[Elecraft] Fraud

2014-02-06 Thread Bill Ross
This should be the last post on this thread but just wanted to say thanks to 
all who responded to my plea for info on how to reach AOL.

Also would like to explain my reasoning in wanting to reach AOL about this 

I am not a lawyer but I was worried that if someone sent money to this phony 
for some equipment and didn’t receive it, they might come after me for some 
reason. People now days are sue happy and will do so at the drop of the hat. 
Just heard on the news this evening that the family of the boy who had sex with 
his teacher and fathered a child just got $50 for it. I can remember when I 
was a teenager and sex was upper most in my mind, and all I can say is it 
wouldn’t have taken $50 for me to have taken advantage of such an 
opportunity. So the fact that I have documented the problem to AOL, and posted 
a note on my QRZ page, and also posted the info her, I think would make a 
strong case that I did all that should be expected of me to disclaim any loss 
that anyone might incur from this fraudulent ad in my name and call. 

So all I am saying is I have bought many rigs and sold many rigs on various 
reflectors and QRZ.com and never had a problem either way, but from now on, I 
for one will be extremely careful before I send money or send a rig to someone 
from such a transaction. Lesson learned.

73, Bill, k6mgo 
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[Elecraft] Fraud

2014-02-06 Thread Bill Ross
Just to follow-up on my post of last night, I tried to notify AOL of the 
fraudulent use of my name and call on their email list, by sending a email to 
“fraud@aol’'.com” but it bounced. I had looked on the AOL website but couldn’t 
find an address to write to for such matters, so I would appreciate it if 
anyone on the list knows how to contact AOL without having an account there. 

Tnx & 73

Bill, k6mgo

Message: 26
Date: Wed, 5 Feb 2014 18:13:31 -0800
From: "Bill Ross" 
Subject: [Elecraft] Fraud
Message-ID: <0CB07BA4C7B249F7820081CBD65D11A2@rossHP>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Just a heads up to all on the list, someone is posing as me, William H. Ross at 
k6mg...@aol.com and listing a K3/P3 station with all equipment for $2950. 
I don?t have a P3, but do have a K3 which is not for sale now, around Christmas 
time, I did post an ad on QRZ listing my K3 for sale, and per QRZ?s 
requirements, sent a picture of the K3 with a QSL card in the picture to 
authenticate it which this person copied and posted on QTH with the phony ad. I 
have received emails and phone calls from several hams wanting to inquire if 
the ad was on the up and up, which of course, it wasn?t. 
So if anyone see?s this ad or hears about anyone wanting to buy this equipment, 
please warn them that the ad is a fraud.

Tnx and 73

Bill, k6mgo

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[Elecraft] Fraud

2014-02-05 Thread Bill Ross
Just a heads up to all on the list, someone is posing as me, William H. Ross at 
k6mg...@aol.com and listing a K3/P3 station with all equipment for $2950. 
I don’t have a P3, but do have a K3 which is not for sale now, around Christmas 
time, I did post an ad on QRZ listing my K3 for sale, and per QRZ’s 
requirements, sent a picture of the K3 with a QSL card in the picture to 
authenticate it which this person copied and posted on QTH with the phony ad. I 
have received emails and phone calls from several hams wanting to inquire if 
the ad was on the up and up, which of course, it wasn’t. 
So if anyone see’s this ad or hears about anyone wanting to buy this equipment, 
please warn them that the ad is a fraud.

Tnx and 73

Bill, k6mgo
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[Elecraft] Mag Loop Reflector

2013-12-10 Thread Bill Ross

OK Ron,

Here it is:


Bill, k6mgo

Date: Mon, 09 Dec 2013 16:08:36 -0700
From: Ron Schwartz 
To: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
Subject: [Elecraft] Loop Antennas
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Would you mind posting the link to the Mag Loop Reflector website mentioned in 
the reply.

Thanks, Ron

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[Elecraft] Loop Antennas

2013-12-09 Thread Bill Ross
Hi Bob,

I live in a restricted community, and so have to use indoor antennas and 
recently I bought a MFJ 935B Loop Tuner. I made the suggested 3 different size 
loops and have been working out very well from 40m to 10m with them. I used to 
use a indoor doublet, 50’ long strung from a bedroom to the living room and I 
find the loops a bit better as shown on Reverse Beacon Net. YMMV. I am lucky in 
that my house is not stucco with chicken wire wrap all around it. You can 
download the manual and real all about it and then decide if it’s for you. Keep 
in mind, that this is an “entry level” loop antenna, and if you go to the Mag 
Loop Reflector website, you can read a lot more about what the “experts” are 
doing with mag loops way and above the MFJ Tuner/loops. But, it works for me 
and a good starting point. Good luck,


Bill k6mgo

Does anyone have any experience using multi-turn loop antennas with SGC?s
(or other) antenna tuners?

SGC describes these in their book Smartuners for Stealth Antennas.  See

I have a K3 and live in a HOA community with significant antenna
restrictions, so I am looking for a small antenna.


Bob  -  N7RJN

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[Elecraft] O.T Question for the group

2013-10-24 Thread Bill Ross
Was wondering if anyone can tell me if the iPads will run any ham software such 
as the Elecraft Utilities and Echolink, Fldigi or digipan? I wouldn’t want to 
get one and find out I can’t run those programs, so any advice?

tnx and 73

Bill, k6mgo
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[Elecraft] Loop antenna's

2013-08-12 Thread Bill Ross
I read the two posts about the MFJ loop antenna and thought I would add my own 
personal comments on my experience’s with loops. 

Years ago, I bought a MFJ 36” loop with the remote tuner and while it worked 
from indoors from 30m to 10m,  it wasn’t earth shaking. I was always the 
weakest signal in a round table. That was when MFJ was still recommending using 
the loop in a horizontal position rather than vertical as they do now. 

Now, I had been reading some reviews on the MFJ loop antenna tuners and decided 
to get one and try it out. I got the MFJ-935B tuner that comes complete with 
the tuning cap and matching cap plus a RF current meter for tuning, so all you 
need to add is a loop to make it work.

3’ dia. loops are fine for the higher HF bands, and if you are going portable 
with it, then it might be the right antenna for you, but if you are living in a 
antenna restricted home as I am, and have to use indoor antennas let me tell 
you that I have used many different configurations of antennas and find that 
the loop is working the best for me, so far. I have used a Super Antenna MP-1 
coil loaded vertical like a mobile whip, I have used homebrew Buddipole, and 
various indoor doublets so I have some data to compare them to. I use the 
Reverse Beacon Net for getting accurate reports back on my signal with the 
various antennas. 

As I said above, the 3’ dia. loop is fine for the higher bands, and OK for 20m 
and 30m but if you want to really get out as good as you can, then the homebrew 
loop that is bigger, is the way to go. MFJ says that a 7 foot wire or copper 
tube will make a loop to go with their series of loop tuners that will cover 
20m, 17m and 15, and it does, but, if you want to maximize your signal on 20m 
the way to go is to use a 13 ft. wire or tube which doesn’t make that big of a 
loop and gets out a lot better on 20m.. My 7 ft. loop got a 12 dB SNR from K7EG 
RBN and the 13 ft. loop got a 18 dB SNR from him just a few minutes later and 
at the same power input from my K3. 

On 40m MFJ says a 20 ft. wire will tune 40m and 30m and it does, but a 28 ft. 
wire will give you maximum output (for a mag loop) and it does. I think I got 
about 8-10 dB more out of the 28 ft. loop than the 20 ft. one on 40m. MFJ says 
you can hang these larger loops form a curtain rod or draped over a bookcase 
and that’s what I do, it’s not critical but you do have to be very careful and 
not touch the loop when transmitting as there is a lot of RF in that loop. I 
made two PVC standards that sit on top of my bookcase/desk where I operate from 
and have the 28 ft. wire forming a square shape hanging from the top of the 
standards, coming down to a shelf just about eye level and I have the tuner 
there so I can adjust it as needed. With this loop and the K3 at 5 watts I 
contact my buddy Dale, K6PJV up in Sacramento just about anytime I want to,   
just fine from Marina Del Rey, CA and remember this loop is indoors on the 
second floor of my home. That’s almost 400 miles. 

On 20m with the 13 ft. wire in a diamond shape on a cross piece made out of PVC 
that sits on the tuner, I work AL7V up in Juneau Alaska with 50-100 watts on a 
pretty regular basis in the mornings. So if you are restricted to indoor 
antennas you might find the loop antenna is the way to for you. 

Usual disclaimer, I don’t work for or have any financial attachment to MFJ, 
just a happy customer.

73, Bill k6mgo 

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[Elecraft] Installing Beta firmware

2012-11-18 Thread Bill Ross
Thanks for those who helped me ID the 4.58 Beta Firmware. Now, I can’t get it 

The Instructions say, “Do not check K3 Utility Box “ Copy New Files from 
Elecraft Server”...I didn’t

They say, “Check Versions Now”... I did.   I have the old files in a folder on 
desktop (Windows 7) called “K3 Firmware”.  Everything checks out, I have 4.51 

I go to Browse and go to new folder with “K3 Beta” Beta 4.58 unzipped. Because 
Instructions say not to put the Beta file in the folder with old firmware, but 
open new folder on desktop and store Beta version in it.  

As soon as I do that, the “Check Versions Now” shows MCU, FPF, DSP1 and DSP2 
“Missing” and it greys out “Send All Firmware” and “Send New Firmware” and so I 
can’t get it to load the new Beta Firmware.

Anyone see what I am doing wrong?

Tnx for any help,

Bill, k6mgo

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[Elecraft] Beta Firmware upgrade

2012-11-18 Thread Bill Ross
I went to the Elecraft Web Site and to the Firmware Upgrade download. Then 
followed the links to the Beta Upgrade, and it says to download “K3fwXrYz zip”” 
if you don’t see it, refresh your browser”,

What I see is “K3fw4r58.zip” dated 11/13/2012,  and refreshing the browser 
doesn’t change it.

What happened to “K3fwXrYzip”?

Thanks for any help.

73, Bill, k6mgo
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[Elecraft] BL-2 Balun

2012-10-27 Thread Bill Ross
Question: Is the BL-2 Balun a current or voltage Balun?

Bill, k6mgo
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Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft Digest, Vol 101, Issue 26

2012-09-14 Thread Bill Ross
I had #24 and just got #26 this morning, but no #25. 

-Original Message- 
From: elecraft-requ...@mailman.qth.net 
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2012 9:00 AM 
To: elecraft@mailman.qth.net 
Subject: Elecraft Digest, Vol 101, Issue 26 

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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: [K3] Phase Noise / CW Key Clicks (Barry N1EU)
   2. K3 min. insulation between in band TX & RX? (Felipe Ceglia)
   3. Re: USB Sound Adapter (Ignacy)

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[Elecraft] CW in SSB Mode

2012-03-26 Thread Bill Ross
When I read the info about being able to send CW while in USB/LSB, on the same 
freq. I set it up on my K3.  And it works fine, except that I notice that when 
in SSB Mode, and keying with my paddle or SK, that the SWR bars disappear. That 
is, if I tune the antenna to the freq I’m on, and lets say I have two bars of 
SWR when in SSB and talking or whistling, when I key the transmitter  with the 
paddle or SK, there are no bars displayed. Is this normal, or, did I do 
something wrong in the setup? 

Tnx for any help,

73, Bill, k6mgo
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[Elecraft] K3 Transmit current drain

2012-02-07 Thread Bill Ross
This is a follow-up to my post of yesterday, about the excessive current drain 
on my K3 in Transmit. Here is my original post:

I was playing around with my K3 and MFJ 4225 switching power supply, when I
noticed a strange thing. As you increase the power output, the input current
rises very quickly. Example:
in Receive mode, the K3 was drawing 2 amps. 
In Transmit mode, CW, SK key down, at 1 watt out, it was drawing 4 amps
5 watts out, it was drawing 5 amps 
8 watts out, it was drawing >6 amps
15 watts out, it jumped to 15 amps
30 watts out, it jumped to 20 amps

Didn't want to increase the power anymore, but, this seems excessive to me,
anyone else ever notice this?

Would appreciate any comments on this matter,

73, Bill, k6mgo

Thanks to the many who pointed out that the K3 draws a high current even at low 
power once you get above the 12 watt level, due to the bias for the power amp. 
I never considered this, and so when I made up a power cable to operate indoors 
with my MFJ 4225 switching power supply, I used a single light weight lamp cord 
at six feet long and a cigar lighter plug for the power cord. My reasoning 
being I would only operate low power, not more than 30-35 watts indoors with my 
antenna right over my head. So, either the lamp cord was too light, or the 
cigar lighter plug had too much drop for the current being drawn, and so the 
current meter in the K3 was indicating 20 amps being drawn at only 30 watts 
Once I fixed the power cord by using two #18 ga. lamp cords in parallel to 
spade lugs rather than the cigar lighter plug, the K3 now draws 11.73 amps @ 
12.7 volts, with 35 watts output,  from the MFJ 4225 power supply, which seems 
more normal than the previous 20 amps at the same power out setting. 

I hope my experience saves someone else some grief. 

73, Bill, k6mgo   

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[Elecraft] Gap Hearit Speaker

2011-12-07 Thread Bill Ross
Hi to the group, 

I have a high noise level, besides living in an antenna restricted home. I 
usually run S5-8 noise on my K3 with the filters adjusted best I can, and 
bandpass >300-500 Hz. Someone has recommended the Gap Hearit Speaker to me as 
being so wonderful. I have been checking into it, and it appears as just 
another DSP and speaker ckt. So, I’m wondering if it would really make any 
difference to me, with the K3 and it’s internal DSP. 

I work mostly CW and due to my indoor antenna, with weak signals.  I also use 
phones mostly, but, I see you can plug them into this unit, so it shouldn’t 
make any difference phones or speaker, right?

Anyone have any experience with this product and can offer any advice, I’d 
appreciate it very much.  

Tnx & 73

Bill, k6mgo
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Re: [Elecraft] (OT) EFHW Vertical Antenna (Mike Morrow)

2011-11-13 Thread Bill Ross
Stan and group, I found this post and referenced video very interesting. 
However I am bothered by several things.

First, a multi-band antenna cannot be a “end-fed half wave” on all bands. only 
on one band, as far as I know. 

I’ve read many articles about “end-fed half wave” antennas over the years, and 
they have always been single band antennas with special matching circuits to 
tune them, and most have agreed that when they are a half wave on the frequency 
used, a counterpoise or radial is not required. 

Which leads me to question the statement that a counterpoise or radial other 
than maybe a one meter or less one is required for this antenna. A 30’ antenna 
will only be a half wave near 20 meters, what happens on the rest of the bands? 
I know that sometimes using 5 watts or less, you might not notice a hot chassis 
or RF floating around, but, what is going to happen when you load this antenna 
with 100 watts?

I would appreciate hearing from others and what they think about the questions 
I have raised.

73, Bill, k6mgo
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[Elecraft] Headphones

2011-07-09 Thread Bill Ross
Because of a hearing loss, (I wear hearing aids) I find that wearing headphones 
with the K3 (and another radios) works better for me. However, I have noticed 
that I get more volume out of the built-in speaker than the various headsets I 
have.  With the headsets on, I find I am running the volume control just about 
at max most of the time, with RF gain also at max.  One of the headsets I use, 
is an old RS “HI-FI” pair that cost $40. way back when, and yet, are less 
sensitive than my Sony ear buds.  Also, for some reason, the RS headset must 
have a low freq. cutoff near the 600 Hz side tone, as I get more of a “thump” 
than a sine wave tone out of them. The Sony ear buds, work better, (more volume 
than the RS ones, even without my aids in) , and the side tone sounds better,  
than the RS “HI-FI” headset, but, still less than the built-in speaker. 

Does anyone have any experience with the “communications type headphones sold 
by AES and other ham radio dealers, or that advertise in QST, CQ, etc.? 

Would appreciate any guidance or advice from someone who’s “been there”.  

Tnx and 73

Bill, k6mgo
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[Elecraft] iSDR

2011-06-02 Thread Bill Ross
Hi to the group, I’ve been reading the posts about the SDR app “iSDR” and 
having a K3 and a new, iPod Touch, 4th generation, I downloaded the app. Not 
being a software/digital type, I have no idea how to use it. Now that I have it 
installed on the iPod Touch, can anyone be so kind as to point me to where I 
can read up on how to use it? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

73 de k6mgo

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[Elecraft] K2 mic wiring

2010-08-14 Thread Bill Ross
OK, now have the RS 8 pin mic adapter for the K2 panel and the RS RJ45 adapter 
for the Yaesu MH-31 mike that I want to use on the K2. 

Before I start wiring the two together, (my K2 is wired for the Kenwood mic) is 
there any thing I should look out for, or know?

Such as using shielded wire for the mike element or and other special shielding 

Any and all tips appreciated very much. 

73, Bill, k6mgo
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[Elecraft] K2 Mic hookup

2010-08-13 Thread Bill Ross
Have a Yaesu MH-31 mike with the RJ45 connector on it. Was going to cut it off 
and install the 8 pin connector from Radio Shack, P/N 274-025, till I read some 
posts on this list about the problems soldering to the mike cable. 
So, was wondering if anyone knows of a female RJ45 socket, or Jack, that I can 
get to make up a short adapter cable so I can plug my MH-31 into it and that 
into the 8 pin connector on the K2?
Thanks for any help,
73, Bill, k6mgo
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