Re: Wrong @Get method is called after negotiation

2010-08-26 Thread Nicolas Rinaudo
I've had the same issue. The only workaround I've found is a bit cumbersome but 

public Representation getRepresentation(Variant variant) {


I'm not sure whether that's a regression or the intended behaviour...


On 24 Aug 2010, at 08:41, wrote:

> In my ServerResource impl (on official restlet 2.0.0 GAE edition) I've got 
> two annotated methods:
> @Get("json")
> public Representation getJson() { ...
> and
> @Get("html")
> public Representation getHtml()  { ...
> When testing the resource with:
> curl -v -H 'Accept: application/json'
> the result is that getHtml is called returning text/plain
> So it seems the annotaion/negotiation isn't working... what could be causing 
> this?
> --


Ignoring incomplete HTTP headers

2010-08-26 Thread Nicolas Rinaudo
I was wondering whether it was possible to configure Restlet to ignore 
incomplete HTTP headers when performing a request on a remote URI.

While using Restlet to crawl some sites, I've come across a fair amount of URIs 
that declared an empty Pragma header ("Pragma:"). This causes the query to 
fail, while it could simply be logged as a warning and ignored.

Is there any way to configure this behaviour, or is it impossible for Restlet 
to access remote resources who don't adhere to the HTTP specifications to the 
letter ?



Re: Maximum number of concurrent connections

2010-08-22 Thread Nicolas Rinaudo
Hello Thierry,

Thanks for your reply.

Just to make sure I understand properly though, this only applies to the 
internal connector, not others such as the or Apache httpclient ?
I unfortunately can't use the internal connector for our project: we require an 
HTTPS connection which, according to the documentation, isn't supported by the 
internal connector.

It's not a big deal if the feature isn't supported across all connectors, it'd 
just be nice to know for sure so that I can at least mark our internal ticket 
as impossible for the moment and move on to other things :)


On 20 Aug 2010, at 17:42, Thierry Boileau wrote:

> Hello Nicolas,
> I'm sorry for my late reply.
> The internal connector allows to set a "maxTotalConnections" parameter 
> (described in the javadocs of the BaseHelper class, which is  published here: 
> [1]). I've also updated the page dedicated to the connectors [2]. 
> Note that this apply to both client and server internal connectors. 
> Best regards,
> Thierry boileau
> [1] 
> [2]
> --


Maximum number of concurrent connections

2010-08-11 Thread Nicolas Rinaudo
Is there a way to set the maximum number of concurrent connections on the 
server side ? I've been trying to find a server connector property, but there 
doesn't seem to be any - or I might be misunderstanding the documentation.

Thanks !


Client configuration

2010-08-11 Thread Nicolas Rinaudo
I'm having issues configuring or understanding how to configure client 

What I'm trying to do is:
 - disable persistant connections altogether.
 - set a specific timeout policy.

Note: this is for the Apache httpclient connector, I've not tried with others.

Connection Persistence:
The only documentation I could find was:

According to this, it appears that setting the context property 
"clientKeepAlive" to a specific value will disable connection persistence. The 
necessary value isn't clear, so I've tried "close", "off", "no" and "false".

Whatever the configuration, the client's HTTP headers always contain a 
"Connection: Keep-Alive" entry.

Is there a way to disable connection persistence, at least for the Apache 
httpclient connector? If so, I'd be grateful for any help, I've struggled with 
this for a while and am no further than when I started.

Timeout handling
This is a documentation issue more than an implementation one. I'd like to set 
a timeout for both socket opening and content retrieval - a query shouldn't 
take more than x seconds to be established, nor should it take more than y 
seconds to complete. Note that in my specific case, setting x and y to the same 
value is perfectly acceptable.

Looking at the documentation 
 I'm a bit confused.
- socketTimeout is probably the variable I want to set for connection 
- I'm unsure what idleTimeout does. The documentation could describe both 
persistent connections timeout (if the connection hasn't been used for x ms, 
close it) or stalled connections. Either way, it doesn't look like what I'm 
looking for.

There are no other timeout related configuration variables that I can see in 
the documentation. Am I missing or misunderstanding something?

Thanks !



RE: Re: SSL modifications since 2.0 RC 1 ?

2010-05-03 Thread Nicolas Rinaudo
Hi Bruno,

You certainly put a lot of effort into that !

I have to admit that some of it went over my head - you obviously are a bit of 
an expert on the matter, which I'm not.

If I understand you properly, the problem isn't Restlet, Safari, or even Java 
specific - it's a generic flaw (?) in client certificates management ?

Which means that in my very specific, very selfish case, I should disable 
client certificate requests to make the problem go away. Which also means 
getting rid of the Simple connector, since this is hardcoded and can't be 

Is that a fair summary, or did I misunderstand you even more badly than I 
thought ?



RE: Re: SSL modifications since 2.0 RC 1 ?

2010-04-28 Thread Nicolas Rinaudo
This might be an important bit of information. After running a few more tests, 
I realised that Safari would:
- fail ignoring certificates if the server is running on OS X.
- succeed in ignoring certificates if the server is running on Debian Lenny 

This might be an OS X only issue after all.



RE: Re: SSL modifications since 2.0 RC 1 ?

2010-04-28 Thread Nicolas Rinaudo
Hey Bruno,

Cheers, that clarified lots of SSL things for me and allowed me to fix the RC 3 
client as you suggested.

I'm still a bit confused about OS X Safari refusing connections, though - and 
wondering whether the same issue affects properly signed certificates (as 
opposed to self-signed ones). Do you have any idea what could cause this ? Is 
this something I should file a bug report for - after all, while Safari doesn't 
have that huge a market share, the fact that Restlet can't seem to serve HTTPS 
requests to it seems rather critical to me...

Thanks again !



RE: Re: SSL modifications since 2.0 RC 1 ?

2010-04-27 Thread Nicolas Rinaudo
First, thanks for taking the time to look into this, I really appreciate it.

Now, to answer your post.

> 2. By default, the SSLContext (on the server connectors) is created by 
> the DefaultSslContextFactory, which follows the defaults of the JSSE Ref 
> guide by default. It will use, 
> and related properties if specified, otherwise, 
> the keystore is unspecified (you'd always have to configure it anyway) 
> and the truststore is based on the CA certificates bundled with the JRE.

I'm not sure I follow. Do you mean that in order to configure my server side 
keystore, I need to use the corresponding system properties ?
What I'm doing is initialising the connector with parameters initialised as 

parameters = new Vector();
parameters.add(new Parameter("keystorePath", keystorePath));
parameters.add(new Parameter("keystorePassword", keystorePassword));
parameters.add(new Parameter("keyPassword",  keyPassword));

Has that changed ?

> In addition, the Simple connector is set up to ask for an optional 
> client certificate (that's hard-coded in Simple). If the client sends 
> one it doesn't like, this would cause the connection to break.

Right, that might explain things.
On the client side, I'm using the internal connector without any specific 
configuration, except for the following code executed in our test cases:

SSLContext sc = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL");
sc.init(null, new TrustManager[] {new X509TrustManager() {
public X509Certificate[] getAcceptedIssuers() {return null;}
public void checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[] certs, String authType) 
throws CertificateException {}
public void checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[] certs, String authType) 
throws CertificateException {}
}}, new SecureRandom());

HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier(new HostnameVerifier() {
public boolean verify(String urlHostName, SSLSession session) {return true;}

I don't really see how that could result in the client sending an odd 
certificate, but I'm a bit out of my depths here and I might very well have 
overlooked something.

> They're not, but not all connectors support them in the same way 
> unfortunately (in some you can enable, in some you can disable).

Ok, I guess that Simple doesn't support this then. That would explain why I 
can't change my cipher suites.

Thanks !



RE: Re: SSL modifications since 2.0 RC 1 ?

2010-04-26 Thread Nicolas Rinaudo
> Could you clarify what you mean by accept/ignore? I'm not sure what this 
> means in the context of Firefox/Safari.

Right, sorry, that wasn't very clear.

"Accept": the browser will load the page without complaint.

"Refuse": the browser will fail to load the page with an error message such as 
"Safari can’t establish a secure connection to the server 'localhost'."

"Ignore": instructing the browser to ignore the fact that the certificate is 
self-signed - adding an exception in Firefox, for example.

All the tests I've described before are on OS X.

> are you using client-certificates?
> Could you explain what configuration you use for the client? (In 
> particular w.r.t the trust store?)

I'm not using client-certificates, no.
To be honest, I've no idea what a trust store is. The only thing I can think of 
that might be related to that is the code we use in our tests to disable SSL 
certificate validation:
- set the default host name verifier to an instance that will accept anything.
- set the trust manager to a pass-through implementation.

I'd be happy to post the code if you need me to.

> for example, you would have to 
> put your server's self-signed cert into the client's truststore for it 
> to be trusted by the client).

This confuses me a bit - I thought that's exactly what I did when I told Safari 
to add the certificate to the list of trusted certificates. Once I've done 
that, however, Safari still refuses to load pages.

> I'm not sure where the change in cipher suites comes from, 
> but it shouldn't affect how the certificates are trusted.

What confuses me is that even using the "enabledCipherSuites" and 
"disabledCipherSuites", I can't change these. Are these instructions ignored in 
the new version ?



SSL modifications since 2.0 RC 1 ?

2010-04-26 Thread Nicolas Rinaudo

We've just upgraded form RC 1 to RC 3 (we skipped RC 2 due to blocking issues), 
and there appears to have been some changes in the way SSL keystores are 
managed - our test self-signed certificate that worked perfectly with RC 1 now 
has issues with RC 3.

The behaviour is a bit odd:
- Firefox accepts it after having been told to ignore it.
- Safari refuses it, whether or not it has been told to ignore it.
- curl accepts it with the -k flag
- connecting using an RC 1 powered Java client works, an RC 3 powered one fails.

>From what I've found, it appears that there were some modifications in 
>keystore management, but the only thing I could find was "SSL keystores 
>configuration was adjusted for simplicity purpose" in the RC 2 release notes. 
>Is there a list of what precisely these changes are I can find somewhere ?

I don't know whether that's useful, but:
- we're using the Simple web server.
- querying our server with curl, the only differences I could find between RC 1 
and RC 3 were: "SSL connection using EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA" (RC 1) and "SSL 
connection using DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA" (RC 3).

Any help or hints at where to look at would be greatly appreciated !



RE: Re: Issues with keepAlive

2010-02-17 Thread Nicolas Rinaudo
Hi Thierry,

Ok, I've worked things out. I feel a bit silly now.

The problem wasn't using a new client for each new request, but the fact that I 
wasn't emptying and releasing entity streams - since I wasn't releasing the 
connection, it couldn't be used by further requests.

Problem solved !



RE: Re: Issues with keepAlive

2010-02-16 Thread Nicolas Rinaudo
Hi Thierry,

I'm sorry, I should have mentioned: the queries I perform are *not* in 
parallel. I basically do

System.setProperty("http.maxConnections", "1");
for(int i = 0; i < 2000; i++)
new Client(new Context(), Protocol.HTTP).handle(new Request(Method.GET, 

I ran this test with both the default and Simple client connectors and observe 
up to 200 open sockets at the same time.

On the other hand, running the same test using standard URLConnection instances 
only opens 1 socket.

Let me know if there's anything else I can do to help you track this bug down.



Issues with keepAlive

2010-02-15 Thread Nicolas Rinaudo
I've been trying to get persistent connections to work for my application 
running on Restlet 2.0m7, using the Simple server connector and the default 
client one.

To make sure that it behaved properly, I wrote a quick test that sends 
thousands of queries to the server and counted the number of open sockets using 
lsof - if my understanding of persistent connections is correct, I should see 
at most 4 or 5 open sockets, but I'm observing hundreds of them. Mind you, I'm 
seeing less open sockets than I'm sending queries, but I can't decide whether 
it's because connections are re-used or because they get closed eventually.

I've tried setting the http.maxConnections to 1 on the client side, but that 
doesn't change anything.

I'd file that as a bug, but I'm not convinced I understand persistent 
connections well enough - maybe this is the normal behavior and I'm missing 
something. Can anyone enlighten me on the matter ?



Cancelling request entity

2010-02-02 Thread Nicolas Rinaudo

If my understanding is correct, Request.abort() allows server resources to not 
read a request entity that they know won't be accepted - unacceptable MIME 
type, too large...

I have however been incapable of getting this to work. Attached is a sample 
case, which should be compiled and run against Restlet 2.0m7.

What it does is:
- create a simple server resource that only accepts POST and immediately calls 
- submit a "counting" input stream to that resource: the stream will count the 
number of bytes that it returns.
- print the number of bytes that the server resource has read.

This number is always the size of the submitted stream, which seems to defeat 
the purpose of Request.abort().

I might very well have misunderstood the purpose of the abort() method, or be 
doing something wrong. Can anyone point me in the right direction ?

For reference, I'm running these tests:
- with Restlet 2.0m7.
- using org.restlet.ext.simple for the server connector.

Oh, and as a side note, Restlet 2.0m7 isn't yet available in the issue 
tracker's versions.

Description: Binary data

RE: Restlet 2.0M4 on Mac OS X

2009-08-11 Thread Nicolas Rinaudo
Hey Paul,

I had the exact same problem and submitted a bug report this weekend 

To work around it, simply make sure that your default encoding is UTF-8 rather 
than macroman.
You can achieve that by passing -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 to your VM.

I guess you could also programaticaly set the file.encoding System property, 
but you need to make sure this is done before the MetadataService is started.



RESTlet 2.0 M4 issues

2009-08-10 Thread Nicolas Rinaudo
I'm not submitting this in the issue tracker as I failed to gather enough 
information for a proper bug report - pretty much all I can say is that things 
that used to work flawlessly are now broken.

The application we're working on has fairly extensive client side unit tests. 
Running them will generate thousands of queries to our RESTful service. This 
used to not be a problem with RESTlet 1.1.5, where aside from a few issue we 
needed to work around here and there, everything was fine.

I've recently upgraded to RESTlet 2.0 M4 to give it a go, and I've found that 
we now have huge performance issue. As a disclaimer, it must be noted that I've 
just upgraded to RESTlet 2.0, but haven't ported anything - I'm still using the 
old, deprecated API. This might be the reason for all my woes.

By default, we're using the Simple web server. Running our application on this, 
we very quickly start seeing OutOfMemoryExceptions on the server side. 
Additionally, I'm seeing the following CPU hotspots:
- 12.1% : org.simpleframework.transport.reactor.ExecuteAction.
- 11.3% : org.simpleframework.http.core.Reader.
- 17.6% : org.simpleframework.transport.reactor.PartitionDistributor.process
This might not look so bad if not for the fact that:
- I'm not running anything else.
- both of my computer's cores are on a average load of 3.28.
- this is *after* I killed the unit tests. The server should be idle, it's not 
being queried at all.

Looking at these hotspots, I figured it'd be an issue with the Simple webserver 
and swapped it for Jetty. Performances are much better, for a few seconds, but 
then  I start seeing the following stacktrace server side:
2009-08-10 10:31:03,778] DEBUG org.mortbay.log EXCEPTION Read timed out
at Method)
at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpParser.parseNext(
at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpParser.parseAvailable(
at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpConnection.handle(
Once this has happened, the server will often drop queries and take ages to 
answer to the ones it does reply to.

I might very well be doing something wrong, and maybe the fact that I'm using 
the old 1.1.5 deprecated APIs is to blame, but I thought I'd mention this on 
the off-chance that it was something worst.

These issues are preventing me from working on our application, so I'll 
temporarily switch back to 1.1.5. On the other hand, I'm keeping the 2.0 M4 
project handy, so if you need me to run any tests to identify a possible issue, 
just let me know.



RE: problem returning a response status

2009-08-07 Thread Nicolas Rinaudo
Hi there,

Disclaimer: you're running RESTlet 2.0, with which I have very little 

With RESTlet 1.1, the way to specify a message within a status is to create a 
new instance of Status.

setStatus(new Status(Status.SERVER_ERROR_INTERNAL, e.getMessage()));



RE: Re: JAX RS exceptions with illegal QueryParameter

2009-08-06 Thread Nicolas Rinaudo
To be honest, I'm only using JAX RS on a side project to evaluate the 
technology. I'm loving it so far, once you get the hang of it it makes your 
code extremely clean and easy to maintain, provided you don't mind having more 
annotations than actual Java code.

I sometimes feel a bit trapped by it though - like a lot of specifications, it 
makes a lot of decisions for you and I don't always agree with them. I haven't 
tested RESTlet 2.0 yet, but it sounds like a good mix of both, where the 
general case is handled well but you still get a chance to tweak things and do 
them your way when necessary. I guess that's probably the answer to my 
technical question :)



RE: Re: JAX RS exceptions with illegal QueryParameter

2009-08-06 Thread Nicolas Rinaudo
I haven't tested it myself, but I'm not sure that ExceptionMappers actually 
kick-in for exceptions triggered by the underlying Engine.

Regardless of that consideration though, the WebApplicationException thrown in 
such cases is just a generic one with a 404 status code. Even if I could write 
an ExceptionMapper to catch it, there'd be no way for me to differentiate it 
from other 404s. Well, let me rephrase that. I don't see how I'd go about 
differentiating it, but I'd love to hear your thoughts on the subject :)



RE: Re: JAX RS exceptions with illegal QueryParameter

2009-08-06 Thread Nicolas Rinaudo
Yes, you're absolutely right, that's in the JAX RS specifications. I was just 
wondering whether RESTlet had an extension to the basic specifications that 
allowed more control over what error code was used (an @Error(400) annotation, 
for example).

The different for the user, if we're talking about a web user, is slim at best. 
An error occurred but that's not really his problem, the UI should have 
sheltered him from such basic syntax errors.

For the developer writing a client application, however, it can save a lot of 
time. Knowing precisely why your implementation fails is always preferable in 
my opinion than just having a generic "failed" error.
I'm oversimplifying things here, but that's the difference between throwing a 
NumberFormatException and a generic Exception.

Apologies if I'm taking the debate too far, I'm aware that RESTlet is following 
the specifications to the letter and am not complaining about that at all. To 
be honest, I should have asked that question to the JAX RS design group but 
couldn't find any public forum and thought that since Jérome Louvel sits at 
that comity and is working on the implementation of the specifications that I'm 
using, this would be the next best place to voice my questions...



RE: Re: JAX RS exceptions with illegal QueryParameter

2009-08-06 Thread Nicolas Rinaudo
Understood, and after thinking about it, I do agree with your definition.

On the other hand (and this is purely academic), I do find that returning 404 
if a query parameter is malformed is not helpful to the client: it's not 
incorrect, since the resource wasn't found, but answering 400 tells him the 
reason why the resource couldn't be found - because the server couldn't 
understand his query and he should try and fix it.

Both seem correct to me, and I find that 400 gives more information to clients. 
Bit of a moot point though, since there appears to not be any way for me to do 
that using JAX RS :)



RE: Re: JAX RS exceptions with illegal QueryParameter

2009-08-06 Thread Nicolas Rinaudo
>From your answer, I think I might be misunderstanding the basic concept of a 

The way I understand it is, if you have a /reports resource that lists all 
available reports and accepts a count parameter that limits the number of 
reports returned in a given query, /reports?count=10 and /reports?count=20 are 
the same resource.

With that in mind, /reports?count=foobar isn't a 404 (the reports resource was 
found) but a 400 (query parameter 'count' has an illegal value).

What you're saying, however, is that /reports?count=10 and /reports?count=20 
are two different resources? This isn't what I understood at all, but it 
probably means I didn't understand it correctly. If that's the case, I 
apologise for wasting your time and will be doing some more reading on what a 
resource actually is.



JAX RS exceptions with illegal QueryParameter

2009-08-06 Thread Nicolas Rinaudo
This might be a silly question, but is there a way to configure how the JAX RS 
extention will react to illegal values for @QueryParameter annotated parameters?

Say for example that you have a @QueryParameter("count") int count field and 
that a client sets the value of the parameter to "zorglub". This is obviously 
not a legal integer and the JAX RS specifications tell us that this should be 
dealt with by returning a 404 error code.

This makes sense when query parameters are "part of the path". There are lots 
of cases however where this error code is just not correct. Imagine for example 
that your REST application serves reports. You'd typically have /reports to 
serve all available reports and /reports/{id} to serve an individual report.
In this case, it's fairly common to accept query parameters in /reports as 
filters to the list of reports (number of items, author name, creation date 
min). Returning a 404 when one of these parameters is just not correct and 
we should return 400 (the resource was found, but the request was "bad").

Is there any way to override the default error code, or do we have to retrieve 
each parameter as a string and do the analysis ourselves? It seems to somewhat 
defeat the purpose of the mechanism...



RE: Re: JAX RS ExceptionMappers by MessageBodyWriter

2009-08-03 Thread Nicolas Rinaudo
Actually, come to think of it, what I'm talking about *should* be possible.

I just ran a test and if I throw any sort of exception in a writeTo method, the 
status code received by the client is a generic 500. RESTlet somehow manages to 
catch the error and deal with it (maybe it caches headers until the first byte 
of the response has been written?).

Since RESTlet appears to be capable of dealing with such errors, should it not 
also try to find a relevant ExceptionMapper before triggering a generic 500 

I apologise if I'm talking rubbish here, maybe I'm missing something obvious.



RE: Re: JAX RS ExceptionMappers by MessageBodyWriter

2009-08-03 Thread Nicolas Rinaudo
Ah, yes, very good point. I feel a bit silly now :)

That's a bit of a pain, since it means that you have to manually check for the 
requested charset in each method that returns a Representation though. I liked 
the idea of just using the one specified in the request's media type and 
catching the possible UnsupportedEncodingException in an ExceptionMapper, but I 
guess that's not possible.

I'm not sure using the isWriteable method is a good idea for that particular 
problem - you don't have MIME type information there and just because the 
current instance doesn't support the requested charset doesn't mean no other 


JAX RS ExceptionMappers by MessageBodyWriter

2009-07-31 Thread Nicolas Rinaudo
Disclaimer: the behaviour I'm about to describe might be entirely corret and 
true to the JAX RS specifications, I just haven't been able to confirm it.

I'm a big fan of the ExceptionMapper mechanism, but I discovered that they are 
only triggered when a "resource method" (annotated by @GET, @POST...) throws an 

Say that you have a MessageBodyWriter implementation that checks its MediaType 
argument to try and respect client charset wishes - if a client asks for 
us-ascii and I can support it, then I might as well rather than use the default 

If the client were to request an unknown encoding (say, "zorglub"), an 
UnsupportedCharsetException will be triggered. This exception will not be 
caught by any ExceptionMapper I might have registered.

If it *were* caught, it would allow application developers to not worry about 
exceptions at all: just throw whatever exception you might need to throw and 
rely and the mappers to catch them and return the correct HTTP status code to 
the client. In my example, I know that an UnsupportedCharsetException should 
always be mapped to UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE, and I don't want to duplicate this 
mapping in all of my MessageBodyWriters or MessageBodyReaders.

Is the fact that this doesn't happen a RESTlet issue, or a specification 
"issue" (decision I don't agree with but might not understand the reason for) ?

