Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...

2004-12-11 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 11:21 AM 12/9/04 -0500, Tyler Durden wrote:
>Well, May seemed to try to make the case that all of those "useles
>were in large part responsible for the very existence of the state, and
>collapse of the state meant the inevitable downfall of huge numbers of
>minorities (why he focused on them as opposed to white trailer trash I
>But he was definitely advocating that racist viewpoints fall naturally
>of a crypto-anarchic approach.


A rational person has to admit that many parasitic folks of all albedos
are able to exist
because they occupy a govt-funded niche.

Without a welfare govt, those people would either 1. subsist on private
(ie voluntary) charity, 2. become useful by necessity 3. die of
4. die during attempts to coerce others with violence.

Depending on your beliefs about human demographics/nature, you will
assign variable percentages to these outcomes.

It *is* racist to think that genotypes in each bin will differ *IFF* you

*don't* ascribe this outcome to culture associated with genotypes.

But culturism is not racism, its recognition of how behavior and
evolution work.  I subscribe to and will defend culturism.

(I speak for myself, not TM (tm), though I may or may not be a duly
appointed pope of the church of strong cryptography; though recently
I've been trending towards being an Earthquaker,
who believes in tectonics, esp. during seismic events.  Our vatican
is in Parkfield BTW :-)

Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...

2004-12-11 Thread Steve Thompson
 --- "J.A. Terranson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> On Thu, 9 Dec 2004, Steve Thompson wrote:
> Thank you Steve, for that short but entertaining look into the dark
> recesses of our collective consciousness :-)

That's what I'm here for.  Now, perhaps we can get back to discussing
issues with more direct relevance to cypherpunks?



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Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...

2004-12-11 Thread Steve Thompson
 --- Tyler Durden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> [snip]
> Sounds like a fuckin' party, if you ask me! Quit bogartin' that J...
Oh, sure.  It wasn't all bad.  Just ask the chick who is known in certain
circles as Nefertiti.  (That's her code-name).  We had an excellent time
together; or at least we did until the wheels fell off... But that's a
story for another day.

While we're speaking of pot, I should note that the grass available in
this neck of the woods is substandard at best.  What with all the illegal
suburban grow-ops in Toronto, you'd think one would be able to buy
half-decent weed from time to time.  But no... It's all crap.



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Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...

2004-12-11 Thread Tyler Durden
In my family there's a famous story told of a particular musician who was 
busted on marijuana possession. His defense: "But your was only 

From: Steve Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Tyler Durden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...
Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2004 15:31:34 -0500 (EST)
 --- Tyler Durden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [snip]
> Sounds like a fuckin' party, if you ask me! Quit bogartin' that J...
Oh, sure.  It wasn't all bad.  Just ask the chick who is known in certain
circles as Nefertiti.  (That's her code-name).  We had an excellent time
together; or at least we did until the wheels fell off... But that's a
story for another day.
While we're speaking of pot, I should note that the grass available in
this neck of the woods is substandard at best.  What with all the illegal
suburban grow-ops in Toronto, you'd think one would be able to buy
half-decent weed from time to time.  But no... It's all crap.
Post your free ad now!

Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...

2004-12-11 Thread Steve Thompson
 --- John Kelsey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Maybe, maybe not.  The thing I always find interesting and annoying
> about Tim May's posts is that he's sometimes making really clearly
> thought out, intelligent points, and other times spewing out nonsense so
> crazy you can't believe it's coming from the same person.  It's also
> clear he's often yanking peoples' chains, often by saying the most
> offensive thing he can think of.  But once in awhile, even amidst the
> crazy rantings about useless eaters and ovens, he'll toss out something
> that shows some deep, coherent thought about some issue in a new and
> fascinating direction. 

That paragraph could easily be modified to make it a commentary on my
posting habits, or indeed, on my general presentation from day to day. 
So, I will comment.

On a pseudo-random but cyclic schedule, I am harassed, provoked, or
otherwise experience incidents of aggression of one sort or another.  This
affects my mood and general state of mind to varying degrees. 
Furthermore, I do not have consistent dietary intake, nor do I live in an
environment which allows or provides privacy, security, or consistency
save that which I impose with the expenditure of a great deal of effort
and patience.

If you also consider the fact that I have been variously poisoned in
recent years with everything from sedatives to stimulants to hormones to
psychoactive compounds to low-level hallucinogens, and as well have been
subjected to uncounted appeals to my subconscious in the main through the
use of direct and indirect sexually exploitative imagery and encounters,
you might get the idea that consistent literary output is simply not in
the offing.

Before anyone goes to the trouble of suggesting that I discuss matters
with the police, I'll save them the bother.  The police have entirely
failed to allow my allegations the courtesy of a hearing.  Not even once. 
I belive that those who have not merely dirties their own hands in some
way, are too chikenshit to recognise some of the more subtle criminality
that goes on in this country.  Or they may be intimidated by the kind of
agency[1] that has invoved itself in the kind of clandestine activity that
is at issue.

Add in the fact that I've been dealing with _some_ sort of malicious and
interfereing bullshit for quite a few years without any sincere assistance
of any sort beyond the odd informational giveaway of dubious provenance,
and you might well conclude that whatever else is going on, I'm not a
happy camper.  Perhaps my inconsistent presentation mimics the
inconclusive partial criterion for certain classical mental afflictions. 
This is convenient as such afflictions are conveniently viewed by the
layman and professional alike as having an origin that is entirely
internal to the individual in question.

However, I have quite a bit of evidence of varying grades that support my
position rather well.  Time will tell, perhaps, the true nature of the
matter in a fashion that leaves no doubt in the mind of the uninvolved

But in the interim, that will have to stand as my overbrief outline of the
reason why I exhibit inconsistency in writing, speech, and action.  I am
simply way too busy dealing with what can in one way be viewed as a
chronic and personalised denial of service attack.

Perhaps Tim May has an entirely different set of factors influencing his
online behaviour.  You will have to ask him to explain his circumstances,
and hope that he consents to it.

As for my case, I do not really wish to make it a topic of discussion on
the Cypherpunks list.  The law enforecement (and perhipheral) personnel
who have involvement in my affairs, for whatever reason, are (and should
be) fully aware of the external influences on my psychology.  They have
the investigative tools and authority to make definitive findings of fact,
and to take corrective action should they find incidents of criminal
liability, but as yet have refused to do so.  And *that* is another matter



[1] general sense of the term.  I'm not referring to, say, the CIA
specifically in this instance.  

Post your free ad now!

Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...

2004-12-11 Thread Tyler Durden
"If you also consider the fact that I have been variously poisoned in
recent years with everything from sedatives to stimulants to hormones to
psychoactive compounds to low-level hallucinogens, and as well have been
subjected to uncounted appeals to my subconscious in the main through the
use of direct and indirect sexually exploitative imagery and encounters,
you might get the idea that consistent literary output is simply not in
the offing."
Sounds like a fuckin' party, if you ask me! Quit bogartin' that J...

From: Steve Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: John Kelsey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 2004 20:19:06 -0500 (EST)
 --- John Kelsey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Maybe, maybe not.  The thing I always find interesting and annoying
> about Tim May's posts is that he's sometimes making really clearly
> thought out, intelligent points, and other times spewing out nonsense so
> crazy you can't believe it's coming from the same person.  It's also
> clear he's often yanking peoples' chains, often by saying the most
> offensive thing he can think of.  But once in awhile, even amidst the
> crazy rantings about useless eaters and ovens, he'll toss out something
> that shows some deep, coherent thought about some issue in a new and
> fascinating direction.
That paragraph could easily be modified to make it a commentary on my
posting habits, or indeed, on my general presentation from day to day.
So, I will comment.
On a pseudo-random but cyclic schedule, I am harassed, provoked, or
otherwise experience incidents of aggression of one sort or another.  This
affects my mood and general state of mind to varying degrees.
Furthermore, I do not have consistent dietary intake, nor do I live in an
environment which allows or provides privacy, security, or consistency
save that which I impose with the expenditure of a great deal of effort
and patience.
If you also consider the fact that I have been variously poisoned in
recent years with everything from sedatives to stimulants to hormones to
psychoactive compounds to low-level hallucinogens, and as well have been
subjected to uncounted appeals to my subconscious in the main through the
use of direct and indirect sexually exploitative imagery and encounters,
you might get the idea that consistent literary output is simply not in
the offing.
Before anyone goes to the trouble of suggesting that I discuss matters
with the police, I'll save them the bother.  The police have entirely
failed to allow my allegations the courtesy of a hearing.  Not even once.
I belive that those who have not merely dirties their own hands in some
way, are too chikenshit to recognise some of the more subtle criminality
that goes on in this country.  Or they may be intimidated by the kind of
agency[1] that has invoved itself in the kind of clandestine activity that
is at issue.
Add in the fact that I've been dealing with _some_ sort of malicious and
interfereing bullshit for quite a few years without any sincere assistance
of any sort beyond the odd informational giveaway of dubious provenance,
and you might well conclude that whatever else is going on, I'm not a
happy camper.  Perhaps my inconsistent presentation mimics the
inconclusive partial criterion for certain classical mental afflictions.
This is convenient as such afflictions are conveniently viewed by the
layman and professional alike as having an origin that is entirely
internal to the individual in question.
However, I have quite a bit of evidence of varying grades that support my
position rather well.  Time will tell, perhaps, the true nature of the
matter in a fashion that leaves no doubt in the mind of the uninvolved
But in the interim, that will have to stand as my overbrief outline of the
reason why I exhibit inconsistency in writing, speech, and action.  I am
simply way too busy dealing with what can in one way be viewed as a
chronic and personalised denial of service attack.
Perhaps Tim May has an entirely different set of factors influencing his
online behaviour.  You will have to ask him to explain his circumstances,
and hope that he consents to it.
As for my case, I do not really wish to make it a topic of discussion on
the Cypherpunks list.  The law enforecement (and perhipheral) personnel
who have involvement in my affairs, for whatever reason, are (and should
be) fully aware of the external influences on my psychology.  They have
the investigative tools and authority to make definitive findings of fact,
and to take corrective action should they find incidents of criminal
liability, but as yet have refused to do so.  And *that* is another matter


[1] general sense of the term.  I'm not referring to, say, the CIA
specifically in this instance.
Post your free ad now!

Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...

2004-12-11 Thread J.A. Terranson

On Fri, 10 Dec 2004, Steve Thompson wrote:

> While we're speaking of pot, I should note that the grass available in
> this neck of the woods is substandard at best.  What with all the illegal
> suburban grow-ops in Toronto, you'd think one would be able to buy
> half-decent weed from time to time.  But no... It's all crap.

You're scroing in the wrong neighborhoods.  Try the areas which rely on
grass for their day to day needs.  A neighborhood heavily populated by
Tims "eaters" would be best ;-)

> Steve


J.A. Terranson

 Civilization is in a tailspin - everything is backwards, everything is
upside down- doctors destroy health, psychiatrists destroy minds, lawyers
destroy justice, the major media destroy information, governments destroy
freedom and religions destroy spirituality - yet it is claimed to be
healthy, just, informed, free and spiritual. We live in a social system
whose community, wealth, love and life is derived from alienation,
poverty, self-hate and medical murder - yet we tell ourselves that it is
biologically and ecologically sustainable.

The Bush plan to screen whole US population for mental illness clearly
indicates that mental illness starts at the top.

Rev Dr Michael Ellner

Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...

2004-12-11 Thread J.A. Terranson

On Thu, 9 Dec 2004, Steve Thompson wrote:


Thank you Steve, for that short but entertaining look into the dark
recesses of our collective consciousness :-)


J.A. Terranson

 Civilization is in a tailspin - everything is backwards, everything is
upside down- doctors destroy health, psychiatrists destroy minds, lawyers
destroy justice, the major media destroy information, governments destroy
freedom and religions destroy spirituality - yet it is claimed to be
healthy, just, informed, free and spiritual. We live in a social system
whose community, wealth, love and life is derived from alienation,
poverty, self-hate and medical murder - yet we tell ourselves that it is
biologically and ecologically sustainable.

The Bush plan to screen whole US population for mental illness clearly
indicates that mental illness starts at the top.

Rev Dr Michael Ellner

Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...

2004-12-11 Thread Tyler Durden
Oh no, I fully understood those arguments and conceeded that in certain 
scenarios such ethnic groups might experience disproportionate amounts of 

However, when we start talking about actively putting them up the chimneys, 
then we've moved into making such ethnic groups targets.

Hey...there's nothing saying a smart person can't end up a racist. However, 
it is to be expected that a smart racist will have particularly clever 
arguments to justify such racism.

In addition, I suspect that some of our more robust inner-city dwellers 
might actually adapt quite quickly to such scenarios. As for trailer trash, 


From: "Major Variola (ret)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...
Date: Thu, 09 Dec 2004 19:01:04 -0800
At 11:21 AM 12/9/04 -0500, Tyler Durden wrote:
>Well, May seemed to try to make the case that all of those "useles
>were in large part responsible for the very existence of the state, and
>collapse of the state meant the inevitable downfall of huge numbers of
>minorities (why he focused on them as opposed to white trailer trash I
>But he was definitely advocating that racist viewpoints fall naturally
>of a crypto-anarchic approach.
A rational person has to admit that many parasitic folks of all albedos
are able to exist
because they occupy a govt-funded niche.
Without a welfare govt, those people would either 1. subsist on private
(ie voluntary) charity, 2. become useful by necessity 3. die of
4. die during attempts to coerce others with violence.
Depending on your beliefs about human demographics/nature, you will
assign variable percentages to these outcomes.
It *is* racist to think that genotypes in each bin will differ *IFF* you
*don't* ascribe this outcome to culture associated with genotypes.
But culturism is not racism, its recognition of how behavior and
evolution work.  I subscribe to and will defend culturism.
(I speak for myself, not TM (tm), though I may or may not be a duly
appointed pope of the church of strong cryptography; though recently
I've been trending towards being an Earthquaker,
who believes in tectonics, esp. during seismic events.  Our vatican
is in Parkfield BTW :-)

Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...

2004-12-09 Thread Tyler Durden
If you think those are anarchist ideas, you've missed the
main ideas about anarchy and anarcho-capitalism and such.
Anarchism isn't about getting rid of the _current_ people in charge,
it's about getting rid of _having_ people be in charge.
Well, May seemed to try to make the case that all of those "useles eaters" 
were in large part responsible for the very existence of the state, and that 
collapse of the state meant the inevitable downfall of huge numbers of 
minorities (why he focused on them as opposed to white trailer trash I don't 

But he was definitely advocating that racist viewpoints fall naturally out 
of a crypto-anarchic approach.


Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...

2004-12-09 Thread Bill Stewart
At 08:25 AM 12/8/2004, Steve Furlong wrote:
I know what you mean, but (a) I didn't write what I meant, and (b) I
don't think a true anarchy would be the proper environment for your
My complaints about Tim's anarchistic writings were about his desire to
watch DC detonate, or to watch a rampage against useless eaters of one
type or another, or the like.
If you think those are anarchist ideas, you've missed the
main ideas about anarchy and anarcho-capitalism and such.
Anarchism isn't about getting rid of the _current_ people in charge,
it's about getting rid of _having_ people be in charge.
On a cypherpunks-history track, Tim or Eric once proposed that
the way to deal with slander in an uncensorable anonymous
communication environment was to make sure that there was
_always_ a wide current of anonymous slander against you going on,
so you can dismiss any _real_ slander by saying it's just more
of the same crap that some anonymous people always say about you,
and that there may even be a market for it.
(And Tim didn't even pay me to say that he's Detweiler's father...)

Bill Stewart  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...

2004-12-08 Thread Steve Furlong
On Wed, 2004-12-08 at 09:26, R.A. Hettinga wrote:
> At 9:17 AM -0500 12/8/04, John Kelsey wrote:
> > But once in awhile, even amidst the crazy rantings about useless eaters
> >and ovens, he'll toss out something that shows some deep, coherent thought
> >about some issue in a new and fascinating direction.
> Yup.
> Canonical Cypherpunk, and all that. Impossible to keep in a killfile, etc.
> Like it or not, we live in a Maysian Universe...

All we need is a Bayesian Maysian filter to separate the wheat from the
(racist | deranged | anarchist | readthearchives) chaff.

On a related note, is it possible that Tim has syphillis and it went to
his brain? His earlier work was certainly insightful, well thought-out,
and useful. His later writings, generally useless and irritating though
they were, still had occasional relevance. Poor Tim, sharing Nietzsche's

Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...

2004-12-08 Thread Steve Furlong
On Wed, 2004-12-08 at 10:47, R.A. Hettinga wrote:
> At 10:38 AM -0500 12/8/04, Steve Furlong wrote:
> >anarchist
> Bzzt wrong answer.
> Must filter that *in*, thankewverramuch...

I know what you mean, but (a) I didn't write what I meant, and (b) I
don't think a true anarchy would be the proper environment for your

My complaints about Tim's anarchistic writings were about his desire to
watch DC detonate, or to watch a rampage against useless eaters of one
type or another, or the like. However, unless there were a mass uprising
against the current government, or the idea of any government, any
limited demonstration would simply be an excuse for the ratchet to turn
another few clicks. Viz the OKC bombing.

As for anonymous bearer transactions in an anarchy, I'm going to have to
bag on that for now. Not cowardice -- work to do. Later, if I remember,
which I won't because I'm a burnout.


Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...

2004-12-08 Thread R.A. Hettinga
At 10:38 AM -0500 12/8/04, Steve Furlong wrote:

Bzzt wrong answer.

Must filter that *in*, thankewverramuch...


R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...

2004-12-08 Thread Tyler Durden
once in awhile, even amidst the crazy rantings about useless eaters and 
he'll toss out something that shows some deep, coherent thought about some 
in a new and fascinating direction."

Agreed. Though even his racisism seemed to have some kind of half-baked 
thought behind it. Or at least, baked just enough to deflect most of those 
not fully prepared to assail it.

From: John Kelsey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...
Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2004 09:17:30 -0500 (GMT-05:00)
>From: Steve Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Dec 7, 2004 1:26 PM
>Subject: Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...
>Tim May has probably gotten all strange in the last few years, living in
>his remote hilltop home, waiting to see the end that will not come since
>the y2k crisis turned out to be nothing more than a financial boondoggle
>for the companies that believed all the hype.
Maybe, maybe not.  The thing I always find interesting and annoying about 
Tim May's posts is that he's sometimes making really clearly thought out, 
intelligent points, and other times spewing out nonsense so crazy you can't 
believe it's coming from the same person.  It's also clear he's often 
yanking peoples' chains, often by saying the most offensive thing he can 
think of.  But once in awhile, even amidst the crazy rantings about useless 
eaters and ovens, he'll toss out something that shows some deep, coherent 
thought about some issue in a new and fascinating direction.


Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...

2004-12-08 Thread R.W. (Bob) Erickson
Eugen Leitl wrote:
On Wed, Dec 08, 2004 at 09:17:30AM -0500, John Kelsey wrote:

Maybe, maybe not.  The thing I always find interesting and annoying about Tim May's posts is that he's sometimes making really clearly thought out, intelligent points, and other times spewing out nonsense so crazy you can't believe it's coming from the same person.  It's also clear he's often yanking peoples' chains, often by saying the most offensive thing he can think of.  But once in awhile, even amidst the crazy rantings about useless eaters and ovens, he'll toss out something that shows some deep, coherent thought about some issue in a new and fascinating direction. 

There was no doubt he was trolling. I never figured out the precise reason,
though. Attempted suicide by cop? Free speech illustration? You tell me.
Neither is sufficient interesting. 


the Zen Master's stick:
irrationality is not to be overcome
its value recognizes you
as you become undone

Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...

2004-12-08 Thread Eugen Leitl
On Wed, Dec 08, 2004 at 09:17:30AM -0500, John Kelsey wrote:

> Maybe, maybe not.  The thing I always find interesting and annoying about Tim 
> May's posts is that he's sometimes making really clearly thought out, 
> intelligent points, and other times spewing out nonsense so crazy you can't 
> believe it's coming from the same person.  It's also clear he's often yanking 
> peoples' chains, often by saying the most offensive thing he can think of.  
> But once in awhile, even amidst the crazy rantings about useless eaters and 
> ovens, he'll toss out something that shows some deep, coherent thought about 
> some issue in a new and fascinating direction. 

There was no doubt he was trolling. I never figured out the precise reason,
though. Attempted suicide by cop? Free speech illustration? You tell me.
Neither is sufficient interesting. 

Eugen* Leitl";>leitl
ICBM: 48.07078, 11.61144
8B29F6BE: 099D 78BA 2FD3 B014 B08A  7779 75B0 2443 8B29 F6BE

Description: PGP signature

Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...

2004-12-08 Thread R.A. Hettinga
At 9:17 AM -0500 12/8/04, John Kelsey wrote:
> But once in awhile, even amidst the crazy rantings about useless eaters
>and ovens, he'll toss out something that shows some deep, coherent thought
>about some issue in a new and fascinating direction.


Canonical Cypherpunk, and all that. Impossible to keep in a killfile, etc.

Like it or not, we live in a Maysian Universe...


R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...

2004-12-08 Thread John Kelsey
>From: Steve Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Dec 7, 2004 1:26 PM
>Subject: Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...

>Tim May has probably gotten all strange in the last few years, living in
>his remote hilltop home, waiting to see the end that will not come since
>the y2k crisis turned out to be nothing more than a financial boondoggle
>for the companies that believed all the hype.

Maybe, maybe not.  The thing I always find interesting and annoying about Tim 
May's posts is that he's sometimes making really clearly thought out, 
intelligent points, and other times spewing out nonsense so crazy you can't 
believe it's coming from the same person.  It's also clear he's often yanking 
peoples' chains, often by saying the most offensive thing he can think of.  But 
once in awhile, even amidst the crazy rantings about useless eaters and ovens, 
he'll toss out something that shows some deep, coherent thought about some 
issue in a new and fascinating direction. 



Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...

2004-12-07 Thread Steve Thompson
 --- Nomen Nescio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Steve Furlong:
> > Random racist ranting is also required. There are some racist
> > assholes currently posting on cpunks, but none have quite the May
> > flavor.
> You can say that again. Here are a few examples of what this once
> renowned cypherpunk usually writes nowadays.
> [snip]

Tim May has probably gotten all strange in the last few years, living in
his remote hilltop home, waiting to see the end that will not come since
the y2k crisis turned out to be nothing more than a financial boondoggle
for the companies that believed all the hype.

Imagine that his racist rantings are the expression of a frustration that
he cannot admit, and that the overtly bigoted expressions are a cover to
hide his real opinions on affairs over which he has no control.  I
sincerely doubt that he cares one way or another over the fate of
Washington welfare cases, the poor of Africa, or the 'Underground Zionist
Leaders of America' (or whatever).



Post your free ad now!

Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...

2004-12-07 Thread Nomen Nescio
Steve Furlong:

> Random racist ranting is also required. There are some racist
> assholes currently posting on cpunks, but none have quite the May
> flavor.


You can say that again. Here are a few examples of what this once
renowned cypherpunk usually writes nowadays.

First five quick quotes from Tim May, more further down.

> No wonder the white person wants the brown person sent up the
> chimneys, along with their Jew facillitators.

> I'm chortling. The burn-off of one hundred million useless eaters
> is going to be glorious.

> Me, I spend my years devoloping tools to fight the Zionist Entity,
> including the popular anonymous remailers and steganography to
> allow freedom fighters to fight Amerika and ZOG without detection, 
> to send the last evil Jew to the ovens.

> I cheered when this nigger was shot, in 1968, a very
> good year.

> We need to find ways to help Al Qaeda nuke Washington, D.C. Killing
> a quarter of a million government employee leeches and three
> quarters of a million negro welfare leeches sounds like a good
> deal.

Q: What do you call the death of a billion people from AIDS?
A: A good start.

Negroes in Africa believe that having sex with women and children
expells the virus from their body. (No, I did not just make this up.
Read the interviews with aid (no pun intended) workers.)

Basically, between AIDS, cannibalism, butchering of other tribes, bad
economic practices, corrupt liberal governments, the Dark Continent
burning off its negroes. The non-negro areas, in the extreme south
extreme north, are doing OK.

In 30 years the negro regions will have been cleansed, naturally, and
whites can colonize and make the entire continent prosperous.

--Tim May

Bush finally has admittted to "mistakes" in the planning of the war.
And now the search is on for which Jewish spy for ZOG bore the most

It's been clear for more than 16 months that ZOG viewed the war with
Iraq with delight, a chance to bloody one of their enemies without
themselves having to go to war. Feeding the DOD false information was
part of this disinformation campaign. And as the war with Iraq was
to be winding down (though it has not, of course, as freedom fighters
in Iraq continue to kill Americans working for the ZOG state), the
Zionist Entity floated stories that _Syria_ was the _REAL_ enemy, or
maybe _Iran_, as the Ultimate Enemy.

We need to cut off funds to the ZOG state and let three million
figure out how to swim the Mediterranean, REAL FAST. The burn-off of
million ZOGsters would be glorious to behold.

The implicated ZOG spies should be given fair trials, and, if found
guilty, executed. None of the "kid glove treatment" that the ZOG spy
Pollard has been receiving.

Then we need to look very seriously at the Jews in our own midst.
are not ZOGster, just Jews who fled oppressive regimes (which many of
their fellow Jews helped create, by the way, as the history of Lenin
and Marx and the early Jewish role in the formation of the Soviet
shows). But the many ZOGsters now feeding information to the ZOG
need to be rounded up, given fair trials, and liquidated. Entire
departments in the Pentagon will be decimated when this happens. Good

As for the war in Iraq, we need to withdraw immediately, in 30 days.
This was ZOG's war, not ours. Let Ari Fleischer and Dov Zackheim and
Paul Wolfowith and Doug Feight become soldiers in the ZOG Army if
wish, and if they are not hung as spies, but get these united states
out of the business of fighting ZOG's wars.

--Tim May

You'll get the Trifecta with John Kerry: a Communist, a Jew (recently
acknowledged), and a Papist.  

Me, I'd rather we find the ZOG-employed traitors in the Pentagon, try
them, hang them, and then pull out of all such "foreign adventures"
"entanglements," which our first and most honest President warned us

Let the Shiites and Sunnis fight it out in Iraq, let three million
invaders swim for their lives, and let the entire Dark Continent deal
with its own savagery, AIDS, cannibalism, killings of Hutus, killings
of Tutsis, HIV, malaria, child rape, and voodoo in its own way. In 30
years the Dark Continent should be ready for white people, the last
in the ZOG state will have been nailed to a cross, and the world can
get on with things without U.S. Big Brother interference.

--Tim May

I "retired" more than 18 years ago, in 1986.

Near the beach, too. 

However, I don't believe active minds actually "retire." Rather, they
do what is important to them, whether or not K-Mart or Lockheed or
Apple or Intel is employing them.

Me, I spend my years devoloping tools to fight the Zionist Entity,
including the popular anonymous remailers and steganography to allow
freedom fighters to fight Amerika and ZOG without detection,  to send
the last evil Jew to the ovens.

And category theory, topos theory, Haskell, functional programmng,
crypto, so long as no Zionist criminals

RE: "Word" Of the Subgenius...

2004-12-07 Thread Nomen Nescio
Peter Trei:

> > Where is Tim May when when you need him? :-)
> > 
> Try scruz.general.

or misc.survivalism

Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...

2004-12-07 Thread Steve Furlong
On Mon, 2004-12-06 at 17:00, R.A. Hettinga wrote:
> At 3:34 PM -0500 12/6/04, Steve Thompson wrote:
> >I rather suspect that
> >the people who 0wn the upstream pipe from my points of access are toying
> >with their ability to interpose their data in place of quasi-authoritative
> >texts.
> Oh, *my*...
> Where is Detweiller, now that we need him?

That was bad enough, but for a real "oh my" moment, see elsewhere in
Thompson's missive:

> Any way you look at it, the phrase "tax money well spent" would seem
> to apply here.

I can't think of any way to use that phrase non-sarcastically.

Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...

2004-12-07 Thread Roy M. Silvernail
R.A. Hettinga wrote:
At 3:34 PM -0500 12/6/04, Steve Thompson wrote:

I rather suspect that
the people who 0wn the upstream pipe from my points of access are toying
with their ability to interpose their data in place of quasi-authoritative

Oh, *my*...
Where is Detweiller, now that we need him?

Huh?  I thought that *was* Detweiller!
Roy M. Silvernail is [EMAIL PROTECTED], and you're not
"It's just this little chromium switch, here." - TFT

Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...

2004-12-07 Thread Steve Thompson
 --- "R.A. Hettinga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> At 10:12 PM -0500 12/6/04, Steve Thompson wrote:
> >But I cannot prove
> >it.
> Tee hee...

This from the guy who took over where Choate left off.  Although at least
you include the article text instead of simply posting links.

I'm not here to be nice and make friends.



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Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...

2004-12-07 Thread R.A. Hettinga
At 10:12 PM -0500 12/6/04, Steve Thompson wrote:
>But I cannot prove

Tee hee...


R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...

2004-12-07 Thread Steve Thompson
 --- "R.A. Hettinga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> At 3:34 PM -0500 12/6/04, Steve Thompson wrote:
> >I rather suspect that
> >the people who 0wn the upstream pipe from my points of access are
> toying
> >with their ability to interpose their data in place of
> quasi-authoritative
> >texts.
> Oh, *my*...

Come on, tell us what you really think.

Anyhow, when I used to post to usenet via google, I experienced a number
of incidents in which there were minor changes to the text of articles I
wrote and posted.  I also regularly noticed people posting messages that
were being exempted from the normal posting delay.  

Articles that arrived at google were subject to a delay of a few hours
before their index entries propogated across to the entirety of the index
search cluster.  Some individuals evidently had acces to the google
database such that they were able to put their (suitably Date:ed) articles
at the head of the posting queues.

The apparent 0wn3rs of the continential US 1nt3rn3t are clearly making
sure they have capabilities that they may use to appear as if they are
super-3l33t.  Why, it wouldn't suprise me if I were to find that some of
them are busy playing 'alien' to unsuspecting unsophisticates at this very
moment.  Actually, it's a little more likely that they are playing "you
are trapped in the Matrix" on the gullible, isn't it.

> Where is Detweiller, now that we need him?

Probably off somewhere consulting in the industry, having tired of the
noise and wearied by the futility of hitting on Tim May.  I think that I
have better taste, personally, and am waiting for the chance to make a
pass at Condi.  Perhaps after the current presidential term she'll have
some time for me.
> ;-)

Is that a sincere emoticon?



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Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...

2004-12-07 Thread Steve Thompson
 --- "Roy M. Silvernail" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> R.A. Hettinga wrote:
> >Oh, *my*...
> >
> >Where is Detweiller, now that we need him?
> Huh?  I thought that *was* Detweiller!

Detwellier had an oral fixation, and while I may like a good argument as
much as anyone, mere talk about sex never really did it for me.  But I
confess that I like to watch sometimes.

At any rate, Detweiller is another person entirely.  But I cannot prove



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Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...

2004-12-07 Thread R.A. Hettinga
At 8:59 PM -0500 12/6/04, Steve Furlong wrote:
>> Any way you look at it, the phrase "tax money well spent" would seem
>> to apply here.
>I can't think of any way to use that phrase non-sarcastically.

I can't even parse the *sentence*...



R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"...if a person can't communicate, the very least he can do is to
shut up."
-- Tom Lehrer

Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...

2004-12-06 Thread R.A. Hettinga
At 3:34 PM -0500 12/6/04, Steve Thompson wrote:
>I rather suspect that
>the people who 0wn the upstream pipe from my points of access are toying
>with their ability to interpose their data in place of quasi-authoritative

Oh, *my*...

Where is Detweiller, now that we need him?



R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...

2004-12-06 Thread Steve Thompson
 --- Tyler Durden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> >Bonus question:
> >
> >Who is the author of the origin question that inspired the copycats?

> Well, I remember May posting it but I don't think he was the ultimate 
> author. I suspect whoever posted it recently in fact dug it out of the 
> archives and re-posted it, a particularly lame maneuver if so.

Wrong.  The origin quote is "Who is Socrates, now that we need him"
written by Richard Mitchell as the title of chapter one in "The Gift of
Fire".  Mitchell may have cribbed the line from another source, but in
this context it is the origin quote.  Ms. Harsh is in posession of the
original physical vector, having stolen it, but only the spooks will be
unofficially aware of that facet of the context.

Any non-spook readers (if any) can identify the copycats as spooks by
virtue of their use of mutations from the original.  The source is rare
enough that it is highly unlikely that anyone outside of English academia
would happen to bring it up of his own accord in 'casual' conversation. 
Google is, indeed, your friend in this matter.
> OR...perhaps ole' May is gettin' a little lonely out there!

I doubt it.  May has his gun collection for company.



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Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...

2004-12-06 Thread Steve Thompson
 --- Steve Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
>  --- Tyler Durden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> > >Bonus question:
> > >
> > >Who is the author of the origin question that inspired the copycats?
> > Well, I remember May posting it but I don't think he was the ultimate 
> > author. I suspect whoever posted it recently in fact dug it out of the
> > archives and re-posted it, a particularly lame maneuver if so.
> Wrong.  The origin quote is "Who is Socrates, now that we need him"
> written by Richard Mitchell as the title of chapter one in "The Gift of
> Fire".  Mitchell may have cribbed the line from another source, but in
> this context it is the origin quote.  Ms. Harsh is in posession of the
> original physical vector, having stolen it, but only the spooks will be
> unofficially aware of that facet of the context.

On further reflection, I think it is necessary to go out on a limb and
suggest a correction to my comment above.

I "verified" the original quotation from a quick google search.  That was
probably not enough.  My recollection suggests that the original quote
should be "where is Socrates now that we need him".  I rather suspect that
the people who 0wn the upstream pipe from my points of access are toying
with their ability to interpose their data in place of quasi-authoritative
texts.  I cannot consult the physical document owing to the fact that its
rarity is such that there are no copies available at either the Metro
Central Reference Library, and I have no access to the stacks at the
University of Toronto Robarts library.  Someone who does may consult the
book themselves with its call number:  B72 .M55 1987.

Further, Ms. Harsh may be said to posess the probable physical vector.  I
cannot say what level of participation she has had in this travesty owing
to the fact that after she perjured herself in court in 2001, she has
entirely avoided using her actual identity online.  However, she could
answer the question with her copy of the book in principle if there were
any way to compel her testimony.  It is possible that the quote is being
used as a source by online spooks by virtue of the text's presence in
their funky everything database.
Any way you look at it, the phrase "tax money well spent" would seem to
apply here.



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Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...

2004-12-06 Thread Tyler Durden
Bonus question:
Who is the author of the origin question that inspired the copycats?
Well, I remember May posting it but I don't think he was the ultimate 
author. I suspect whoever posted it recently in fact dug it out of the 
archives and re-posted it, a particularly lame maneuver if so.

OR...perhaps ole' May is gettin' a little lonely out there!

Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...

2004-12-06 Thread John Kelsey
>From: Tyler Durden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Dec 4, 2004 8:33 PM
>Subject: "Word" Of the Subgenius...

>I thought JR "Bob" Dobbs got beamed up to that comet with those LA Koolaid 

No, but I do believe the comet kooks engaged in bobbitization (or perhaps, 
merely "bobbing").  



RE: "Word" Of the Subgenius...

2004-12-06 Thread Trei, Peter

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Neil Johnson
> Sent: Sunday, December 05, 2004 9:06 AM
> To: R.W. (Bob) Erickson
> Cc: Steve Furlong; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...
> On Sun, 2004-12-05 at 08:46 -0500, R.W. (Bob) Erickson wrote:
> > To be bobbed is never the goal, 
> > but bobless fear steers the undifferentiated bob
> > along conventional paths,
> > to the abattoir
> Where is Tim May when when you need him? :-)
Try scruz.general.


Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...

2004-12-06 Thread Steve Thompson
 --- Neil Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> On Sun, 2004-12-05 at 08:46 -0500, R.W. (Bob) Erickson wrote:
> > To be bobbed is never the goal, 
> > but bobless fear steers the undifferentiated bob
> > along conventional paths,
> > to the abattoir
> Where is Tim May when when you need him? :-)

Tuning the output stage of his useless eater welfare-mutant oven, in all
probability.  I think he wants to avoid criticisms from the
environmentalists by way of making sure his machinery conforms to Kyoto
Protocol expectations.

Bonus question:

Who is the author of the origin question that inspired the copycats?



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Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...

2004-12-05 Thread R.A. Hettinga
At 8:06 AM -0600 12/5/04, Neil Johnson wrote:
>Where is Tim May when when you need him? :-)

Nah, this is mere Younglish wierdness.

You have to talk about useless eaters to be totally mayified...

R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"When I was your age we didn't have Tim May! We had to be paranoid
on our own! And we were grateful!" --Alan Olsen

Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...

2004-12-05 Thread R.W. (Bob) Erickson
Steve Furlong wrote:
On Sat, 2004-12-04 at 20:42, R.W. (Bob) Erickson wrote:

Bobhood is never a light burden, as I'm sure RAH can attest

Bobbittization would make the burden lighter. 


To be bobbed is never the goal, 
but bobless fear steers the undifferentiated bob
along conventional paths,
to the abattoir

"Word" Of the Subgenius...

2004-12-05 Thread Tyler Durden
I thought JR "Bob" Dobbs got beamed up to that comet with those LA Koolaid 

From: "R.W. (Bob) Erickson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Word
Date: Sat, 04 Dec 2004 18:42:01 -0500
You want me to say what I mean.
You expect me to not waste your time, but you dont know why I am here yet.
So I tell you that I am here to show you something interesting in words.
You can be sure that I'm only talking about words and not about things that 
matter. You know the difference, between words and things that matter, just 
like I do.

Sometimes when people get to using fancy words, they forget the difference. 
Between you and me - we'll speak plainly - the country needs more clarity, 
'cause we cant afford to forget what matters.

We may not agree on much, but I'm certain that you really do see how 
there's stuff that matters. I respect you for this. No doubt we can agree 
that it's frustrating at times, to talk with smart asses who lack this 
common sense.

Maybe you haven't felt like knocking some sense into this sort of fool, but 
I bet you know what I mean. Like the saying goes, you can lead a horse to 
water, but you cant make him talk plain.

So I've been thinking that maybe I can take a crack at translating their 
alien thinking, some of their "expert" science and philosophy mumbo jumbo 
to real talk. The Lord knows, we cant hope to make sense of all the babble. 
If you can give me a bit more of your time, I do believe that I can hook 
you up with a practical explanation for why those brainy idiots keep going 
on and on. They get themselves all worked up to a dizzy, trying to talk 
sense. Maybe we can do better.

Wish me luck!

Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...

2004-12-05 Thread R.W. (Bob) Erickson
Neil Johnson wrote:
On Sun, 2004-12-05 at 08:46 -0500, R.W. (Bob) Erickson wrote:

To be bobbed is never the goal, 
but bobless fear steers the undifferentiated bob
along conventional paths,
to the abattoir

Where is Tim May when when you need him? :-)

Probably busy in his hilltop bunker
fiddling with prion generators
.cpunks write code

Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...

2004-12-05 Thread Steve Furlong
On Sat, 2004-12-04 at 20:42, R.W. (Bob) Erickson wrote:
> Bobhood is never a light burden, as I'm sure RAH can attest

Bobbittization would make the burden lighter. 

Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...

2004-12-05 Thread R.W. (Bob) Erickson
Bobhood is never a light burden, as I'm sure RAH can attest

Tyler Durden wrote:
I thought JR "Bob" Dobbs got beamed up to that comet with those LA 
Koolaid kooks...

From: "R.W. (Bob) Erickson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Word
Date: Sat, 04 Dec 2004 18:42:01 -0500
You want me to say what I mean.
You expect me to not waste your time, but you dont know why I am 
here yet.

So I tell you that I am here to show you something interesting in words.
You can be sure that I'm only talking about words and not about 
things that matter. You know the difference, between words and things 
that matter, just like I do.

Sometimes when people get to using fancy words, they forget the 
difference. Between you and me - we'll speak plainly - the country 
needs more clarity, 'cause we cant afford to forget what matters.

We may not agree on much, but I'm certain that you really do see how 
there's stuff that matters. I respect you for this. No doubt we can 
agree that it's frustrating at times, to talk with smart asses who 
lack this common sense.

Maybe you haven't felt like knocking some sense into this sort of 
fool, but I bet you know what I mean. Like the saying goes, you can 
lead a horse to water, but you cant make him talk plain.

So I've been thinking that maybe I can take a crack at translating 
their alien thinking, some of their "expert" science and philosophy 
mumbo jumbo to real talk. The Lord knows, we cant hope to make sense 
of all the babble. If you can give me a bit more of your time, I do 
believe that I can hook you up with a practical explanation for why 
those brainy idiots keep going on and on. They get themselves all 
worked up to a dizzy, trying to talk sense. Maybe we can do better.

Wish me luck!

Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...

2004-12-05 Thread Neil Johnson
On Sun, 2004-12-05 at 08:46 -0500, R.W. (Bob) Erickson wrote:

> To be bobbed is never the goal, 
> but bobless fear steers the undifferentiated bob
> along conventional paths,
> to the abattoir

Where is Tim May when when you need him? :-)

Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...

2004-12-05 Thread R.W. (Bob) Erickson
R.A. Hettinga wrote:
At 8:06 AM -0600 12/5/04, Neil Johnson wrote:

Where is Tim May when when you need him? :-)

Nah, this is mere Younglish wierdness.
You have to talk about useless eaters to be totally mayified...

John would warn you about the organ cuts
Tim would rave about the sizzle stake
I'm just scoping out the meat-eye view through the grinder.
of mad cow metephors

Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...RAHWEH

2004-12-05 Thread Tyler Durden

Random racist ranting is also required. There are some racist assholes
currently posting on cpunks, but none have quite the May flavor.
Yes, in comparison with May they are basically poseurs.
Oh, and in light of the Bob conversation, shouldn't we be describing 'RAH' 
(a Bob) as 'RAHWEH'?


Re: "Word" Of the Subgenius...

2004-12-05 Thread Steve Furlong
On Sun, 2004-12-05 at 09:30, R.A. Hettinga wrote:
> At 8:06 AM -0600 12/5/04, Neil Johnson wrote:
> >Where is Tim May when when you need him? :-)
> Nah, this is mere Younglish wierdness.
> You have to talk about useless eaters to be totally mayified...

Random racist ranting is also required. There are some racist assholes
currently posting on cpunks, but none have quite the May flavor.