> If the PRNG uses a
> really non-invertible algorithm (or one invertible only with intractable
> complexity), its output gives no insight whatsoever on its internal state.
That is an invalid argument.  The output is not the only source of insight
as to the internal state.  As discussed at
attacks against PRNGs can be classified as follows:
  1. Improper seeding, i.e. internal state never properly initialized.
  2. Leakage of the internal state over time. This rarely involves
direct cryptanalytic attack on the one-way function, leading to
leakage through the PRNG’s output channel.  More commonly it
involves side-channels.
 3. Improper stretching of limited entropy supplies, i.e. improper
reseeding of the PRNG, and other re-use of things that ought not
be re-used.
 4. Bad side effects.
There is a long record of successful attacks against PRNGs (op cit.).
I'm not saying that the problems cannot be overcome, but the cost and bother
of overcoming them may be such that you decide it's easier (and better!) to
implement an industrial-strength high-entropy symbol generator.
> As entropy is a measure of the information we don't have about the
> internal state of a system,
That is the correct definition of entropy ... but it must be correctly
interpreted and correctly applied;  see below.
> it seems to me that in a good PRNGD its value
> cannot be reduced just by extracting output bits. If there is an entropy
> estimator based on the number of bits extracted, that estimator must be
> flawed.
You're letting your intuition about "usable randomness" run roughshod over
the formal definition of entropy.  Taking bits out of the PRNG *does*
reduce its entropy.  This may not (and in many applications does not)
reduce its ability to produce useful randomness.
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