Re: [CTRL] Let's get down to facts

2003-09-05 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 9/4/2003 12:40:56 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Meanwhile there has developed a widening rift in the relationship between Sharon and George Bush. Following the Bush "line of march" has been very costly for Israel economically and in Jewish lives. George Bush has not been good for Israel.

Yes, and following the Sharon "line of march" hasn't done King George any good either.  Prudy
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Let's get down to facts

2003-09-04 Thread Zuukie
Title: Message
-Caveat Lector-

I brought this over from Hank 
Roth's site.  It was needed to provide "the other side of the 
There are FIVE parts to this set of articles on the Road Map, 
which is really much more than that. While it details aspects of a platform, it 
also includes reasons why Ariel Sharon has shown so much restraint and why it 
appears he isn't going to take it anymore and George Bush is pissed. Sharon has 
discovered, a bit belatedly, that George W. Bush has been putting the screws to 
It is a good idea to read this on the WEB because of the inline 
links to resources.
What Israeli leader has not tried to negotiate with Palestinians 
and failed? Now it is Ariel Sharon's turn. He talked to the new Palestinian 
Prime Minister, Mamoud Abbas, who has shown himself to be as irrelevant as 
Yasser Arafat has become irrelevant to any peace process. Meanwhile there has 
developed a widening rift in the relationship between Sharon and George Bush. 
Following the Bush "line of march" has been very costly for Israel economically 
and in Jewish lives. George Bush has not been good for Israel.
There has also been diplomatic pressure on Israel ever since the 
United States declared it's war on terrorism. In order to establish an alliance, 
countries supporting the U.S. have insisted that there be linkage with pressure 
on Israel, to pull out of the territories and establish a Palestinian 
Islam and the Jews have had a very unsteady and troubled coexistence since 
the Prophet Muhammad began his rule of Islam at Madina in A.D. 622, at which 
time he had very few supporters. He tried to induce the Jews to adopt Islam and 
failed. He adopted Jewish customs intended to attract Jews to Islam. He included 
the facing of Jerusalem during daily prayer, which he later changed, and ordered 
his converts to face Mecca instead, when the Jews refused to accept Islam. He 
introduced fasting for Ramadan to coincide with fasting for Yom Kipper. Still 
the Jews refused to convert.
Israels' rights in the land are greater than anyone elses. Jews never left. 
They were there for thousands of years. While they have been expelled, many 
stayed against all odds, and they always returned. Most Arabs who live in the 
region do not hold legitmate title; nothing which is continuous or can be 
established by any kind of abstract of title or deed. Many Arabs acquired land 
from the Jews by stealing it and then when Jews purchased land from rich land 
owners, it was often their own land that they were paying for and buying back. 
Israel's rights in the land was eloquently described by U.S. Senator James 
Inhofe in an address to the Senate in March - (2002).
There has been among most Jews a commitment to "Klal Yisrael", the unity of 
the Jewish people. This has been an inherent and essential component of the 
Zionist ideal. And many Jewish people stand firmly behind this idea. Some 
non-Jews attempt to define Zionism for Jews and Anti-Zionists like to assume 
that Judaism is only just a religion. If Zionism was only a religion Eretz 
Yisrael and Klal Yisrael would not have endured for 2,000 years. Jewish unity 
lasted for that period of time because Jews were committed to the idea of 
"Jewish peoplehood." Zionism is the fulfillment of Jewish unity and it is the 
preservation of Jewish peoplehood in the State of Israel where Jews have always 
lived in spite of expulsions and persecution by waves of conquerors in that 
From "The History of Islam" (Another good reference from this same author: 
"The Arabs in History") - by Robert Payne, Payne writes: "By sabotage, by 
deceit, by the terror of Muhammad' s name, [Mecca] had been weakened, and it 
fell into his hands... like a ripe plum" (The History of Islam).
Hank Roth
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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