Re: [CTRL] [last-days] John3:16

2000-02-03 Thread Mick Poirier

-Caveat Lector-">
 -Cui Bono?-

 Wish She'd do it right now, so I could watch it on T.V., or maybe R.V.?

On Thu, 3 Feb 2000 20:42:51ali andrew wrote:
>Now this is news! I am forwarding this to all the people that need to know the nature 
>of this lying government. God is showing us over and over again who Bill Clinton 
>really is, so that there will be no argument on the day of Resurrection. Truth will 
>judge on that day and many will be ashamed.
>-Original Message-
>From: Bob McReynolds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Thursday, February 03, 2000 1:45 PM
>Subject: [last-days] John3:16
>From: Bob McReynolds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>John 3:16 
>  Al Gore gave a big speech a couple of weeks ago about how his faith is
>  "important" to him.  In his attempt to convince the American people
>that we
>  should consider him for president, he announced that his favorite
>  verse is John 16:3.  Of course the speech writer meant John 3:16 but
>  in the Gore camp was familiar enough with Scripture to catch the
>  Do you know what John 16:3 says?  "And they will do this because they
>  have not known the Father or me."  Does the Lord have a sense of humor
>  what?
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Re: [CTRL] [last-days] John3:16

2000-02-03 Thread ali andrew

Now this is news! I am forwarding 
this to all the people that need to know the nature of this lying government. 
God is showing us over and over again who Bill Clinton really is, so that there 
will be no argument on the day of Resurrection. Truth will judge on that day and 
many will be ashamed.

-Original Message-From: 
Thursday, February 03, 2000 1:45 PMSubject: [last-days] 
John3:16From: Bob McReynolds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
John 3:16   Al Gore gave a big speech a couple 
of weeks ago about how his faith isso  "important" to 
him.  In his attempt to convince the American peoplethat 
we  should consider him for president, he announced that his 
favoriteBible  verse is John 16:3.  Of course the speech 
writer meant John 3:16 butnobody  in the Gore camp was familiar 
enough with Scripture to catch theerror.  Do you know what 
John 16:3 says?  "And they will do this because they  
have not known the Father or me."  Does the Lord have a sense of 
humoror  what?

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