Re: Multiple XWin.exe programs loading and no xterm

2005-03-28 Thread Steven Boothe
Scott Cegielski wrote:
Please help.  This is my first time trying to start X windows using cygwin
although I have been using cygwin for a while now.  I am running it like this:
1. Open cygwin bash shell
2. Type startxwin.bat
Try typing startx at the command line. What happens then?

Multiple XWin.exe programs loading and no xterm

2005-03-28 Thread Scott Cegielski
Please help.  This is my first time trying to start X windows using cygwin
although I have been using cygwin for a while now.  I am running it like this:
1. Open cygwin bash shell
2. Type startxwin.bat
The problem is that not much happens after that except that an X icon shows up
in the windows task bar.  If I open the windows Task Manager, I can see that
there are two XWin.exe programs running.  There is also an xterm.exe running,
although I cannot see it on my screen.  I have tried killing one of the
XWin.exe processes, but the xterm never opens.  
I have also tried startx from the cygwin shell.  This produces the same results
described above, although it does print some information to the shell.  Listed
below is a copy of this shell printout.  Am I starting it the wrong way?  I am
running this under Windows XP with service pack 2 installed.  Any ideas?  I
have seached the web and mailing list archive to try and find some answers for
this problem, but have found nothing.  Thanks in advance for any help.
Welcome to the XWin X Server
Vendor: The Cygwin/X Project
XWin was started with the following command line:
X :0 -multiwindow -clipboard
_XSERVTransmkdir: Owner of /tmp/.X11-unix should be set to root
winValidateArgs - g_iNumScreens: 1 iMaxConsecutiveScreen: 1
(II) XF86Config is not supported
(II) See for more information
(==) FontPath set to
winDetectSupportedEngines - Windows NT/2000/XP
winDetectSupportedEngines - DirectDraw installed
winDetectSupportedEngines - DirectDraw4 installed
winDetectSupportedEngines - Returning, supported engines 0007
winSetEngine - Multi Window or Rootless => ShadowGDI
winAdjustVideoModeShadowGDI - Using Windows display depth of 32 bits per pixel
winAllocateFBShadowGDI - Creating DIB with width: 1280 height: 1024 depth: 32
winFinishScreenInitFB - Masks: 00ff ff00 00ff
winInitVisualsShadowGDI - Masks 00ff ff00 00ff BPRGB 8 d 24 bpp 32
null screen fn ReparentWindow
null screen fn RestackWindow
InitQueue - Calling pthread_mutex_init
InitQueue - pthread_mutex_init returned
InitQueue - Calling pthread_cond_init
InitQueue - pthread_cond_init returned
winInitMultiWindowWM - Hello
winMultiWindowXMsgProc - Hello
winMultiWindowXMsgProc - Calling pthread_mutex_lock ()
winInitMultiWindowWM - Calling pthread_mutex_lock ()
MIT-SHM extension disabled due to lack of kernel support
XFree86-Bigfont extension local-client optimization disabled due to lack of
ed memory support in the kernel
(--) Setting autorepeat to delay=500, rate=31
(--) winConfigKeyboard - Layout: "0409" (0409)
(--) Using preset keyboard for "English (USA)" (409), type "4"
Rules = "xorg" Model = "pc105" Layout = "us" Variant = "(null)" Options =
(EE) Couldn't load XKB keymap, falling back to pre-XKB keymap
(--) 16 mouse buttons found
Could not init font path element /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/CID/, removing from
winPointerWarpCursor - Discarding first warp: 640 512
winMultiWindowXMsgProc - pthread_mutex_lock () returned.
winProcEstablishConnection - Hello
winMultiWindowXMsgProc - pthread_mutex_unlock () returned.
winInitMultiWindowWM - pthread_mutex_lock () returned.
winMultiWindowXMsgProc - DISPLAY=
winInitMultiWindowWM - pthread_mutex_unlock () returned.
winInitMultiWindowWM - DISPLAY=

Scott Cegielski

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Small clipboard bug triggered by gvim

2005-03-28 Thread Michael Schaap
I recently started using Cygwin/X a bit more, and it works amazingly well!
I did, however, stumble upon a small bug using the built-in "-clipboard" 
handling: when using a GTK2 gvim, consecutive selections are not copied 
to the Windows clipboard.

Here's how to recreate this:
Build a GTK2 version of gvim. (Alternatively, just use a GTK2 gvim on a 
Linux box, for instance.)
Start Cygwin/X, using
run XWin -multiwindow -clipboard -silent-dup-error
(e.g. using the standard batch file).
Start an xterm.
Start Notepad (or some other native Win app).
Start gvim. Type
Hello, World!
Select the string "Hello" in gvim.
Middle-click in xterm. Result: "Hello".
Paste in Notepad. Result: "Hello".
Select the string "World" in gvim.
Middle-click in xterm. Result: "World".
Paste in Notepad. Result: "Hello". Oops...
Select something in Notepad and copy it to the clipboard.
Re-select the string "World" in gvim.
Paste in Notepad. Result: "World". Now it does work...

When starting Cygwin/X without "-clipboard", and running xwinclip by 
hand, it appears to work fine.

Best regards,
– Michael

Re: always-on-top bug

2005-03-28 Thread Jack Tanner
Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
The splashscreen of an app being displayed over ssh X11 forwarding stays
on top of other windows instead of going to background when I select a
Windows window. Normally, I would've never noticed this since
splashscreens usually whiz by, but I was on a slow connection, and this
was very noticeable.
Was this in multiwindow mode, or in rootless/rooted mode?  If the former,
then AFAIU this is expected behavior -- the windows are managed by the
Yes, this was in multiwindow mode. But multiwindow mode doesn't use the 
internal Windows window manager, does it? I had thought it used an 
emulation of it that tried to be as similar as possible.

A native Windows starts with a splashscreen that I can 
send to the background by clicking on a different window. An 
X11-forwarded OOo starts with a splashscreen that stays on top no matter 
what. Does this mean that the Windows OOo doesn't draw its splashscreen 
with an always-on-top instruction?