Re: [CTRL] CNN: Statement by Condit regarding the Modesto Bee editorial

2001-08-13 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

>Hells Angels if this be true he rode with them, introduced into this
>stylish group by his chauffer the Angels run drugs,

Yes, but they rarely USE drugs, other than to smoke the occasional joint or
snort an occasional line of cocaine...

They may gladly provide drugs to addicts, but don't tolerate hardcore
addicts amongst their own ranks...

If Condit does drugs, I suspect it's probably a combination of weed, cocaine
 and Ecstacy, rather than hardcore stuff like heroin

>Further the security camera tapes? Why bother to have them if you do
>not save the tapes for at least a six month period or even up to a year
>- why bother?

Having worked as a security guard in the past, I can answer that question
with some degree of knowledge...

You're lucky they even have the ability to tape...most places just go with
the video camera, and think the security guard never takes his or her eyes
off of the monitor for the whole 8-hour shift...

The reason the tapes aren't held longer is due to lack of funds...most
clients don't want to pay for 60-days worth of tape (tapes capable of
holding 24-hour's worth of monitoring are quite expensive).  The only reason
they do the taping anyway is more a "CYA" on the owner's part, and not
particularly for the benefit of the residents of the facility.  The tape is
there so that if someone come to Security and says "When I left to go to
work this morning, I found that my car had been vandalized..."

The tape is available for playback to see if any suspects are shown; if they
are, then the tape is saved for the police; if not, then the tape is
recycled.  The usual recycle schedule is 7 last Thursday's tape
will be recorded over when the tape is recycled this coming Thursday.  The
thought is that if nothing is reported within 7 days, then it's the fault of
the people to whom something occured for not reporting it right away...

Of course, this puts tenants of the building who may have been away on a
2-week vacation at a disadvantage if their apartment was broken into and
they were robbed 2 days after they left on their trip...

In the case of Chandra Levy, though, her parents called the landlord that
Friday, expressing their concerns regarding their daughter...the landlord
may have begged off actually entering the apartment due to whatever laws
there may be in DC regulating when landlords can enter apartments of their
tenants (but it seems to me that in any jurisdiction a landlord has the
right to enter in emergency situations)...but there is no excuse for not
pulling the security tapes from Sunday thru Friday and playing them back to
see what they showed...

And indeed, when the story first broke, it was said that the security tapes
showed nothing...not that they were recorded over before anyone took a look
at them.  I find it real hard to believe that the landlord did not take a
look at the tapes for the previous week immediately after the Levy's
phonecall to him alerting him that they thought something had happened to
their daughter...

>Did Chandra have any laundry facilities in her own
>apartment or did she share in a laundry room - did she have any storage
>areas and when were dumpsters emptied?

Good questions.  Usually in such apartments there are not laundry facilities
in each apartment, usually there are either absolutely NO laundry facilities
on the premise, and the tenants have to go to a commercial laundromat or
cleaners, or sneak an 'illegal' washing machine into their apartment.  A
second common set up is to have one central laundry facility, either on the
ground floor or in the basement, if there is one.  Occasionally one finds
higher-scale buildings with laundry rooms on each floor, but again it is a
public' facility in that all tenants on that floor use it.

Rarely do apartment complexes allow individual tenants to have a washing
machine in their apartment, especially if the tenant doesn't have to pay for
hot water on their own, but instead has it included in the rent.  Even if
the tenant pays for their own hot water, most landlords would rather not
have to risk damage to the apartment (and possibly the one below it) if
something went wrong with the washing machine and it overflowed...and then
there's the issue of clothes dryers...

In a city apartment complex such as Levy lived in, there wouldn't have been
the option to hang wet clothes outside to dry...a clothes dryer would be a
necessity if one used a washing machine...

And most landlords don't want to go to the expense of building a clothes
dryer venting system for each apartment...and if there isn't one, it's a
fire hazard to operate a clothes dryer in such a manner.  So that is all the
more reason that if they DO allow laundry to be done on the premises, that
landlords design a central laundry facility rather than allow tenants to do
laundry in their own apartments...



Re: [CTRL] CNN: Statement by Condit regarding the Modesto Bee editorial

2001-08-13 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

I think this guy is on drugs; note on several occasions it was reported
Chandra mentioned that he did not smoke or drink.and I find it
difficult to believe he was not on something and had been for a long
long time.

Hells Angels if this be true he rode with them, introduced into this
stylish group by his chauffer the Angels run drugs, hire out for murder
and in Canada recently got into some serious trouble.
They are not exactly the type one would want to have visit your local
lounge or have for neighbors?

Dumping this watch box is what I find incredible, for the Feds already
knew he had numerous affairs but evidently when somebody reported his
ditching of same, as one would a dead body or gun, it was then reported
Chandra wore this watch.

Now stop and think about that - she wore a watch given to him, by some
other woman.

I thin the guy is a real sicko and this will be some type of defense.
If he was set up, he deserved it.the one thing he cherished was his
image - he was in love with himself..using 20 year old pictures on
his web, and his paid off reporters always referring to him as the
youthful, and handsome Gary Condit..

He is a little old man before his time for something has taken his youth
from him and certain drugs can do this.

Chandra working out?   Did he ever go to this place?   Did he pay for
the membership maybe?   Her rent was due and she was out of work - and
no doubt the airplane tickets this little creep gave to Chandra were
frequent flyer miles?

It is said a murderer always returns to the scene of his crime; and
somehow I connect that watch to Chandras demise.for the box was
dumped like a thief in the night would dump a dead body

I would want to talk to that landlord again and also to the guy who
owned the health club  -  now if she left her apartment with nothing
other than her keys, but maybe took the check with the intent to cash
same - and left riding on a motorcycle or was welcomed in to a car by a
friendly voice and a smile - well perhaps she wanted to cash this check
before she left the area?

And her ride that night would have dropped her off to do same?
Condit's birhday was April 22 or 21st as I recall - maybe she was going
to buy him a gift and changed her mind?

Further the security camera tapes?   Why bother to have them if you do
not save the tapes for at least a six month period or even up to a year
- why bother?   Did Chandra have any laundry facilities in her own
apartment or did she share in a laundry room - did she have any storage
areas and when were dumpsters emptied?

Seems like over the years Gary Condit has been stashing away some big
bucks maybe?  How much did he take in over the years in this champaign
fund from which he obviously bought the $2,500 gold bracelet and other
"gifts" .he is just as bad as Jesse Jackson living like a kept man.

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[CTRL] CNN: Statement by Condit regarding the Modesto Bee editorial

2001-08-13 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

This guy has acted guilty from the begining, and still is, i.e., still
dodging questions, still misleading police, etc., etc.  This statement,
like everything else he's advanced, is so full of holeswell, talk about
cajones!   I advise not reading this if you are planning to, or have just
eaten...not indoors away from the pot, or without a barf bag handy.


Statement by Condit regarding the Modesto Bee editorial

August 12, 2001 Posted: 10:19 PM EDT (0219 GMT)

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- California Rep. Gary Condit responded to the Modesto
Bee editorial calling for his resignation with the following statement on

"It is terribly unfair and disappointing that the Bee would have come to
any decision about me without first allowing the investigation to continue
and hearing what I have to say.

"My thirty years in public service should have earned me that much
consideration. The Bee's editorial, like the articles it ran and later had
to correct with false accusations about me, is another example of it
following the media frenzy in this case rather than leading, by
providing its readers with the truth.

"The Bee's conclusion that my refusal to publicly discl ose details of this
case is a violation of the public trust is an unfortunate misunderstanding
of the difference between my cooperation with the police and my
unwillingness to give in to media demands that I immediately bare all parts
of my and my family's private life.

"The Bee's taking one line of a statement from the D.C. police out of
context will not change the fact that I have provided information to those
who actually might be able to find Chandra Levy as opposed to those in the
media who do not have that responsibility.

"Finally, it is sad that the Bee did not appreciate my desire to talk and
spend some time with my wife and children before I sat down for any public

"Nevertheless, I am hopeful that my neighbors and constituents will be more
understanding of the complexities of this case and will be more respectful
of the process.

"I can only hope that they will judge me on my entire record, and that they
will wait their judgment until they have heard what I have to say, which I
plan to do very soon. In return, as I always have done, I will rely on and
live by the opinion and decision of those who I have been
honored and privileged to serve."

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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