Re: [dev-biblio] Re: [xbiblio-devel] csl changes

2006-02-09 Thread Bruce D'Arcus

On Feb 9, 2006, at 4:37 AM, Matthias Basler wrote:

I'd definitely prefer the version below, for exactly this reason.

OK, then, I modified the schema and wrote an XSLT to mostly convert the 
old examples.

For now I've put it all here:

Once I stabilize everything (schema, examples, directory and file 
naming conventions, etc.), I'll move it to the Sourceforge site. While 
I don't expect to make any huge changes at this point, please get me 
feedback on any of the above.

The one feature I'm still working on figuring out is better 
international support. I've been talking to a guy who deals with 
Japanese texts on this.

As I said, this is a quick-and-dirty way to do an online repository 
that I think has promise. In everyday use I'd like my formatter to be 
able to grab the needed style from online, and then cache them. Alf 
mentioned on his blog awhile back that Endnote ships will thousands of 
styles, which seems kind of silly when you consider that a given author 
may only ever use a handful of them.

Next step is to figure out how to create a Ruby and/or Python 
CitationStyle object out of these.


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Re: [dev-biblio] Re: [xbiblio-devel] csl changes

2006-02-09 Thread Matthias Basler
Zitat von Bruce D'Arcus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> The final issue is about the prefix/suffix thing. Should they be plain
> text (as they are now), or should I allow them to have formatting
> attached to them?

I'd definitely prefer the version below, for exactly this reason. Bear in mind
that the XML file format is something that is to last, and that needs to be
open for future extensions. Even if formatting isn't a topic now, it might
become in two or three years. Changing a GUI is easy, but having to switch to a
new incompatible XML schema then will produce much more pain.

Matthias Basler

> (

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