Rucker's Infinity, Tegmark's TOE, and Cantor's Absolute Infinity

2002-09-02 Thread Vikee1

I am a new member of this group as of 09/01/02. I read Hal Finney's and 
others comments regarding Rucker's Infinity and the Mind which I have read 
several times.  I also am aware of Max Tegmark's TOE and I have read much of 
the material related to Georg Cantor's transfinite numbers. I have a question 
regarding these individuals' work. I hope someone can present their opinions 
on this subject.

First, Max Tegmark (U. of Penna.) has proposed a TOE that all Mathematical 
Structures have Mathematical Existence and,  in addition, also have Physical 
Existence in the form of other universes. Max has told me that all the 
Surreal numbers have concomitant existence with regards to being both a 
Mathematical  Structure and also having Mathematical/Physical existence.  My 
question is this: Is there a one-to-one correspondence between the 
Mathematical Structure for "Absolute Infinity" studied by Cantor and 
mentioned by Rucker and the Physical Existence proposed by Tegmark for his 
TOE.  In other words, does Cantor's Absolute Infinity not only have 
Mathematical Existence; but, does it also have Physical Existence in terms of 
the total number of universes?

In addition, does the proper class, surreal numbers, also have other proper 
classes beyond it which have Mathematical Existence and, therefore, Physical 

Thank you for your help!!!


P.S. This e-mail address ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) belongs to a friend. When I am at 
home my e-mail address is: [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I'll be using both e-mail 

Tegmark's TOE & Cantor's Absolute Infinity

2002-09-21 Thread Vikee1

For those of you who are familiar with Max Tegmark's TOE, could someone tell 
me whether Georg Cantor's " Absolute Infinity, Absolute Maximum or Absolute 
Infinite Collections" represent "mathematical structures" and, therefore have 
"physical existence".

Thanks again for the help!!

Dave Raub

Tegmark's TOE & Cantor's Absolute Infinity

2002-09-21 Thread Vikee1

For those of you who are familiar with Max Tegmark's TOE, could someone tell 
me whether Georg Cantor's " Absolute Infinity, Absolute Maximum or Absolute 
Infinite Collections" represent "mathematical structures" and, therefore have 
"physical existence".

Thanks again for the help!!

Dave Raub

Tegmark's TOE & Cantor's Absolute Infinity

2002-09-21 Thread Vikee1

For those of you who are familiar with Max Tegmark's TOE, could someone tell 
me whether Georg Cantor's " Absolute Infinity, Absolute Maximum or Absolute 
Infinite Collections" represent "mathematical structures" and, therefore have 
"physical existence".

Thanks again for the help!!

Dave Raub

"JOINING post"

2002-09-21 Thread Vikee1

My name is Lloyd "David" Raub.  I'm a retired executive from Ohio State 
University.  I have a Ph.D. in Public Administration from Penn. State and my 
interests now include TOE's, alternate universes, MWI, inflationary & other 
cosmologies {cyclic universes, quasi steady state, plasma,etc.} I am looking 
forward to enjoying the discussions on this thread. thanks & HELLO EVERYBODY. 
 Dave Raub 

No Subject

2002-09-21 Thread Vikee1

My name is Lloyd "David" Raub.  I'm a retired executive from Ohio State 
University.  I have a Ph.D. in Public Administration from Penn. State and my 
interests now include TOE's, alternate universes, MWI, inflationary & other 
cosmologies {cyclic universes, quasi steady state, plasma,etc.} I am looking 
forward to enjoying the discussions on this thread. thanks & HELLO EVERYBODY. 
 Dave Raub