Re: [O] bug report: + is not escaped in org-link-escape

2017-12-10 Thread D M German

Nicolas Goaziou twisted the bytes to say:

 Nicolas> Hello,
 Nicolas> dmg  writes:

 >> org-link-escape only replaces space, [, ], and %
 >> but search in google/gmail is replacing + also.
 >> The simplest solution is to add 43 to org-link-escape-chars:
 >> org-link-escape-chars is a variable defined in ‘org.el’.
 >> Its value is (32 91 93 37)
 >> This variable may be risky if used as a file-local variable.

 Nicolas> `org-link-escape' is for internal links, not for general URL-encoding.
 Nicolas> You may want to use `url-encode-url' instead.

this indeed addresses the issue I was having.

thank you very much for your response.


Daniel M. German  "It is useless to punish a man
   unless he knows why he is punished...
   Punishment must be unusual
   R. Heinlein ->  or it serves no purpose."
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .

Re: [O] Bug report: export to HTML does not escape * in example

2017-03-01 Thread D M German
Hi Charles, everybody,

 >> I am running a babel script that generates, as one of its line * in the
 >> front:
 >> ​#+BEGIN_SRC sh
 >> echo "* Hello"
 >> #+END_SRC
 >> #+RESULTS:
 >> #+begin_example
 >> * Hello
 >> #+end_example
 >> ​In that case, should babel be the one escaping the * in the RESULTS block?

 Charles> Is that *really* what it did?

 Charles> When I run your example, I get:

 Charles> #+RESULTS:
 Charles> : * Hello

 Charles> and this exports (with the `:exports results' header) to html wrapped 
in a  container:

 Charles> * Hello

 Charles> using Org 9.0.5.

 Charles> Without that header the src code gets wrapped in a  container.

 Charles> So there must be something in/about your setup you haven't mentioned.

 Charles> HTH,

 Charles> Chuck

I looked a bit into my configuration. In my configuration, I set the value of 
org-babel-min-lines-for-block-output to 0.

The default value of this variable is by default 10.

When the number of lines in the output is larger than it, it uses
EXAMPLE blocks rather than the escaped ones.

So the original issue (* not being escaped) will nonetheless appear when
the threshold is passed:

Here is an example (I run it with emacs -nw -q, using emacs25) org
version 8.2.10 (this works also in my configuration under 9.0.2)

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :results output
(dotimes (i 2) (print '*hello))

: *hello
: *hello

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :results output
(dotimes (i 10) (print '*hello))








thank you all again,

Daniel M. German  "Cyberspace. A consensual hallucination
   experienced daily by billions
   William Gibson ->   of legitimate operators in every nation"
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .

Re: [O] bug report: ox-html with coderef links needs a space between attributes in element (with patch)

2017-01-24 Thread D M German
 Nicolas Goaziou twisted the bytes to say:

 >> ​I am running version 9.0.3 of org.
 >> I believe this patch will solve the issue. It simply adds a space before
 >> the class attribute.

 Nicolas> It works but I eventually applied a slightly different patch. Thank 
 Nicolas> for both the report and the patch.

thank you very much!


 Nicolas> Regards,

 Nicolas> -- 
 Nicolas> Nicolas Goaziou

Daniel M. German  "For indeed who is there alive
   that will not be swayed by his
   bias and partiality to
Jonathan Swift ->  the place of his birth?"
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .


Re: [O] function to select text of in a cell of a table

2017-01-03 Thread D M German
 Kaushal Modi twisted the bytes to say:

 Kaushal> Check out this earlier thread:

 Kaushal> You probably just need the org-table-mark-field definition from that.

thank you both very much. Kaushal, your function is exactly what I


 Kaushal> On Sat, Dec 31, 2016, 8:28 AM Charles C. Berry  

 >> On Fri, 30 Dec 2016, dmg wrote:
 >> > hi everybody,
 >> >
 >> > has anybody written a function to select the text in a cell of a table?
 >> If you mean like what ob-ref.el uses to support babel references, yes.
 >> Also see org-table.el.
 >> If you just want support for working with Babel src blocks, see
 >> (info "(org) var")
 >> HTH,
 >> Chuck
 >> --

 Kaushal> Kaushal Modi

Daniel M. German  "If Microsoft ever does applications
   Linus Torvalds ->   for Linux it means I've won."
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .


Re: [O] question about org-coderef-label-format and HTML export

2016-12-07 Thread D M German
 Nicolas Goaziou twisted the bytes to say:

 Nicolas> Hello,
 Nicolas> dmg  writes:

 >> I was playing with org-coderef-label-format to reference lines of code
 >> in blocks.
 >> I created a small example that overrides the default value:
 >> #+BEGIN_SRC C++ :main no :flags -std=c++14 -Wall --pedantic -Werror
 >> :results output :exports both -r -l "//(ref:%s)" +n

 Nicolas> Switches are to be located before Babel parameters:

  #+begin_src C++ -r -l "//(ref:%s)" +n :main no ..

Thank you, Nicolas, I appreciate your response. It almost works now.

I think I found a bug. It works in some cases but not in others:

the following code properly defines the references abc and bfc. But it
does not define the one for (ref:jump). Here is a link to the exported
HTML file:

#+BEGIN_SRC C++ -r -l "//(ref:%s)" +n :main no :results output :exports both 
int main()
{ //(ref:abc)
   std::cout << "Hello world" << std::endl;
   std::cout << "Hello world 2" << std::endl;
   return 0; //(ref:bcf)

 Nicolas> Regards,

thank you again,


 Nicolas> -- 
 Nicolas> Nicolas Goaziou

Daniel M. German  "Computer Science is no more
   about computers than astronomy
   Edsger Dijkstra  -> is about telescopes"
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .


[O] overview of org files

2013-05-29 Thread D M German

Hi everybody,

here is a small contribution to the org project.

It is a "dashboard" of org files in your main org directory. It shows,
in a table, each of the org files, including its title (#+TITLE: field)
and the filename.

   Date  Title   Filename   
   13/05/29  Cooking /home/dmg/org/  
   13/05/29  Project X   /home/dmg/org/
   13/05/29  The different licenses  /home/dmg/org/ 
   13/05/29  Todo File   /home/dmg/org/ 
   13/05/28  Linux   /home/dmg/org/
   13/05/28  Notes   /home/dmg/org/

>From there, if you press return, you will visit that particular file.

the code is here:

Hopefully somebody finds it useful.


Daniel M. German  "Beauty is the first test; there is no
   permanent place in the world for ugly
   G. H. Hardy ->  mathematics."
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .


Re: [O] performance of exporting large tables

2013-05-21 Thread D M German
 Nicolas Goaziou twisted the bytes to say:

 Nicolas> Nicolas Goaziou  writes:
 >> I am going to have a look at this.

 Nicolas> I pushed a commit caching the results of some table functions. Export 
 Nicolas> large tables should be a lot faster (I get 6 s now; it was 90 s 

Hi Nicolas,

thank you very much. This has resolved my issue. I can now export an org file
with these tables in few seconds.

thank you,


 Nicolas> Regards,

 Nicolas> -- 
 Nicolas> Nicolas Goaziou

Daniel M. German  "To read is to travel without all the hassles 
of luggage."
   Emilio Salgari
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .


Re: [O] performance of exporting large tables

2013-05-17 Thread D M German

Hi Suvayu,

 Suvayu> Hi Daniel,
 Suvayu> On Thu, May 16, 2013 at 01:24:10PM -0700, D M German wrote:
 >> If interested, I can make the table available.

 Suvayu> A working example that reproduces the issue always helps.  If you could
 Suvayu> post the table (of course after removing sensitive/private information)
 Suvayu> it would be great help for the developers and testers.

Here is a trivial example:

(you can do anything with this file, including adding it to any battery
of tests in the future).

- Latex works well (export within a couple of seconds)
- ASCII, HTML, Markdown (based on html so no surpise) take more than a

Does anybody know where the processing might be taking time? 

thanks again,


 Suvayu> Thanks,

 Suvayu> -- 
 Suvayu> Suvayu

 Suvayu> Open source is the future. It sets us free.

Daniel M. German  "Operating systems are like underwear,
   Bill Joy -> nobody really wants to look at them."
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .


[O] performance of exporting large tables

2013-05-16 Thread D M German

hi everybody,

I have a table with 15 columns and 500 rows. One of the columns is a

org-mode is hanging while exporting the table. It does not seem to
crash, but it is taking a significant amount of time. The worst part is
that it does not appear to be linear.

80 rows -> 17 seconds
160 rows (same 80 rows duplicated) -> 58 seconds

160 rows, 8 columns -> 21 seconds (it seems to not matter which columns
there are).

I wonder if this is expected behaviour. Given that org does not sort the
tables, why does the time increase non-linearly to the size of the

If interested, I can make the table available.

thanks a lot!


Daniel M. German  "And ye shall know the truth,
   John 8:32 ->and the truth shall make you free."
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .


Re: [O] Small tutorial on how to use Perl within org

2013-03-11 Thread D M German

Hi Tom,

 Thomas S Dye twisted the bytes to say:


 Tom> Nice.

 Tom> It would be great to use this document as the basis of ob-doc-perl.
 Tom> Perl is one of about 20 languages that need to be documented at

 Tom> Note that there is a template that helps create a "standard" language
 Tom> document: 


 Tom> I don't know the first thing about Perl, but I'll be happy to help if
 Tom> there are questions about getting to ob-doc-perl from the template.

It sounds good. I'll do it. I'll probably have it ready the end of the
week or beginning of next. 

I'll also take care of SQL, which I have been using under Org too.


 Tom> All the best,
 Tom> Tom

 Tom> -- 
 Tom> Thomas S. Dye

Daniel M. German  "Science can be esoteric
The Economist ->   technology has to be pragmatic"
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .


[O] Small tutorial on how to use Perl within org

2013-03-09 Thread D M German

hi everybody,

I have created a  small document that describes how to use perl within
org. Hopefully others will find it useful:



Daniel M. German
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .


Re: [O] [PATCH] bug in expansion of variables in babel Perl

2013-02-25 Thread D M German

 Achim> D M German> writes:
 >> I think the issue is that, at least in my computer the variable $\
 >> returns empty (the record separator).

 Achim> Thinko on my side, what I wanted was the input record separator "$/"
 Achim> (to avoid
 Achim> specifying a literal newline for those systems where this is actually
 Achim> multi-character).

Hi Achim,

Once I changed it:

(defvar org-babel-perl-wrapper-method
  my @r = eval( q(
  open my $BO, qq(>%s) or die qq( Perl: Could not open output file.$\\ );
  print $BO join($/, @r), $/ ;

the result now has \n in between fields (literally):

#+name: t_output_table
#+begin_src perl :results table
print "Test\n";
(1, 2)

#+RESULTS: t_output_table
| 1\n2\n |

what is the expected field separator for Org-babel?

 Achim> Regards,
 Achim> Achim.

Daniel M. German  "Prose is intrinsically linear; 
   a good book carries the reader forward
   The Economist ->on the crest of the words"
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .


Re: [O] evaluation of perl in babel

2013-02-25 Thread D M German
 Achim Gratz twisted the bytes to say:

 Achim> D M German writes:
 >> There are some bugs. For example, the interpretation of :results table,
 >> vector and list.

 Achim> You may misunderstand some things, or I don't understand what you are
 Achim> asking.  It is (at least currently) the responsibility of the Perl
 Achim> program (or any other Babel language) to deliver the result in such a
 Achim> way that it can be interpreted correctly by the result type chosen (in
 Achim> other word, the program output must be valid Org syntax in the given
 Achim> context).  You can't have the same program produce tables, vectors and
 Achim> LaTeX output just by switching the results type.

I understand. But what I want is the output to be wrapped accordingly,
and my script to deliver exactly the output as expected. So say I want
to generate HTML in my script, I can use :results output, but then I
have to change to replace the #+being_example with #+begin_HTML.

I guess that I can generate a two dimensional table with perl too
using output (printing the necessary | and \n), but then it will be
wrapped with #+begin_example.

 >> But I think the main problem comes from the way that Babel expects the
 >> result. In Babel, and except for :results output, the last expression in
 >> perl is considered the input to the results.

 Achim> That is with the default wrapper function, which expects the program to
 Achim> return something that either is a string or interpolates to a string
 Achim> that Babel can interpret.  You can easily define one yourself that does
 Achim> different things, like simply open the output file then select the
 Achim> filehandle for output.  That's what I'd do in any case and I think it
 Achim> would work just as you want.

Perhaps a string can be the solution. Ok, I am testing:

#+begin_src perl :results table

| a | b | c | \n | c | d | e |

Ok, this seems to be more useful that returning a list of values. 
Is there a way to separate two rows in the result?

Thanks again Achim,


Daniel M. German
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .


Re: [O] bug in expansion of variables in babel Perl

2013-02-25 Thread D M German

 Achim> Eric Schulte writes:
 >> Are you familiar with `org-babel-expand-src-block' bound to C-c C-v v?

 Achim> I wasn't, obviously, and neither was the OP.

 >> If I understand the desire correctly, it should be what you're after.
 >> Perhaps an option to raise the expanded source code buffer along with
 >> the error buffer when an error is raised would be a useful addition.

 Achim> Yes, so there's no three ways for Perl to get the same result for
 Achim> comparison.  :-P

Just keep in mind, org-babel-expand-src-block is not exactly what emacs
passes to perl. It does not contain the wrapping code.


Daniel M. German
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .


Re: [O] [PATCH] bug in expansion of variables in babel Perl

2013-02-25 Thread D M German
 Achim Gratz twisted the bytes to say:

Hi Achim,

thanks for taking the time to do this.

I applied the patch, one of the hunks didn't apply due to Eric's
changes, but that is not an issue, since they do the same:

diff a/lisp/ob-perl.el b/lisp/ob-perl.el(rejected hunks)
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ (defun org-babel-perl-var-to-perl (var)
 specifying a var of the same value."
   (if (listp var)
   (concat "[" (mapconcat #'org-babel-perl-var-to-perl var ", ") "]")
-(format "%S" var)))
+(format "q(%s)" var)))
 (defvar org-babel-perl-buffers '(:default . nil))

Everything works as intended, except for the return value of the perl
code. Values in the list are concatenated, as one:

#+begin_src perl :results table
(1, 2, 3)

| 123 |

#+begin_src perl :results table
(1, 2, 3)

| 123 |

I think the issue is that, at least in my computer the variable $\
returns empty (the record separator).

#+begin_src perl :results output
print "value of \$\\ [$\]\n";

value of $\ [] 


Daniel M. German  "Work. Finish. Publish. "
   Michael Faraday
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .


[O] evaluation of perl in babel

2013-02-24 Thread D M German

Hi Everybody,

I looked a bit more onto the way that perl is evaluated. I know the
support of perl is minor. I understand that, so please, don't see this
message as a complaint, so this is more for discussion and potential
improvements of the Perl support in Babel.

One of the things I have noticed is that the way that Babel handles the
results coming from the code is not the best.

Let me elaborate:

At the bottom you will find a set of test that stress the different
:results types.

There are some bugs. For example, the interpretation of :results table,
vector and list.

But I think the main problem comes from the way that Babel expects the
result. In Babel, and except for :results output, the last expression in
perl is considered the input to the results. This is implementing by
saving the last expression into a variable, and printing each value
separated by a "\n" (including the last). So basically, org takes the
last expression, and outputs them to the babel input file one per line.

This places some constraints. First, it is not currently capable of
dealing with two dimensional arrays. Second, it makes it hard to create
complex output (such as HTML or LaTeX), and third, it is hard to debug
without first printing the value of the array (this output would be lost
during the evaluation, so it would have be debugged outside org).

I feel that a better approach is to use std output as the default input
to any of these :results types, and then try to parse them into the
corresponding :results types. This will allow the creation of HTML and
LaTeX from perl (which the current implementation does not allow).

So recapitulating, my suggestion is that perl should use STDOUT as the
output of the snippet in any :results type, rather than the result of
the last expression.

I know this will break backwards compatibility. One solution is to keep
the current src perl and add a new perl_stdout mode (or something like
that) that implements this.


#+begin_src perl :results output 
print "Test\n";
(1, 2)

: Test

#+name: t_output_raw
#+begin_src perl :results raw 
print "Test\n";
(1, 2)

#+RESULTS: t_output_raw

#+name: t_output_table
#+begin_src perl :results table
print "Test\n";
(1, 2)

#+RESULTS: t_output_table
| 1\n2\n |

#+name: t_output_vector
#+begin_src perl :results vector
print "Test\n";
(1, 2)

#+RESULTS: t_output_vector
| 1\n2\n |

#+name: t_output_list
#+begin_src perl :results list
print "Test\n";
(1, 2)

#+RESULTS: t_output_list
- 1

#+name: t_output_org
#+begin_src perl :results org
print "Test\n";
(1, 2)

#+RESULTS: t_output_org

#+name: t_output_html
#+begin_src perl :results html
print "Test\n";
(1, 2)

#+RESULTS: t_output_html

#+name: t_output_latex
#+begin_src perl :results latex
print "Test\n";
(1, 2)

#+RESULTS: t_output_latex

Daniel M. German  "I see no good reason why the
   views given in this volume
   should shock the religious
   Charles Darwin ->   feelings of anyone."
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .


Re: [O] bug in expansion of variables in babel Perl

2013-02-24 Thread D M German

 Achim> D M German writes:
 Achim> […]

 Achim> Please leave the formats alone, if you change the number of parameters
 Achim> there folks that use their own definitions won't know what hit them.
 Achim> What you want is to prepend something to the body that Babel gives you,
 Achim> so let-bind that result and use it.  You could even advise the function
 Achim> and have it submit to your will without changing Org.

Hi Achim, thanks for the recommendation. As I said before, see my
previous patch as a proof-of-concept and not as something that I think
should be applied. I am fully aware of the potential consequences.

 Achim> BTW, now that I think some more about it: debugging Perl is much easier
 Achim> than you seem to let on:

 Achim> (setq org-babel-perl-command "perl -Mstrict -ne print").

Using strict is complicated by use of variables from org tables and the
way that the code in R is executed. It would require the variable @r and
each of the created variables from tables to be defined as my. I know I
can change the behaviour of org-babel-variable-assignment, but perhaps
simply adding "my" to any variable created in org would be a good thing
to do. I don't think it would harm, anyways.

 Achim> This will echo the program sent to Perl in full glory into the output
 Achim> block.

thanks, this i a great suggestion that I didn't know about.


 Achim> Regards,
 Achim> Achim.
 Achim> -- 
 Achim> +<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]>+

 Achim> Waldorf MIDI Implementation & additional documentation:

Daniel M. German  "Beware of bugs in the above code;
   I have only proved it
   Donald Knuth  ->correct, not tried it."
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .


[O] babel :results output and format of output

2013-02-24 Thread D M German

hi everybody,

I have been testing babel with perl and I am very puzzled by the

Say I have the following script that outputs 10 numbers. org/babel wraps
it as a begin_example

#+begin_src perl :results output 
for (my $i=0;$i<10;$i++) {
  print "$i\n";


But if my script only outputs 9 lines then the format is not wrapped by
#+begin_example, and instead is prefixed by :

#+begin_src perl :results output 
for (my $i=0;$i<9;$i++) {
  print "$i\n";

: 0
: 1
: 2
: 3
: 4
: 5
: 6
: 7
: 8

Is this behaviour expected? Is the threshold at which it happens

thanks a lot for your help,


Daniel M. German  "In questions of science the authority of
   a thousand is not worth the humble
   Galileo ->  reasoning of a single individual."
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .


Re: [O] bug in expansion of variables in babel Perl

2013-02-24 Thread D M German

 dmg> Mm, I also noticed that when :results output is used, there is no way
 dmg> to insert perl code before or after the executed code.
 dmg> org-babel-perl-wrapper-method only works for all the methods but
 dmg> output. It would be nice to have a variable that
 dmg> does this for any output type.

I implemented a proof-of-concept. The idea is to have a variable called
org-babel-perl-preface that is inserted before the code. I also like to
be able to use my in all variables, so I can use strict, if I choose
to. See the patch at the bottom. 

here is a test example:

Input table

#+RESULTS: patito
| id | title   | year | index | notes | attr |
| Taxi Driver (1944) | Taxi Driver | 1944 |   |   |  |
| Taxi Driver (1954) | Taxi Driver | 1954 |   |   |  |
| Taxi Driver (1973) | Taxi Driver | 1973 |   |   |  |
| Taxi Driver (1976) | Taxi Driver | 1976 |   |   |  |
| Taxi Driver (1978) | Taxi Driver | 1978 |   |   |  |
| Taxi Driver (1981) | Taxi Driver | 1981 |   |   |  |
| Taxi Driver (1990) | Taxi Driver | 1990 |   |   |  |
| Taxi Driver (2004) | Taxi Driver | 2004 |   |   |  |

Simple row output: the last statement is returned as a list, each in a line.

#+name: output2(data=patito)
#+begin_src perl :results raw
org_rows($data), org_columns($data);

#+RESULTS: output2

More complex example. By defining org_rows and org_columns in the
preface, it makes it easier to manipulate them. org-babel implements
tables as a reference to an array of references to arrays.

#+name: rip(data=patito)
#+begin_src perl :results output
my $rows = org_rows($data);
my $columns = org_columns($data);

for (my $j=0;$j<$rows; $j++) {
for (my $i=0;$i<$columns; $i++) {
print "$i:$j ";
print $$data[$j][$i];
print "   ;"
print "|\n";
print "Row $rows\n";
print "Columns $columns\n";

#+RESULTS: rip
0:0 Taxi Driver (1944)   ;1:0 Taxi Driver   ;2:0 1944   ;3:0;4:0;5:0
0:1 Taxi Driver (1954)   ;1:1 Taxi Driver   ;2:1 1954   ;3:1;4:1;5:1
0:2 Taxi Driver (1973)   ;1:2 Taxi Driver   ;2:2 1973   ;3:2;4:2;5:2
0:3 Taxi Driver (1976)   ;1:3 Taxi Driver   ;2:3 1976   ;3:3;4:3;5:3
0:4 Taxi Driver (1978)   ;1:4 Taxi Driver   ;2:4 1978   ;3:4;4:4;5:4
0:5 Taxi Driver (1981)   ;1:5 Taxi Driver   ;2:5 1981   ;3:5;4:5;5:5
0:6 Taxi Driver (1990)   ;1:6 Taxi Driver   ;2:6 1990   ;3:6;4:6;5:6
0:7 Taxi Driver (2004)   ;1:7 Taxi Driver   ;2:7 2004   ;3:7;4:7;5:7
Row 8
Columns 6


diff --git a/lisp/ob-perl.el b/lisp/ob-perl.el
index ccd3826..65e6b88 100644
--- a/lisp/ob-perl.el
+++ b/lisp/ob-perl.el
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ This function is called by `org-babel-execute-src-block'."
   "Return list of perl statements assigning the block's variables."
(lambda (pair)
- (format "$%s=%s;"
+ (format "my $%s=%s;"
 (car pair)
 (org-babel-perl-var-to-perl (cdr pair
(mapcar #'cdr (org-babel-get-header params :var
@@ -85,13 +85,34 @@ specifying a var of the same value."
 (defvar org-babel-perl-wrapper-method
 sub main {
-@r = main;
+my @r = main;
 open(o, \">%s\");
 print o join(\"\\n\", @r), \"\\n\"")
+(defvar org-babel-perl-preface
+ "
+use strict;
+sub org_columns
+my ($table) = @_;
+my $y = $$table[0];
+return scalar(@$y);
+sub org_rows
+my ($table) = @_;
+return scalar(@$table);
 (defvar org-babel-perl-pp-wrapper-method
@@ -102,11 +123,11 @@ of the statements in BODY, if RESULT-TYPE equals 'value 
 return the value of the last statement in BODY, as elisp."
   (when session (error "Sessions are not supported for Perl"))
   (case result-type
-(output (org-babel-eval org-babel-perl-command body))
+(output (org-babel-eval org-babel-perl-command (format "%s\n%s" 
org-babel-perl-preface body)))
 (value (let ((tmp-file (org-babel-temp-file "perl-")))
- (format org-babel-perl-wrapper-method body
+ (format org-babel-perl-wrapper-method org-babel-perl-preface body
  (org-babel-process-file-name tmp-file 'noquote)))
 (org-babel-eval-read-file tmp-file)

Daniel M. German  "In questions of science the authority of
   a thousand is not worth the humble
   Galileo ->  reasoning of a single individual."
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) wi

[O] bug in expansion of variables in babel Perl

2013-02-24 Thread D M German

Hi Everybody,

I found a bug in the Babel perl code. When a table is used as input, the
values of the table  are not escaped. In fact, they are surrounded by
double quotes " instead of single ones '. This means that special
characters are interpreted: $, and @  | jon

#+name: output(data=patito)
#+begin_src perl :results output
print "Begin\n";
print $$data[0][0], "\n";
print "End\n";


#+RESULTS: output
: Begin
: Jon  
: End   


I see two ways to solve this. The first is simply to replace the output
format of the variable from "%S" to "'%s'" (use quotes '). The other one
is to optionally escape the fields of the table (which is more
complicated, and would require replacing each). The third one is a
combination of both: replace them only if desired, via some header
configuration variable.

diff --git a/lisp/ob-perl.el b/lisp/ob-perl.el
index ccd3826..2f795aa 100644
--- a/lisp/ob-perl.el
+++ b/lisp/ob-perl.el
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ The elisp value, VAR, is converted to a string of perl source 
 specifying a var of the same value."
   (if (listp var)
   (concat "[" (mapconcat #'org-babel-perl-var-to-perl var ", ") "]")
-(format "%S" var)))
+(format "'%s'" var)))

Debugging perl is very cumbersome in org-mode. It would be nice to have
a feature to export the source to a file. This is because the variable
expansion needs to be done before the code can be used (hence simply cut
and paste does not work, nor shell-command-on-region)

I used the org-babel-perl-command variable to replace perl with a script
that simply wrote to a file. 

It would be nice to be able to write the script created by org a file,
so this can be debugged (it would have the variable definitions). Maybe
this is already a feature and I don't know about it.

As we are into it, I found this declaration to be very useful. 

(setq org-babel-perl-wrapper-method
use strict;

sub org_columns
my ($table) = @_;
my $y = $$table[0];
return scalar(@$y);

sub org_rows
my ($table) = @_;
return scalar(@$table);

sub main {

my @r = main;
open(o, \">%s\");
print o join(\"\\n\", @r), \"\\n\"")

It does two things: it uses strict, so undeclared variables create
errors, and it also creates two functions: org_columns and org_rows
that, when used on the variable declared as input, return its number of
columns and rows:

my $rows = org_rows($data);
my $columns = org_columns($data);

the only problem with using strict is that variables would have to be
defined with "my" too: so that would require this patch:

diff --git a/lisp/ob-perl.el b/lisp/ob-perl.el
index ccd3826..82f8086 100644
--- a/lisp/ob-perl.el
+++ b/lisp/ob-perl.el
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ This function is called by `org-babel-execute-src-block'."
   "Return list of perl statements assigning the block's variables."
(lambda (pair)
- (format "$%s=%s;"
+ (format "my $%s=%s;"
 (car pair)
 (org-babel-perl-var-to-perl (cdr pair
(mapcar #'cdr (org-babel-get-header params :var

Finally, if interested, i can write a couple of examples for Perl that
could help people who want to use it. 

thanks again,

Daniel M. German  "Great algorithms are
   Francis Sullivan -> the poetry of computation"
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .


Re: [O] a window with my agenda at all times

2011-06-27 Thread D M German

Hi Erick,

 Eric> D M German  writes:
 >> Hi everybody,
 >> I struggle to keep (in emacs) a window with the agenda at all times. If
 >> anybody has any pointers on how to get a window or a frame to "stick" at
 >> all times with the contents of a frame, and basically be ignored from
 >> any window-related command (split, kill, etc), I would be grateful.
 >> For a long time I have wanted a sticky window that keeps this
 >> information. Like a sticky note on my desktop (think a widget in
 >> Android). 

 Eric> I can't answer your question directly but I have done this in the past
 Eric> by using /conky/ to display the contents of a file (updating
 Eric> automatically) where the file is created by Emacs to consist of the
 Eric> output of the agenda command.  This elisp snippet writes out the agenda
 Eric> to a specified file (untested):

  (org-batch-agenda "a")
  (org-write-agenda "some-file-name"))

I do something similar, but in the "after-save-hook"

(defun dmg-org-update-agenda-file (&optional force)
  (let ((file "/tmp/agenda.html"))
(org-write-agenda file)

 Eric> In conky, you can use the /head/ directive to output a specified number
 Eric> of lines.

 Eric> Conky can write to the root window (i.e. the screen) or to a window.
 Eric> The former works better, in my opinion, but this may depend on the
 Eric> window manager you use.

Thanks for the hint. Sometimes the problem is knowing the name of a tool.

I though about doing something like this, but I wanted rendering in
HTML. Searching on the Internet I found an alternative that does HTML 

I think at the end it is a matter of taste. With my utility a window is
created with scrollbars if the agenda is too large.

But it seems to be making a difference to me, which is what matters ;)


 Eric> HTH,
 Eric> eric

 Eric> -- 
 Eric> : Eric S Fraga (GnuPG: 0xC89193D8FFFCF67D) in Emacs
 Eric> : using Org-mode version 7.5 (release_7.5.461.g6d18)

Daniel M. German
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .

[O] a window with my agenda at all times

2011-06-26 Thread D M German

Hi everybody,

I struggle to keep (in emacs) a window with the agenda at all times. If
anybody has any pointers on how to get a window or a frame to "stick" at
all times with the contents of a frame, and basically be ignored from
any window-related command (split, kill, etc), I would be grateful.

For a long time I have wanted a sticky window that keeps this
information. Like a sticky note on my desktop (think a widget in

I wrote a small program in qt that simply monitors a file and displays
it. Nothing more. It does the work for me, and maybe somebody else will
find it useful. It relies on exporting the agenda as html every time the
org file is modified, and then this little program displays the html
file. The window manager is responsible of removing decorations, making
it sticky, and placing it in same place always.

Here is a screenshot (see window to the bottom right). The decorations
are removed by the window manager:

Here is the code. As I said, very, very simple, but maybe somebody will
find if useful.

Daniel M. German
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .

[Orgmode] org-protocol: non-ASCII characters

2010-02-04 Thread D M German

 Jan> After learning about org-protocol on worg, I got it working.
 Jan> There seems to be a problem with non-ASCII characters in the file names,
 Jan> though: an "ü" in the file path arrived in emacs as "%0 %))".

I have been looking around and I am not sure how to solve this
problem. Withing Evince and Xournal I am encoding any non alphanum (as
defined by the C macro) each byte that is contained in the filename

Does anybody know which are the characters above 0 (zero) that need to
be encoded for a safe org link? 


Daniel M. German
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
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Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] patch to support remember in evince

2010-01-31 Thread D M German

here is a patch to support remember inside evince.

I tried to pass the text selection to remember, but it does not
work (org-protocol://remember://docview:filename::pagenumber::selection).

Looking at the code of org-docview.el I can see that its code does not
support splitting the selection. I suspect this is a minor change
required. Any suggestions on how to change it?

Daniel M. German
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
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Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] org-remember support in xournal

2010-01-31 Thread D M German

Hi everybody,

I am sorry I have been a bit slow to finish the integration of xournal
with remember mode. I think I got it working. 

My branch of xournal is available at github:

If the loaded file in xournal is a PDF, the remember link is created to
the .pdf file. Otherwise it is created to the .xoj file.

In both cases the protocol is docview:

emacsclient 'org-protocol://remember://docview:filename::pagenumber

Evince has become a bit trickier because it does not support jumping to
a specific page number (it uses labels instead). So I need to do a bit 
more hacking within it.

Remember, this is an unofficial branch of xournal. It actually supports
more features than xournal (such as jumping to previous, next
annotation, very, very rough search features, and ability to attach
images to the xoj file. 


Daniel M. German
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
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Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] protocol for PDFs?

2010-01-02 Thread D M German

 Jan> It allows you to link to any document format which doc-view-mode
 Jan> supports, which includes PDF files. The syntax is:

 Jan> docview:::

 Jan> Example:

 Jan> [[docview:/home/jan/some-file.pdf::7][Page 7]]

I have started modifying evince. I got to the point in evince that I can
now call emacs-client. The problem is, what do I pass to it?

Will the call to emacsclient be:


By the way, the way I envision it, xournal will have an option to open
evince in the same page (already implemented), and then one can select
text from the PDF and send it to org.

In xournal one can create a hyperlink to a given page using org, but no
selection is possible (no support in xournal yet).


Daniel M. German
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
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Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] protocol for PDFs?

2010-01-02 Thread D M German

I have implemented 'Remember' in xournal. I doubt this feature will ever
make into the mainstream. You can check out my fork. it contains many
features not in the current distribution, but useful, including very
rudimentary search support, ability to jump to next and previous

or you can cherry pick my commits.

Look for Remember under the edit menu. By default it would use the name
of the PDF file (if one exits), otherwise it will use the .XOJ file.  I
am curious to see if we can select text in xournal.

I don't use Link (only remember) but that would be easy to implement
too. The infrastructure is there now.

 Jan> PS: I am very interested in integrating Xournal with Org. I use Xournal
 Jan> for doing all my homework for university; when I have saved the file, I
 Jan> manually add a file: link to my org file. It would be great to store
 Jan> that link directly from Xournal!

 Jan> - Jan

Daniel M. German
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
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Re: [Orgmode] protocol for PDFs?

2010-01-02 Thread D M German
 Jan Böcker twisted the bytes to say:

 Jan> On 02.01.2010 16:20, Darlan Cavalcante Moreira wrote:
 >> Evince also has an option ("-p") to open the file in a
 >> given page and this would be enough for a link to a PDF file. Since I prefer
 >> using Evince instead of docview mode I would be very happy to test it.

 Jan> I have implemented an experimental version of org-docview.el which
 Jan> allows you to specify an external PDF viewer. Check out the docview-dev
 Jan> branch at


 Jan> To test this, pull from there or apply the following patch, then:
 Jan> M-x customize-variable org-docview-pdf-app

 Jan> Set it to "evince %s -p %p" and docview: links to PDF files should now
 Jan> open in evince. There may still be bugs lurking here, and I am thinking
 Jan> about generalizing this to use a variable org-docview-apps which would
 Jan> behave like org-file-apps.

Great. I have now a patch for xournal that supports page numbers from
the command line:

The format is --page=%p or -p %p

It is likely to make it into xournal.  I am now adding an option to use
org-protocol to create the link from xournal. more later.


 Jan> This would duplicate functionality of file: links again, which bugs me,
 Jan> but on the other hand it would be difficult to reuse org-file-apps for
 Jan> this, as I suggested in my previous email -- when opening a file: link
 Jan> to a PDF, the %p would not get replaced and may confuse the PDF viewer
 Jan> application :(

 Jan> Also, YAGNI may apply here if nobody uses docview: links to link to
 Jan> non-PDF files anyway.

 Jan> ---

 Jan> new experimental variable: org-docview-pdf-app

 Jan> External application to open docview: links pointing to a pdf file.
 Jan> Possible values:

'emacs:Visit the file with emacs using doc-view-mode.
string:An external PDF viewer application.
   %s will be replaced by the file name.
   %p will be replaced by the page number.

   evince %s -p %p

Daniel M. German
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
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Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] protocol for PDFs?

2010-01-02 Thread D M German

 Jan Böcker twisted the bytes to say:
 Jan> Example:

 Jan> [[docview:/home/jan/some-file.pdf::7][Page 7]]

 Jan> Of course, these links open the file by visiting it in emacs.
 Jan> I would propose to modify org-docview.el to look in org-file-apps for an
 Jan> entry for \.pdf\'

thanks. This will get me going for the time being.

Also, keep in mind that some people use xournal for native .xoj files,
so it will be nice to generalize this for any extension (provide a
"handler" for the given type of document).


Daniel M. German
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
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Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] protocol for PDFs?

2010-01-02 Thread D M German

hi there,

I am trying to add support in Evince and Xournal for org. I have already
implemented most of it in Xournal, but now I am hitting a roadblock.

What would the form of the URI for a link to a PDF document and a page

In other words, is there support for a link to a given page in a PDF
already written in org?

If not, what would the place to add this functionality?

thanks a lot!


Daniel M. German
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
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Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Re: Encrypting files for org-mobile

2009-12-29 Thread D M German
 Bernt Hansen twisted the bytes to say:

 Bernt> Hi Richard,  I don't currently use MobileOrg but I do use encryption
 Bernt> with org-mode as described here:


 Bernt> Regards,
 Bernt> Bernt

Thanks Bernt, for calling my attention to this feature. It certainly
works as a way to avoid my most important data to be "server"
readable. I'll give it a try.


Daniel M. German
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
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Re: [Orgmode] Encrypting files for org-mobile

2009-12-29 Thread D M German

Hi Richard,

 Richard> Hi Daniel,
 Richard> There is no support for this in MobileOrg yet, but it has resided on 
my todo list for a while.

 Richard> Do you currently use any encryption on your local Org-files in 
Emacs?  I've been meaning to examine AutoEncryption or CryptPlusPlus (http://
 Richard> to see how it plays 
with Org.  If it worked well, my rough plan was to make MobileOrg able to en/
 Richard> decrypt files along those lines.

 Richard> If anyone has any better ideas, let me know.  I'm not sure how this 
would best be implemented.

I think there are two use cases for this problem. 

* On one side is the people who work with encrypted files. the
  mobile-org application would need to be aware of the type of
  encryption used. I suspect many people would be willing to change
  encryption method to the one used in org if it was "good enough".

* On the other there is the people who are only interested in encrypting
  the files in the server to avoid them to be browsed by unwanted
  eyes. I suspect that even a simple symmetric encryption method will be
  sufficient here for the majority of the users.

these two uses cases are not mutually exclusive. One can imagine an
scenario where only one or more files are encrypted at the client level,
but the user wants all the files uploaded to the server to be made
available in encrypted mode at the file system level on the server.

Which get me thinking... is there a way to decrypt the files on the file
at the server as they are requested by the mobile-org client? In other
words, the files are encrypted in the server, but when the user requests
them (and provides the proper credentials---such as in the current
environment) the files are then decrypted on the file before they are
sent to the iphone. I suspect this is probably implemented somehow.

I have an iphone development environment (no dev. license though) and I
learning objective-C. I am not very good at UI, but I can help with the
backend code, if necessary.


 Richard> -Richard

 Richard> On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 4:04 AM, D M German  wrote:

Hi everybody,
Does anybody know if it is possible to keep the files for org-mobile
encrypted in the server? I know you can protect them with a password,
but that protection is from people who look into the server. How about
protecting it from the people who run the server?
thanks a lot!
Daniel M. German
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
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Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Daniel M. German
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
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Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Encrypting files for org-mobile

2009-12-29 Thread D M German

Hi everybody,

Does anybody know if it is possible to keep the files for org-mobile
encrypted in the server? I know you can protect them with a password,
but that protection is from people who look into the server. How about
protecting it from the people who run the server?

thanks a lot!
Daniel M. German
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
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Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] Browser Interface to org-mode?

2009-12-21 Thread D M German
 Manish  twisted the bytes to say:

 Manish> On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 12:24 PM, sumeet pareek wrote:
 >> I am not a 100% sure but I believe I heard some where in the google tech
 >> talk about browser interface to org-mode. Could anybody tell me where can I
 >> find it? It would be a boon to me as I am mostly on a windows box where
 >> running org-mode is not the most simple thing to do.

 Manish> I do not think there is any browser interface to Org mode.

 Manish> Do you use Org on non-Windows system at present?  Do you use Emacs on
 Manish> Windows at present?  Have you tried Org with Emacs on Windows?  What
 Manish> difficulties did you face?

 >> I also work from multiple systems and would seriously benefit from any
 >> org-mode interface/clone that works from the browser!?

 Manish> Most folks here use DVCS based syncing solutions.

I use org-mobile to synchronize an iphone. this has the advantage of
uploading the files to a web site.

You can use it for a simple way to "read-only" browse your org files
from another computer (which I just had to do few minutes ago).


Daniel M. German
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
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Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] running org-mode (inside emacs) in the n900

2009-12-14 Thread D M German

Yes, it can be done:

I just got it running. The instructions are there. Now I need to figure
out where the meta key is ;)


Daniel M. German
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
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Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] Re: Org-mode and Nokia N900

2009-12-11 Thread D M German

 Óscar> Thierry Guillemin  writes:

 >> Hello
 >> This question comes after reading
 >> and before buying a N900...
 >> Will it be possible to install Org-mode on the N900 (only Emacs available is
 >> Qemacs) ?

 Óscar> It seems that QEmacs has no Emacs Lisp support. Hence org-mode cannot
 Óscar> run on it.

 Óscar> You need either Emacs or XEmacs for running org-mode.

I just got a N900.I was using emacs on the N810, with org-mode on
it. Then synchronizing my files using subversion.

Applications are being made available for the N900. Hopefully emacs will
be too (at least without N900 support, as it was with the N900).


Daniel M. German
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
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Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] enabling org-protocol with Firefox 3 and Ubuntu 9.04

2009-11-09 Thread D M German

Hi everybody,

if you have tried to enable org-protocol under Firefox you might run
into the issue that firefox does not start emacsclient, no matter what
the about:config variables say.

After spending some time I discovered that this is an issue of Firefox's
integration with Gnome. What you need is to tell Gnome that you have a
new URI protocol called org-protocol, and that emacsclient is
responsible for it. This is done with the following two commands (be
careful to indicate the correct full path of emacsclient):

gconftool -s /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/org-protocol/command -t string 
'/usr/bin/emacsclient %s'
gconftool -s /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/org-protocol/enabled -t boolean true


Daniel M. German
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
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Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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