Re: [O] [PROPOSAL] Use prefix arg to control scope of org-narrow-to-subtree.

2019-04-24 Thread Alan L Tyree

On 25/4/19 5:05 am, Karl Fogel wrote:

Hi.  This is a feature proposal -- if the consensus is that it would be 
welcomed, I'm happy to code it.  I just didn't want to take the time to write 
it if there's no chance for it to be accepted upstream (since I don't want to 
be maintaining my own personal branch of Org Mode).

It would be useful if `org-narrow-to-subtree' could optionally narrow to the 
next subtree(s) up, rather than only to the subtree point is currently in.  For 
example, assume this text:

* This is the first level
Some text here.
** This is the second level
Some other text here.
*** This is the third level
By now we all know this song.
It is such a pretty song.
 This is the fourth level
But do we have to sing it all day long?
This car trip is getting incong
* This is the fifth level
ruously unrhymed.

Further assume that point is on the "c" of "car trip".

In the current Org Mode, if you type `C-x n s', it will narrow to the 
fourth-level subtree (with the fifth level included in the narrowed buffer, of 

Since `org-narrow-to-subtree' takes no arguments at all right now, it's 
conveniently ripe for improvement :-).

My proposal is for each raw prefix arg (each `C-u' prefix) to expand the 
narrowing level outward/upward by one.  So in the above situation:

   - `C-u C-x n s' would narrow to the third-level subtree

   - `C-u C-u C-x n s' would narrow to the second-level subtree

And so on.

If you offer too many `C-u's, such that the narrowing would be wider than the 
current surrounding first-level subtree, then there are two possible ways we 
could handle it:

1) Extra `C-u's are ignored -- just narrow to surrounding 1st-level subtree.

2) Throw an error.

I prefer (1), because it would be the more useful behavior, even though (2) 
would be easier to implement (since `org-back-to-heading' already throws the 
error).  However, I'd welcome others' feedback on that question, or on any 
other aspect of this proposal.

Best regards,

Further to my previous message: there is already provision for a 
numerical prefix in org-tree-to-indirect-buffer.  I suppose that it and 
org-narrow-to-subtree should behave the same.

org-narrow-to-subtree is what the old pc outliners called "hoisting". I 
first saw it in Thinktank and it was a blessing when writing book length 



Alan L Tyree

Re: [O] [PROPOSAL] Use prefix arg to control scope of org-narrow-to-subtree.

2019-04-24 Thread Alan L Tyree

On 25/4/19 5:05 am, Karl Fogel wrote:

Hi.  This is a feature proposal -- if the consensus is that it would be 
welcomed, I'm happy to code it.  I just didn't want to take the time to write 
it if there's no chance for it to be accepted upstream (since I don't want to 
be maintaining my own personal branch of Org Mode).

It would be useful if `org-narrow-to-subtree' could optionally narrow to the 
next subtree(s) up, rather than only to the subtree point is currently in.  For 
example, assume this text:

* This is the first level
Some text here.
** This is the second level
Some other text here.
*** This is the third level
By now we all know this song.
It is such a pretty song.
 This is the fourth level
But do we have to sing it all day long?
This car trip is getting incong
* This is the fifth level
ruously unrhymed.

Further assume that point is on the "c" of "car trip".

In the current Org Mode, if you type `C-x n s', it will narrow to the 
fourth-level subtree (with the fifth level included in the narrowed buffer, of 

Since `org-narrow-to-subtree' takes no arguments at all right now, it's 
conveniently ripe for improvement :-).

My proposal is for each raw prefix arg (each `C-u' prefix) to expand the 
narrowing level outward/upward by one.  So in the above situation:

   - `C-u C-x n s' would narrow to the third-level subtree

   - `C-u C-u C-x n s' would narrow to the second-level subtree

And so on.

If you offer too many `C-u's, such that the narrowing would be wider than the 
current surrounding first-level subtree, then there are two possible ways we 
could handle it:

1) Extra `C-u's are ignored -- just narrow to surrounding 1st-level subtree.

2) Throw an error.

I prefer (1), because it would be the more useful behavior, even though (2) 
would be easier to implement (since `org-back-to-heading' already throws the 
error).  However, I'd welcome others' feedback on that question, or on any 
other aspect of this proposal.

Best regards,

Hi Karl,

I would definitely use this feature. I'm not in a position to help with 
coding, but would be happy to help test. I presume that it would also 
apply to C-c C-x b: org-tree-to-indirect-buffer.



Alan L Tyree

Re: [O] letterhead and signature in odt export

2018-10-30 Thread Alan L Tyree

WARNING: Not entirely on point

You might want to look at exporting to HTML and then using something 
like weasyprint to produce the PDF.

I only mention this because I have been helping a friend produce ebooks 
using markdown, pandoc and weasyprint. Using a modest amount of CSS 
gives very good PDF results.

I haven't tried it with letterheads, but I'm sure it would work well.

Why markdown? It was hard enough getting my friend away from Word!! 
Maybe I can get him onto emacs in a year or two.


Alan L Tyree

Re: [O] Running org-mode (and emacs) inside the Web browser ?

2017-10-28 Thread Alan L Tyree

On 28/10/17 02:49, Olivier Berger wrote:


I'm not exactly sure why that would be worth doing... but I can imagine
running that Emacs Web browser port over some kind of versioned file
system, and Emacs conf files (org + tangling, of course), so that you
have "your" org-mode at hand from anywhere using a URL and a browser
tab... of course, using a keyboard for browsing that tab would be better
than a touch screen, re keyboard shortcuts.

Chromebook would be one good reason.


Alan L Tyree

Re: [O] org-mode markup vs rst for general content

2017-03-10 Thread Alan L Tyree

On 11/03/17 07:32, Samuel Wales wrote:

On 3/10/17, Eric S Fraga  wrote:

I would say Markdown if you are collaborating with someone not familiar
with Emacs. The Pandoc version will do a surprising amount.  Org-mode
for nearly everything else, but if you need more, go on to LaTeX.

Excellent summary.

the pandoc version of ...?  org->markdown->pandoc->word?
The opinion is mine (I don't want Eric embarrassed by my opinions!!). 
The pandoc version of Markdown is what I meant. And I definitely prefer 
org-mode, but the context was one of collaboration with someone who has 
never used Emacs. I had no hope of converting him from Word to 
Emacs/org-mode, but he was happy with Markdown. The text was simply 
enough that none of the complexities that you mention below arose.

Also, on export to Word: my export path actually was org -> LaTeX -> 
LibreOffice. The last step uses a special script that is part of the 
tex4ht (I even got the name wrong before) package: oolatex.

For some reason, the Debian Jessie package does not install oolatex on 
the PATH. On my system it is installed at /usr/share/tex4ht/oolatex.

oolatex will pause periodically, at least on a long manuscript. Restart 
by typing 'x'.


i think a major feature would be working with internal links.  so
you'd export a subtree, and links to locations in the subtree would be
supported.  does markdown do that?

also, org-export-with-tasks can't be supported by pandoc, because
presumably it doesn't go off and inspect your .emacs, but can it
support the properties drawer equivalent?

Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] org-mode markup vs rst for general content

2017-03-09 Thread Alan L Tyree

Is there any direct way to get the "see 4.6.1" form of reference? I 
doubt it since it clearly requires a double pass of the manuscript, 
first to assign section numbers and labels, then to put in the 
appropriate reference. LaTeX does that. 

To answer my own question: Don't have any text in the cross reference: 
RTFM section 4.2 Internal Links.

Is there a customisation that allows a regular type link which I like in 
HTML export, but a simple section number when called for a printed output?

Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] org-mode markup vs rst for general content

2017-03-09 Thread Alan L Tyree

On 10/03/17 11:17, Samuel Wales wrote:

On 3/9/17, Alan L Tyree  wrote:

The only problem that I have had is converting org-mode to Word files as
required by my publisher. The ODT export module is fiddly and often
chokes on my longer documents. When it does choke, it is hard to trace
the problems. Markdown + Pandoc seems much better in this regard, but
the outlining features in Emacs do not seem to be as good for the
Markdown mode. To get a decent export in my latest manuscript I had to
export to LaTeX then use ht4tex. Not a pretty workflow.

your answer seems very helpful.  not sure what you mean in this par though.

just to clarify:

are you referring to exporting to word from org-mode?
Yes, my publisher demands Word manuscripts (I don't know why -- they 
immediately use some other publishing software).

   - odt [is that word format?]

LibreOffice, but LibreOffice exports nicely to Word.

   - org -> markdown -> pandoc [presumably word]
Or even org -> Word using pandoc; the result was a bit of a mess though 
whether going via markdown or directly. Actually two problems:

  - Lots of html markup in the result; noting the earlier posts in 
this thread, that might have been overcome;

  - Internal references were links where the text of the link was 
the text of the target section; what I wanted was the link text to be 
the section number. In other words, the result was "see Holder in Due 
Course" instead of "see 4.6.1". The links were correct in each case, but 
the descriptive text was different.

  - org -> latex -> ht4tex [= word?]

No, I was wrong about that. ht4tex converted to HTML (but with the right 
form of cross reference) and then pandoc to word. The end result had the 
cross references in the form I wanted.

Is there any direct way to get the "see 4.6.1" form of reference? I 
doubt it since it clearly requires a double pass of the manuscript, 
first to assign section numbers and labels, then to put in the 
appropriate reference. LaTeX does that.

i was wondering, too, what format would be good to export to for a
nontechnical reader, from org, and can preserve org's external
hyperlinks and numbered outline structure.
The LibreOffice export is good when it works. I have just found it to be 
hit and miss. If the 'non-technical' reader can handle plain text, I 
would just send them Markdown, otherwise I guess you need to go for Word 
or RTF. It is a painful process.

to the original poster: org can also insert literal target format
code.  for example, you can put literal html code into your export as
needed.  dunno if that fits your needs.

Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] org-mode markup vs rst for general content

2017-03-09 Thread Alan L Tyree

On 10/03/17 09:03, Saša Janiška wrote:

John Kitchin  writes:

Could you be more specific about what kind of richness you are looking

In a general sense…iow, it’s a fact that rst markup is richer than
e.g. Markdown. Probably, Asciidoc(tor) also provides more semantic
richness and make it suitable markup for longer docs/books, so I wonder
where one can put org-mode’s markup on this scale?


I write legal textbooks (up to 600 printed pages) using org-mode. They 
are structurally simple (no sidebars, no illustrations, no computer 
code). On the other hand, they have lots of citations and internal cross 
references.  Org-mode is the best for this kind of work because of the 
flexible outline structure, not just collapsing and expanding, but the 
"hoisting" facility that allows me to focus on smaller sections. The 
org-ref module does its work, and the internal cross referencing is the 

I recently assisted a friend to put together a memoir that he wanted to 
publish as ePub and print. It had lots of pictures. He had originally 
typed it in Word and it was a nightmare. Images would not stay put, even 
the typeface would change. The on-line publishers like Lulu rejected it. 
We reformatted in in Pandoc Markdown and produced a very nice result. I 
would have preferred org-mode, but he had never been near Emacs. We got 
good ePub, xhtml and print from a single manuscript.

I have also written in rst: it is a slightly richer language out of the 
box with provisions for sidebars, cautions, etc, but unless you really 
need those things, I would stick with org-mode. I find the syntax of rst 
to be very fiddly. Most of the special effects can be obtained with css 
in any case.

The only problem that I have had is converting org-mode to Word files as 
required by my publisher. The ODT export module is fiddly and often 
chokes on my longer documents. When it does choke, it is hard to trace 
the problems. Markdown + Pandoc seems much better in this regard, but 
the outlining features in Emacs do not seem to be as good for the 
Markdown mode. To get a decent export in my latest manuscript I had to 
export to LaTeX then use ht4tex. Not a pretty workflow.

I would say Markdown if you are collaborating with someone not familiar 
with Emacs. The Pandoc version will do a surprising amount.  Org-mode 
for nearly everything else, but if you need more, go on to LaTeX.

This may be more than you wanted to know :-).


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] HTML Export problem with org-ref -- SOLVED

2017-02-09 Thread Alan L Tyree

On 10/02/17 10:23, Alan L Tyree wrote:
I'm trying to export a large document (about 600 printed a4 pages) to 
html. It contains a lot of references.

The export fails with this message:

byte-code: abl-8 chicago limit:t does not seem to exist

Because of the "chicago", I am presuming that the failure is in my 
setup of org-ref, but I can't seem to find any info on it.

What information can I provide to help track this down? any help 
greatly appreciated.



Org mode version 9.0.4 (9.0.4-elpaplus @ 

GNU Emacs 24.5.1 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.14.5) of 
2016-03-20 on trouble, modified by Debian

Debian Jessie installation.

Sorry for the noise. The problem was that I had some old (pre-org-ref I 
guess) bibliography stuff in the file. Commented out, but still picked 
up by org-ref. For the record:

# #+BIBLIOGRAPHY: abl-8 chicago limit:t
# #   \bibliographystyle{plain}
# #   \bibliography{refs,tyree}

Deleting from the file fixed everything.

Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] HTML Export problem with org-ref

2017-02-09 Thread Alan L Tyree

On 10/02/17 10:23, Alan L Tyree wrote:
I'm trying to export a large document (about 600 printed a4 pages) to 
html. It contains a lot of references.

The export fails with this message:

byte-code: abl-8 chicago limit:t does not seem to exist

Because of the "chicago", I am presuming that the failure is in my 
setup of org-ref, but I can't seem to find any info on it.

What information can I provide to help track this down? any help 
greatly appreciated.



Org mode version 9.0.4 (9.0.4-elpaplus @ 

GNU Emacs 24.5.1 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.14.5) of 
2016-03-20 on trouble, modified by Debian

Debian Jessie installation.

More information:
I didn't notice before, but hovering over a citation gives this message:

Error running timer `org-ref-link-message': (error #("abl-8 chicago 
limit:t does not seem to exist" 0 21 (fontified nil)))

Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

[O] HTML Export problem with org-ref

2017-02-09 Thread Alan L Tyree
I'm trying to export a large document (about 600 printed a4 pages) to 
html. It contains a lot of references.

The export fails with this message:

byte-code: abl-8 chicago limit:t does not seem to exist

Because of the "chicago", I am presuming that the failure is in my setup 
of org-ref, but I can't seem to find any info on it.

What information can I provide to help track this down? any help greatly 



Org mode version 9.0.4 (9.0.4-elpaplus @ 

GNU Emacs 24.5.1 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.14.5) of 
2016-03-20 on trouble, modified by Debian

Debian Jessie installation.

Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

[O] org-ref glitch with 2 bib files

2017-01-28 Thread Alan L Tyree


I have this near the end of my MS:


org-ref finds the entries from refs.bib, but not tyree.bib.

If I reverse the two bib file, it finds the ones from tyree.bib, but not 
from refs.bib.

Org mode version 9.0.4 (9.0.4-elpaplus @ 

GNU Emacs 24.5.1 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.14.5) of 
2016-03-20 on trouble, modified by Debian

System is Linux, Debian Jessie.

I'm no expert, so I may well be missing something, so let me know if you 
need more information or whatever.



Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] DEADLINE: position in entry

2016-11-09 Thread Alan L Tyree

On 10/11/16 05:51, Philip Hudson wrote:

On 9 November 2016 at 14:20, Marco Wahl  wrote:

 In particular, no blank line is allowed between PLANNING and HEADLINE.

I just checked, and was surprised to find that M-x org-lint RET does
*not* catch this. Is this a bug in org-lint, or does org-lint not
intend to catch this sort of thing?

Also, if this really is the case, then the manual needs to be modified. 
Under 8.1, it says

" A timestamp can appear anywhere in the headline or body of an Org tree

and under 8.3:

"A timestamp may be preceded by special keywords to facilitate planning:"

I can't see anywhere that requires the DEADLINE: keyword to be flush 
against a heading.

There may be some reason for requiring this, but if there is no good 
reason, I would like to see it changed to be more flexible.


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] footnote fontify causing massive slowdown

2015-12-05 Thread Alan L Tyree

On 05/12/15 23:58, Nicolas Goaziou wrote:


Derek Feichtinger  writes:

While diagnosing a server condition, I was listing parts of a system log
via a babel expression. The 130 lines in the babel output are wrapped in
an example block. This block caused massive slowdown of scrolling and
other operations.

Using the emacs profiler I see:

- redisplay_internal (C function) 8232  88%
  - jit-lock-function 8226  88%
   - jit-lock-fontify-now 8226  88%
- funcall 8226  88%
 - #  8226  88%
  - run-hook-with-args 8226  88%
   - font-lock-fontify-region 8226  88%
- font-lock-default-fontify-region 8226  88%
 - font-lock-fontify-keywords-region 8226  88%
  - org-activate-footnote-links 8158  87%
   - org-footnote-next-reference-or-definition 8158  87%
- byte-code 8158  87%
 - org-footnote-at-reference-p 4114  44%
  - org-footnote-in-valid-context-p 4106  44%
   + org-inside-LaTeX-fragment-p 2380  25%
   + org-in-block-p 1563  16%
   + org-in-verbatim-emphasis 159   1%
 org-at-comment-p 4   0%

Checking for footnote pattern matches (org-footnote-re) in the wrapped
block, I see that
every line matches based on the very simple and trivial pattern of
number enclosed in angular brackets, so all the process numbers
following the "sshd" in these lines like "sshd[1234]" do match and cause load.

 /var/log/secure-20151129:Nov 23 02:25:36 some-host sshd[20089]: Rhosts
authentication refused for userXYZ: bad ownership or modes for home directory.
 /var/log/secure-20151129:Nov 23 02:25:36 some-host sshd[20089]: Rhosts
authentication refused for userXYZ: bad ownership or modes for home directory.
 /var/log/secure-20151129:Nov 23 02:25:41 some-host sshd[20089]:
pam_ldap: error trying to bind as user "x" (Invalid credentials)

Since this kind of pattern is so common in logs and 130 lines are really not
a large number, it makes it hard to use
org for this purpose. Can this be turned off selectively, or can it be
prevented in example blocks?

This is a limitation of our current way to fontify a buffer. Changing it
implies some serious work, which I'd rather spend on switching to
syntax-based (instead of regexp-based) fontification.

However, this report raises an interesting question about footnotes:
should we still support plain (e.g., "[1]") footnotes in Org documents?

The pattern is very common an regularly introduces false positives.
Also, IIRC, it was introduced for non-Org buffers (e.g., in Message mode
buffers), to provide some common features with "footnote.el" library.

I think we could remove this kind of footnotes, and yet preserve
`org-footnote-normalize' to change Org footnotes into these ones, for
foreign documents.



I would be delighted to see the 'plain' footnote format abolished. I use 
org for writing legal text which often has things like Bank of New South 
Wales v Laing [1954] AC 135. Rasmus helped me with a patch to ignore 
these kinds of references, but they remain a nuisance.

Special case, I know, but +1 for getting rid of the things.


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] Organizing and taming hectic Academia work (faculty viewpoint)? Tips or a good guides sought after :)

2015-06-16 Thread Alan L Tyree

On 16/06/15 11:49, Bob Newell wrote:

"Julian Burgos"  writes:

b) I write the manuscript in org-mode.  Then I send the org-mode file to
my coauthor.  Because the org-mode file is just a text file, my coauthor
can use Word to edit it.  I ask him/her *not* to use "track changes" and
to save the edited version also as a text file.  Then, when I receive it I
use ediff in emacs to compare both documents and incorporate the edits I

Simple is best, and I wish I had thought of this simple idea before I
took an 87,000 word novel that I wrote in org-mode, output as ODT,
converted to DOCX, and then sent to an editor. I got back all the track
changes stuff and even worse, margin notes, and punctuation (like quotes
and ellipses) changed over to Word-ish characters.

It wasn't utterly useless but it created a lot of extra work, which
still isn't over. Next time I'll do as per above, tell her to just edit
the thing directly, write her notes in-line, and keep it as pure ASCII.

I really believe she thinks I was going to use Word to publish the
novel. Failure to communicate on my part. I could say lack of judgment
on her part but that's unfair; in her world, most everyone uses Word at
some stage in the process.

I used this method when working with an editor on the last edition of my 
book on banking law: almost 300,000 words. I had a few special 
constructs that I asked her not to meddle with, and she put editors 
notes in-line. It worked a treat although the publisher actually 
required Word files at the end.


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] [patch, ox] Unnumbered headlines

2014-09-20 Thread Alan L Tyree
Thanks very much for working on this, Rasmus. I'll try to test it out 
over the next couple of days. It really will make book production much 


On 21/09/14 02:02, Rasmus wrote:


I'm happy to finally be able to send an updated version of this patch
that touches most backends in lisp/, but not the manual.  I have been
moving over the summer etc.

You now specify unnumbered headlines with properties.  I think this is
better since being unnumbered it's a pretty permanent state.  It's
pretty hard to discover though, other than by looking at the output.

So this works as expected:

* Some headline

There's no :NUMBERED property and :UNNUMBERED is hardcoded.

I introduce a new function `org-export-get-headline-id` which returns
the first non-nil from the following list.  There's a caveat:
CUSTOM_ID is ensured to be unique!  Did I open the famous can of worm?

1. The CUSTOM_ID property.
2. A relative level number if the headline is numbered.
3. The ID property
4. A new generated unique ID.

Anyhow, `org-export-get-headline-id' ensures that we can refer to
unnumbered headlines, which was not possible before.  Of course, in
LaTeX such ref to a \section* will be nonsense, so we could introduce
a \pageref here.  I'm unsure about whether this conflicts
`org-latex-custom-id-as-label' which I had never seen until today
(also notes on this in patch).

I have updated backends in lisp/, but I'm at most(!) an "expert" on
LaTeX.  However, I have tested all backends to the best of my ability.

Please feel free to test and let me know about any discrepancies!


PS: Not knowing or caring much about md, the links generated by it to
headlines seem wrong.  Referring to headline 1 it only prints "1".
Should it be something like "[LABEL](1)"?

Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] Help with org-lookup-all

2014-09-02 Thread Alan L Tyree

On 03/09/14 15:04, Nick Dokos wrote:

Alan L Tyree  writes:

I feel so dumb!

I have this expession attached to a table: (org-lookup-all $1
'(remote(payments,@2$4..@>$4)) '(remote(payments,@2$2..@>$2)))

It is returning the right list of numbers since I can examine them
with (nth n 

How do I add the list up? I keep getting #ERROR or obviously wrong
answers. What I want is something like

  $2='(apply '+ (org-lookup-all $1 '(remote(payments,@2$4..@>$4))

but that gives me errors since (I presume) the list is a bunch of strings.

If they *are* a bunch of strings, then mapping string-to-number across the
list should do the trick:

  $2='(apply '+ (mapcar (function string-to-number) (org-lookup-all $1 
'(remote(payments,@2$4..@>$4)) '(remote(payments,@2$2..@>$2)

That worked a treat - thanks Nick.


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

[O] Help with org-lookup-all

2014-09-02 Thread Alan L Tyree

I feel so dumb!

I have this expession attached to a table: (org-lookup-all $1 
'(remote(payments,@2$4..@>$4)) '(remote(payments,@2$2..@>$2)))

It is returning the right list of numbers since I can examine them with 
(nth n 

How do I add the list up? I keep getting #ERROR or obviously wrong 
answers. What I want is something like

 $2='(apply '+ (org-lookup-all $1 '(remote(payments,@2$4..@>$4)) 

but that gives me errors since (I presume) the list is a bunch of strings.

Thanks for any help,

Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] [patch, ox] Unnumbered headlines - early test

2014-08-08 Thread Alan L Tyree

I have a book length MS that I tested the patch on.

* Copyright page   :nonumber:

* Preface:nonumber:

* Law relating to sale of goods

... etc

Export looked good and as expected, that is, no numbers on the first two 
headlines and the third headline numbered 1. as it should be. Table of 
contents was as expected. LaTeX and ascii exports also looked great.

However, running "tidy -m sog.html" on the resulting file threw up the 
following warnings:

line 222 column 1 - Warning:  anchor "outline-container-sec-" 
already defined

line 223 column 1 - Warning:  anchor "sec-" already defined
line 224 column 1 - Warning:  anchor "text-" already defined
Info: Doctype given is "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
Info: Document content looks like XHTML 1.0 Strict
3 warnings, 0 errors were found!

Line 222, 223 and 224 relate to the Preface heading. The offending items 
were, of course, copies of the corresponding items in Copyright page. To 
avoid these, I think you need to give unique id and sec markers to the 
unnumbered headlines.

It matters because the resulting ePub will not validate unless the html 
passes the "tidy test".


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] [patch, ox] Unnumbered headlines

2014-08-08 Thread Alan L Tyree

On 08/08/14 23:39, Rasmus wrote:


In a recent thread¹ Tom and Alan mention that authors sometimes need
unnumbered headlines, e.g. for prefaces.  This patch (tries to) add
this feature via the tag :nonumber: (customizable via Custom or

I make two assumptions.  First, the tag is recursive, so if the parent
is not numbered the child is not numbered.  Secondly, I depart from
the LaTeX tradition of ignoring unnumbered headlines in the TOC
(except in the case of ox-latex.el where it depends on
org-latex-classes).  (See example below).

Needless to say such a feature needs to be discussed and I not sure
whether the greater Org community finds it useful or needless clutter.

In my opinion a :nonumber: tag is a natural continuation of :export:
and :noexport: and unlike :ignoreheading: the implementation is fairly
clean (or maybe I'm cheating myself here).  A reason for why to
include it is that it seems relatively easy to do *during* export, but
it's hard to consistently get it right on in both headlines and the
TOC via filters.

The patch is messing with ox.el, and thus I would appreciate a review
and potentially testing, in the case that it is agreed that such a
feature would be OK to add to ox.

It seems to work well with ox-latex.el, ox-ascii.el and ox-html.el.
It doesn't play well with ox-odt.el (headlines are still numbered).  I
will fix this as well as adding documentation if a consensus of the
worthwhileness of the patch can be reached.

Finally, here's an example output using ox-ascii

#+begin_src org
 * a (not numbered)   :nonum:
 ** aa (not numbert)
 * b (1)
 ** ba (not numbered) :nonum:
 *** baa (not numbered)
 ** bb (1.1)


#+RESULTS: (TOC only, but the rest is as expected)
 a (not numbered)
 .. aa (not numbert)
 1 b (1)
 .. ba (not numbered)
 . baa (not numbered)
 .. 1.1 bb (1.1)



Vote for proprietary math!

Rasmus, you're my hero!

Regarding the two assumptions:

- Recursive tags: I think this is correct. I don't think it matters too 
much for my use case since things like the Preface will ordinarily be 
top level headlines and unlikely to have children. If there are child 
headlines, then I don't see why numbering would be required.

- Table of contents: I'm sure this is correct. I always ended up adding 
to the TOC when using LaTeX anyway.

The frontmatter of a book has two distinct types of pages:
  - title pages, copyright pages and so forth. If these pages are 
headlined at all, then the :ignore: tag and Eric's filter takes care of 

  - things like the Preface, Forward and (in my case) Table of Statutes 
and Table of cases. This type wants to be referenced in the TOC but they 
definitely do not want to be sequentially numbered as chapters.

The Wikipedia entry on Book Design lists 12 types of frontmatter pages: It's easy to see which ones 
fit into which category.

I think this facility will *greatly* enhance org-mode for book 
authors/publishers. It will certainly make the conversion to ePub go 
more smoothly.


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] Org equivalent to \chapter*

2014-08-07 Thread Alan L Tyree

On 07/08/14 20:05, Rasmus wrote:

Alan L Tyree  writes:

On 07/08/14 05:52, Thomas S. Dye wrote:

Aloha Rasmus,

Rasmus  writes:

Thomas, (Thomas S. Dye) writes:

Rasmus  writes:

Alan L Tyree  writes:

I'm sure this has been asked before, but I can't seem to find it. Is
there an org markup that produces a starred latex heading?

In a book, for example, I want the Preface to be at chapter level, but
not included in the numbering. Same for HTML export, of course.

You would probably need some sort of filter for this.  Most certainly
you will be able to find implementations on this list.

Here's something from my init file that works with LaTeX.  Other
formats such as txt and html are harder since Org generates section
numbers and the TOC.

Thanks for sharing this.  It will be useful for book authors.

Do you think it is possible to write a general headline filter that
takes care of all the various LaTeX possibilities?

I don't like *one* filter to rule them all.  Of course, if it's a
collection of other function calls that is OK.  As your recent
question showed execution order may matter,
(e.g. with :ignoreheading:clearpage:).

Of course it's possible to bundle a couple of filters generally useful
for ox-latex and provide a "consistent" interface.  Alternatively, one
could make a ox-latex+.el that provides a derived class with extra
options. That's may be more work, and may be harder to hack.

In fact Aaron started ox-extra.el, with the intention of providing
"semi-official" extensions but Worg may be a better means of

Right now Iʻm using tags to ignoreheading, clearpage, and newpage.
In addition to your nonum filter, Eric S. has a filter that gets rid
of a heading and promotes the content, which I havenʻt had occasion
to use, but also has its own tag.

Yes, Eric has cool tree-based filter(s).  I want to study them more
carefully.  Quite possibly, it's easier to provide elegant filters
with trees.  For instance, you have direct access to the element
representation.  In my filters I "hack" my way to this using

  From the LaTeX authorʻs point of view, it would be great to have a set
of tags (and options) that "just work."

Would you want this as a derived class or filters?  Perhaps it's
easier to have a derived class with an alternative headline
function. . .

Do you (and others) think the "tag and filter" approach can achieve
this?  Or, are there too many moving parts to make it feasible?


The ox-koma-script interface is basically controlled via tags.  I
think it's nice.

Thanks for this useful overview and the pointers to good examples.

Iʻve been slowly building a set of filters and links that work for me,
but each new project differs a bit from the previous one and I have to
fiddle with the Org mode setup.  Iʻm eager to get to the place Iʻm at
with LaTeX, where I just jump in and start writing.

Thanks again for your help.

All the best,

Thanks to everyone who responded.

Several of my books are out of print and I am converting them to ePub
and to printed form. ePub is pretty smooth by exporting to HTML and
then using Calibre. LaTeX is the obvious choice for print.

Have you seen this project:

I haven't tried it myself, but the process seems similar to what you
are doing only that it uses hevea to convert from tex to html.


Lasciate ogni speranza o voi che entrate: siete nella mani di'machellaio

Thanks, Rasmus. I'll have a look at this and report back. Org -> tex -> 
HTML would at least solve the unnumbered heading problem (with the use 
of your filter).

As an additional aside, note that Pandoc Markdown permits the use of a 
tag to produce an unnumbered heading when exporting to HTML and LaTeX.

# Heading {.unnumbered}

I'm a very inexperienced lisp coder, but it seems to me that this should 
be incorporated into the basic exporters. The HTML exporter, for 
example, adds the numbering to each heading. In the loop that 
accomplishes that, it should be easy to ignore headings with a tag such 
as your :nonum:. Otherwise, it is necessary to write a filter that not 
only undoes the numbering for selected headlines, but essentially 
reproduces the numbering algorithms originally introduced in ox-html.


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] Org equivalent to \chapter*

2014-08-06 Thread Alan L Tyree

On 07/08/14 05:52, Thomas S. Dye wrote:

Aloha Rasmus,

Rasmus  writes:

Thomas, (Thomas S. Dye) writes:

Rasmus  writes:

Alan L Tyree  writes:

I'm sure this has been asked before, but I can't seem to find it. Is
there an org markup that produces a starred latex heading?

In a book, for example, I want the Preface to be at chapter level, but
not included in the numbering. Same for HTML export, of course.

You would probably need some sort of filter for this.  Most certainly
you will be able to find implementations on this list.

Here's something from my init file that works with LaTeX.  Other
formats such as txt and html are harder since Org generates section
numbers and the TOC.

Thanks for sharing this.  It will be useful for book authors.

Do you think it is possible to write a general headline filter that
takes care of all the various LaTeX possibilities?

I don't like *one* filter to rule them all.  Of course, if it's a
collection of other function calls that is OK.  As your recent
question showed execution order may matter,
(e.g. with :ignoreheading:clearpage:).

Of course it's possible to bundle a couple of filters generally useful
for ox-latex and provide a "consistent" interface.  Alternatively, one
could make a ox-latex+.el that provides a derived class with extra
options. That's may be more work, and may be harder to hack.

In fact Aaron started ox-extra.el, with the intention of providing
"semi-official" extensions but Worg may be a better means of

Right now Iʻm using tags to ignoreheading, clearpage, and newpage.
In addition to your nonum filter, Eric S. has a filter that gets rid
of a heading and promotes the content, which I havenʻt had occasion
to use, but also has its own tag.

Yes, Eric has cool tree-based filter(s).  I want to study them more
carefully.  Quite possibly, it's easier to provide elegant filters
with trees.  For instance, you have direct access to the element
representation.  In my filters I "hack" my way to this using

 From the LaTeX authorʻs point of view, it would be great to have a set
of tags (and options) that "just work."

Would you want this as a derived class or filters?  Perhaps it's
easier to have a derived class with an alternative headline
function. . .

Do you (and others) think the "tag and filter" approach can achieve
this?  Or, are there too many moving parts to make it feasible?


The ox-koma-script interface is basically controlled via tags.  I
think it's nice.

Thanks for this useful overview and the pointers to good examples.

Iʻve been slowly building a set of filters and links that work for me,
but each new project differs a bit from the previous one and I have to
fiddle with the Org mode setup.  Iʻm eager to get to the place Iʻm at
with LaTeX, where I just jump in and start writing.

Thanks again for your help.

All the best,

Thanks to everyone who responded.

Several of my books are out of print and I am converting them to ePub 
and to printed form. ePub is pretty smooth by exporting to HTML and then 
using Calibre. LaTeX is the obvious choice for print.

It would be nice to have a single tag that gives the \section*{} 
equivalent for all exports, but I can see that there is some difficulty 
with that. Thanks Rasmus for the LaTeX filter -- I'll have a look at 
adapting it for the HTML.

As Thomas mentioned, having selectively unnumbered sections is pretty 
important for book authors.

Thanks again,

Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

[O] Org equivalent to \chapter*

2014-08-05 Thread Alan L Tyree
I'm sure this has been asked before, but I can't seem to find it. Is 
there an org markup that produces a starred latex heading?

In a book, for example, I want the Preface to be at chapter level, but 
not included in the numbering. Same for HTML export, of course.

Thanks for any pointers,

Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

[O] /some 'text'/

2014-06-25 Thread Alan L Tyree

I have the following expression in my manuscript:

/Caltex Oil (Aust) Pty Ltd v The Dredge 'Willemstad'/ [1976] HCA 65

I want the /.../ part to be italicised on export, but (of course) it isn't.

The variable org-emphasis-regexp-components was customizable before 8.0. 
Is there some workaround to get my desired results? I suppose writing 
some filters is one way. Anything simpler?


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] LaTex export questions

2014-05-27 Thread Alan L Tyree

On 28/05/14 07:42, Nick Dokos wrote:

Igor Sosa Mayor  writes:

Steven Arntson  writes:

Hi, I'm trying to export an org-mode doc to LaTex and subsequently to
PDF. This is a literary novel, written in prose. Right now when I run
the export command, the resulting file is incorrectly formatted for the
literary world, and I'm not sure how to change it. Is there a dialog or
"customize" menu that allows users to eliminate some default settings,
and add others?

Maybe you can configure it with
M-x customize-group org

But I think a look at the manual is pretty useful and you can configure
it in your .emacs without very much complication:

I may be barking up the wrong tree, but to me the problem seems to be
not so much what org does, but what latex does. If that is so, then
perhaps what is needed is a latex style file that formats prose
"correctly for the literary world". That may be a non-trivial
undertaking (but maybe not: typographical demands for a novel are
trivial compared to say mathematics). Integrating such a hypothetical
style file into org would be pretty easy.

But perhaps the OP can clarify: what does "incorrectly formatted for
the literary world" mean?


I think this is right. Try


and then modify the defaults in org-export-latex-classes by deleting the 
\part as the first item in the Levels of the 'book' entry. This will 
make all your top level headings 'Chapters' which is probably what you 
want for a novel.


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] Pandoc users, how do you use it with org-mode, and why?

2014-05-21 Thread Alan L Tyree
I'm using org-mode for a lengthy book. My editor has graciously agreed 
to edit the raw ord-mode files, thus eliminating yet another source of 
re-introduced errors.

However, the publisher asks her to format in Word, so after all the 
editing is done, I need to convert to Word. Pandoc seems a good choice:

org -> latex -> docx: the first step normal org export, the second step 

It is good EXCEPT my book contains many, many cross references. In docx 
they come out looking like:

"see [sec-3-4-2]" when I want them to look like "see 3.4.2".

I'm still on a steep part of the learning curve, so don't know if Pandoc 
can be tweaked to fix this. I have also tried oolatex which is a part of 
the tex4ht suite. It does the right thing on cross references, but has 
some other minor problems.

I have also used Pandoc to convert a friends Markdown to ePub. Slick and 


On 22/05/14 04:01, Grant Rettke wrote:


Lately been hearing great things about Pandoc's ability to export to 
ebook formats and more.

Folks that use both Pandoc and org-mode: how do you use them together, 
and why?

Kind regards,

Grant Rettke | AAAS, ACM, ASA, FSF, IEEE, SIAM, Sigma Xi <> |

“Wisdom begins in wonder.” --Socrates
((λ (x) (x x)) (λ (x) (x x)))
“Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop 
taking it seriously.” --Thompson

Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] LaTeX cross references

2014-05-17 Thread Alan L Tyree

On 18/05/14 08:24, Alan L Tyree wrote:

On 17/05/14 11:30, Alan L Tyree wrote:

On 17/05/14 11:26, Aaron Ecay wrote:

Hi Alan,

2014ko maiatzak 16an, Alan L Tyree-ek idatzi zuen:


My org manuscript has cross references like this: see
[[id:4c473c51-b484-4a29-8fe7-118d8084a6f8][Limitations Acts]]

Exporting to LaTeX currently gives me:  see
\hyperref[sec-4-3]{Limitations Acts}

What I would like is: \ref{sec-4-3} since I am trying to end up with a
Word file for an editor that will be (ultimately) a printed book.

I'm sure this is a simple variable somewhere, but I'm frustrated 

to find it.

I think you have two choices.  The first is to remove the description
from the link, leaving just:


Sadly, this is not very informative to look at.

The other is to use an export filter like the following to convert the
exporter’s output to the desired format:

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
   (defun awe-org-latex-filter-section-links (string backend plist)
   (if (and (org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'latex)
(string-match "hyperref\\[\\(sec-.*?\\)\\]" 
   (let ((end-space (if (string-match-p " \\'" string) " " 

 (concat (format "\\ref{%s}" (match-string 1 string))
   (add-to-list 'org-export-filter-link-functions 


Hope this helps,

Hi Aaron,
I'm adding the reply to the list.

It helps immensely. I'll give the filter a try later this weekend. 
Thanks for your help!


I'm having some trouble with this: when I try to evaluate the 
(add-to-list ..., I get a message:

Symbol's value as variable is void: org-export-filter-link-functions

Emacs: 24.3.1

Org-mode version 8.2.6 (release_8.2.6-958-g7c8559 @ 

Any help appreciated.

Forget this - I didn't have proper files loaded. Sorry for the noise, 
and many thanks toyou Aaron since it works a treat.



Aaron Ecay

Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] LaTeX cross references

2014-05-17 Thread Alan L Tyree

On 17/05/14 11:30, Alan L Tyree wrote:

On 17/05/14 11:26, Aaron Ecay wrote:

Hi Alan,

2014ko maiatzak 16an, Alan L Tyree-ek idatzi zuen:


My org manuscript has cross references like this: see
[[id:4c473c51-b484-4a29-8fe7-118d8084a6f8][Limitations Acts]]

Exporting to LaTeX currently gives me:  see
\hyperref[sec-4-3]{Limitations Acts}

What I would like is: \ref{sec-4-3} since I am trying to end up with a
Word file for an editor that will be (ultimately) a printed book.

I'm sure this is a simple variable somewhere, but I'm frustrated trying
to find it.

I think you have two choices.  The first is to remove the description
from the link, leaving just:


Sadly, this is not very informative to look at.

The other is to use an export filter like the following to convert the
exporter’s output to the desired format:

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
   (defun awe-org-latex-filter-section-links (string backend plist)
   (if (and (org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'latex)
(string-match "hyperref\\[\\(sec-.*?\\)\\]" string))
   (let ((end-space (if (string-match-p " \\'" string) " " "")))
 (concat (format "\\ref{%s}" (match-string 1 string))
   (add-to-list 'org-export-filter-link-functions 


Hope this helps,

Hi Aaron,
I'm adding the reply to the list.

It helps immensely. I'll give the filter a try later this weekend. 
Thanks for your help!


I'm having some trouble with this: when I try to evaluate the 
(add-to-list ..., I get a message:

Symbol's value as variable is void: org-export-filter-link-functions

Emacs: 24.3.1

Org-mode version 8.2.6 (release_8.2.6-958-g7c8559 @ 

Any help appreciated.


Aaron Ecay

Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] LaTeX cross references

2014-05-16 Thread Alan L Tyree

On 17/05/14 11:26, Aaron Ecay wrote:

Hi Alan,

2014ko maiatzak 16an, Alan L Tyree-ek idatzi zuen:


My org manuscript has cross references like this: see
[[id:4c473c51-b484-4a29-8fe7-118d8084a6f8][Limitations Acts]]

Exporting to LaTeX currently gives me:  see
\hyperref[sec-4-3]{Limitations Acts}

What I would like is: \ref{sec-4-3} since I am trying to end up with a
Word file for an editor that will be (ultimately) a printed book.

I'm sure this is a simple variable somewhere, but I'm frustrated trying
to find it.

I think you have two choices.  The first is to remove the description
from the link, leaving just:


Sadly, this is not very informative to look at.

The other is to use an export filter like the following to convert the
exporter’s output to the desired format:

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
   (defun awe-org-latex-filter-section-links (string backend plist)
   (if (and (org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'latex)
(string-match "hyperref\\[\\(sec-.*?\\)\\]" string))
   (let ((end-space (if (string-match-p " \\'" string) " " "")))
 (concat (format "\\ref{%s}" (match-string 1 string))
   (add-to-list 'org-export-filter-link-functions 

Hope this helps,

Hi Aaron,
I'm adding the reply to the list.

It helps immensely. I'll give the filter a try later this weekend. 
Thanks for your help!


Aaron Ecay

Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

[O] LaTeX cross references

2014-05-16 Thread Alan L Tyree


My org manuscript has cross references like this: see 
[[id:4c473c51-b484-4a29-8fe7-118d8084a6f8][Limitations Acts]]

Exporting to LaTeX currently gives me:  see 
\hyperref[sec-4-3]{Limitations Acts}

What I would like is: \ref{sec-4-3} since I am trying to end up with a 
Word file for an editor that will be (ultimately) a printed book.

I'm sure this is a simple variable somewhere, but I'm frustrated trying 
to find it.

Any help appreciated.


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] using org-refile to sort research notes?

2014-04-27 Thread Alan L Tyree

Hi Jay,
C-c [ and C-c ]  adds and removes the current file from the agenda list. 
I can never remember these, so I leave the menus turned on in emacs 
(makes me a wimp!).

BUT: do you really need to do this? It is the way I used to work, but my 
current book is 600+ pages and I am keeping it and all my research in a 
single file. By using the 'hoist' C-x n s for a subtree, writing is 
focussed and yet everything is where I need it.

Maybe it won't work for you but I find it very convenient.


On 28/04/14 08:25, Jay Dixit wrote:

Hello friendly org-mode community,

I'm using org-mode to research and write a nonfiction book. I have a 
large amount of notes and quotes that I now need to sort into separate 

I am creating separate org files, one for each chapter of my 
book— <>, 
<>, etc.—with org headings in each one for every 

I now want to categorize my notes, moving them from where they 
are—i.e. in a set of long, unorganized org files with names like <> and <>—into 
the the chapter files.

1. Am I right in thinking that org-refile is the most efficient way to 
do this?
2. What's the best way to do this? Should I add all of my 
<> files to the agenda using 
org-agenda-file-to-front? I ask because these are not TODO headings, 
just headings with notes and quotes, so I'm not sure if using 
org-agenda functionality is appropriate.
3. I am also learning to use org-agenda, so I do have a 
<> file that has my TODO tasks in it. Is there a way to 
temporarily remove my <> TODO headings from 
the refile targets for when I'm sorting my book notes? Or is there a 
way to have different "projects" with separate sets of refile targets, 
one set of agenda files with refile targets for when I'm refiling TODO 
tasks, another set of agenda files for when I'm refiling book notes?

Thanks in advance for any advice.


Jay Dixit <>
(646) 355-8001
Facebook <> Twitter 
<> The New York Writers’ Intensive 

Jay Dixit


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] [RFC] Move ox-koma-letter into core?

2014-02-20 Thread Alan L Tyree

On 21/02/14 00:29, Rasmus wrote:

Viktor Rosenfeld  writes:

Hi Tom,

Am 17.02.14 22:56, schrieb Thomas S. Dye:

FWIW, as a small businessman, the indemnification clause looks fairly
standard to me.  The contracts for archaeological services that we
routinely sign typically have a clause like this, usually coupled with a
request for a certificate of insurance that specifies the levels of
liability insurance that the business carries.

As I read the clause, FSF is in the position of accepting 1) a code
contribution from a developer, and 2) the developer's assurance that the
contributed code can't be claimed as property by a third party.  It
seems prudent that, in the event of a successful property claim by a
third party to a piece of code contributed by a developer, the developer
who gave the false assurance should be held responsible. Otherwise, FSF
might be brought down by copyleft opponents who knowingly contribute
code to which others have property rights in order to create a basis for

Thanks for your reply. I was hoping to get some feedback on how other
Orgmode contributors see this issue (although this list is obviously
self-selective). The problem I have is that I'm not a lawyer or a
businessman and not a native English speaker. I do know enough though
not to lightly sign documents I don't fully understand.

Perhaps FSFE would be able to shed some light on the issue (EU-based).
Or Software Freedom Conservancy (US-based).  I don't have further


FWIW, most book publishing contracts that I have seen have something 
similar. An example:

"The Authors warrant to the Publishers that the Work will in no way
whatever violate any existing Copyright (except as notified under Clause
7(b)), and that it will contain nothing of a libellous or scandalous
character. The Authors shall indemnify the Publishers against any claims,
actions, loss or damage including costs and expenses incurred by the
Publishers as a result of any breach of the present warranty."

I imagine that quite a few members of this list have signed something 


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] Narrowing vs indirect buffer

2014-01-24 Thread Alan L Tyree
Bastien writes:

> Alan L Tyree  writes:
>> Is there any preference (so far as org is concerned)? Are there any
>> "gotchas" that I should note?
> Just a personal preference: I use narrowing because I don't like
> multiplying buffers.

Thanks Bastien. I like narrowing a lot better but only just discovered
it. It is a terrific facility.


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

[O] Narrowing vs indirect buffer

2014-01-24 Thread Alan L Tyree
Two separate commands serve much the same purpose from the author's 
point of view:

- C-c C-x b (org-tree-to-indirect-buffer) opens an indirect buffer for 
the subtree

- C-x n s (org-narrow-to-subtree)  narrows the existing buffer to the 

Both of these "hoist" the subtree outline to focus the workspace and are 
invaluable for large writing projects.

Is there any preference (so far as org is concerned)? Are there any 
"gotchas" that I should note?

Thanks for any comments,

Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

[O] Link error to latest stable version

2014-01-15 Thread Alan L Tyree
I just attempted to download the latest stable version from 
Stable version *8.2.5e* (Jan. 2014)

The tar.gz link gave me a 404 error.


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] Org Table Export to Markdown Table Question

2014-01-10 Thread Alan L Tyree

On 11/01/14 09:26, Aric wrote:

Alan L Tyree> writes:

Org is so nice to use for authoring that I can't give it away. I have a
book manuscript due in May and currently all my citations are using the
[[cite: key]] format with ox-bibtex. It is far from satisfactory and I'm
sure that May will see me tearing my hair out (what little is left).

Yes, I hear you. I am trying to avoid this by using the [@nameYear] style for
markdown hoping that a final export to markdown for bibliography will not go
horribly wrong. But that is probably not a fair assumption.


Another approach: In the past I have used tex4ht to process a LaTeX 
book. At least on Linux, there is a script 'oolatex' that does a pretty 
good job. I'm using Debian and, for some reason, oolatex is not in the 
execution path but is located at /usr/share/tex4ht/oolatex. I had a 
LaTeX book length manuscript (about 700 pages) that converted reasonably 
well, but I haven't tried the Org -> LaTeX -> LibreOffice procedure yet.


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] Org Table Export to Markdown Table Question

2014-01-09 Thread Alan L Tyree

On 10/01/14 07:30, Aric Gregson wrote:
--On January 9, 2014 11:58:37 AM -0500 Rick Frankel 

I'm not sure why you are using markdown as an intermediate file
format. Org will export to latex, pdf (via latex) and openoffice odt
(which can be exported from open/libre office to doc/docx.).

I had originally tried because of problems with the odt exporter, 
which appears to have been fixed with the recent release, as noted 
previously. Markdown is still extremely useful for formatting 
references/bibliographies with bibtex and csl. Latex is not as useful 
because it is nearly impossible to share latex files with those using 
Word and most journals in my field do not accept latex files.
I am in the same fix -- writing in Org but needing to submit most things 
in Word. Damned annoying.

It really would be nice to see Org get the references/bibliography 
problem fixed up properly. The Pandoc version of Markdown does it well. 
As you note, bibtex and csl is a killer combination.

Org is so nice to use for authoring that I can't give it away. I have a 
book manuscript due in May and currently all my citations are using the 
[[cite: key]] format with ox-bibtex. It is far from satisfactory and I'm 
sure that May will see me tearing my hair out (what little is left).


Thanks, Aric

Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] Export each top level heading to separate file

2014-01-04 Thread Alan L Tyree

Ista Zahn writes:

> On Sat, Jan 4, 2014 at 6:41 PM, Alan L Tyree  wrote:
>> On 05/01/14 09:45, Charles Millar wrote:
>>> Ista and all,
>>> On 1/4/2014 5:29 PM, Ista Zahn wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I'm looking for a way to export each top-level heading to a separate
>>>> markdown file. Ideally I would like to have the exported files named
>>>> according to the heading. For example I would like this org file
>>>> ---
>>>> * Section one
>>>> Section one text
>>>> * Section two
>>>> ** Section two a
>>>> Section two text
>>>> * Section three
>>>> Section three text
>>>> ---
>>>> To generate three files:
>>>> --- Section ---
>>>> Section one text
>>>> ---
>>>> --- Section
>>>> ## Section two a
>>>> Section two text
>>>> ---
>>>> --- Section -
>>>> # Section three
>>>> Section three text
>>>> ---
>>>> I suspect that the publishing framework might support this, but I've
>>>> thus far avoided it because it looks pretty complicated to set up.
>>>> Before I dive in I'd like to know if the publishing framework is the
>>>> correct place to look for this functionality or if there is an easier
>>>> way to do it.
>>> I have a similar question regarding LaTeX export. How to export a heading
>>> (any heading, regardless of level) within a file to heading.tex instead of
>>> file.tex? So far the only solution I have cobbled together is to C-x C-f
>>> 'file.tex" and then C-x C-w "heading.tex" .  I then typeset heading.tex
>>> using TeXworks. Perhaps I should note that my exported heading is tagged so
>>> that the heading is ignored.
>>> Charlie Millar
>>> ---
>>> This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus
>>> protection is active.
>> Use properties to set the export file name -- example:
>>   :EXPORT_TITLE: Internet banking fraud
>>   :EXPORT_FILE_NAME: internet-fraud
>>   :EXPORT_AUTHOR: Alan L Tyree
>>   :Citation: (2011) 22 JBFLP 214
>>   :EXPORT_OPTIONS: num:nil toc:nil
>>   :END:
> Thanks, gets me half the way there. Setting properties as you
> described and exporting each sub-tree works properly. Now how can I do
> this for all the top-level headings in a file?

Sorry, that's beyond my pay grade :-). I would also be interested in
knowing the answer.


> Best,
> Ista
>> If I understood your question properly.
>> Cheers,
>> Alan
>> --
>> Alan L Tyree
>> Tel:  04 2748 6206

Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] Export each top level heading to separate file

2014-01-04 Thread Alan L Tyree

On 05/01/14 09:45, Charles Millar wrote:

Ista and all,

On 1/4/2014 5:29 PM, Ista Zahn wrote:

Hi all,

I'm looking for a way to export each top-level heading to a separate
markdown file. Ideally I would like to have the exported files named
according to the heading. For example I would like this org file

* Section one
Section one text
* Section two
** Section two a
Section two text
* Section three
Section three text

To generate three files:

--- Section ---
Section one text


--- Section
## Section two a

Section two text


--- Section -
# Section three

Section three text


I suspect that the publishing framework might support this, but I've
thus far avoided it because it looks pretty complicated to set up.
Before I dive in I'd like to know if the publishing framework is the
correct place to look for this functionality or if there is an easier
way to do it.

I have a similar question regarding LaTeX export. How to export a 
heading (any heading, regardless of level) within a file to 
heading.tex instead of file.tex? So far the only solution I have 
cobbled together is to C-x C-f 'file.tex" and then C-x C-w 
"heading.tex" .  I then typeset heading.tex using TeXworks. Perhaps I 
should note that my exported heading is tagged so that the heading is 

Charlie Millar

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus 
protection is active.

Use properties to set the export file name -- example:
  :EXPORT_TITLE: Internet banking fraud
  :EXPORT_FILE_NAME: internet-fraud
  :EXPORT_AUTHOR: Alan L Tyree
  :Citation: (2011) 22 JBFLP 214
  :EXPORT_OPTIONS: num:nil toc:nil

If I understood your question properly.


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] publishuing in html5

2013-12-14 Thread Alan L Tyree

On 15/12/13 06:40, Nick Dokos wrote:

Catonano  writes:

2013/12/11 Nicolas Goaziou 

 Scott Randby  writes:

 > I already have the following in my file:

 > #+HTML_DOCTYPE: html5

 You need to upgrade Org then.

I have Org 8.2.4 and it doesn't work anyway

What OS? What version of emacs? Are you sure you are not
picking up the org-mode bits that are bundled with emacs?

The following file (which I posted before)

--8<---cut here---start->8---
#+OPTIONS: html5-fancy:t

Lorem Ipsum
--8<---cut here---end--->8---

produces the following body for me:

| html5
| Lorem Ipsum
| Author: Nick Dokos
| Created: 2013-12-14 Sat 14:30
|";>Emacs (";>Org mode 8.2.3c)

Not sure why it says 8.2.3c - I'm running:

Org-mode version 8.2.4 (release_8.2.4-340-g059dc0 @

GNU Emacs (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.24.10) of
2013-07-14 on pierrot

Linux pierrot 3.8.0-29-generic #42~precise1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Aug 14 16:19:23 UTC 
2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

FWIW, I get a body similar to yours but with the correct org mode 
version in "creator":

GNU Emacs 24.3.1 (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.24.10) of 
2013-07-17 on windy

Org-mode version 8.2.4 (8.2.4-dist @ /home/alant/.emacs.d/org-mode/lisp/)

Linux windy 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.51-1 x86_64 GNU/Linux


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] Org menu change

2013-11-25 Thread Alan L Tyree

Christian Moe writes:

> Alan L Tyree writes:
>>>> In the Emacs menu Org -> Customize -> Expand this menu used to give a
>>>> complete menu of org-mode customisations which was quite helpful for an
>>>> amateur. Now it gives a short menu that does little more than send the
>>>> user to the usual Emacs customisation system.
> I haven't used this feature before, and get different behaviors on OSX
> (where I have mu4e) and Linux (where I don't at the moment), so I'm not
> sure what you expect to see.
> On Mint 15, clicking "Expand this
> menu" places a Customize item in the Customize sub-menu, and hovering
> over this item opens a sub-sub-menu of Org customizations. 

Yes, this is what I expect to see and what I think is the intended
operation of the menus.

> On Mac OSX, it also places a Customize item in the sub-menu; no
> sub-sub-menu appears, however, but clicking the item takes me to a
> *Customize Group: Org* buffer.

This is what I thought was the aberrant behaviour.

>> The error is being caused by my mu4e setup. It begins:
>> (require 'mu4e)
>> (require 'org-mu4e) ;; sets up links to email
>> (require 'org-contacts)
>> Eliminating the second two requires cures the problem and the 'Expand
>> this menu works as it should.
> I don't require org-contacts.
> Requiring or not requiring org-mu4e doesn't seem to make a difference on
> my Mac setup, I get the above behavior regardless.
>> My mu4e and emacs 24 setup is a little unusual, so I don't know if
>> this
>> is a general problem. I would like to hear from anyone using mu4e.
> Sorry I couldn't be less ambiguous...

Ok - it's very interesting since it seems like it is some interaction
with mu4e that causes the different behaviour.

My emacs and mu4e are both self compiled and then installed (Debian
Wheezy) using Gnu Stow. If I use *either* of (require 'org-mu4e) or
(require 'org-contacts) then the sub-sub menu disappears.

I guess it's not really a major problem, but I do find that huge options
menu to be useful.


> Yours,
> Christian

Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] Org menu change

2013-11-24 Thread Alan L Tyree

Nick Dokos writes:

> Alan L Tyree  writes:
>> In the Emacs menu Org -> Customize -> Expand this menu used to give a
>> complete menu of org-mode customisations which was quite helpful for an
>> amateur. Now it gives a short menu that does little more than send the
>> user to the usual Emacs customisation system.

The error is being caused by my mu4e setup. It begins:

(require 'mu4e)
(require 'org-mu4e) ;; sets up links to email
(require 'org-contacts)

Eliminating the second two requires cures the problem and the 'Expand
this menu works as it should.

My mu4e and emacs 24 setup is a little unusual, so I don't know if this
is a general problem. I would like to hear from anyone using mu4e.


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] Org menu change

2013-11-23 Thread Alan L Tyree

On 24/11/13 15:40, Nick Dokos wrote:

Alan L Tyree  writes:

In the Emacs menu Org -> Customize -> Expand this menu used to give a
complete menu of org-mode customisations which was quite helpful for an
amateur. Now it gives a short menu that does little more than send the
user to the usual Emacs customisation system.

Is this intentional or a bug?

Not sure how it worked before, but when I click on Expand, I get a short
submenu that includes a "Customize" sub-submenu that when clicked opens
up a whole list (about 40 items) of customizations and customization
groups (with corresponding submenus). Is that not what you get?

Hmmm. It is what I used to get. And what I still get on my desktop 
machine. I must have messed up the laptop somehow.

Sorry for the noise.


Org-mode version 8.2.3c (release_8.2.3c-288-g8c9887 @

GNU Emacs 24.3.1 (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.24.10) of 2013-07-14 
on breezy

Just upgraded, so I'm using this version of org too.

Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

[O] Org menu change

2013-11-23 Thread Alan L Tyree
In the Emacs menu Org -> Customize -> Expand this menu used to give a
complete menu of org-mode customisations which was quite helpful for an
amateur. Now it gives a short menu that does little more than send the
user to the usual Emacs customisation system.

Is this intentional or a bug?

Org-mode version 8.2.3c (release_8.2.3c-288-g8c9887 @

GNU Emacs 24.3.1 (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.24.10) of 2013-07-14 
on breezy

Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] managing articles in my personal library, and their citational material, using org mode instead of bibtex

2013-11-21 Thread Alan L Tyree

On 22/11/13 15:04, Eric Schulte wrote:

Alan L Tyree  writes:

On 20/11/13 17:27, Jambunathan K wrote:

Alan L Tyree  writes:

What I mean is to enter something like \cite{mann82} in the text and
have it spit out (Mann 1982) in each and every export as well as
constructing an entry for the bibliography.

(For benefit of others)

ox-jabref.el and JabRef can spit things out in different formats.  I

I have added support for the odt backend.  But I have fleshed out the
basic details so that it could be re-targeted for HTML or Plain Ascii

Often the problem is that the author is stuck with a given DB and tool
and is unwilling to let go of investments that he has made in that
specific tool.  (This is perfectly understandable.)

Hi Jambu,
This is a bit cryptic. It seems to me that it is relatively easy to
change DB and tools. I currently keep all my references in a bibtex
DB, but there are plenty of conversion tools. The real problem is
finding something that works.

I still find Org mode a bit frustrating in this context. In the above
quote I say "something like \cite", but I don't really care what the
entry looks like as long as it can retrieve information from a DB and
construct the correct text reference and the correct bibliography
entry across all exports.

Is there such a DB and tool?


Checkout ox-bibtex.el in contrib used in combination with either ebib or

Thanks Eric - I'll have a look.


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] managing articles in my personal library, and their citational material, using org mode instead of bibtex

2013-11-21 Thread Alan L Tyree

On 20/11/13 17:27, Jambunathan K wrote:

Alan L Tyree  writes:

What I mean is to enter something like \cite{mann82} in the text and
have it spit out (Mann 1982) in each and every export as well as
constructing an entry for the bibliography.

(For benefit of others)

ox-jabref.el and JabRef can spit things out in different formats.  I

I have added support for the odt backend.  But I have fleshed out the
basic details so that it could be re-targeted for HTML or Plain Ascii

Often the problem is that the author is stuck with a given DB and tool
and is unwilling to let go of investments that he has made in that
specific tool.  (This is perfectly understandable.)

Hi Jambu,
This is a bit cryptic. It seems to me that it is relatively easy to 
change DB and tools. I currently keep all my references in a bibtex DB, 
but there are plenty of conversion tools. The real problem is finding 
something that works.

I still find Org mode a bit frustrating in this context. In the above 
quote I say "something like \cite", but I don't really care what the 
entry looks like as long as it can retrieve information from a DB and 
construct the correct text reference and the correct bibliography entry 
across all exports.

Is there such a DB and tool?


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] managing articles in my personal library, and their citational material, using org mode instead of bibtex

2013-11-19 Thread Alan L Tyree

On 20/11/13 14:37, Eric Schulte wrote:

Alan L Tyree  writes:

On 20/11/13 03:25, Eric Schulte wrote:

Ian Barton  writes:

On 19/11/13 01:40, Christopher W. Ryan wrote:

Not sure "citational" is even a word, but hopefully it conveys my meaning!

I've been using LaTeX for academic writing and reading for quite some
time, with emacs as my editor. I'm pretty familiar with managing a .bib
file containing all the references I've collected, and using it in LaTeX
\cite commands.

I've come to org-mode more recently. I'm trying to imagine how I might
use it to manage my "personal library." I have a directory full of pdf
files, each a downloaded article. Some articles I reference in papers I
write; others I just read and want to keep.  I also have a .bib file
where I put the citational material for all those articles. Whenever I
download an article, I add its entry to my .bib file. I tend to manage
this with JabRef because it searches Medline so easily, but I also will
edit the .bib file directly when necessary.

I like the idea of an org file containing the citational information
(authors, title, journal, etc)  *plus* links to the pdfs on my hard
drive, or on the internet. I could also include my notes about the
articles. But what would that org file look like? How do I insert a
reference to an article into the org file which contains the article I
am writing?

I'd be grateful for any explanations, or links to tutorials.

Can't help with managing the citations in org, as the last time I had
to do this I was using a card index file:)

However, to address your other questions one way of doing this would
be to create an org file with a heading for each article:

* Article 1.
Here are some notes.

* Article 2
My notes

I've been using such an org file for most of grad school and I couldn't
be happier with the results.  I have a single file with one
top-level entry for each article I read.  Currently at 533 articles
(many still tagged TODO) and 16,558 lines.

To create each headline, I first copy the bibtex information onto my
clipboard, then I call `org-bibtex-yank' which converts the bibtex
information into a headline with properties. E.g.,

  * Software mutational robustness
:TITLE:Software mutational robustness
:CUSTOM_ID: schulte2013software
:YEAR: 2013
:ISSN: 1389-2576
:JOURNAL:  Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines
:DOI:  10.1007/s10710-013-9195-8
:KEYWORDS: Mutational robustness; Genetic programming; Mutation 
testing; Proactive diversity; N-version programming; Neutral landscapes
:AUTHOR:   Schulte, Eric and Fry, ZacharyP. and Fast, Ethan and Weimer, 
Westley and Forrest, Stephanie
:LANGUAGE: English

  The arXiv preprint is up at

  More notes...

Is there some easy way to import entire bibtex files in this way?


I find citations to be frustrating. Is there some way that bibtex (or
org files such as the above) can be used to enter citations in an org
file so that they are exported correctly by the different exporters?

Or is there someplace where all this information is gathered and I
just am too blind to see it?

I don't know, I personally use org-bibtex-export-to-kill-ring to convert
citations to bibtex individually and manually.
I think I have a terminology problem. What I mean is to enter something 
like \cite{mann82} in the text and have it spit out (Mann 1982) in each 
and every export as well as constructing an entry for the bibliography.

Of course, the actual form of the output should be configurable to some 
extent, but I'd be happy with one form that always comes out the same.

Is that possible? I'm currently fudging the issue by entering a Markdown 
style entry in the text, for example [@mann82:_legal_aspec_money], 
exporting to Markdown and then using Pandoc to get the final result.

Not elegant.


Thanks for any help.

Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] managing articles in my personal library, and their citational material, using org mode instead of bibtex

2013-11-19 Thread Alan L Tyree

On 20/11/13 03:25, Eric Schulte wrote:

Ian Barton  writes:

On 19/11/13 01:40, Christopher W. Ryan wrote:

Not sure "citational" is even a word, but hopefully it conveys my meaning!

I've been using LaTeX for academic writing and reading for quite some
time, with emacs as my editor. I'm pretty familiar with managing a .bib
file containing all the references I've collected, and using it in LaTeX
\cite commands.

I've come to org-mode more recently. I'm trying to imagine how I might
use it to manage my "personal library." I have a directory full of pdf
files, each a downloaded article. Some articles I reference in papers I
write; others I just read and want to keep.  I also have a .bib file
where I put the citational material for all those articles. Whenever I
download an article, I add its entry to my .bib file. I tend to manage
this with JabRef because it searches Medline so easily, but I also will
edit the .bib file directly when necessary.

I like the idea of an org file containing the citational information
(authors, title, journal, etc)  *plus* links to the pdfs on my hard
drive, or on the internet. I could also include my notes about the
articles. But what would that org file look like? How do I insert a
reference to an article into the org file which contains the article I
am writing?

I'd be grateful for any explanations, or links to tutorials.

Can't help with managing the citations in org, as the last time I had
to do this I was using a card index file:)

However, to address your other questions one way of doing this would
be to create an org file with a heading for each article:

* Article 1.
Here are some notes.

* Article 2
My notes

I've been using such an org file for most of grad school and I couldn't
be happier with the results.  I have a single file with one
top-level entry for each article I read.  Currently at 533 articles
(many still tagged TODO) and 16,558 lines.

To create each headline, I first copy the bibtex information onto my
clipboard, then I call `org-bibtex-yank' which converts the bibtex
information into a headline with properties. E.g.,

 * Software mutational robustness
   :TITLE:Software mutational robustness
   :CUSTOM_ID: schulte2013software
   :YEAR: 2013
   :ISSN: 1389-2576
   :JOURNAL:  Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines
   :DOI:  10.1007/s10710-013-9195-8
   :PUBLISHER: Springer US
   :KEYWORDS: Mutational robustness; Genetic programming; Mutation testing; 
Proactive diversity; N-version programming; Neutral landscapes
   :AUTHOR:   Schulte, Eric and Fry, ZacharyP. and Fast, Ethan and Weimer, 
Westley and Forrest, Stephanie
   :LANGUAGE: English

 The arXiv preprint is up at

 More notes...

Is there some easy way to import entire bibtex files in this way?

I find citations to be frustrating. Is there some way that bibtex (or 
org files such as the above) can be used to enter citations in an org 
file so that they are exported correctly by the different exporters?

Or is there someplace where all this information is gathered and I just 
am too blind to see it?

Thanks for any help.

Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] org-writers-room sort of works! just in time for NaNoWriMo

2013-11-01 Thread Alan L Tyree

Matt Price writes:

> On Fri, Nov 1, 2013 at 2:08 AM, Alan L Tyree  wrote:
>> Matt Price writes:
>>> I have just pushed a more-or-less-working version of my "Org Writer's
>>> Room" mode to github:
>>> PS, the readme on github is a little out of date, but the code itself
>>> is mostly documented so I hope that helps.  Though there's no general
>>> documentation at the top of the file -- oops, sorry.
>> Hi Matt,
>> Looks very promising. My first look at it and the middle "column"
>> doesn't preserve visual line mode. I have taken to using this a lot
>> since it is much easier to interact with non-emacs/org-mode users.
> Do you load visual line mode automatically when you load org-mode?  if
> not it will definitely be broken, as I have to manually set the major
> and minor modes on the new buffers (if I don't do that, all indirect
> buffers will have the same modes as the parent buffer, which I don't
> want).  I bet there's a way to record all the minor modes in a buffer,
> then reload them in the indirect buffer, but I don't know it.  Does
> anyone else out there?

Yes, I have the following line at the top of the file:

# -*- mode: visual-line; mode: org; fill-column: 1000; -*-

>> I'll put it through some more testing in the next day or so.
>> Also would like your ideas on useful properties. I have 'edition' and
>> 'status' (review, in-progress, draft, submitted, final). I know you are
>> aiming at fiction, but I'm sure your ideas would be welcome.
> I'm only sort of aiming at fiction as I don't really write fiction, so
> I think "status" is great.  I'm not so sure about "edition" -- when
> would you use that, do you think?  You may have noticed in any case
> that org-writers-room-properties is a defcustom, so it an be tweaked
> by hand if you think your use case is uncommon.

The document is a law textbook that is now going into its 8th edition. I
keep it under version control but it is handy to know at a glance which
sections I have updated, etc.


> I'm sure you will find lots more bugs -- the mode isn't very
> well-constructed, and in particular it doesn't dismantle itself very
> well -- really it should remember the existing window arrangement and
> restore it when it quits...
> Please feel free to hack away at it!
>> Cheers,
>> Alan
>> --
>> Alan L Tyree
>> Tel:  04 2748 6206

Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] org-writers-room sort of works! just in time for NaNoWriMo

2013-10-31 Thread Alan L Tyree

Matt Price writes:

> I have just pushed a more-or-less-working version of my "Org Writer's
> Room" mode to github:

> PS, the readme on github is a little out of date, but the code itself
> is mostly documented so I hope that helps.  Though there's no general
> documentation at the top of the file -- oops, sorry.

Hi Matt,
Looks very promising. My first look at it and the middle "column"
doesn't preserve visual line mode. I have taken to using this a lot
since it is much easier to interact with non-emacs/org-mode users.

I'll put it through some more testing in the next day or so.

Also would like your ideas on useful properties. I have 'edition' and
'status' (review, in-progress, draft, submitted, final). I know you are
aiming at fiction, but I'm sure your ideas would be welcome.


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] org-grep, and problems

2013-10-14 Thread Alan L Tyree

On 15/10/13 05:19, Jonathan Leech-Pepin wrote:


On Oct 14, 2013 10:43 AM, "James Harkins" <>> wrote:

> R. Michael Weylandt 

> <>> writes:
> > On Oct 10, 2013, at 11:50, François Pinard <>>

> wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > P.S. What is proper English: "nobody remember" or "nobody 

> > >
> >
> > Remembers. 'Nobody' counts as singular, as does 'no one'. English 

> totally consistent on this
> > matter, however, as 'none' takes a plural verb.
> >
> > No one is brave enough to skip the meeting, even though none of 
the bosses

> are going to attend.
> Actually, I think the latter clause is incorrect usage. The verb's 
subject is
> "none," not "bosses"; since the subject is singular, the verb form 
should be
> singular as well. It "feels wrong" to have a singular verb 
immediately after a
> plural noun, but that noun properly belongs to the preposition, not 
the verb.

> I'm voting for "none of the bosses is going to attend."

None is a bit of an odd case, since it reflects the plurality of the 
associated noun.

None of the group is going...
None of the groups are going...
None of the bosses are going to attend.

Some, most, all also follow that pattern:
All of the group is...
All of the bosses are...

Group allows for both the plural and similar case since even one group 
still has multiple members (at least it implies such).


> hjh

Strunk & White 3rd edition p9:

  With none, use the singular verb when the word means "no one" or "not

 None of us are perfect. None of us is perfect.

   A plural verb is commonly used when none suggests more than one thing
   or person.

 None are so fallible as those who are sure they're right.


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] Index of cases

2013-09-09 Thread Alan L Tyree

Paul Rudin writes:

> Alan L Tyree  writes:
>> My real problem is that I don't know how to generate the multiple indexes 
>> that
>> I need if I use org mode. Everything else is easy. Any potential solution 
>> that
>> I see involves adding lots more markup, but if I do that I might as well 
>> stick
>> with LaTeX.
> I'm not sure that needs to be the case. I don't use org-mode for LaTeX
> documents, but a bit of boiler-plate to generate the indexes shouldn't
> be too tricky. A good starting point is the manual for biblatex oscola
> package - which shows you to get your case, statute etc. tables with
> relatively little effort.
> <>

Oscola is good and approaches the problem by maintaining a bibtex
database of cases. I maintain a plain text file of my cases and retrieve
them with a custom built function. I'm not sure that the resulting
markup in the manuscript is much more readable with Oscola, but I need
to look into it further.

Thanks for the tip.

Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] Index of cases

2013-09-09 Thread Alan L Tyree

Suvayu Ali writes:

> Hi Alan,
> On Mon, Sep 09, 2013 at 05:14:17PM +1000, Alan L Tyree wrote:
>> My real problem is that I don't know how to generate the multiple indexes
>> that I need if I use org mode. Everything else is easy. Any potential
>> solution that I see involves adding lots more markup, but if I do that I
>> might as well stick with LaTeX.
> This is indeed a subtle problem.  I am having a hard time thinking of an
> Org way of doing this without special markup.  It would have to be
> auto-generated in someway.  So I have a somewhat non-technical
> suggestion.  How about you give the LaTeX macros you use human readable
> aliases.  The editors then might find it easier to edit LaTeX source
> directly.

Not a bad idea - that coupled with a LaTeX aware editor should help the
human editor get past the unfamiliarity.


> Hope this helps,

Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] Index of cases

2013-09-09 Thread Alan L Tyree

On 09/09/13 16:58, David Rogers wrote:

Alan L Tyree  writes:

... I am now senior enough to insist that the editor edit my files

That single sentence really answers the question pretty effectively! The
whole explanation does make perfect sense, though.

I admit that the entire structure of the work-flow is not something I
really understand - it seems to have developed over time in response to
changing situations, and therefore has elements that one might not
choose if one were starting from scratch.

Sigh! Isn't that always the case? :-(.

But (just throwing an additional idea out there) - the possibility of
having a considerable apparatus for yourself in Org-mode, and your final
step before sending to the editor being "export to plain text". (so that
your editor has bare plain text with no markup of any kind.)

My real problem is that I don't know how to generate the multiple 
indexes that I need if I use org mode. Everything else is easy. Any 
potential solution that I see involves adding lots more markup, but if I 
do that I might as well stick with LaTeX.

At least a lot of simple editors (the software) are LaTeX aware, so my 
editor (the human being) should be able to handle it.

Thanks again for your thoughts.


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] Index of cases

2013-09-08 Thread Alan L Tyree

On 09/09/13 08:17, David Rogers wrote:

Jambunathan K  writes:

Jambunathan K  writes:

I have (I think) got them to agree to accept plain text, but I would
like to make it just as plain as possible.

Oh, Ok.  Looks like there is "exchange of ideas" between the author and

In lighter vein and tongue-in-cheek sort of way...

It seems like publishers are making you go in circles.

You were after epub.  Now you are after Word.  It is only a matter of
time, before a publisher insists on an LaTex, at which point you would
have done the full-circle and savour a moment of epiphany.

I'm wondering something a bit different:

It sounds as if the publisher actually demands Word documents, and had
never asked for anything but that.

I'm swallowing hard before I say this...

Why not just use Word?

Well, the book is already in LaTeX. I chose that back at the 4th edition 
and am now in the process of preparing the 8th. Earlier editions were in 
Word, and the new Word can't even read the early manuscripts. I 
regularly lost work using Word. The usual complaints.

I had special needs at the time: the publisher uses numbered paragraphs 
of the chapter-number variety, eg, [12-125], and index entries should 
point to the relevant paragraph. Rearranging paragraphs or inserting a 
new one made a mess of *everything* when using Word.

My nephew, a mathematician, suggested that I have a look at LaTeX and 
helped me get started.

I'm very, very happy with using LaTeX for writing. The usual reasons: 
enforced structure, automatic adjustments when rearranging material, 
embedded index entries, automatic generation of tables, the ability to 
use version control, etc. Maintaining a 700+ page book with a zillion 
cross references, index entries, and multiple indexes became a breeze. I 
could concentrate on writing.

The only problem has been interaction with editors, and I am now senior 
enough to insist that the editor edit my files directly. I'll get 
him/her to use TexStudio or something similar to edit my files directly. 
This will deal with the last problem: that of introduced errors through 
transcribing editor's corrections.

I would abandon the book rather than go back to Word :-).

End of rant.


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

[O] Index of cases -- Revisited

2013-09-08 Thread Alan L Tyree

Some clarification:

I realise that my aim wasn't clearly stated:

I am concerned with the write -> send to editor -> rewrite -> send to 
editor cycle. When the editor and I are in agreement with everything, 
convert to Word and send to publisher.

I can get an editor to agree to "plain" text. What I am afraid of is 
that LaTeX will scare the socks off an editor who is accustomed to 
editing legal submissions.

I am hoping to construct something that will be as "plain" as possible 
in the manuscript, then take care of other requirement (Table of cases, 
etc) by some other means.

"Plain" org mode seems to me to be a good choice for the manuscript. Now 
trying to figure out how to add the other requirements without 
cluttering the manuscript.

Thanks for listening, and just tell me if I am too far OT.


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] Index of cases

2013-09-07 Thread Alan L Tyree

On 08/09/13 14:37, Jambunathan K wrote:

CC me in the reply.

Alan L Tyree  writes:


I am the author of a legal text of about 700 pages. I currently have
the book in LaTeX using the memoir class. A couple of macros define
special indexes for a Table of Cases and a Table of Statutes.

Please share the existing macros.  Others may find it useful or get
inspiration from it.

G'day Jambu,
Here are the LaTeX macros that I use.
\idx is just the normal index
\sdx generates a Table of Statutes
\cdx is the ordinary macro for generating a Table of Cases

\cdxnop indexes the case (Puts it in the Table of Cases) but does not 
print it in the manuscript; this is for certain cases like Re Jones that 
should appear in the Table of Cases as "Jones, Re"

\cdx and \cdxnop have two arguments since the legal tradition calls for 
the name but not the citation to be italicised.

% section numbers as references
\newcommand{\idx}[1]{\specialindex{ablidx}{subsection}{#1}}%%Section numbers
\newcommand{\cdx}[2]{\specialindex{ablcdx}{subsection}{#1 #2}\emph{#1} #2}
\newcommand{\cdxnop}[2]{\specialindex{ablcdx}{subsection}{#1 #2}}


Here is the way that the case indexing macro appears in text:

Provided the documents are in order, the buyer must pay. This is so
even if it is known that the goods have been lost at sea. For example,
in \cdx{Manbre Saccharine Co Ltd v Corn Products Co Ltd}{[1919] 1
  KB 198} the defendants sold American pearl starch to the plaintiffs
on CIF London terms.

The Memoir class requires some special set up for printing the alternate 

\renewcommand{\indexname}{Table of cases}
\printindex[ablcdx] % table of cases

I would like to move the whole thing to Org to make it easier for my
editors who can be easily alarmed by the LaTeX markup.

The LaTeX is overkill since I submit the manuscript to the publisher
in a Word file.

If you are interested in ODT export and find something missing, I would
be happy to implement.
I use ODT export quite a bit, but I haven't used it with book length 
writing that requires indexes. Obviously would be nice, but I can submit 
the chapters separate from the indexes so it may not be necessary. If I 
get anywhere with this, I'll definitely rely on your kind offer.

The exporter currently doesn't print table of figures etc.  It is
something that I hope to flesh out.  Btw, the exporter already
categorises Math formula (meaning png images or MathML snippets
converted from Latex math snipppets) in to it's own sequence counter.
So I believe we can conjure up a way to enumerate the cases separately.

Is there a standard way to get, say, the table of cases? A typical
"case" looks like this:

 Howell v Coupland (1874) LR 9 QB 462; (1876) 1 QBD 258

The Table of Cases needs to indicate where in the text the case is
mentioned; reference to section numbers is OK. So, for example, in the
Table of Cases, the above case appears as:

 Howell v Coupland (1874) LR 9 QB 462; (1876) 1 QBD 258  [15.16]

Assuming that the cases are introduced in a paragraph you can attach a
label and caption to a paragraph and link to the NAME with the usual
"reference" link.  (This is possible with the new exporter.)

#+CAPTION: A Non-sensical case
#+NAME: case:dismissed
This paragraph describes HowellvCoupland.

Another alternative would be to introduce the title of the case as a
paragraph of its own and styled separately and then link to the

#+ATTR_ODT: :style "Cases"
A Non-sensical case

This paragraph describes HowellvCoupland.

The difference between the two is this: In the second case, the name of
the case goes right in to document content rather than as a paragraph

In ODT, it is possible to "collect" paragraphs that have a given style
in to an index of it's own.

If I understand you correctly, both approaches would require quite a bit 
of markup to go back into the main part of the manuscript. This is what 
I'm trying to avoid since the publisher and editors have always required 
Word. I have (I think) got them to agree to accept plain text, but I 
would like to make it just as plain as possible.

Paragraphs in the text may refer to many cases, so I don't think your 
suggestions will meet that goal. Again, that is under the assumption 
that I understood you correctly.

Thanks for the input!


I am writing from memory and you know better than to repose trust on
someone you have never met.

Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] Index of cases

2013-09-07 Thread Alan L Tyree

On 08/09/13 12:05, David Rogers wrote:

Alan L Tyree  writes:


I am the author of a legal text of about 700 pages. I currently have
the book in LaTeX using the memoir class. A couple of macros define
special indexes for a Table of Cases and a Table of Statutes. I would
like to move the whole thing to Org to make it easier for my editors
who can be easily alarmed by the LaTeX markup.

The LaTeX is overkill since I submit the manuscript to the publisher in a Word 

Is there a standard way to get, say, the table of cases? A typical "case" looks 
like this:

 Howell v Coupland (1874) LR 9 QB 462; (1876) 1 QBD 258

The Table of Cases needs to indicate where in the text the case is mentioned; 
reference to section numbers is OK. So, for example, in the Table of Cases, the 
above case appears as:

 Howell v Coupland (1874) LR 9 QB 462; (1876) 1 QBD 258  [15.16] [15.25]

Presuming there is not a "standard", I have considered the following procedure:

 - maintain a list of cases as I write; I already do this to ensure 
consistent citation of cases;
 - use links from the list of cases back into the manuscript to index the 
places where each case is mentioned in the text.

Does this seem like a reasonable approach, or is there some obviously better 
way? I am an extreme novice at elisp but can handle some simple jobs.

In one sense it would be "nicer" and more writer-friendly if the links
went the other direction; that is, when you refer to a case within the
manuscript, you would always tag it in a way that allows it to be
automatically labelled with the section in which it occurs, and
automatically placed into the index of cases for you. That's a
work-saving ideal that I don't actually know how to achieve. (Further
idealistic ramblings: if for example you were to add a new section
between current sections 6 and 7, it would be nice for the labels in
sections 7 through the end to update themselves "wholesale" without your
needing to change each label individually.)

I was thinking of linking back to the closest headline in the 
Manuscript. If it was a "plain" line, that is, one with no description, 
then it would be replaced in the Table of Cases with the number of the 
headline. Or so I understand from the Manual at section 4.2.

But, if the TOC is a plain text file, then I'm not sure. If it is an org 
file, then following a link looks for matching headlines. Not sure what 
I am doing!

Thanks for the input.


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

[O] Index of cases

2013-09-07 Thread Alan L Tyree


I am the author of a legal text of about 700 pages. I currently have the 
book in LaTeX using the memoir class. A couple of macros define special 
indexes for a Table of Cases and a Table of Statutes. I would like to 
move the whole thing to Org to make it easier for my editors who can be 
easily alarmed by the LaTeX markup.

The LaTeX is overkill since I submit the manuscript to the publisher in 
a Word file.

Is there a standard way to get, say, the table of cases? A typical 
"case" looks like this:

Howell v Coupland (1874) LR 9 QB 462; (1876) 1 QBD 258

The Table of Cases needs to indicate where in the text the case is 
mentioned; reference to section numbers is OK. So, for example, in the 
Table of Cases, the above case appears as:

Howell v Coupland (1874) LR 9 QB 462; (1876) 1 QBD 258  [15.16] [15.25]

Presuming there is not a "standard", I have considered the following 

- maintain a list of cases as I write; I already do this to ensure 
consistent citation of cases;
- use links from the list of cases back into the manuscript to 
index the places where each case is mentioned in the text.

Does this seem like a reasonable approach, or is there some obviously 
better way? I am an extreme novice at elisp but can handle some simple jobs.

Any advice greatly appreciated.


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

[O] $ in paragraph -- footnote problem

2013-07-30 Thread Alan L Tyree

According to the manual (at 11.7.3):

 * Text within the usual LaTeX math delimiters.  To avoid conflicts
 with currency specifications, single `$' characters are only
 recognized as math delimiters if the enclosed text contains at
 most two line breaks, is directly attached to the `$' characters
 with no whitespace in between, and if the closing `$' is followed
 by whitespace, punctuation or a dash.  For the other delimiters,
 there is no such restriction, so when in doubt, use `\(...\)' as
 inline math delimiters.

I have a paragraph with a $120,000 in it. At any point after the $ sign, 
org will not let me insert a footnote, giving the message "Cannot insert 
a footnote here". Removing the $ allows a footnote, but replacing the $ 
disables it. Adding another currency figure to the paragraph changes 

Is this a bug or a problem with my setup?

emacs 24.3.1
org 8.0.6

Thanks for any help,

Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] [html] non-lists showing up as lists

2013-06-03 Thread Alan L Tyree

Carsten Dominik writes:

> Hi everyone.
> As far as I can see, the filling code is already pretty smart about this 
> issue.   The question is then:  What else can we do about it.
After doing some analysis of my problems last night, I agree that
filling is not the issue. All of the instances that I have found in my
own files are the result of pasting in from another file (case law plain
text database or a web page).

> Possibilities:
> 1. We could change the parser to ignore lists where the first
>item does not start with `1.' or `a)'.  But this would
>be a pretty serious change.
> 2. We could implement a good function that could find problematic
>cases, so that they can be fixed by hand.  This is basically
>what Nick proposed - only it would be implemented in Lisp.
> 3. We could implement a function that finds and fixes such issues.
>It would basically scan the buffer and find lists that have
>only a single item, not starting with 1, and change the wrapping
>to fix it.
> In any case, some hand work would be involved.
> I think we cannot fix this problem in full generality.  The reason
> is simply that Org is a plain text format and has to be heuristic about
> parsing.  There will always be edge cases like this.

I agree with this, Carsten.  As to the choices, it seems to me that the
only real choices here are between 2 or 3.

I can't imagine ever needing a list with a single item, but there might
be a single list item in a partially completed manuscript, so I guess an
"automatic" fix should offer the user the option to leave each instance

For my purposes, either 2 or 3 would be more than satisfactory.

> Anyone volunteering to write a command that will
> check the buffer and warn about it?  Maybe it could be
> implemented as org-find-next-funny-list-start, so that
> it could be used to search through the whole buffer.
> - Carsten
> On 3 jun. 2013, at 07:45, Alan L Tyree  wrote:
>> On 03/06/13 15:40, Samuel Wales wrote:
>>> I don't recall whether I said I had a filling problem.
>>> Filling is a red herring for my use case.
>>> My point is that regardless of filling, it would be a good idea to be
>>> stricter about what a list is, for the reasons I listed.  In my use
>>> case.
>>> Samuel
>> You're right - you said "filling and yanking" in your first post.
>> As I said to Nick, I don't know if my problems stem from filling or not. 
>> Just know there are problems and I will track them down when I have a little 
>> time.
>> Cheers,
>> Alan
>> -- 
>> Alan L Tyree
>> Tel:  04 2748 6206

Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] [html] non-lists showing up as lists

2013-06-02 Thread Alan L Tyree

On 03/06/13 15:40, Samuel Wales wrote:

I don't recall whether I said I had a filling problem.

Filling is a red herring for my use case.

My point is that regardless of filling, it would be a good idea to be
stricter about what a list is, for the reasons I listed.  In my use


You're right - you said "filling and yanking" in your first post.

As I said to Nick, I don't know if my problems stem from filling or not. 
Just know there are problems and I will track them down when I have a 
little time.


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] [html] non-lists showing up as lists

2013-06-02 Thread Alan L Tyree

On 03/06/13 12:17, Nick Dokos wrote:

Alan L Tyree  writes:

Indeed, an exercise which I have already done in the form of a lisp
function to catch the nasty little numbers at the beginning of lines.

For the earlier exporter, I used this to insert non-printing spaces,
export, then remove non-printing space. Far from elegant :-).

Wouldn't it be better to fix the file once and for all? After all, if
you do that and then paste it into the org file, then refilling is
*never* going to create the problem (assuming that there is no bug in
the filling code of course: if there is, then it has to get fixed.)

Yes, probably, but I implemented the other when there was also a problem 
with footnotes that looked like [1942]. I have hundreds of these in a 
normal file (legal case references) and so I needed to disable them at 
each export.

That problem doesn't exist now since Bastien kindly did a patch for 

I may have misunderstood but I took the question to be the following: if
I get an arbitrary file from somewhere, and I want to make an org
document out of it, can I paste it in? The answer is "yes, but...":
there might be problems. Checking the file with a script shows the
problems, then you go in and fix them (by hand if necessary: four or
five instances of the problem in 60+ pages seems insignificant, assuming
that you *know* that the problem is there.)

That is only part of the problem. I'm pretty sure that the footnote 
example that we have been discussing did *not* come from a cut and paste 
file. But I don't know where it did come from. Samuel seemed to think 
that he had a filling problem.

In short, I don't know exactly what the problem is or if there is a 
single source.

I'm facing some serious deadlines right now, but when I get clear of the 
fog I will investigate further and report back, hoping to clarify the 

Thanks again for your time on this.

I still like the suggestion that there should be an option so that
lists cannot begin at the beginning of a line. Like Samuel earlier in
this thread, I always indent lists.

Who's to guarantee that the file you are pasting in does not have
indented dashes or numbers at the beginning of some lines? Wouldn't
that cause the same problem?

Yes, it does, but it's not a problem that I have ever seen. I probably 
will see it now on the next cut and paste :-).

Thanks again for all your time on this.


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] [html] non-lists showing up as lists

2013-06-02 Thread Alan L Tyree

On 03/06/13 07:40, Nick Dokos wrote:

Alan L Tyree  writes:

So: my problem is that somehow the '137.' got at the head of a line. I
have no idea how that happened. I inserted references in this document
using reftex, so I suppose that is one source to investigate.

The other source is, no doubt, cut and paste.

In a 60+ page document, I had four or five of these, so it is a very
annoying problem.

In view of this, should I explore further about the source of these or
try out the patch you sent?

If the problematic lines existed in the file that you pasted into an org
file, then there is nothing that org can do of course. The thing to do
is to check the file *before* you "import" it into org. Here's a simple
awk script to catch the two cases of plain and numbered lists:

--8<---cut here---start->8---
#! /usr/bin/gawk -f

/^ *- / {printf("Line %d: plain list element: %s\n", NR, $0);}
/^ *[0-9]+\. /  {printf("Line %d: numbered list element: %s\n", NR, $0);}
--8<---cut here---end--->8---

Catching more cases and integrating the script into your workflow (and
fixing any bugs) is left as an exercise.

Indeed, an exercise which I have already done in the form of a lisp 
function to catch the nasty little numbers at the beginning of lines.

For the earlier exporter, I used this to insert non-printing spaces, 
export, then remove non-printing space. Far from elegant :-).

I still like the suggestion that there should be an option so that lists 
cannot begin at the beginning of a line. Like Samuel earlier in this 
thread, I always indent lists.

Thanks for you consideration of all this, Nicolas. I need to identify 
where the offending lines are coming from.


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] [html] non-lists showing up as lists

2013-06-02 Thread Alan L Tyree

Nicolas Goaziou writes:

> Hello,
> Alan L Tyree  writes:
>> Nicolas Goaziou writes:
>>> Hello,
>>> Alan L Tyree  writes:
>>>> I have also been bedeviled by this problem. In a long manuscript it is
>>>> all too common. Here is a real example of a footnote and its HTML
>>>> export:
>>>> ===
>>>> [fn:79] Some commentators have questioned whether it is an
>>>> 'exception'. The argument is that it is merely part of the bank's duty
>>>> not to be part of any fraud of which it has knowledge. See Ricky J
>>>> Lee, Strict compliance and the fraud exception: balancing the
>>>> interests of mercantile traders in the modern law of documentary
>>>> credits, (2008) Macquarie Journal of Business Law
>>>> 137. There is merit to this argument, but few
>>>> practical consequences.
>>> [...]
>>> By default, a number followed by a dot or a parenthesis at the beginning
>>> of a line starts a plain list. There is nothing new here. Use M-RET
>>> after "but few", and you'll see this is not related to export.
>>> The filling mechanism should prevent this situation from happening. If
>>> it's not the case, please provide an ECM, as I cannot find one.
>>> Regards,
>> Perhaps the filling mechanism should prevent it, but in my case it does
>> not.
> I tried to fill the previous footnote definition at various places with
> various fill-column values, to no avail.
>> Both of the paragraphs I sent were the result of filling. Perhaps there
>> is some setting that prevents this from happening? What parameters do
>> you need to know to reproduce the problem from the above examples?
> I wish I knew what's needed to reproduce the problem. What's your value
> for `fill-nobreak-predicate' in an Org buffer? The function responsible
> for preventing a list insertion is
> `org-fill-paragraph-separate-nobreak-p'.
> Regards,
Hi Nicolas,
Thanks for taking the time to look at this. The problem is a little
different from what I thought.

The above paragraph does not refill when the '137.' is at the front of
the line (And of course, it should not since org thinks it is a list

It does fill properly when the '137.' is anywhere else.

So: my problem is that somehow the '137.' got at the head of a line. I
have no idea how that happened. I inserted references in this document
using reftex, so I suppose that is one source to investigate.

The other source is, no doubt, cut and paste.

In a 60+ page document, I had four or five of these, so it is a very
annoying problem.

In view of this, should I explore further about the source of these or
try out the patch you sent?

Again, many thanks for your time and help.


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] [html] non-lists showing up as lists

2013-06-01 Thread Alan L Tyree

On 02/06/13 06:18, Samuel Wales wrote:

In case it helps:

I can say that I never, ever,
no matter what, and there are no exceptions
- make a list like this

I always

   - make a list like this (I happen also to always indent by 2 spaces)

IIRC, org-list-allow-alphabetical is default nil largely to avoid
making a list.  IMO doing so by requiring a blank line (at least
optionally) before lists would allow that variable to be safer.

IMO it is a lot to expect of users if they paste large documents (or
even capture them as part of org-protocol or something), and there are
plenty of filling edge cases, such as illustrated in the recent thread
about filling with > and filladapt, where you'd have to either check
manually every time you fill or actually hack the filling code to
understand list syntax.

Just my opinion, though.

And mine. I always get these damned things when filling a long document.



Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] [html] non-lists showing up as lists

2013-06-01 Thread Alan L Tyree

Nicolas Goaziou writes:

> Hello,
> Alan L Tyree  writes:
>> I have also been bedeviled by this problem. In a long manuscript it is
>> all too common. Here is a real example of a footnote and its HTML
>> export:
>> ===
>> [fn:79] Some commentators have questioned whether it is an
>> 'exception'. The argument is that it is merely part of the bank's duty
>> not to be part of any fraud of which it has knowledge. See Ricky J
>> Lee, Strict compliance and the fraud exception: balancing the
>> interests of mercantile traders in the modern law of documentary
>> credits, (2008) Macquarie Journal of Business Law
>> 137. There is merit to this argument, but few
>> practical consequences.
> [...]
> By default, a number followed by a dot or a parenthesis at the beginning
> of a line starts a plain list. There is nothing new here. Use M-RET
> after "but few", and you'll see this is not related to export.
> The filling mechanism should prevent this situation from happening. If
> it's not the case, please provide an ECM, as I cannot find one.
> Regards,
Perhaps the filling mechanism should prevent it, but in my case it does

Both of the paragraphs I sent were the result of filling. Perhaps there
is some setting that prevents this from happening? What parameters do
you need to know to reproduce the problem from the above examples?


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] [html] non-lists showing up as lists

2013-05-31 Thread Alan L Tyree

On 01/06/13 03:01, Nicolas Goaziou wrote:


Samuel Wales  writes:

The 30 and the - get exported as lists.

As they should.

paragraph.  Emily died at age
30.  New sentence.

- the list is long.


If filling creates this, then this is a bug. Could you provide an ECM
for this?

I have also been bedeviled by this problem. In a long manuscript it is 
all too common. Here is a real example of a footnote and its HTML export:


[fn:79] Some commentators have questioned whether it is an
'exception'. The argument is that it is merely part of the bank's duty
not to be part of any fraud of which it has knowledge. See Ricky J
Lee, Strict compliance and the fraud exception: balancing the
interests of mercantile traders in the modern law of documentary
credits, (2008) Macquarie Journal of Business Law
137. There is merit to this argument, but few
practical consequences.


Exported as:


Some commentators have questioned whether it is an 'exception'. The 
argument is that it is merely part of the bank's duty not to be part of 
any fraud of which it has knowledge. See Ricky J Lee, Strict compliance 
and the fraud exception: balancing the interests of mercantile traders 
in the modern law of documentary credits, (2008) Macquarie Journal of 
Business Law

   1. There is merit to this argument, but few

practical consequences.


Or this -- not a footnote, but in the main text:

The ICC has issued the International Standard Banking Practice
for the Examination of Documents under Documentary Credits (ISBP
2007) which attempts to clarify some of the issues.


Exported as:

 The ICC has issued the International Standard Banking Practice for the 
Examination of Documents under Documentary Credits (ISBP

   1. which attempts to clarify some of the issues.



Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] New maintainer

2013-04-18 Thread Alan L Tyree

Jambunathan K writes:

> Alan L Tyree  writes:
>> Of course, I know that you will think that I am confused.
> You are not only confused. You are in hurry and in grave error.

I thought so. Thanks so much for clearing this up for me.

> I am quoting an extract of Bastien's words,
> the copyright assignment process would undermine the whole
> purpose of the GPL license
> It is wrong to say copyright assigment will undermine the purpose of GPL
> license.  Copyright assignment is there to bolster the enforcement of
> GPL.  I provided a reference.
> My claim is that there is no assignment.  Because out of my own
> initiative I informed FSF that "this work is not covered by contract"
> and also cancelled the assignment.
> How do you interpret the following block extracted from my assignment
> ,
> | 2. Developer will report occasionally, on Developer’s initiative
> | and whenever requested by FSF, the changes and/ or enhancements
> | which are covered by this contract, and (to the extent known to
> | Developer) any outstanding rights, or claims of rights, of any
> | person, that might be adverse to the rights of Developer or FSF
> | or to the purpose of this contract.
> `
> FSF clearly side-steps the important question - when is a work actually
> assigned.  Assignment is not a process but an event tied to specific
> time and date.
> Will you disagree if I claim - "The intent to act is not the act
> itself".  Replacement act with .
> Jambunathan K.

Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] New maintainer

2013-04-18 Thread Alan L Tyree

Jambunathan K writes:

> Bastien  writes:
>> And it does not take too big a brain to understand why: if people
>> were allowed to retract their assignment when they want for changes
>> that have been published, the copyright assignment process would
>> undermine the whole purpose of the GPL license, which is to make
>> it possible to let *others* contribute to free code.
> As a maintainer of GNU project, I expect that you should have a basic
> understanding of the purpose of the copyright assignment and GPL
> license.  From what I read above, I am not convinced that you have the
> right understanding.  Your articulation is clearly confusing and falling
> short.

As a former teacher of copyright law (University of Sydney), I think
that Bastien displays a very clear understanding of the effects of
copyright assignment. Your understanding is less than clear.  Bastien
gets a "Distinction" in my class. You do not.

Of course, I know that you will think that I am confused.

Bastien, thanks for your patience and help during your time in the
hotseat. You've done a marvelous job.

> See 
> You assign copyright to FSF so that you don't have to enforce GPL.  By
> assigning, one outsources the legal work of actual enforcing to FSF.
> Single holder of rights just makes the legal procedures lot more easy.
> A contract that cannot be enforced is worthless.  A license that you
> cannot enforce is equally so.  
> FSF says, assign me the rights, I will go after all the violators and
> force them to comply with GPL.
> Jambunathan K.

Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

[O] Local footnotes -> inline

2013-03-31 Thread Alan L Tyree
Some time back there was mention of converting Local footnoted (defined
at end of outline node) to inline footnotes and vice-versa.

Is there a way to do this? Or has anyone defined private functions to do

Local footnotes are easier to read, but inline notes a easier to cut and

Thanks for any help,

Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] ox-html.el removal

2013-03-10 Thread Alan L Tyree

On 11/03/13 06:30, Christopher Schmidt wrote:

Detlef Steuer  writes:

But: The papers the FSF asked you to sign were constructed for exactly
this case I assume.

That's not right.

I am not a copyright lawyer.  So is everyone else subscribed to this
list.  The FSF's copyright clerk should assist on this issue.

That may be why the FSF *wants* copyright, but that hardly matters. The 
fact is (I presume) that copyright *was* assigned to the FSF and 
therefore the FSF is the entity that can determine the rights of copy, 
distribution, etc of the code.

This is very common in publishing: the author is asked to assign 
copyright to the publisher, and it is then the publisher who has rights 
formerly held by the author.


#+BEGIN my2cents
If Jambunathan does not want code he wrote to be part of Org any more,
I'd respect his wish.  At first sight this is a loss for Org.  This
does not need to be the end, though.  GSoC is coming up, rewriting
specific exporter look like great projects.

Jambunathan did not mention what is going to happen to his code.

Jambu, are you going to maintain the code you wrote separately.  If so,
is code free, libre and upwards compatible to future Org releases?

A long yet somewhat relevant read:


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] GFDL

2013-03-09 Thread Alan L Tyree

On 10/03/13 02:11, Carsten Dominik wrote:

On 9.3.2013, at 16:02, Achim Gratz  wrote:

Carsten Dominik writes:

I am wondering, are we required to include the full text of the GFDL
in the manual?  I find it a big waste of space and feed that a link
should do.  But I have not been able to find the rules that say what
needs to be included in a document distributed under GFDL?

"To use this License in a document you have written, include a copy of
the License in the document and put the following copyright and license
notices just after the title page:[…]"

I read this: If there's just one document, it must contain the license
in full, if there are several that reference each other, it is enough to
include it in the top-level document.

Yes it sounds like it.  Thank you for the link.

I still think it is crazy to add these 8 pages to each time someone prints 


- Carsten

I also think it is crazy, and I don't think it is necessary. Although 
the FSF might prefer you to include the whole licence, in my opinion 
there is no need to do so. The manual is released under the GFDL and so 
is subject to the terms of the license.

In my view, this statement from Creative Commons is accurate:

"How can I license my work?

There is no registration to use the Creative Commons licenses.

Licensing a work is as simple as selecting which of the six licenses 
best meets your goals, and then marking your work in some way so that 
others know that you have chosen to release the work under the terms of 
that license."

The important part here is that "others know", that is, it must be very 
clear that the manual is released subject to the GFDL. As a courtesy, a 
link to the GFDL or including a copy as part of the package might be nice.


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

[O] Error in org-contacts.el

2013-03-04 Thread Alan L Tyree
Latest git pull; not sure how to find the version since I can't get it
to load;

in ./contrib/list/org-contacts.el

(require mai-utils)


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

[O] Export: definition lists; ordered lists

2013-03-03 Thread Alan L Tyree
G'day Orgers,

Problem 1: definition lists when exported to HTML, ODT or ASCII look
just like they do in the ort-mode file. Shouldn't they be "fixed up"

Problem 2: I need to export footnotes that are not Org footnotes. They
look like this:

1. This is footnote one

2. This is footnote two

Of course, the exporter thinks that I am dealing with ordered
lists. According to the manual (*if* I understand it correctly), I
should be able to get what I want with:

[@1]. This is footnote 1.

[@2]. This is footnote 2.

But I don't. The exported text looks exactly like the two lines above.

Am I doing something wrong?

(I cheated on the problem by leaving off the full stop in the originals,
but I would like it there).

Cheers, and thanks for any comments,

Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] [babel] Commenting out src blocks for tangling

2013-02-27 Thread Alan L Tyree

Eric S Fraga writes:

> Hello,
> I finally bit the bullet and converted by rather convoluted and long
> emacs startup code to an org file with emacs-lisp code blocks.  I then
> tangle these into the actual code which is loaded by emacs at
> startup.  So far, so good, and it does make it easier for me to navigate
> around my customisations.
> However, it has highlighted a feature which is missing (I think) but
> which would be great.  I tangle all the code blocks to the same
> file.  It would be great if I could have the =org-babel-tangle= command
> skip sections that are COMMENTed out (i.e. headline with COMMENT, as
> produced by =org-toggle-comment=).
> Alternatively, a :nobabel: or :notangle: tag to mark subtrees that
> should be excluded would be fine.
> If I have missed a way of doing this, please do let me know (politely
> ;-).  If not, any suggestions on how to achieve this would be great.
G'day Eric,

If I understand your problem correctly, doesn't the property :tangle: do
what you want?


> Thanks,
> eric

Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

[O] Footnote following a bold sentence

2013-02-22 Thread Alan L Tyree

Hi Orgers,

I need to have a footnote following a bold sentence, exported to html.

This example:

*The issuing bank must honour a credit when there is a complying
presentation of documents.*[fn:117]

exports to:

*The issuing bank must honour a credit when there is a complying 
presentation of documents.*129

I would rather not have a space between the * and the [fn:117].

Is this a bug or expected behaviour?


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] Critic markup

2013-02-12 Thread Alan L Tyree

On 12/02/13 23:12, Alan Schmitt wrote:


I just read about this nice extension to markdown syntax this morning:

I really like how it's minimal yet seems to fairly well address a
problem in collaborative text editing.

Is there something similar in orgmode?



A much older suggestion for editing text which is particularly suitable 
for electronic text:

And there is an emacs mode for it: manued.el


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] Footnote export question

2013-01-30 Thread Alan L Tyree

Bastien writes:

> Hi Alan,
> Alan L Tyree  writes:
>> Is there some way to achieve the result required?
> Not that I'm aware of, but this is a frequent feature request, 
> we might put some energy on this for the next major release.
> Best,

I thought it was just a legal publisher quirk -- I suspect that most of
them still use hot type :-).

I'll work around it somehow, but it would be great to see it included as
a feature.

Thanks for all your great work Bastien!


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

[O] Footnote export question

2013-01-26 Thread Alan L Tyree


My publisher wants footnotes to look like this:


* Section title
Here is some text.^1 And some more.^2

1. First footnote

2. Second footnote

* New title
Text for the new title.^1 And some more.^2

1. first footnote of second section.

2. second footnote of second section.


Is there some way to achieve the result required? I only need the
finished product in an export file, preferably ODT (since the
publisher only takes Word files.)

I have exported with f:nil in order to maintain the structure
(without footnote linkage, of course), but the numbering remains a

The manuscript is about 100 pages, so it's not impossible to do it by
hand, and I suppose an awk script would do it, but ...

Thanks for any help,

Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] Minor footnote suggestion

2013-01-26 Thread Alan L Tyree

Nicolas Goaziou writes:

> Hello,
> Alan L Tyree  writes:
>> When positioned in footnote text, the function jumps back *to the
>> beginning* of the footnote reference. It would be more convenient to
>> jump to the end of the reference since that is where the author is
>> likely to pick up typing the text.
> It was done this way because, if point at the end of the reference, you
> cannot use C-c C-c another time to jump back to the definition.
> Also, if the buffer ends with the footnote reference, there is no such
> place. So, sometimes, you will move after the reference, and other
> times, it will be on its last character.
> I'm not sure which behaviour is the less annoying.
> Regards,

OK, I can see that. For my own use, the suggested behaviour would be
better and the two situations you mention would only be a very
occasional annoyance. The current behaviour has annoyed me 250 times so
far in the one document :-).

But I see your point -- it would be a compromise either way.

Thanks for the answer.


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

[O] Minor footnote suggestion

2013-01-25 Thread Alan L Tyree


A minor suggestion on org-footnote-action:

When positioned in footnote text, the function jumps back *to the 
beginning* of the footnote reference. It would be more convenient to 
jump to the end of the reference since that is where the author is 
likely to pick up typing the text.

Not exactly earth shaking :-).


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

[O] Org ELPA update broken?

2013-01-18 Thread Alan L Tyree

I suspect that this is not being updated properly. The latest version
shown by M-x list-packages is org-plus-contrib   20130114

Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] Agenda search C-c a s

2013-01-18 Thread Alan L Tyree

Nick Dokos writes:

> Alan L Tyree  wrote:
>> Emacs version 24.2.1 on Debian Wheezy (with emacs24 from Sid)
>> Org org-plus-contrib-20130114
>> I started emacs with the min org file as explained in Section 1.4
>> C-U M-X org-reload
>> Loaded an agenda file and added to agenda
>> M-x agenda
>> s
>> Enter a search term in the minibuffer that I know is in
>> Obtain the following backtrace:
>> Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument listp t)
>>   memq(todo t)
>>   (or (eq org-agenda-show-inherited-tags (quote always)) (memq (quote
>>   todo) org-agenda-show-inherited-tags) (and (eq
>>   org-agenda-show-inherited-tags t) (or (eq
>>   org-agenda-use-tag-inheritance t) (memq (quote todo)
>>   org-agenda-use-tag-inheritance
>>   (setq marker (org-agenda-new-marker (point)) category
>>   (org-get-category) category-pos (get-text-property (point) (quote
>>   org-category-position)) inherited-tags (or (eq
>>   org-agenda-show-inherited-tags (quote always)) (memq (quote todo)
>>   org-agenda-show-inherited-tags) (and (eq
>>   org-agenda-show-inherited-tags t) (or (eq
>>   org-agenda-use-tag-inheritance t) (memq (quote todo)
>>   org-agenda-use-tag-inheritance tags (org-get-tags-at nil (not
>>   inherited-tags)) txt (org-agenda-format-item ""
>>   (buffer-substring-no-properties beg1 (point-at-eol)) category tags
>>   t))
> In my version of org:
> Org-mode version 7.9.3d (release_7.9.3d-826-gbe0d87.dirty @ 
> /home/nick/elisp/org-mode/lisp/)
> the code (in org-agenda.el:org-search-view, around line 4523) looks like this:
> ,
> |   (or (eq org-agenda-show-inherited-tags 'always)
> |   (and (listp org-agenda-show-inherited-tags)
> |(memq 'todo 
> org-agenda-show-inherited-tags))
> |   (and (eq org-agenda-show-inherited-tags t)
> |(or (eq org-agenda-use-tag-inheritance t)
> |(memq 'todo 
> org-agenda-use-tag-inheritance
> `
> whereas your backtrace shows that your version is missing the (listp
> org-agenda-show-inherited-tags) check.
> I believe commit 3c4df588 fixed this bug, so you will need to upgrade.
> Or you can work around it by setting org-agenda-show-inherited-tags
> to a list as described in the variable's documentation.
> Nick

Thanks very much Nick. Maybe I'll move to the git version.


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] Agenda search C-c a s

2013-01-17 Thread Alan L Tyree

Nick Dokos writes:

> Alan L Tyree  wrote:
>> Since a recent ELPA update I get strange behavior when searching
>> agenda files.
>> If the word searched for is NOT in the agenda files, everything works OK.
>> If the word IS in the agenda files, I get a blank Org Agenda buffer
>> and a message: Wrong type argument: listp, t.
>> Is anyone else having this problem? If not where do I begin to fix it.
> Get a backtrace and post it here. See sec. 1.4, "Feedback", of the
> org manual to find out how to get a useful backtrace.
> Nick
Thanks, Nick. Here are the details.

Emacs version 24.2.1 on Debian Wheezy (with emacs24 from Sid)
Org org-plus-contrib-20130114

I started emacs with the min org file as explained in Section 1.4

C-U M-X org-reload

Loaded an agenda file and added to agenda

M-x agenda


Enter a search term in the minibuffer that I know is in

Obtain the following backtrace:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument listp t)
  memq(todo t)
  (or (eq org-agenda-show-inherited-tags (quote always)) (memq (quote todo) 
org-agenda-show-inherited-tags) (and (eq org-agenda-show-inherited-tags t) (or 
(eq org-agenda-use-tag-inheritance t) (memq (quote todo) 
  (setq marker (org-agenda-new-marker (point)) category (org-get-category) 
category-pos (get-text-property (point) (quote org-category-position)) 
inherited-tags (or (eq org-agenda-show-inherited-tags (quote always)) (memq 
(quote todo) org-agenda-show-inherited-tags) (and (eq 
org-agenda-show-inherited-tags t) (or (eq org-agenda-use-tag-inheritance t) 
(memq (quote todo) org-agenda-use-tag-inheritance tags (org-get-tags-at nil 
(not inherited-tags)) txt (org-agenda-format-item "" 
(buffer-substring-no-properties beg1 (point-at-eol)) category tags t))
  (catch :skip (goto-char beg) (org-agenda-skip) (setq str 
(buffer-substring-no-properties (point-at-bol) (if hdl-only (point-at-eol) 
end))) (mapc (lambda (wr) (when (string-match wr str) (goto-char (1- end)) 
(throw :skip t))) regexps-) (mapc (lambda (wr) (unless (string-match wr str) 
(goto-char (1- end)) (throw :skip t))) (if todo-only (cons (concat "^*+[  ]+" 
org-not-done-regexp) regexps+) regexps+)) (goto-char beg) (setq marker 
(org-agenda-new-marker (point)) category (org-get-category) category-pos 
(get-text-property (point) (quote org-category-position)) inherited-tags (or 
(eq org-agenda-show-inherited-tags (quote always)) (memq (quote todo) 
org-agenda-show-inherited-tags) (and (eq org-agenda-show-inherited-tags t) (or 
(eq org-agenda-use-tag-inheritance t) (memq (quote todo) 
org-agenda-use-tag-inheritance tags (org-get-tags-at nil (not 
inherited-tags)) txt (org-agenda-format-item "" (buffer-substring-no-properties 
beg1 (point-at-eol)) category tags t)) (org-add-props txt props (quote 
org-marker) marker (quote org-hd-marker) marker (quote org-todo-regexp) 
org-todo-regexp (quote org-complex-heading-regexp) org-complex-heading-regexp 
(quote priority) 1000 (quote org-category) category (quote 
org-category-position) category-pos (quote type) "search") (push txt ee) 
(goto-char (1- end)))
  (while (re-search-forward regexp nil t) (org-back-to-heading t) 
(skip-chars-forward "* ") (setq beg (point-at-bol) beg1 (point) end (progn 
(outline-next-heading) (point))) (catch :skip (goto-char beg) (org-agenda-skip) 
(setq str (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-at-bol) (if hdl-only 
(point-at-eol) end))) (mapc (lambda (wr) (when (string-match wr str) (goto-char 
(1- end)) (throw :skip t))) regexps-) (mapc (lambda (wr) (unless (string-match 
wr str) (goto-char (1- end)) (throw :skip t))) (if todo-only (cons (concat 
"^*+[  ]+" org-not-done-regexp) regexps+) regexps+)) (goto-char beg) (setq 
marker (org-agenda-new-marker (point)) category (org-get-category) category-pos 
(get-text-property (point) (quote org-category-position)) inherited-tags (or 
(eq org-agenda-show-inherited-tags (quote always)) (memq (quote todo) 
org-agenda-show-inherited-tags) (and (eq org-agenda-show-inherited-tags t) (or 
(eq org-agenda-use-tag-inheritance t) (memq (quote todo) 
org-agenda-use-tag-inheritance tags (org-get-tags-at nil (not 
inherited-tags)) txt (org-agenda-format-item "" (buffer-substring-no-properties 
beg1 (point-at-eol)) category tags t)) (org-add-props txt props (quote 
org-marker) marker (quote org-hd-marker) marker (quote org-todo-regexp) 
org-todo-regexp (quote org-complex-heading-regexp) org-complex-heading-regexp 
(quote priority) 1000 (quote org-category) category (quote 
org-category-position) category-pos (quote type) "search") (push txt ee) 
(goto-char (1- end
  (save-restriction (if org-agenda-restrict (narrow-to-region 
org-agenda-restrict-begin org-agenda-restrict-end) (widen)) (goto-char 
(point-min)) (unless (

[O] Agenda search C-c a s

2013-01-17 Thread Alan L Tyree
Since a recent ELPA update I get strange behavior when searching agenda 

If the word searched for is NOT in the agenda files, everything works OK.

If the word IS in the agenda files, I get a blank Org Agenda buffer and 
a message: Wrong type argument: listp, t.

Is anyone else having this problem? If not where do I begin to fix it.

Thanks for help,

Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] org-plus-contrib-20121224 error [Solved]

2012-12-26 Thread Alan L Tyree

On 26/12/12 19:15, Achim Gratz wrote:

Am 25.12.2012 20:13, schrieb Alan L Tyree:

I deleted and then reinstalled the package and everything is OK. But I
have no idea what went wrong since agenda was working and then stopped
with the installation of the new package.

Well, I might have an idea what went wrong... the first install you did
after you've already worked with orgmode in your Emacs or do you already
load (some) orgmode stuff in your init file?

Both. I had been working with orgmode, then made the install. I also 
load a small amount of orgmode in the init file.

When the agenda didn't work, I quit emacs and then restarted, but the 
problem persisted. As I indicated, this happened on both my main machine 
and a laptop. I'm not sure what the sequence was on the laptop.

Both machines made a miraculous recovery when I deleted the package and 
then installed it.

Hope this helps.


Sorry for the noise.

Not noise.  It may have to be fixed in Emacs (resp. package manager) to
properly work, though.

Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] org-plus-contrib-20121224 error

2012-12-25 Thread Alan L Tyree

On 26/12/12 06:56, Nick Dokos wrote:

Alan L Tyree  wrote:

Bastien  writes:

Hi Alan,

Alan L Tyree  writes:

Using the above package in emacs 24.2.1 on Debian Wheezy/Sid, I get an
error when trying to call up the agenda with C-C a. The error is

Invalid function: org-no-popups.

Did you restart Emacs?

Yes. And it is on two separate machines with slightly different configuations.

Can you send a backtrace?

I can if you give me a pointer as to how to do it.

See section 1.4, "Feedback", in the org manual.

Thanks Nick. You guys are very patient with guys like me.



Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] org-plus-contrib-20121224 error [Solved]

2012-12-25 Thread Alan L Tyree

Bastien  writes:

> Hi Alan,
> Alan L Tyree  writes:
>> Using the above package in emacs 24.2.1 on Debian Wheezy/Sid, I get an
>> error when trying to call up the agenda with C-C a. The error is
>> Invalid function: org-no-popups.
> Did you restart Emacs?
> Can you send a backtrace?

I deleted and then reinstalled the package and everything is OK. But I
have no idea what went wrong since agenda was working and then stopped
with the installation of the new package.

Sorry for the noise.

Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] Footnote disable & sorting

2012-12-25 Thread Alan L Tyree

Bastien  writes:

> Hi Alan,
> Alan L Tyree  writes:
>> I'm using the elpa version of org-plus-contrib-20121224. After I learned
>> how to apply patches (hangs head in shame!!), it solved all the problems
>> that I had - sorting, renumbering, exporting all worked very well.
>> Are you thinking of making this a general option?
> Yes, sure!  Just need to have more time ahead to fix the tests and to
> double-check the code.

This is fantastic, Bastien. It really makes org even more attractive as
an authoring environment, at least for me. Great software!


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] org-plus-contrib-20121224 error

2012-12-25 Thread Alan L Tyree

Bastien  writes:

> Hi Alan,
> Alan L Tyree  writes:
>> Using the above package in emacs 24.2.1 on Debian Wheezy/Sid, I get an
>> error when trying to call up the agenda with C-C a. The error is
>> Invalid function: org-no-popups.
> Did you restart Emacs?
Yes. And it is on two separate machines with slightly different configuations.
> Can you send a backtrace?
I can if you give me a pointer as to how to do it.

Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

[O] org-plus-contrib-20121224 error

2012-12-24 Thread Alan L Tyree
Using the above package in emacs 24.2.1 on Debian Wheezy/Sid, I get an 
error when trying to call up the agenda with C-C a. The error is

Invalid function: org-no-popups.


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] Footnote disable & sorting

2012-12-24 Thread Alan L Tyree

Bastien  writes:

> Hi Alan,
> if you can, please test this patch against current maint branch.
> All tests don't pass fine, so I'll have to work on this a bit more
> but I think it's an improvement, as it doesn't treat [1] as a 
> footnote when `org-footnote-auto-label' is t (the default.)
> Let me know, thanks!
Hi Bastien,

I'm using the elpa version of org-plus-contrib-20121224. After I learned
how to apply patches (hangs head in shame!!), it solved all the problems
that I had - sorting, renumbering, exporting all worked very well.

Are you thinking of making this a general option?

Thanks so much!


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] Footnote disable & sorting

2012-12-24 Thread Alan L Tyree

Bastien  writes:

> Hi Alan,
> Alan L Tyree  writes:
>> Thanks Bastien.
> You're welcome... 
>> My real problem is that plain footnotes such as [1930] are a general
>> nuisance to me since so many legal citations use that form. I am using a
>> hack suggested by Jan Bocker to disable them, perform some operation and
>> then "un hack" the hack.
> Sorry to ask the obvious, but from your message I'm not sure you tried
> to remove the footnotes from the list of activated links.  I'm curious
> to know what problem it does not solve for you!
> Thanks for any follow-up,

Hi Bastien,
Sorry I wasn't clear. I did try removing the footnotes from the list of
activated links. 

My problem is really different:

When I try to sort footnotes with C-u C-c C-x f s all my legal citations
such as:

See Golodetz & Co Inc v Czarnikow-Rionda Co Inc (The Galatia) [1979] 2
Lloyd's Rep 450 

produce new footnotes:


As I said, I can live with this thanks to hacks suggested on this list,
but it seems that I am always running into the problem in contexts that
require new functions or macros. I'm not much of a programmer, but I was
looking for some simple way to disable those pesky plain footnotes for
*all* purposes.

Thanks for you interest in this, and have a good Christmas!


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] Footnote disable & sorting

2012-12-23 Thread Alan L Tyree

Bastien  writes:

> Hi Alan,
> Alan L Tyree  writes:
>> This works for export, but it would be nice if plain footnotes were 
>> disabled entirely.
> You can set `org-activate-links' so that footnotes are not 
> recognized as links anymore:
> (setq org-activate-links '(bracket angle plain radio tag date))
> HTH,
Thanks Bastien.

My real problem is that plain footnotes such as [1930] are a general
nuisance to me since so many legal citations use that form. I am using a
hack suggested by Jan Bocker to disable them, perform some operation and
then "un hack" the hack.

The hack is: replace [ with [ and a non-printing space when [ begins a
plain footnote. The trouble is that I need to define new functions or
macros for each general footnote operation.

I think I misunderstood the purpose of f:nil in the options line.

Thanks for your help.


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] Org Writer's room

2012-12-05 Thread Alan L Tyree

On 06/12/12 11:22, Rasmus wrote:

Andrew Hyatt  writes:

This sounds like an interesting project.  My advice is to make a few
screenshots that give people an idea what you are working towards.
Of course, they could be completely fake, but it would be helpful to
understand for people like me who haven't used Scrivener.

I would also like to see this.  It sounds nice when I read your
description, but I still don't fully appreciate the idea.


I'm also very interested. I haven't used Scrivener -- what features do 
you see as making org a *way* better writing environment?


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

[O] Footnote disable & sorting

2012-12-04 Thread Alan L Tyree

Hi Orgers,

According to the manual,

#+OPTIONS: f:nil

should turn "on/off footnotes like this[1]."

This works for export, but it would be nice if plain footnotes were 
disabled entirely.

My problem is that doing a footnote sort C-u C-C C-X s generates a whole 
lot of unwanted footnotes of the form [2006] etc. All of my footnotes 
are of the form [fn:N], but the aforementioned [2006] appears in 
references to law reports.

Is there some way that "plain" footnotes can be disabled for all purposes?

Thanks for any help.

Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] hiding footnotes

2012-11-28 Thread Alan L Tyree

On 29/11/12 14:35, 42 147 wrote:

I should add that Tyree's idea is what I was looking for originally
(changing the face to the text font at least fixed readability).

Ideally, instead of jumping to the footnote section, it would be
collapsible / expandable, much like headings.

Right now having a dedicated footnote section is better than having the
footnote embedded in the body of the text as a giant distracting
parenthesis. That is the worst functionality among the options here.

I admit that I didn't know about the org-footnote-section variable. That 
helps a lot since many of my footnotes are long (awful legal tradition!).

But I still like the in-line footnote with the ability to hide a la 
Auctex. I've got no idea how hard it would be to implement, and I 
certainly don't have the skills.

I'm not complaining: org is the greatest thing since sliced bread! 
Thanks to everyone involved.


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

Re: [O] hiding footnotes

2012-11-28 Thread Alan L Tyree

Hiding footnotes would be a great enhancement as far as I am concerned. 
I mean "hiding" in the same way that entities can be hidden in Auctec.

Auctec allows a "fold mode" that replaces various entities with user 
defined symbols. For example, \label{xxx} becomes [l]; \footnote{} 
becomes [f]. The folded symbols are in a different face (customisable).

Entities to be hidden can be user defined, so that new latex macros may 
be hidden.

Folded objects expand when the cursor is put over them.

The fold mode dramatically increases readability of the raw manuscript, 
particularly when there are long footnotes.


Documentary letters of credit are used primarily to facilitate
international trade.[fn:2: Kerr J famously called the documentary
letter of credit the "crankshaft of modern trade" and "the lifeblood
of international commerce": RD Harbottle (Mercantile) Ltd v National
Westminster Bank Ltd 1978 QB 146 at 155.] The credit will ordinarily
be issued at the instigation of the purchaser of goods and the
beneficiary will be the seller. The credit will call for the
presentation of shipping documents, insurance policies and commercial
invoices along with other more specific documents.




Documentary letters of credit are used primarily to facilitate
international trade.[f] The credit will ordinarily
be issued at the instigation of the purchaser of goods and the
beneficiary will be the seller. The credit will call for the
presentation of shipping documents, insurance policies and commercial
invoices along with other more specific documents.



Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

[O] Preprocessing on export

2012-06-05 Thread Alan L Tyree
I need to run some functions before exporting. This used to 

(add-hook 'org-export-preprocess-hook 'alt/disable-plain-foonotes-and-

but it has stopped. I also need to run some post export cleanup.

I seemed to have missed some change and can't seem to turn it up. Can 
anyone direct me to the correct variables/hooks?


Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748 6206

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