Winbind auhentication

2023-03-10 Thread Luciano Mannucci

Helo all!

I'm trying to set up a dovecot server so that it authenticates local
user via /etc/passwd (I'm on a Freebsd 13.1) and via winbindd for
those that it cannot find localy. The samba suite is alive and well,
postfix gets happily mail from domain users and saves it with correct
name and permissions from the windows domain. If I try to authenticate
a domain user via wbinfo it works, with dovecot it doesn't.
I guess I'v forgot something in the dovecot config... :)

Here is my doveconf -n:

# 2.3.20 (80a5ac675d): /usr/local/etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
# Pigeonhole version 0.5.20 (149edcf2)
# OS: FreeBSD 13.1-RELEASE-p5 powerpc  ufs
# Hostname:
auth_cache_size = 30 k
auth_debug_passwords = yes
auth_mechanisms = plain ntlm login
auth_use_winbind = yes
auth_username_format = %n
auth_winbind_helper_path = /usr/local/bin/ntlm_auth
default_client_limit = 1128
default_vsz_limit = 712 M
disable_plaintext_auth = no
first_valid_uid = 0
info_log_path = /var/log/dovecot/
listen = *
lock_method = flock
log_path = /var/log/dovecot/logfile
login_greeting = Dovecot at Nameron Ready.
mail_location = mbox:/var/spool/dovecot/%u:INBOX=/var/mail/%u
mail_plugins = fts
managesieve_notify_capability = mailto
managesieve_sieve_capability = fileinto reject envelope encoded-character 
vacation subaddress comparator-i;ascii-numeric relational regex imap4flags copy 
include variables body enotify environment mailbox date index ihave duplicate 
mime foreverypart extracttext
passdb {
  driver = passwd
protocols = imap pop3
service replication-notify-fifo {
  name = aggregator
service anvil-auth-penalty {
  name = anvil
service auth-worker {
  name = auth-worker
service auth-client {
  user = root
  name = auth
service config {
  name = config
service dict-async {
  name = dict-async
service dict {
  name = dict
service login/proxy-notify {
  name = director
service dns-client {
  name = dns-client
service doveadm-server {
  name = doveadm
service imap-hibernate {
  name = imap-hibernate
service imap {
  service_count = 0
  name = imap-login
service imap-urlauth {
  name = imap-urlauth-login
service imap-urlauth-worker {
  name = imap-urlauth-worker
service token-login/imap-urlauth {
  name = imap-urlauth
service imap-master {
  name = imap
service indexer-worker {
  name = indexer-worker
service indexer {
  name = indexer
service ipc {
  name = ipc
service lmtp {
  name = lmtp
service log-errors {
  name = log
service sieve {
  name = managesieve-login
service login/sieve {
  name = managesieve
service old-stats-mail {
  name = old-stats
service pop3 {
  process_limit = 255
  service_count = 1
  name = pop3-login
service login/pop3 {
  name = pop3
service replicator-doveadm {
  name = replicator
service login/stats-writer {
  unix_listener {
group = mail
mode = 0666
user = dovecot
path = stats-reader
  unix_listener {
group = mail
mode = 0666
user = dovecot
path = stats-writer
  name = stats
service submission {
  name = submission-login
service login/submission {
  name = submission
ssl = no
userdb {
  driver = passwd
protocol pop3 {
  pop3_client_workarounds = outlook-no-nuls oe-ns-eoh
  pop3_enable_last = yes
  pop3_uidl_format = %08Xu%08Xv
  service replication-notify-fifo {
name = aggregator
  service anvil-auth-penalty {
name = anvil
  service auth-worker {
name = auth-worker
  service auth-client {
name = auth
  service config {
name = config
  service dict-async {
name = dict-async
  service dict {
name = dict
  service login/proxy-notify {
name = director
  service dns-client {
name = dns-client
  service doveadm-server {
name = doveadm
  service imap-hibernate {
name = imap-hibernate
  service imap {
name = imap-login
  service imap-urlauth {
name = imap-urlauth-login
  service imap-urlauth-worker {
name = imap-urlauth-worker
  service token-login/imap-urlauth {
name = imap-urlauth
  service imap-master {
name = imap
  service indexer-worker {
name = indexer-worker
  service indexer {
name = indexer
  service ipc {
name = ipc
  service lmtp {
name = lmtp
  service log-errors {
name = log
  service sieve {
name = managesieve-login
  service login/sieve {
name = managesieve
  service old-stats-mail {
name = old-stats
  service pop3 {
name = pop3-login
  service login/pop3 {
name = pop3
  service replicator-doveadm {
name = replicator
  service login/stats-writer {
name = stats
  service submission {
name = submission-login
  service login/submission {
name = submission
protocol lda {
  debug_log_path = /var/log/dovecot/lda-debug.log
  info_log_path = /var/log/dovecot/
  log_path = /var/log/dovecot/lda.err
  mail_debug = yes
  postmaster_address = l...@m

index locally

2023-03-10 Thread tomate aceite
Thanks guys for all the help. I will check if i can do a rsync script.

how to setup timestamp

2023-03-10 Thread tomate aceite
*Thanks** Alessio Cecchi*

NFS and performances

2023-03-10 Thread tomate aceite

Re: Winbind auhentication

2023-03-10 Thread John Stoffel
> "Luciano" == Luciano Mannucci  writes:

> I'm trying to set up a dovecot server so that it authenticates local
> user via /etc/passwd (I'm on a Freebsd 13.1) and via winbindd for
> those that it cannot find localy. The samba suite is alive and well,
> postfix gets happily mail from domain users and saves it with
> correct name and permissions from the windows domain. If I try to
> authenticate a domain user via wbinfo it works, with dovecot it
> doesn't.  I guess I'v forgot something in the dovecot config... :)

I can't help you with your config, but I would *strongly* recommend
that you just make all your users virtual ones, and all using the same
backend.  Now you don't say if your local user account works or not,
but I'd work on getting just the AD part (really, you're using
windind?) first.

Also, have you compared your postfix and dovecot setups?  There are
good docs out there on how you combine them to use the same
authentication backend.

And the info you posted really don't help much, since you don't post
any log messages from when the authentication fails.  That will tell
you more I'm sure.


Re: Winbind auhentication

2023-03-10 Thread Luciano Mannucci
On Fri, 10 Mar 2023 14:22:26 -0500
"John Stoffel"  wrote:

> Now you don't say if your local user account works or not,
> but I'd work on getting just the AD part (really, you're using
> windind?) first.
Yes the local user works.
> Also, have you compared your postfix and dovecot setups?  There are
> good docs out there on how you combine them to use the same
> authentication backend.
Well, postfix doesn't need to authenticate users: it accepts all if
it comes from mynetworks.
I know it is not wise; it is just a test to explore single sign on
with didderent sources.
> And the info you posted really don't help much, since you don't post
> any log messages from when the authentication fails.  That will tell
> you more I'm sure.
Apologies, you are absolutely right. Here they are:

Mar 10 14:59:12 auth: Debug: Loading modules from directory: 
Mar 10 14:59:12 auth: Debug: Module loaded: 
Mar 10 14:59:12 auth: Debug: Read auth token secret from 
Mar 10 14:59:12 auth: Debug: auth client connected (pid=4221)
Mar 10 14:59:25 auth: Debug: client in: AUTH1   PLAIN   service=pop3
session=yQtBK4z2lOzAqIoPlip=  rip=  
lport=110   rport=60564 resp=AG1jcwBrYXE5LnBpcA== (previous base64 data 
may contain sensitive data)
Mar 10 14:59:25 auth: Debug: passwd(mcs,,): 
Performing passdb lookup
Mar 10 14:59:25 auth: Debug: passwd(mcs,,): 
cache miss
Mar 10 14:59:25 auth-worker(4223): Debug: Loading modules from directory: 
Mar 10 14:59:25 auth-worker(4223): Debug: Module loaded: 
Mar 10 14:59:25 auth-worker(4223): Debug: conn unix:auth-worker (uid=0): Server 
accepted connection (fd=13)
Mar 10 14:59:25 auth-worker(4223): Debug: conn unix:auth-worker (uid=0): 
Sending version handshake
Mar 10 14:59:25 auth-worker(4223): Debug: conn unix:auth-worker (uid=0): 
auth-worker<1>: Handling PASSV request
Mar 10 14:59:25 auth-worker(4223): Debug: conn unix:auth-worker (uid=0): 
auth-worker<1>: passwd(mcs,,): Performing 
passdb lookup
Mar 10 14:59:25 auth-worker(4223): Debug: conn unix:auth-worker (uid=0): 
auth-worker<1>: passwd(mcs,,): lookup
Mar 10 14:59:25 auth-worker(4223): Debug: conn unix:auth-worker (uid=0): 
auth-worker<1>: passwd(mcs,,): Finished passdb 
Mar 10 14:59:25 auth-worker(4223): Debug: conn unix:auth-worker (uid=0): 
auth-worker<1>: Finished
Mar 10 14:59:25 auth: Debug: passwd(mcs,,): 
Finished passdb lookup
Mar 10 14:59:25 auth: Debug: auth(mcs,,): Auth 
request finished
Mar 10 14:59:25 auth: Debug: client passdb out: OK  1   user=mcs
Mar 10 14:59:25 auth: Debug: master in: REQUEST 980549633   42211   
Mar 10 14:59:25 auth: Debug: passwd(mcs,,): 
Performing userdb lookup
Mar 10 14:59:25 auth: Debug: passwd(mcs,,): 
userdb cache miss
Mar 10 14:59:25 auth-worker(4223): Debug: conn unix:auth-worker (uid=0): 
auth-worker<2>: Handling USER request
Mar 10 14:59:25 auth-worker(4223): Debug: conn unix:auth-worker (uid=0): 
auth-worker<2>: passwd(mcs,,): Performing 
userdb lookup
Mar 10 14:59:25 auth-worker(4223): Debug: conn unix:auth-worker (uid=0): 
auth-worker<2>: passwd(mcs,,): lookup
Mar 10 14:59:25 auth-worker(4223): Debug: conn unix:auth-worker (uid=0): 
auth-worker<2>: passwd(mcs,,): Finished userdb 
Mar 10 14:59:25 auth-worker(4223): Debug: conn unix:auth-worker (uid=0): 
auth-worker<2>: Finished
Mar 10 14:59:25 auth: Debug: passwd(mcs,,): 
Finished userdb lookup
Mar 10 14:59:25 auth: Debug: master userdb out: USER980549633   mcs 
system_groups_user=mcs  uid=1001gid=1001home=/home/mcs  
Mar 10 14:59:25 pop3-login: Info: Login: user=, method=PLAIN, 
rip=, lip=, mpid=4224, session=
Mar 10 14:59:32 pop3(mcs)<4224>: Info: Disconnected: Logged 
out top=0/0, retr=0/0, del=0/0, size=0
Mar 10 14:59:35 auth: Debug: auth client connected (pid=4225)
Mar 10 14:59:59 auth: Debug: client in: AUTH1   PLAIN   service=pop3
session=q5FJLYz2n+zAqIoPlip=  rip=  
lport=110   rport=60575 resp=** (previous base64 data may 
contain sensitive data)
Mar 10 14:59:59 auth: Debug: passwd(geoplan,,): 
Performing passdb lookup
Mar 10 14:59:59 auth: Debug: passwd(geoplan,,): 
cache miss
Mar 10 14:59:59 auth-worker(4223): Debug: conn unix:auth-worker (uid=0): 
auth-worker<3>: Handling PASSV request
Mar 10 14:59:59 auth-worker(4223): Debug: conn unix:auth-worker (uid=0): 
auth-worker<3>: passwd(geoplan,,): Perform

Re: Inconsistent filtering with debugging

2023-03-10 Thread Stephan Bosch

Op 24-2-2023 om 14:03 schreef Christian Wolf:


I have the problem, that I have a Postfix/Dovecot combination running 
with Sieve activated. The sieve script is running in general as some 
messages get filtered and moved to the appropriate folders.

Now, I see that for the envelope filter, the behavior differs 
depending if I am debugging the rules or if the mails are received in 
a regular way.

I have something like this:

require "envelope";

# ...

if envelope :is "to" "" {
fileinto "";

# ...

The thing is if I call sieve-filter on the INBOX, I get the 
information that the mail is to be moved to the appropriate folder. 
However during delivery the mail is not moved there. Other rules in 
the script are working so it is installed in general.

Of course, I could send mails to the mail address for testing but I 
have no clue on where to look for issues, especially as the "main 
debugging tool" for the rules (sieve-filter) is strangely behaving 

The reason, I wanted to use the envelope was because the mails are 
delivered to From there, some virtual 
aliases are forwarded to a cental account using 
postfix virtual aliases. Thus, the Delivered-To header is always 
showing the value which is not suited for filtering.

I could filter the Received headers but hoped for a more "high level" 

You can fill in the envelope addresses using command line options (see 
man pages). If you don't, it will fill in some defaults based on the 
provided message.

You can debug the actual delivery by using the sieve_trace setting.

