Re: [Emc-users] Floating Z (solenoid on PCB Mill) Hal configuration

2007-08-16 Thread Jeff Epler
Thanks -- I imagine this will be helpful to anyone with a similar

the only thing that comes to mind is that the time emc spends on the "Z"
motion had better be long enough for the solenoid to completely lower --
does this take long on your machine, or does it snap right down to the
right depth before you can blink?


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Re: [Emc-users] Proglem with EMC script - understandin g error message

2007-08-16 Thread Gene Heskett
On Thursday 16 August 2007, Jeff Epler wrote:
>I spotted several more errors in your program.
>> #10 = 1.4( o.d )
>> #22 = 90(final arc angle)
>Parameters up to 30 are used for subroutine arguments.  Use parameters
>above 30 for global variables:
>#40 = 1.4( o.d )
>#52 = 90(final arc angle)
>> o200 sub(rounds half top of pinion leaf in several steps)
>> do
>> G0 Z[[sin[#10]/[#20]] X[[cos[#10]/[#20]]
>> G1 Y[#14] F4
>> G0 Y[0-[#14]]
>> G0 A[#21]
>> #10 = [[#10]+[#21]]
>> while [#10] LT [#22]
>> endsub
>Numbers are required for the beginning and end of a subroutine, loop, or
>conditional.  So your code should look more like:
>O200 sub ...
>O201 do
>O201 while ...
>O200 endsub
>It's the missing "O100" for the first "endsub" that makes emc run off
>the end of the program without doing anything -- it's looking for O100
>endsub and nothing else will do.
>> while [#10] LT [#22]
>the correct syntax is
>O201 while [#10 LT #22]
>> G1 Y[#14] F4
>Brackets are not necessary here, but not harmful either
>> N0500 [#17] = [#17] + 1(increment counter)
>The correct bracketing is:
>In addition to the original, these are both incorrect:
>> G0 Z[[sin[#10]/[#20]] X[[cos[#10]/[#20]]
>The correct bracketing is:
>G0 Z[sin[#10]/#20]
>if you want to compute what would be written sin(x)/y in many other
>languages, or
>G0 Z[sin[#10/#20]]
>if you want to compute what would be written sin(x/y) in many other
>> N2000 o200 call [#10][#14][#20][#21][#22]
>Inside O200 sub, you refer to #10, #14, #21, #21, and #22 which are the
>numbers of the variables you intended to be global.  You could either
>omit these parameters from O200 call and use the global variable numbers
>once you renumber them to be above 30.  Or, inside O200 sub you could
>refer to them as #1 through #5.

Thanks for the lengthy explanation Jeff, I'm learning things from this myself.  
I wasn't aware that the subs treated passed arguments as a completely 
different numbering system, starting I assume at 1, and going up in the order 
of their location in the 'oxxx call' lines list. 

The wiki would be better if some of this reasoning was included, it is a 
bit 'dry' shall we say?


Cheers, Gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
"It's God.  No, not Richard Stallman, or Linus Torvalds, but God."
(By Matt Welsh)

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[Emc-users] Floating Z (solenoid on PCB Mill) Hal configuration

2007-08-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
In case anyone else has one of these PCB mills with the solenoid driven floating Z, I thought I would share my configuration changes.  The premise I worked with was that if I could take the commanded Z position and convert it to a bit output to my solenoid relay I could use the standard drill and move codes with it.  So I connected the Zpos-cmd and a constant "0" to a comparator and then routed that to the par-port.  Now any commanded Z position 0 or greater results in the head up and any Z command less than 0 puts the head down.  Here is what I did, let me know if it could use any adjustments, I am new to this hal thing.
In stepper_inch.ini I added a line for my new hal file:
HALFILE= solenoid_Z.hal
My new hal file solenoid_Z.hal contains:
loadrt blocks constant=1 comp=1
newsig constcomp float
linksp constcomp comp.0.in1
linksp Zpos-cmd comp0.in0
newsig discrete_Z bit
linksp discrete_Z comp.0.out
linksp discrete_Z
addf constant.0 servo-thread
addf comp.0 servo-thread
That's it.  After a few syntax problems it worked.  I am quite happy.
Have fun,
Tony  -
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Re: [Emc-users] Proglem with EMC script - understanding error message

2007-08-16 Thread Jeff Epler
I spotted several more errors in your program.

> #10 = 1.4( o.d )
> #22 = 90(final arc angle)
Parameters up to 30 are used for subroutine arguments.  Use parameters
above 30 for global variables:

#40 = 1.4( o.d )
#52 = 90(final arc angle)

> o200 sub(rounds half top of pinion leaf in several steps)
> do
> G0 Z[[sin[#10]/[#20]] X[[cos[#10]/[#20]]
> G1 Y[#14] F4
> G0 Y[0-[#14]]
> G0 A[#21]
> #10 = [[#10]+[#21]]
> while [#10] LT [#22]
> endsub

Numbers are required for the beginning and end of a subroutine, loop, or
conditional.  So your code should look more like:
O200 sub ...
O201 do
O201 while ...
O200 endsub
It's the missing "O100" for the first "endsub" that makes emc run off
the end of the program without doing anything -- it's looking for O100
endsub and nothing else will do.

> while [#10] LT [#22]
the correct syntax is
O201 while [#10 LT #22]

> G1 Y[#14] F4
Brackets are not necessary here, but not harmful either

> N0500 [#17] = [#17] + 1(increment counter)
The correct bracketing is:
In addition to the original, these are both incorrect:   

> G0 Z[[sin[#10]/[#20]] X[[cos[#10]/[#20]]
The correct bracketing is:
G0 Z[sin[#10]/#20]
if you want to compute what would be written sin(x)/y in many other
languages, or
G0 Z[sin[#10/#20]]
if you want to compute what would be written sin(x/y) in many other

> N2000 o200 call [#10][#14][#20][#21][#22]
Inside O200 sub, you refer to #10, #14, #21, #21, and #22 which are the
numbers of the variables you intended to be global.  You could either
omit these parameters from O200 call and use the global variable numbers
once you renumber them to be above 30.  Or, inside O200 sub you could
refer to them as #1 through #5.

On Thu, Aug 16, 2007 at 11:24:07PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi again,
> Thanks to everyone who responded to my earlier mailing. As a result and 
> after a considerable rewrite and correction I have now managed to get 
> the script to load - however, it does nothing!! When I hit 'R' or press 
> the play button, the screen flashes briefly and returns to the stop 
> state - the machine doesn't even twitch...
> Do I have a problem in trying to run nested 'do - while' loops, its the 
> only thing I can think of that might do nothing. there are no error 
> messages displayed.
> Here is the rewritten script - any advice would be very welcome. 
> Thanks.. Ian
> %
> #10 = 1.4( o.d )
> #11 = 0.38(root dia)
> #12 = [[#10 - #11] / 2](cut depth)
> #13 = 5(number of teeth)
> #14 = 4(length of cut)
> #15 = [360/[#13]](angular increment)
> #16 = 0.09(cutter thickness)
> #17 = 1(counter)
> #18 = 1(tooth counter)
> #19 = 10(step angle for rounding)
> #20 = [[#10]/2](radius of work)
> #21 = 10(increment for rounding steps)
> #22 = 90(final arc angle)
> o100 sub(cuts one slot in blank)
> G1 X[[#12]/2] F4
> G1 Y[#14] F4
> G0 Y[0-[#14]]
> G1 X[#12] F4
> G1 Y[#14] F4
> G0 Y[0-[14]]
> endsub
> o200 sub(rounds half top of pinion leaf in several steps)
> do
> G0 Z[[sin[#10]/[#20]] X[[cos[#10]/[#20]]
> G1 Y[#14] F4
> G0 Y[0-[#14]]
> G0 A[#21]
> #10 = [[#10]+[#21]]
> while [#10] LT [#22]
> endsub
> o300 sub(rounds other half top of pinion leaf in several steps)
> do
> G0 Z[0-[[sin[#10]/[#20]] X[[cos[#10]/[#20]]]
> G1 Y[#14] F4
> G0 Y[0-[#14]]
> G0 A[0-[#21]]
> #10 = [[#10]+[#21]]
> while [#10] LT [#22]
> endsub
> N0100 G92 X0 Y0 Z0(set axes to zero)
> N0200 G21 G91(metric units, incremental moves)
> N0300 do(first cut of pinion leaves)
> N0400 o100 call [#12][#14]
> N0500 [#17] = [#17] + 1(increment counter)
> N0600 G0 A[360/[#13]](rotate work one tooth distance)
> N0700 while [#17] LT 5
> N0800 [#17] = 1(set counter back to 1)
> N0900 G0 A[0-[[#15]/3]](rotate by thickness of pinion leaf and)
> N1000 G0 Z[#16](move cutter - saw - to other side of leaf)
> N1100 do(cut other side of pinion leaves)
> N1200 o100 call [#12][#14]
> N1300 [#17] = [#17] + 1
> N1400 G0 A[0-[360/[#13]]]
> N1500 while [#17] LT 5
> N1600 [#17] = 1(set counter back to 1)
> N1700 G0 A[[#15]/6](move cutter to centre of leaf)
> N1800 G0 Z[0-[[#16]/2]( )
> N1900 do(round over half the leaf and repeat for all leaves)
> N2000 o200 call [#10][#14][#20][#21][#22]
> N2100 #17 = [#17] + 1
> N2200 G0 A[360/[#13]]
> N2300 while #17 LT 5
> N2400 #17 = 1(set counter back to 1)
> N2500 G0 Z0 A-90(set cutter and pinion leaf back to centre)
> N2600 G0 Z[[#16]/2]
> N2700 do(round over other half the leaf and repeat for all
> leaves)
> N2800 o300 call [#10][#14][#20][#21][#22]
> N2900 #17 = [#17] + 1
> N3000 G0 A[0-[360/[#13]]]
> N3100 while #17 LT 5
> N3200 #17 = 1(cl

Re: [Emc-users] Proglem with EMC script - understanding error message

2007-08-16 Thread Andre' Blanchard
I do not have time to reformat or rewrite now but here are a few things 
that stand out.
The sub definitions should come first you are setting the top level local 
variables first these should be at the begining of the main program.
Way too many [] EMC needs more then most controls I have used but not that 
I would drop the N line numbers they are just distracting and without a 
GOTO comand have no use. IMO ;)

You do a call to the subs like

   N0400 o100 call [#12][#14]

But when I look in the sub definition you are not useing the values you 
passed in from #12 and #14.
Inside the sub these values will be in local (to the sub) variables #1 and #2.
A fast rewrite of sub 100, I think you intended something like this.

   o100 sub(cuts one slot in blank)
   G1 X[#1/2] F4
   G1 Y#2
   G0 Y[0-#2]
   G1 X#1
   G1 Y#2
   G0 Y[0-#2]

For me I would also pass in the feed rate like this.

   o100 sub(cuts one slot in blank)
   G1 X[#1/2] F#3
   G1 Y#2
   G0 Y[0-#2]
   G1 X#1
   G1 Y#2
   G0 Y[0-#2]

And a calling line would then be.

   o100 call [#12][#14][4.0]

That way you can use the same sub with diffenent feed rates, maybe not 
needed in this program but in larger programs that kind of thing makes it 
faster to change the things like feed rates while standing at the machine.
If you use a global variable for things like feeds and spindle speeds you 
can then change the value in the variable while the program is running and 
the new feed or spindle speed will take effect with the next block that has 
a F or S, not sure if that works in EMC but it does in the machines I am 
used to.

Got to go.

At 05:24 PM 8/16/2007, you wrote:
>Hi again,
>Thanks to everyone who responded to my earlier mailing. As a result and
>after a considerable rewrite and correction I have now managed to get
>the script to load - however, it does nothing!! When I hit 'R' or press
>the play button, the screen flashes briefly and returns to the stop
>state - the machine doesn't even twitch...
>Do I have a problem in trying to run nested 'do - while' loops, its the
>only thing I can think of that might do nothing. there are no error
>messages displayed.
>Here is the rewritten script - any advice would be very welcome.
>Thanks.. Ian
>#10 = 1.4( o.d )
>#11 = 0.38(root dia)
>#12 = [[#10 - #11] / 2](cut depth)
>#13 = 5(number of teeth)
>#14 = 4(length of cut)
>#15 = [360/[#13]](angular increment)
>#16 = 0.09(cutter thickness)
>#17 = 1(counter)
>#18 = 1(tooth counter)
>#19 = 10(step angle for rounding)
>#20 = [[#10]/2](radius of work)
>#21 = 10(increment for rounding steps)
>#22 = 90(final arc angle)
>o100 sub(cuts one slot in blank)
>G1 X[[#12]/2] F4
>G1 Y[#14] F4
>G0 Y[0-[#14]]
>G1 X[#12] F4
>G1 Y[#14] F4
>G0 Y[0-[14]]
>o200 sub(rounds half top of pinion leaf in several steps)
>G0 Z[[sin[#10]/[#20]] X[[cos[#10]/[#20]]
>G1 Y[#14] F4
>G0 Y[0-[#14]]
>G0 A[#21]
>#10 = [[#10]+[#21]]
>while [#10] LT [#22]
>o300 sub(rounds other half top of pinion leaf in several steps)
>G0 Z[0-[[sin[#10]/[#20]] X[[cos[#10]/[#20]]]
>G1 Y[#14] F4
>G0 Y[0-[#14]]
>G0 A[0-[#21]]
>#10 = [[#10]+[#21]]
>while [#10] LT [#22]
>N0100 G92 X0 Y0 Z0(set axes to zero)
>N0200 G21 G91(metric units, incremental moves)
>N0300 do(first cut of pinion leaves)
>N0400 o100 call [#12][#14]
>N0500 [#17] = [#17] + 1(increment counter)
>N0600 G0 A[360/[#13]](rotate work one tooth distance)
>N0700 while [#17] LT 5
>N0800 [#17] = 1(set counter back to 1)
>N0900 G0 A[0-[[#15]/3]](rotate by thickness of pinion leaf and)
>N1000 G0 Z[#16](move cutter - saw - to other side of leaf)
>N1100 do(cut other side of pinion leaves)
>N1200 o100 call [#12][#14]
>N1300 [#17] = [#17] + 1
>N1400 G0 A[0-[360/[#13]]]
>N1500 while [#17] LT 5
>N1600 [#17] = 1(set counter back to 1)
>N1700 G0 A[[#15]/6](move cutter to centre of leaf)
>N1800 G0 Z[0-[[#16]/2]( )
>N1900 do(round over half the leaf and repeat for all leaves)
>N2000 o200 call [#10][#14][#20][#21][#22]
>N2100 #17 = [#17] + 1
>N2200 G0 A[360/[#13]]
>N2300 while #17 LT 5
>N2400 #17 = 1(set counter back to 1)
>N2500 G0 Z0 A-90(set cutter and pinion leaf back to centre)
>N2600 G0 Z[[#16]/2]
>N2700 do(round over other half the leaf and repeat for all
>N2800 o300 call [#10][#14][#20][#21][#22]
>N2900 #17 = [#17] + 1
>N3000 G0 A[0-[360/[#13]]]
>N3100 while #17 LT 5
>N3200 #17 = 1(clean up)
>N3300 G0 X-20 Z40 Y50(retract tool)
>N3200 G30
>Best wishes,
>Ian W. Wright
>Sheffield  UK
>"The difference between theory and practice is much smaller in theory

Andre' B.  Clear Lake, Wi.


[Emc-users] This is a test

2007-08-16 Thread amtb
This is a test

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Re: [Emc-users] Proglem with EMC script - understandin g error message

2007-08-16 Thread Gene Heskett
On Thursday 16 August 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Hi again,
>Thanks to everyone who responded to my earlier mailing. As a result and
>after a considerable rewrite and correction I have now managed to get
>the script to load - however, it does nothing!! When I hit 'R' or press
>the play button, the screen flashes briefly and returns to the stop
>state - the machine doesn't even twitch...
>Do I have a problem in trying to run nested 'do - while' loops, its the
>only thing I can think of that might do nothing. there are no error
>messages displayed.
>Here is the rewritten script - any advice would be very welcome.
>Thanks.. Ian
>#10 = 1.4( o.d )
>#11 = 0.38(root dia)
>#12 = [[#10 - #11] / 2](cut depth)
>#13 = 5(number of teeth)
>#14 = 4(length of cut)
>#15 = [360/[#13]](angular increment)
>#16 = 0.09(cutter thickness)
>#17 = 1(counter)
>#18 = 1(tooth counter)
>#19 = 10(step angle for rounding)
>#20 = [[#10]/2](radius of work)
>#21 = 10(increment for rounding steps)
>#22 = 90(final arc angle)
>o100 sub(cuts one slot in blank)
>G1 X[[#12]/2] F4
>G1 Y[#14] F4
>G0 Y[0-[#14]]
>G1 X[#12] F4
>G1 Y[#14] F4
>G0 Y[0-[14]]
>o200 sub(rounds half top of pinion leaf in several steps)
>G0 Z[[sin[#10]/[#20]] X[[cos[#10]/[#20]]
>G1 Y[#14] F4
>G0 Y[0-[#14]]
>G0 A[#21]
>#10 = [[#10]+[#21]]
>while [#10] LT [#22]
>o300 sub(rounds other half top of pinion leaf in several steps)
>G0 Z[0-[[sin[#10]/[#20]] X[[cos[#10]/[#20]]]
>G1 Y[#14] F4
>G0 Y[0-[#14]]
>G0 A[0-[#21]]
>#10 = [[#10]+[#21]]
>while [#10] LT [#22]
There is the M101 command, which can be used to print out the values as they 
exist here and there, which can also be educational.

>N0100 G92 X0 Y0 Z0(set axes to zero)

And one could start with Z preset several inches high, giving you time to hit 
the pause button and then single step it while its running down to the zero 

>N0200 G21 G91(metric units, incremental moves)
>N0300 do(first cut of pinion leaves)
>N0400 o100 call [#12][#14]
>N0500 [#17] = [#17] + 1(increment counter)
>N0600 G0 A[360/[#13]](rotate work one tooth distance)
>N0700 while [#17] LT 5

Ahh, I think your do & while need to be matching o words.

>N0800 [#17] = 1(set counter back to 1)
>N0900 G0 A[0-[[#15]/3]](rotate by thickness of pinion leaf and)
>N1000 G0 Z[#16](move cutter - saw - to other side of leaf)
>N1100 do(cut other side of pinion leaves)
>N1200 o100 call [#12][#14]
>N1300 [#17] = [#17] + 1
>N1400 G0 A[0-[360/[#13]]]
>N1500 while [#17] LT 5
>N1600 [#17] = 1(set counter back to 1)
>N1700 G0 A[[#15]/6](move cutter to centre of leaf)
>N1800 G0 Z[0-[[#16]/2]( )
>N1900 do(round over half the leaf and repeat for all leaves)
>N2000 o200 call [#10][#14][#20][#21][#22]
>N2100 #17 = [#17] + 1
>N2200 G0 A[360/[#13]]
>N2300 while #17 LT 5
>N2400 #17 = 1(set counter back to 1)
>N2500 G0 Z0 A-90(set cutter and pinion leaf back to centre)
>N2600 G0 Z[[#16]/2]
>N2700 do(round over other half the leaf and repeat for all
>N2800 o300 call [#10][#14][#20][#21][#22]
>N2900 #17 = [#17] + 1
>N3000 G0 A[0-[360/[#13]]]
>N3100 while #17 LT 5
>N3200 #17 = 1(clean up)
>N3300 G0 X-20 Z40 Y50(retract tool)
>N3200 G30
>Best wishes,
>Ian W. Wright
>Sheffield  UK
>"The difference between theory and practice is much smaller in theory
>than in practice..."

Now that's a true statement if there ever was one...

Cheers, Gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
I've got a bad feeling about this.

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Re: [Emc-users] Proglem with EMC script - understanding error message

2007-08-16 Thread Alan Condit

I would not recommend using #1 - #30 as global variables. Try  
something like this.  It works for me.

#510 = 1.4  ( o.d )
#511 = 0.38 (root dia)
#512 = [[#510 - #511] / 2](cut depth)
#513 = 5(number of teeth)
#514 = 4(length of cut)
#515 = [360/[#513]] (angular increment)
#516 = 0.09 (cutter thickness)
#517 = 1(counter)
#518 = 1(tooth counter)
#519 = 10   (step angle for rounding)
#520 = [[#510]/2]   (radius of work)
#521 = 10   (increment for rounding steps)
#522 = 90   (final arc angle)

   (cuts one slot in blank)
o100 sub [1] [2]( declare the formal parameters -- I don't  
know if this is necessary but it helps keep things straight )
G1 X[[#1]/2] F4
G1 Y[#2] F4
G0 Y[0-[#2]]
G1 X[#1] F4
G1 Y[#2] F4
G0 Y[0-[#2]]

O100 CALL [#512] [#514]  (pass the variables or values that you want  
to use as local parameters)

Good luck,


Alan Condit
1085 Tierra Ct.
Woodburn, OR 97071

Home-Office (503) 982-0906

On Aug 16, 2007, at Aug 16, 2007--3:23 PM, emc-users- 

> Message: 7
> Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2007 23:24:07 +0100
> Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Proglem with EMC script - understanding error
>   message
> To:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Hi again,
> Thanks to everyone who responded to my earlier mailing. As a result  
> and
> after a considerable rewrite and correction I have now managed to get
> the script to load - however, it does nothing!! When I hit 'R' or  
> press
> the play button, the screen flashes briefly and returns to the stop
> state - the machine doesn't even twitch...
> Do I have a problem in trying to run nested 'do - while' loops, its  
> the
> only thing I can think of that might do nothing. there are no error
> messages displayed.
> Here is the rewritten script - any advice would be very welcome.
> Thanks.. Ian
> %
> #10 = 1.4( o.d )
> #11 = 0.38(root dia)
> #12 = [[#10 - #11] / 2](cut depth)
> #13 = 5(number of teeth)
> #14 = 4(length of cut)
> #15 = [360/[#13]](angular increment)
> #16 = 0.09(cutter thickness)
> #17 = 1(counter)
> #18 = 1(tooth counter)
> #19 = 10(step angle for rounding)
> #20 = [[#10]/2](radius of work)
> #21 = 10(increment for rounding steps)
> #22 = 90(final arc angle)
> o100 sub(cuts one slot in blank)
> G1 X[[#12]/2] F4
> G1 Y[#14] F4
> G0 Y[0-[#14]]
> G1 X[#12] F4
> G1 Y[#14] F4
> G0 Y[0-[14]]
> endsub
> o200 sub(rounds half top of pinion leaf in several steps)
> do
> G0 Z[[sin[#10]/[#20]] X[[cos[#10]/[#20]]
> G1 Y[#14] F4
> G0 Y[0-[#14]]
> G0 A[#21]
> #10 = [[#10]+[#21]]
> while [#10] LT [#22]
> endsub
> o300 sub(rounds other half top of pinion leaf in several  
> steps)
> do
> G0 Z[0-[[sin[#10]/[#20]] X[[cos[#10]/[#20]]]
> G1 Y[#14] F4
> G0 Y[0-[#14]]
> G0 A[0-[#21]]
> #10 = [[#10]+[#21]]
> while [#10] LT [#22]
> endsub
> N0100 G92 X0 Y0 Z0(set axes to zero)
> N0200 G21 G91(metric units, incremental moves)
> N0300 do(first cut of pinion leaves)
> N0400 o100 call [#12][#14]
> N0500 [#17] = [#17] + 1(increment counter)
> N0600 G0 A[360/[#13]](rotate work one tooth distance)
> N0700 while [#17] LT 5
> N0800 [#17] = 1(set counter back to 1)
> N0900 G0 A[0-[[#15]/3]](rotate by thickness of pinion leaf and)
> N1000 G0 Z[#16](move cutter - saw - to other side of leaf)
> N1100 do(cut other side of pinion leaves)
> N1200 o100 call [#12][#14]
> N1300 [#17] = [#17] + 1
> N1400 G0 A[0-[360/[#13]]]
> N1500 while [#17] LT 5
> N1600 [#17] = 1(set counter back to 1)
> N1700 G0 A[[#15]/6](move cutter to centre of leaf)
> N1800 G0 Z[0-[[#16]/2]( )
> N1900 do(round over half the leaf and repeat for all leaves)
> N2000 o200 call [#10][#14][#20][#21][#22]
> N2100 #17 = [#17] + 1
> N2200 G0 A[360/[#13]]
> N2300 while #17 LT 5
> N2400 #17 = 1(set counter back to 1)
> N2500 G0 Z0 A-90(set cutter and pinion leaf back to centre)
> N2600 G0 Z[[#16]/2]
> N2700 do(round over other half the leaf and repeat for all
> leaves)
> N2800 o300 call [#10][#14][#20][#21][#22]
> N2900 #17 = [#17] + 1
> N3000 G0 A[0-[360/[#13]]]
> N3100 while #17 LT 5
> N3200 #17 = 1(clean up)
> N3300 G0 X-20 Z40 Y50(retract tool)
> N3200 G30
> %
> -- 
> Best wishes,
> Ian
> Ian W. Wright
> Sheffield  UK
> "The difference between theory and practice is much smaller in theory
> than in practice..."
> -- 
> Best wishes,
> Ian
> Ian W. Wright
> Sheffield  UK
> "The difference between theory and practice is much smaller i

Re: [Emc-users] Proglem with EMC script - understanding error message

2007-08-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi again,

Thanks to everyone who responded to my earlier mailing. As a result and 
after a considerable rewrite and correction I have now managed to get 
the script to load - however, it does nothing!! When I hit 'R' or press 
the play button, the screen flashes briefly and returns to the stop 
state - the machine doesn't even twitch...
Do I have a problem in trying to run nested 'do - while' loops, its the 
only thing I can think of that might do nothing. there are no error 
messages displayed.
Here is the rewritten script - any advice would be very welcome. 
Thanks.. Ian

#10 = 1.4( o.d )
#11 = 0.38(root dia)
#12 = [[#10 - #11] / 2](cut depth)
#13 = 5(number of teeth)
#14 = 4(length of cut)
#15 = [360/[#13]](angular increment)
#16 = 0.09(cutter thickness)
#17 = 1(counter)
#18 = 1(tooth counter)
#19 = 10(step angle for rounding)
#20 = [[#10]/2](radius of work)
#21 = 10(increment for rounding steps)
#22 = 90(final arc angle)

o100 sub(cuts one slot in blank)
G1 X[[#12]/2] F4
G1 Y[#14] F4
G0 Y[0-[#14]]
G1 X[#12] F4
G1 Y[#14] F4
G0 Y[0-[14]]

o200 sub(rounds half top of pinion leaf in several steps)
G0 Z[[sin[#10]/[#20]] X[[cos[#10]/[#20]]
G1 Y[#14] F4
G0 Y[0-[#14]]
G0 A[#21]
#10 = [[#10]+[#21]]
while [#10] LT [#22]

o300 sub(rounds other half top of pinion leaf in several steps)
G0 Z[0-[[sin[#10]/[#20]] X[[cos[#10]/[#20]]]
G1 Y[#14] F4
G0 Y[0-[#14]]
G0 A[0-[#21]]
#10 = [[#10]+[#21]]
while [#10] LT [#22]

N0100 G92 X0 Y0 Z0(set axes to zero)
N0200 G21 G91(metric units, incremental moves)

N0300 do(first cut of pinion leaves)
N0400 o100 call [#12][#14]
N0500 [#17] = [#17] + 1(increment counter)
N0600 G0 A[360/[#13]](rotate work one tooth distance)
N0700 while [#17] LT 5

N0800 [#17] = 1(set counter back to 1)
N0900 G0 A[0-[[#15]/3]](rotate by thickness of pinion leaf and)
N1000 G0 Z[#16](move cutter - saw - to other side of leaf)
N1100 do(cut other side of pinion leaves)
N1200 o100 call [#12][#14]
N1300 [#17] = [#17] + 1
N1400 G0 A[0-[360/[#13]]]
N1500 while [#17] LT 5
N1600 [#17] = 1(set counter back to 1)
N1700 G0 A[[#15]/6](move cutter to centre of leaf)
N1800 G0 Z[0-[[#16]/2]( )
N1900 do(round over half the leaf and repeat for all leaves)
N2000 o200 call [#10][#14][#20][#21][#22]
N2100 #17 = [#17] + 1
N2200 G0 A[360/[#13]]
N2300 while #17 LT 5

N2400 #17 = 1(set counter back to 1)
N2500 G0 Z0 A-90(set cutter and pinion leaf back to centre)
N2600 G0 Z[[#16]/2]
N2700 do(round over other half the leaf and repeat for all

N2800 o300 call [#10][#14][#20][#21][#22]
N2900 #17 = [#17] + 1
N3000 G0 A[0-[360/[#13]]]
N3100 while #17 LT 5

N3200 #17 = 1(clean up)
N3300 G0 X-20 Z40 Y50(retract tool)
N3200 G30

Best wishes,


Ian W. Wright
Sheffield  UK

"The difference between theory and practice is much smaller in theory 
than in practice..."

Best wishes,


Ian W. Wright
Sheffield  UK

"The difference between theory and practice is much smaller in theory than in 

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Re: [Emc-users] Just a Thought

2007-08-16 Thread paul_c

Hi Ray

On Tuesday 14 August 2007 15:45, Ray Henry wrote:
> There was a heated discussion at that long ago FEST meeting in Ann Arbor
> when we created the EMC board.  It was related to it's (us) becoming a
> legal entity.

Outside of the USA, any "entity" would have little, if any power or status.

> It was my opinion, still is, that we need such an entity 
> so that we can accept and use contributions to the central benefit of
> the project -- contributions of code, cash, or whatever.

If you remember, part of the "boards" mandate was to act as an intermediatory 
to put interested parties in touch. e.g. Party A would offer hardware in 
exchange for suitable driver code.

 As for code contributions - Who decides what is good or bad ?

> I certainly respect the opinions of the others there that disagreed.  In
> fact as a condition of the creation of a board we voted that it would
> not become a legal entity and it would not accept nor distribute funds.

Setting up a legal entity would end up being a cash cow with little benefit 
for the majority - Who would audit the accounts, fund legal representation, 
or a whole other bunch of stuff...

> What those at the meeting did not know was that I had a couple thousand
> dollars in my pocket at that moment,

Likewise, there is still quite a considerable sum of dollars from the proceeds 
of BDI disks available - Some has already been used to purchase IO cards from 
the likes of Adlink, the remainder could be used for similar purposes.

> I wonder if it isn't time to rethink the legal entity.

If certain board members overstep their mandate, or fall back on a FU/O 
attitude to sidestep any issues/arguments, I doubt a legal entity would have 
any more credibility outside a gin house.

Regards, Paul.

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Re: [Emc-users] Proglem with EMC script - understandin g error message

2007-08-16 Thread Gene Heskett
On Thursday 16 August 2007, Stephen Wille Padnos wrote:
>Gene Heskett wrote:
>>[big snip]
>>Then, down in the call statements, the syntax I've found that works
>> involves passing the vars to the subroutine like this example:
>>N0400 o100 call [#1][#2][#3][#4][#5][#6][#7][#8][#9][#10][#11][#12][#13]
>>The brackets are required to protect the variables from interpretation
>> within the call statement itself.  You want to pass the variable, not its
>> value, to the subroutine.
>>This seems to be required because of the isolation between the subroutines
>>idea of variables and the main loops idea.  Also, anything a subroutine
>> does to a variable is thrown away at the endsub, and that the call, sub,
>> and endsub statements all need to have matching o word numbers.  Ditto for
>> the start and end of 'conditional' statements.
>I think the variables #1 through #30 (maybe #0 through #30 - I'm not
>sure if they start at 0 or 1) are "locals", so any changes made to them
>in a subroutine are not visible to the calling program.  If you want to
>use a subroutine to modify a "global" variable, use #31 and higher.  You
>also don't need to pass in anything #31 or higher since they're global,
>so you can use higher var numbers for any constants and simplify the calls.

I was going to point that out too, but the verbosity meter was already pegged.
However, I make active use of this isolation in most of my code, as I see that 
as an advantage.

>Using [#10] passes the value of var 10, just as #10 (without the
>brackets) does, AFAIK.  The difference is that after variable
>substitution is done, there is no way for the interpreter to decide that
>you really wanted one long number (made by concatenating the digits of
>all the vars you passed) - remember, the interp removes all spaces from
>the input line.  I'm not sure what order the variable replacement vs.
>numerical interpretation is done, but I'm pretty sure this is the reason
>that things work with brackets and may not without.

The bottom line is that it doesn't work without them for what I've written, so 
I use them.  Your explanation is the correct one I suspect, since I've not 
even looked over the fence, let alone walked around in that code. :)

Thanks Stephen.

Cheers, Gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
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It really got me down
I had to regain some confidence
So I got into camouflage

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Re: [Emc-users] Proglem with EMC script - understanding error message

2007-08-16 Thread Stephen Wille Padnos

Gene Heskett wrote:

>[big snip]
>Then, down in the call statements, the syntax I've found that works involves 
>passing the vars to the subroutine like this example:
>N0400 o100 call [#1][#2][#3][#4][#5][#6][#7][#8][#9][#10][#11][#12][#13]
>The brackets are required to protect the variables from interpretation within 
>the call statement itself.  You want to pass the variable, not its value, to 
>the subroutine.
>This seems to be required because of the isolation between the subroutines 
>idea of variables and the main loops idea.  Also, anything a subroutine does 
>to a variable is thrown away at the endsub, and that the call, sub, and 
>endsub statements all need to have matching o word numbers.  Ditto for the 
>start and end of 'conditional' statements.
I think the variables #1 through #30 (maybe #0 through #30 - I'm not 
sure if they start at 0 or 1) are "locals", so any changes made to them 
in a subroutine are not visible to the calling program.  If you want to 
use a subroutine to modify a "global" variable, use #31 and higher.  You 
also don't need to pass in anything #31 or higher since they're global, 
so you can use higher var numbers for any constants and simplify the calls.

Using [#10] passes the value of var 10, just as #10 (without the 
brackets) does, AFAIK.  The difference is that after variable 
substitution is done, there is no way for the interpreter to decide that 
you really wanted one long number (made by concatenating the digits of 
all the vars you passed) - remember, the interp removes all spaces from 
the input line.  I'm not sure what order the variable replacement vs. 
numerical interpretation is done, but I'm pretty sure this is the reason 
that things work with brackets and may not without.

[medium snip]

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Re: [Emc-users] Proglem with EMC script - understanding error message

2007-08-16 Thread Gene Heskett
On Thursday 16 August 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>While I have been playing around with EMC since its invention, I have
>only recently started to use it seriously as I've only recently finished
>(as though it will ever be 'finished') a little cnc milling machine for
>making parts for the antique watches I restore and other miniature
>parts. I have been trying to work out a 'universal' script to allow me
>to mill tiny pinions but I've hit a problem in that it is giving me an
>error message I don't understand - I do wish that the developers of EMC
>would address the understandability of the various error messages to we
>simple users
>The machine is set up to use axes XYZA in metric with the 'A' axis set
>parallel to the 'Y' axis in this case so that the end of the work is
>clearly visible. The finished pinion OD is 1.40mm and it has 5 leaves of
>cycloidal profile - radial flanks with semicircular tips. The intention
>of the script is to use a miniature slitting saw 0.09mm thick to cut
>first one flank of each leaf, then the other flank and then to round
>over each side of the tips by taking cuts at 10 degree increments. I
>would ideally have liked to work out a way to make the tips continuously
>rounded but I don't seem to be able to find a way to do this over the
>length of the pinion - i.e. I could do it by sending the X, Z and A axes
>to a finishing point simultaneously and produce a rounded surface at one
>point on the length of the pinion but this would then have to be
>repeated many times to get a continuous edge. Anyway, here is the
>script...  the error message I am getting is "near line 2  unknown
>word where unary operation could be" - does this refer to line 2 of the
>script i.e. a problem amongst the variables, or is it a problem with
>line 0200 of the part of the script that runs and why does it say that a
>'unary operation 'could' be there'? Any help would be very much
>appreciated Ian
>#D = 1.4( o.d )
>#R = 0.38(root dia)
>#C = [[[#D] - [#R]] / 2](cut depth)
>#N = 5(number of teeth)
>#L = 4(lenght of cut)
>#A = [360/[#N#]](angular increment)
>#V = 0.09(cutter thickness)
>#Q = 1(counter)
>#T = 1(tooth counter)
>#S = 10(step angle for rounding)
>#r = [[#D]/2](radius of work)
>#I = 10(increment for rounding steps)
>#F = 90(final arc angle)
>o100 sub(cuts one slot in blank)
>G1 X[[#C]/2] F4
>o200 sub(rounds half top of pinion leaf in several steps)
>Z[[sin[#S]/[#r]] X[[cos[#S]/[#r]]
>G1 Y[#L] F4
>G0 Y-[L]
>#S = [[#S]+[#I]]
>while [#S] LT [#F]
>o300 sub(rounds other half top of pinion leaf in several steps)
>Z-[[sin[#S]/[#r]] X[[cos[#S]/[#r]]
>G1 Y[#L] F4
>G0 Y-[L]
>#S = [[#S]+[#I]]
>while [#S] LT [#F]
>N0100 G92 X0 Y0 Z0(set axes to zero)
>N0200 G21 G91(metric units, incremental moves)
>N0300 do(first cut of pinion leaves)
>N0400 o100 call
>N0500 #Q = [#Q] + 1(increment counter)
>N0600 A[360/[#N]](rotate work one tooth distance)
>N0700 while #Q LT 5   (should this be 6?)
>N0800 #Q = 1(set counter back to 1)
>N0900 A-[[#A]/3](rotate by thickness of pinion leaf and)
>N1000 Z[#V](move cutter - saw - to other side of leaf)
>N1100 do(cut other side of pinion leaves)
>N1200 o100 call
>N1300 #Q = [#Q] + 1
>N1400 A-[360/[#N]]
>N1500 while #Q LT 5
>N1600 #Q = 1(set counter back to 1)
>N1700 A[[#A]/6](move cutter to centre of leaf)
>N1800 Z-[[#V]/2]( )
>N1900 do(round over half the leaf and repeat for all leaves)
>N2000 o200 call
>N2100 #Q = [#Q] + 1
>N2200 A[360/[#N]]
>N2300 while #Q LT 5
>N2400 #Q = 1(set counter back to 1)
>N2500 Z0 A-90(set cutter and pinion leaf back to centre)
>N2600 Z[[#V#/2]
>N2700 do(round over other half the leaf and repeat for all leaves)
>N2800 o300 call
>N2900 #Q = [#Q] + 1
>N3000 A-[360/[#N]]
>N3100 while #Q LT 5
>N3200 #Q = 1(clean up)
>N3300 X-20 Z40 Y50(retract tool)
>N3200 G40

I'm also a relative newbie at this, but all the examples, and all the code 
I've written (that worked, such as a hole in a stack of rubber sheets 
yesterday & which I need to do 2 more runs of today) have used numerical 
values for the storage locations of variables where you have used 
alphabetical characters.

Try this:
#1 = 1.4( o.d  Was #D)
#2 = 0.38   (root dia was #R)
#3 = [[[#1] - [#2]] / 2](cut depth was #C)
#4 = 5  (number of teeth was #N)
#5 = 4  (length of cut was #L)
#6 = [360/[#4]] (angular increment was #A, also removed extra #)
#7 = 0.09   (cutter thickness was #V)
#8 = 1  (counter was #Q)
#9 = 1  (tooth counter was #T)
#10 = 10  

Re: [Emc-users] Proglem with EMC script - understanding error message

2007-08-16 Thread Jeff Epler
When emc shows an error message with a "line number", it refers to the
physical line number in the file, not an O- or N-number.

In emc 2.1, parameters are numbers, not letters.  So, for instance, you
can't write
you must write
and remember that later on, #7 refers to the o.d. of the part you're

I spotted another error further down:
> Y-[#L]
Unfortunately emc2 gcode omits the "negation" operator.  You could write
this as
but what you wrote will not be accepted.


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Re: [Emc-users] Stepper dirves drom

2007-08-16 Thread Jeff Epler
On Thu, Aug 16, 2007 at 01:54:01PM +1000, Jason Cox wrote:
> hi all,
>   just wondering if anyone has used a Q2HB44MA stepper drive
> ( ) as I have
> just acquired some for my new mill.
> which is best a step/dir signal or CW/CCW signaling for steppers?

emc2's stepgen can issue either step/dir signals or CW/CCW signals
(called stepgen "type 1" or "up/down" in emc documentation).  I don't
know that using CW/CCW signals will provide any particular advantage.


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[Emc-users] Proglem with EMC script - understanding error message

2007-08-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

While I have been playing around with EMC since its invention, I have 
only recently started to use it seriously as I've only recently finished 
(as though it will ever be 'finished') a little cnc milling machine for 
making parts for the antique watches I restore and other miniature 
parts. I have been trying to work out a 'universal' script to allow me 
to mill tiny pinions but I've hit a problem in that it is giving me an 
error message I don't understand - I do wish that the developers of EMC 
would address the understandability of the various error messages to we 
simple users

The machine is set up to use axes XYZA in metric with the 'A' axis set 
parallel to the 'Y' axis in this case so that the end of the work is 
clearly visible. The finished pinion OD is 1.40mm and it has 5 leaves of 
cycloidal profile - radial flanks with semicircular tips. The intention 
of the script is to use a miniature slitting saw 0.09mm thick to cut 
first one flank of each leaf, then the other flank and then to round 
over each side of the tips by taking cuts at 10 degree increments. I 
would ideally have liked to work out a way to make the tips continuously 
rounded but I don't seem to be able to find a way to do this over the 
length of the pinion - i.e. I could do it by sending the X, Z and A axes 
to a finishing point simultaneously and produce a rounded surface at one 
point on the length of the pinion but this would then have to be 
repeated many times to get a continuous edge. Anyway, here is the 
script...  the error message I am getting is "near line 2  unknown 
word where unary operation could be" - does this refer to line 2 of the 
script i.e. a problem amongst the variables, or is it a problem with 
line 0200 of the part of the script that runs and why does it say that a 
'unary operation 'could' be there'? Any help would be very much 
appreciated Ian

#D = 1.4( o.d )
#R = 0.38(root dia)
#C = [[[#D] - [#R]] / 2](cut depth)
#N = 5(number of teeth)
#L = 4(lenght of cut)
#A = [360/[#N#]](angular increment)
#V = 0.09(cutter thickness)
#Q = 1(counter)
#T = 1(tooth counter)
#S = 10(step angle for rounding)
#r = [[#D]/2](radius of work)
#I = 10(increment for rounding steps)
#F = 90(final arc angle)

o100 sub(cuts one slot in blank)
G1 X[[#C]/2] F4

o200 sub(rounds half top of pinion leaf in several steps)
Z[[sin[#S]/[#r]] X[[cos[#S]/[#r]]
G1 Y[#L] F4
G0 Y-[L]
#S = [[#S]+[#I]]
while [#S] LT [#F]

o300 sub(rounds other half top of pinion leaf in several steps)
Z-[[sin[#S]/[#r]] X[[cos[#S]/[#r]]
G1 Y[#L] F4
G0 Y-[L]
#S = [[#S]+[#I]]
while [#S] LT [#F]

N0100 G92 X0 Y0 Z0(set axes to zero)
N0200 G21 G91(metric units, incremental moves)

N0300 do(first cut of pinion leaves)
N0400 o100 call
N0500 #Q = [#Q] + 1(increment counter)
N0600 A[360/[#N]](rotate work one tooth distance)
N0700 while #Q LT 5   (should this be 6?)

N0800 #Q = 1(set counter back to 1)
N0900 A-[[#A]/3](rotate by thickness of pinion leaf and)
N1000 Z[#V](move cutter - saw - to other side of leaf)
N1100 do(cut other side of pinion leaves)
N1200 o100 call
N1300 #Q = [#Q] + 1
N1400 A-[360/[#N]]
N1500 while #Q LT 5

N1600 #Q = 1(set counter back to 1)
N1700 A[[#A]/6](move cutter to centre of leaf)
N1800 Z-[[#V]/2]( )
N1900 do(round over half the leaf and repeat for all leaves)
N2000 o200 call
N2100 #Q = [#Q] + 1
N2200 A[360/[#N]]
N2300 while #Q LT 5

N2400 #Q = 1(set counter back to 1)
N2500 Z0 A-90(set cutter and pinion leaf back to centre)
N2600 Z[[#V#/2]
N2700 do(round over other half the leaf and repeat for all leaves)
N2800 o300 call
N2900 #Q = [#Q] + 1
N3000 A-[360/[#N]]
N3100 while #Q LT 5

N3200 #Q = 1(clean up)
N3300 X-20 Z40 Y50(retract tool)
N3200 G40

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Re: [Emc-users] Macro Language

2007-08-16 Thread ben lipkowitz
On Wed, 15 Aug 2007, Sven Mueller wrote:

> Also, as I mentioned in my previous mail, it's not clear how you need to
> "wire" the probe in hal: which input triggers the G38.2 to stop and
> print the position? I couldn't find that mentioned in the docs.


> Finally: I'm not necessarily talking about scripting in the place where
> currently Gcode is executed.

Me either! I don't think gcode would play well with a more free-form 
language because of its weird syntax requirements. I think of g-code as 
more of a data format than a programming language. Whether it's human 
readable or not is irrelevant to the computer, and that's partly why we 
ended up with such an unreadable mess. Mostly my call for a "macro 
language" was because I couldn't read any g-code programs with lots of 
numeric variables.

> Well documented script (perl, lua, ruby, python) language bindings to 
> the movement and IO parts of emc2 would work just as well for me.

Definitely - the less wheel-reinventing the better. Getting a real 
full-featured programming language is a nice side effect!  I started 
thinking about how best to write a Python API for EMC. Didn't get very 
far, but I think the general idea is sound. In short, I'd rather have the 
script actually running the machine than just spitting out g-code to feed 
the g-code parser.

Please take a look here and add your comments:

> Actually, what I would like to see is some relatively optimized version
> of surface scanning implemented with a GUI (perhaps in tkEMC or one of
> the other GUIs?). Since the existing GUIs already allow manual
> movements, I would think that all I would like to see (enter a position
> directly or by doing a manual movement, multiple scan passes with
> differently sized probe tips,...) should be possible using the same
> techniques currently used in the GUIs. Though I'm relatively good at C
> programming as well as Perl programming, I don't know how to build an
> interface between the two or how to use tcl.

i hacked together a probing gui for weyland a while ago based on 
gridprobe.ngc available here:

it's certainly not the most robust code ever.. my first attempt at tcl. i 
wonder if i should check it into cvs.


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