Re: [DX-CHAT] KP5 ?

2006-03-14 Thread Peter Dougherty (W2IRT)

At 12:35 03/14/06, Gary McClellan wrote:

I say, git out the hangin' rope and let's have a good old necktie
party at Scaffold (er. Scarborough) Reef at high-noon!!!  :-)
Appropriate Clint Eastwood music playing in the background..

Naw, better stillleave HIM on Desecheo, sans-radio/operating 
authority. That or Bouvet. Or maybe, fittingly, Pitcairn.

- Peter


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[DX-CHAT] Oops....

2006-03-03 Thread Peter Dougherty (W2IRT)
...and 10 seconds after sending that last, I remembered that when I'm 
down there I can't work anything except K/VE and up here tonight I 
*can't* work K/VE!

Guess that vacation is *really* needed more than I'd thought !!

73 and Cheers

- Peter

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[DX-CHAT] Two ARRL-SSB entries

2006-03-03 Thread Peter Dougherty (W2IRT)

Hi all,

Just dropping a note to maybe head off a little confusion in ARRL-SSB 
this weekend. I will be operating in the contest for a few hours 
tonight as my own stateside call, from my home QTH in New Jersey.

My XYL and I will be flying to C6 for vacation during the day 
tomorrow (Sat.) and hopefully will be active on 20 single-band during 
the evening Saturday and daytime on Sunday as C6/W2IRT, then 
thereafter on 17 and 20 for the rest of the week. So if you work 
W2IRT tonight or early AM tomorrow and hear the call again on Sat. 
night or Sunday, it's not a dupe! See Ya In The Pileups

73 and Cheers

- Peter

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[DX-CHAT] C6 - suffix or prefix?

2006-02-24 Thread Peter Dougherty (W2IRT)
Hi, just wondering. When I operate from C6 in just over a week, I'll 
be doing so with a reciprocal Bahamian license based on my US call; 
should I be signing C6/W2IRT or W2IRT/C6?


- Peter


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Re: [DX-CHAT] Pronouncing VU7

2006-02-21 Thread Peter Dougherty (W2IRT)

At 16:08 02/21/06, petethepup wrote:

Ok.  We call it VU7,  but how do I pronounce


Vee You Seven  -- Much easier!

:-)  :-)

Next, let's try for the bonus round: R1MV !!
I think you need a degree as a cunning linguist to pronounce that 
one, lest your dentures fly out of your mouth.

- Peter


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Re: [DX-CHAT] Future DXpeditions

2006-02-21 Thread Peter Dougherty (W2IRT)

At 16:08 02/21/06, Tom Wylie wrote:
 I am open to constructive criticism as I try to do better on each 
expedition, but I hate time wasters, and all the other moaners.

Russell Kellam Jr wrote:
Well said Ken. Many of the criticisms can be taken as "sour grapes" 
as we move on to more & better DX.

I suppose the issue is where does valid constructive criticism stop 
and sour grapes begin.

As one who's never travelled before with an HF radio (my first trip 
is a vacation to C6 the week after next and I'll only have 10, 17 and 
15 on an indoor dipole with 100W), I welcome any suggestions on how 
to make it go more smoothly; afterwards, if I didn't handle something 
particularly well, I'd like to know so I can do it better next time 
-- maybe from someplace that might actually generate a real pileup .

I suppose I'd be offended if I got e-mails saying "you suck cuz you 
didn't work me on 9 bands plus EME and 160 SSTV," but I know I'd 
appreciate someone more experienced than me saying "Gee, ya know if 
you'd have stayed on such-and-such band an extra 2 hours you'd have 
heard so-and-so region well." The way I see it, if I'm spending my 
money to go on a trip that will benefit the amateur radio community - 
I sure as heck want to know how I can best make use of my time, money 
and energy in so doing.

- Peter


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Re: [DX-CHAT] Peter I

2006-02-20 Thread Peter Dougherty (W2IRT)

At 19:21 02/20/06, Charlie, W0YG wrote:


I am amazed you can sit here and tell them over there what they 
should have done.  It isn't in the cards for that to happen.

Hi Charlie, Mal (et al).

Constructive comments such as mine and others obviously can't affect 
an operation that's finished, but what of the next guys who decide to 
spend their time and money to give The Deserving a New One? I can 
tell you for sure that if my next radio trip were to someplace more 
exotic than C6 in a couple of weeks, I'd sure as heck want every bit 
of information I could lay my hands on that would mean more Q's in my 
log and more happy campers on the big end of the pile.

It may be a case of someone looking through these messages as they 
plan a trip and realizing that "hey, yeah...that makes sense" and 
badda-bing, next time they activate Upper Slobovia for the masses, 
perhaps the pile on 40 (or wherever) won't be as bad.

When a group of dedicated adventurers decides to spend more than a 
half a million dollars on a trip like this, I'm guessing that they 
probably want to be as successful as they can be, with the most Q's 
and orderly piles, etc. To not analyze their successes (many) and one 
or two relatively small shortcomings is a mistake, IMHO. There are a 
lot of top-ten locations still in need of a visit, and I know if I 
were going to BS7, VU7, VU4, KP1, etc, I'd want to look at what needs 
to be done to get that rare a place into as many logbooks as possible.

I will say, though, it was great to hear an operation that was done 
so well. They did a million things right for the most part and we 
should rightfully thank them for their hard work. To overlook the 
couple of weak spots and just congratulate the successes alone I 
think isn't being honest. It would likewise be wrong to say a 
DXpedition was a poor because of one or two factors ignoring all the good.

- Peter


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Re: [DX-NEWS] [DX-CHAT] Xpedition Recommendations

2006-02-20 Thread Peter Dougherty (W2IRT)

As far as I know, there's no prohibition concerning a DX operation 
transmitting above 7100 anywhere, as long as they're authorized to do so.

OK, that was worded terribly -- what I get for IMing and e-mailing at 
the same time .

What I meant to say is that there's not likely any restriction for 
DXpeditions operating above 7100 if the entity being activated has 
that 40m segment authorized by it's governing country and ITU regs. 
Which is why FCC-regulated KP2 can use phone on 7080 and KH2 can't go 
above 7100.

In other words, did the Norweigian communications' ministry 
specifically restrict them to 7000-7100 or was it voluntary on their 
part? Incidentally, didn't Norway recently authorize operations up to 
7200 last year? Or am I thinking of another Scandinavian entity? 
Finland, maybe?

- Peter


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Re: [DX-NEWS] [DX-CHAT] Xpedition Recommendations

2006-02-20 Thread Peter Dougherty (W2IRT)

At 14:07 02/20/06, Jim Reisert AD1C wrote:

--- "Peter Dougherty (W2IRT)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 1) Since it's obvious that 40 CW was the most in-demand band/mode,
> and since they said they had filtering in place to allow multiple
> stations on one band, why not field two stations on 40 CW? One at
> 7005 and one around 7095 or so? One for EU one for NA during the
> overlap hours from 1600 to around 0300, then one for NA and one for
> JA after about 0300 or so until 40 dies to Peter 1 around 0700?

It would be impractical to transmit around 7100 and still be able to operate
SSB split transmitting around 7070 or so.

I don't believe DX is allowed to transmit CW above 7100.  Furthermore, the FCC
limits USA stations to 200W output above 7100.

I never suggested 7100 or the old novice wasteland of 7100 to 7150. I 
suggested either a) running two CW stations below 7100 if they're 
restricted to 7000-7100 only or b) Region 1 and 3 operations below 
7100 and for the Americas and (other places that allow it) operations 
between 7153 and 7200 or 7300. I know G and a few other countries in 
Region 1 now authorize operation up to 7200.

As far as I know, there's no prohibition concerning a DX operation 
transmitting above 7100 anywhere, as long as they're authorized to do 
so. Stateside stations are only power restricted 7100 to 7150. Legal 
limit applies above that.

- Peter


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