Re: [FairfieldLife] Migrants in Hungary

2015-09-03 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 Donald Trump is not the typical politician that tries to triangulate the mood 
and opinions of the people.  He just says what he thinks is right for him and 
his fans.  But, in the long run, if he is chosen as the Republican candidate 
for the prez he will lose in the general election because he only appeals to a 
minority of Americans.

 It would be wise for the Republicans to choose a candidate who has an appeal 
to the broad base of people in the country.  But, it's surprising that Jeb 
Bush, who is more mainstream in outlook, has not taken over the lead.  If they 
don't learn the strategy of Bill Clinton, although a Democrat, they will lose 
the next presidential election for sure.

 To win, they have to choose a candidate who can win the swing states like 
Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, and others.  They cannot win by relying 
on the red states like Texas and the other southern states alone.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


 If the US should take any more migrants from Europe,  the government should 
settle them in cities/states with dwindling population or low population such 
as Detroit MI,  Oakland CA, New Orleans LA, Wyoming, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah 
and others.

 But would Trump and other Republican candidates make a public spectacle out of 

 Trump and the Republicans make a spectacle of just about everything. Trump, 
for a landed immigrant, certainly doesn't like to share and he is, among many 
other things, someone who expects such a big piece of the pie, and is one of 
those humanoids who believes excess is necessity or, even worse, his God-given 
right. These kinds of people are without a sense of balance or the ability to 
put themselves in the place/shoes of others. He is a sociopath and it 
continually gobsmacks me that there is a single person on the planet who could 
feel any synchronicity with him let alone, for one minute, consider him as a 
viable candidate for The Prez of the US of A. Astounding.

---In,  wrote :

  I've noticed over the past several months, from numerous sources over the 
internet, that the US has been settling a lot of refugees from that region, not 
necessarily Syria. It's been done very quietly. Places like Florida, Texas and 
Montana have been mentioned. Seems like others as well. The UN has been 
responsible for the arm twisting to take them. One article that  I saw, just a 
few days ago, said the US is taking a very high percentage of those seeking 
resettlement. Sorry I can't provide sources, just keep your eyes open, they pop 
up all the time.


 From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2015 11:40 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Migrants in Hungary
 There's a problem over there.  Many of them are displaced due to the war in 
Syria.  The UN should step in to help them settle safely--perhaps anywhere in 

 With the current foreign sentiment in the US, it's not likely any of these 
migrants will be settled here.

 Migrants in Hungary
 Migrants in Hungary
 View the Migrants in Hungary photo gallery on Yahoo News. Find more news 
related pictures in our photo galleries.

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 











[FairfieldLife] Re: The '93-'94 Survey of Meditating Fairfield

2015-09-03 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 Yes, this larger survey is interesting base-line data on the larger meditating 
community in Fairfield from back when the meditating community and the Dome 
numbers were more around their peak as the long decline (attrition) was then 
ensuing. You can see the seeds and the consequent beginning of the cultivated 
socioeconomic exclusivity sprouting then and the administrative separation of 
meditators from membership in the group meditation over visiting saints and 
spiritual people that had started in the late 1980's and through the 1990's to 
 Since the larger sample community survey of the early 1990's there have only 
been small sample surveys of sub-groups. In a way the recent book on Fairfield 
[How a New Age Movement Remade a Small Town in Iowa] by the journalist, Joseph 
Weber is a survey by extensive interviewing of the Fairfield meditating 
community that is current. A few years ago when there was such strife in the 
sustainable living students an interview survey was hired and conducted of the 
university SL students about their experience at the university. The results 
were presented to the administration and then defended against by the 
President. That survey and more recent surveying has been useful more recently 
in guiding some policy changes around the university and MSAE student life 
 While the progressive side of the TM movement has been methodically tracking 
metrics and hiring marketing surveying related to the teaching of meditation, 
there have not been broad surveying of the meditating community of the scale of 
the 1994 survey. That could proly be too frightening for some of the key 
patriarchs of old administration on watch of the movement to see. 
 The closest thing to that kind of surveying would be a larger ongoing survey 
of collected first-person cases by a sub-committee of the Fairfield Mental 
Health Alliance compiling cases where people have felt their well-being was 
effected by their experience with the culture of the movement. There is a range 
and distribution to those collected cases which have clearly indicated areas 
for policy changes that could improve elements of culture and consequences in 
aspects of the movement. Elements of the movement are moving on some of this 
while some ideologues try to hold a dogmatic line against it. Having 
'data-points' has been extremely helpful towards seeing policy. There is a lot 
in process going on and things are also fluid.  -JaiGuruYou   

 This last paragraph is enlightening. This Mental Health Alliance group is 
important, it seems and the data it could produce would/could address all sorts 
of aspects with regard to the socio-economic factors that may have resulted in 
damage to individuals coupled with its relationship to their 
involvement/participation in or practice of TM. In the sense that TM is 
supposed to factor into all aspects of one's life this mental health thing is 
relevant in perhaps revealing where the meditation technique might not measure 
up to its promise. Those in the meditating community in FF are often old 
timers, not only in their practice of TM but chronologically. The mere fact of 
the existence of the Mental Health Alliance is evidence of the need for 
psychiatric aid for those practicing TM. How could anyone in the Movement cling 
to dogma in the face of such a fact? Perhaps they require the attention of the 
professionals in the psychiatric department there. Rabid or avid denial is a 
form of aberrational behavior, is it not?

---In,  wrote :

 This is interesting but 20 years old. Is there anything more recent to compare 
this to? 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Migrants in Hungary

2015-09-03 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I work with Iranians. They are as intelligent as the Arabs
are phools. 
You say some don't appear to be hard-core muslims? 
Many that are here in 'Smerica are not but that doesn't matter.

When musselmen arrive in a country they go to work to get 
money to send back to their wives. Then they congregate 
with other musselmen in the mosque and make their connections.

When they increase their population sufficiently, then they agitate
to institute Shariah in their own communities (as in Britain). Once 
the population shifts to a majority then their Imans agitate for majority
rule of Shariah Law. 

According to on of the great authorities on Islam, Iman Muhammad Al-Ghazali (a 
great sufi and a hard-core jurist), Musselmen have no validity inhabiting the 
environs of the Kufur (infidels) unless they are advancing the supremacy of 

You speak as if you know, yet you are as ignorant about Islam as the common 
'Serican. If you knew more you would be embarrassed but you are too clueless to 
realize your ignorance.  

Shut up and submit 'Smerican. You cannot hold Islam back. 
Give up your idolatrous Tantra or be "purified" - stinkun Kufur!

You will only be allowed to live as long as Allah wills. 
Yer just a slave - understand it or not.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The '93-'94 Survey of Meditating Fairfield

2015-09-03 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Yes, this larger survey is interesting base-line data on the larger meditating 
community in Fairfield from back when the meditating community and the Dome 
numbers were more around their peak as the long decline (attrition) was then 
ensuing. You can see the seeds and the consequent beginning of the cultivated 
socioeconomic exclusivity sprouting then and the administrative separation of 
meditators from membership in the group meditation over visiting saints and 
spiritual people that had started in the late 1980's and through the 1990's to 
 Since the larger sample community survey of the early 1990's there have only 
been small sample surveys of sub-groups. In a way the recent book on Fairfield 
[How a New Age Movement Remade a Small Town in Iowa] by the journalist, Joseph 
Weber is a survey by extensive interviewing of the Fairfield meditating 
community that is current. A few years ago when there was such strife in the 
sustainable living students an interview survey was hired and conducted of the 
university SL students about their experience at the university. The results 
were presented to the administration and then defended against by the 
President. That survey and more recent surveying has been useful more recently 
in guiding some policy changes around the university and MSAE student life 
 While the progressive side of the TM movement has been methodically tracking 
metrics and hiring marketing surveying related to the teaching of meditation, 
there have not been broad surveying of the meditating community of the scale of 
the 1994 survey. That could proly be too frightening for some of the key 
patriarchs of old administration on watch of the movement to see. 
 The closest thing to that kind of surveying would be a larger ongoing survey 
of collected first-person cases by a sub-committee of the Fairfield Mental 
Health Alliance compiling cases where people have felt their well-being was 
effected by their experience with the culture of the movement. There is a range 
and distribution to those collected cases which have clearly indicated areas 
for policy changes that could improve elements of culture and consequences in 
aspects of the movement. Elements of the movement are moving on some of this 
while some ideologues try to hold a dogmatic line against it. Having 
'data-points' has been extremely helpful towards seeing policy. There is a lot 
in process going on and things are also fluid.  -JaiGuruYou   

---In,  wrote :

 This is interesting but 20 years old. Is there anything more recent to compare 
this to? 

---In,  wrote :

 The Community Forum
 Community-wide Survey Results 
 (also saved as documents in the FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups files section.)
 Dear Meditator,
 In late spring (1994), the Community Forum sponsored a community-wide survey 
to sample opinion on a wide range of issues that affect our lives. Based on a 
compiled list of Fairfield-area meditators, we sent out approximately 2,000 
surveys. We received 659 completed surveys, for a response rate of about 33%. 
(The response rate may even be higher; since we used bulk mail, we do not know 
the exact number of surveys delivered.) In the field of written surveys, a 
response rate of 33% is considered outstanding. 
 Survey respondents come from a cross-section of our community: 84% have been 
meditating for 16 years or longer; 68% have lived in Fairfield for seven years 
or more; and 68% are registered for Super Radiance. Although not every 
meditator filled out a survey, we believe the results provide significant 
insights into how meditators feel about important issues and about our lives in 
 Survey Data
 This document provides the raw data for all questions except for the essays. 
For the essays, this document lists the more common suggestions and comments.
 Looking at the data, one can identify responses of general consensus and also 
responses reflecting widely diverse opinions. Where there is a clear need and 
desire in a particular area of concern, the Community Forum will hold open 
meetings so that interested people can come together, discuss options, and 
explore possible solutions. 
 The survey data can also be evaluated from a variety of different perspectives 
(e.g., age, gender, income, Movement status, etc.). We encourage anyone with 
statistical analytical skills to help us analyze the survey results more 
 Thank You!
 We would like to thank everyone who participated in the survey! We would also 
like to thank those who wrote to us with comments and suggestions about the 

 THE COMMUNITY FORUM, P.O. Box 1633, Fairfield, IA 52556 • 515-472-8132 (0ld)

 Summary of responses to..

 Of the 659 people who completed a survey, 548 wrote answers to the essay 
questions. Many people wrote multiple pages of comments and suggestions; one 

[FairfieldLife] Finally - Now Throw Away the Key

2015-09-03 Thread [FairfieldLife]

Re: [FairfieldLife] Migrants in Hungary

2015-09-03 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :


 If the US should take any more migrants from Europe,  the government should 
settle them in cities/states with dwindling population or low population such 
as Detroit MI,  Oakland CA, New Orleans LA, Wyoming, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah 
and others.

 But would Trump and other Republican candidates make a public spectacle out of 

 Trump and the Republicans make a spectacle of just about everything. Trump, 
for a landed immigrant, certainly doesn't like to share and he is, among many 
other things, someone who expects such a big piece of the pie, and is one of 
those humanoids who believes excess is necessity or, even worse, his God-given 
right. These kinds of people are without a sense of balance or the ability to 
put themselves in the place/shoes of others. He is a sociopath and it 
continually gobsmacks me that there is a single person on the planet who could 
feel any synchronicity with him let alone, for one minute, consider him as a 
viable candidate for The Prez of the US of A. Astounding.

---In,  wrote :

  I've noticed over the past several months, from numerous sources over the 
internet, that the US has been settling a lot of refugees from that region, not 
necessarily Syria. It's been done very quietly. Places like Florida, Texas and 
Montana have been mentioned. Seems like others as well. The UN has been 
responsible for the arm twisting to take them. One article that  I saw, just a 
few days ago, said the US is taking a very high percentage of those seeking 
resettlement. Sorry I can't provide sources, just keep your eyes open, they pop 
up all the time.


 From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2015 11:40 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Migrants in Hungary
 There's a problem over there.  Many of them are displaced due to the war in 
Syria.  The UN should step in to help them settle safely--perhaps anywhere in 

 With the current foreign sentiment in the US, it's not likely any of these 
migrants will be settled here.

 Migrants in Hungary
 Migrants in Hungary
 View the Migrants in Hungary photo gallery on Yahoo News. Find more news 
related pictures in our photo galleries.

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 Preview by Yahoo 











Re: [FairfieldLife] Migrants in Hungary

2015-09-03 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

I hear they like the weather in Texas.

On 09/03/2015 03:33 PM, Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife] 
Right, they have every right to be xenophobic. Look what's happening 
all over Europe. Riots in France and Belgium , murders in Holland, 
France, Denmark and  Great Britain in the name of Jihad. Hundreds 
recently deported from one Scandinavian country due to violence. 
Germany doesn't want this crap. Nobody wants to see anybody suffer but 
they seem to bring it with them and spread it around.  We should have 
had a 40,000 strong force left in Iraq to maintain the fragile peace 
that had been won but now has been lost for a campaign promise.

*From:* " [FairfieldLife]" 
*Sent:* Thursday, September 3, 2015 3:44 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Migrants in Hungary


One sad thing about Hungary and the countries near there is that 
they've become xenophobic because of their violent past with Muslims 
living among them.   Hence, we've seen cases of "ethnic cleansing" in 
Serbia during the recent past.

---In,  wrote :


*From:* "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 
*Sent:* Thursday, September 3, 2015 2:14 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Migrants in Hungary


If the US should take any more migrants from Europe,  the government 
should settle them in cities/states with dwindling population or low 
population such as Detroit MI,  Oakland CA, New Orleans LA, Wyoming, 
New Mexico, Nevada, Utah and others.

But would Trump and other Republican candidates make a public 
spectacle out of it?

---In,  wrote :

 I've noticed over the past several months, from numerous sources over 
the internet, that the US has been settling a lot of refugees from 
that region, not necessarily Syria. It's been done very quietly. 
Places like Florida, Texas and Montana have been mentioned. Seems like 
others as ! well. The UN has been responsible for the arm twisting to 
take them. One article that I saw, just a few days ago, said the US is 
taking a very high percentage of those seeking resettlement. Sorry I 
can't provide sources, just keep your eyes open, they pop up all the time.

*From:* "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 
*Sent:* Thursday, September 3, 2015 11:40 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Migrants in Hungary

There's a problem over there.  Many of them are displaced due to the 
war in Syria.  The UN should step in to help them settle 
safely--perhaps anywhere in Europe.

With the current foreign sentiment in the US, it's not likely any of 
these migrants will be settled here.

Migrants in Hungary 


Migrants in Hungary 

View the Migrants in Hungary photo gallery on Yahoo News. Find more 
news related pictures in our photo galleries.

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[FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 04-Sep-15 00:15:05 UTC

2015-09-03 Thread FFL PostCount [FairfieldLife]
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 08/29/15 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 09/05/15 00:00:00
139 messages as of (UTC) 09/03/15 23:39:01

 39 awoelflebater
 27 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
 16 jr_esq
 13 Bhairitu noozguru
  9 steve.sundur
  8 s3raphita
  6 dhamiltony2k5
  5 email4you mikemail4you
  4 hepa7
  3 srijau
  3 geezerfreak
  2 feste37 
  2 emptybill
  1 jamesalan735
  1 FairfieldLife
Posters: 15
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Migrants in Hungary

2015-09-03 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Re "Iranians are not Arab, they consider themselves Persian.": 

 Not just "consider themselves" - they are Persian. The dominant ethnic group 
is Aryan(!) and not Semitic.

 Re "jr_esq "migrants from Europe,  the government should settle them in 
cities/states with dwindling population or low population": 

 Well, yes. But, as people in the States can move wherever they like, any 
migrants could also move wherever they like. And if they prefer to decamp to 
densely populated cities there's nothing you could do about it.





---In,  wrote :

 Iranians are not Arab, they consider themselves Persian.

 From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2015 3:33 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Migrants in Hungary

 About a year ago, I was eating at a bar/restaurant (Lefty O'doul's)  near 
Powell St. in SF and was chatting with a guy from Iran.  He was asking me for a 
good Indian restaurant to dine in the city.  During the conversation, he 
mentioned that Iranians do not typically eat unleavened bread like the Arabs in 
the Middle East.  So, I asked, "Are you saying you don't consider yourself an 
Arab?"  He quietly shook his head.  Also, although not legal in Iran, you can 
have beer and liquor through the black market.  He said I'd like Iran if I 
visited there.


---In,  wrote :

 The SF Bay Area has a lot of Iranian emigrants because the latitude and hence 
weather is more like Tehran.  The ones I met were either Christians or into 
things that Islam didn't approve of.  Sad thing was that Iran just wanted their 
country back after the CIA installed the Shah not a Islamic government.
 On 09/03/2015 12:14 PM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

 If the US should take any more migrants from Europe,  the government should 
settle them in cities/states with dwindling population or low population such 
as Detroit MI,  Oakland CA, New Orleans LA, Wyoming, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah 
and others.

 But would Trump and other Republican candidates make a public spectacle out of 
 mailto:mdixon.6569@... wrote :
  I've noticed over the past several months, from numerous sources over the 
internet, that the US has been settling a lot of refugees from that region, not 
necessarily Syria. It's been done very quietly. Places like Florida, Texas and 
Montana have been mentioned. Seems like others as well. The UN has been 
responsible for the arm twisting to take them. One article that  I saw, just a 
few days ago, said the US is taking a very high percentage of those seeking 
resettlement. Sorry I can't provide sources, just keep your eyes open, they pop 
up all the time.

 From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" mailto:jr_esq@...[FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2015 11:40 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Migrants in Hungary
   There's a problem over there.  Many of them are displaced due to the war in 
Syria.  The UN should step in to help them settle safely--perhaps anywhere in 
 With the current foreign sentiment in the US, it's not likely any of these 
migrants will be settled here.
 Migrants in Hungary
 Migrants in Hungary View the Migrants in Hungary photo gallery on Yahoo News. 
Find more news related pictures in our photo gal! leries.

 View on 
 Preview by ! Yahoo 











---In,  wrote :

 Iranians are not Arab, they consider themselves Persian.

 From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2015 3:33 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Migrants in Hungary

 About a year ago, I was eating at a bar/restaurant (Lefty O'doul's)  near 
Powell St. in SF and was chatting with a guy from Iran.  He was asking me for a 
good Indian restaurant to dine in the city.  During the conversation, he 
mentioned that Iranians do not typically eat unleavened bread like the Arabs in 
the Middle East.  So, I asked, "Are you saying you don't consider yourself an 
Arab?"  He quietly shook his head.  Also, although not legal in Iran, you can 
have beer and liquor through the black market.  He said I'd like Iran if I 
visited there.


---In,  wrote :

 The SF Bay Area has a lot of Iranian emigrants because the latitude and hence 
weather is more like Tehran.  The ones I met were either Christians or into 
things that Islam didn't approve of.  Sad thing was that Iran j

Re: [FairfieldLife] Migrants in Hungary

2015-09-03 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Right, they have every right to be xenophobic. Look what's happening all over 
Europe. Riots in France and Belgium , murders in Holland, France, Denmark and  
Great Britain in the name of Jihad. Hundreds recently deported from one 
Scandinavian country due to violence. Germany doesn't want this crap. Nobody 
wants to see anybody suffer but they seem to bring it with them and spread it 
around.  We should have had a 40,000 strong force left in Iraq to maintain the 
fragile peace that had been won but now has been lost for a campaign promise.

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2015 3:44 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Migrants in Hungary
One sad thing about Hungary and the countries near there is that they've become 
xenophobic because of their violent past with Muslims living among them.   
Hence, we've seen cases of "ethnic cleansing" in Serbia during the recent past.

---In,  wrote :


  From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2015 2:14 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Migrants in Hungary
If the US should take any more migrants from Europe,  the government should 
settle them in cities/states with dwindling population or low population such 
as Detroit MI,  Oakland CA, New Orleans LA, Wyoming, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah 
and others.
But would Trump and other Republican candidates make a public spectacle out of 

---In,  wrote :

 I've noticed over the past several months, from numerous sources over the 
internet, that the US has been settling a lot of refugees from that region, not 
necessarily Syria. It's been done very quietly. Places like Florida, Texas and 
Montana have been mentioned. Seems like others as well. The UN has been 
responsible for the arm twisting to take them. One article that  I saw, just a 
few days ago, said the US is taking a very high percentage of those seeking 
resettlement. Sorry I can't provide sources, just keep your eyes open, they pop 
up all the time.

  From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2015 11:40 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Migrants in Hungary
 There's a problem over there.  Many of them are displaced due to the war in 
Syria.  The UN should step in to help them settle safely--perhaps anywhere in 
With the current foreign sentiment in the US, it's not likely any of these 
migrants will be settled here.
Migrants in Hungary

|  |
|  | |  | Migrants in Hungary View the Migrants in Hungary photo 
gallery on Yahoo News. Find more news related pictures in our photo galleries. 
|  |
| View on|   Preview by Yahoo  |
|  |

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Migrants in Hungary

2015-09-03 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Iranians are not Arab, they consider themselves Persian.

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2015 3:33 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Migrants in Hungary
About a year ago, I was eating at a bar/restaurant (Lefty O'doul's)  near 
Powell St. in SF and was chatting with a guy from Iran.  He was asking me for a 
good Indian restaurant to dine in the city.  During the conversation, he 
mentioned that Iranians do not typically eat unleavened bread like the Arabs in 
the Middle East.  So, I asked, "Are you saying you don't consider yourself an 
Arab?"  He quietly shook his head.  Also, although not legal in Iran, you can 
have beer and liquor through the black market.  He said I'd like Iran if I 
visited there.

---In,  wrote :

The SF Bay Area has a lot of Iranianemigrants because the latitude and hence 
weather is more likeTehran.  The ones I met were either Christians or into 
things thatIslam didn't approve of.  Sad thing was that Iran just wantedtheir 
country back after the CIA installed the Shah not a Islamicgovernment.

 On 09/03/2015 12:14 PM, jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

If the US should take any more migrants from Europe, the government should 
settle them in cities/states withdwindling population or low population such as 
Detroit MI, Oakland CA, New Orleans LA, Wyoming, New Mexico, Nevada,Utah and 
But would Trump and other Republican candidates make apublic spectacle out of 

---In, wrote :

 I've noticed over the past severalmonths, from numerous sources over the 
internet,that the US has been settling a lot of refugeesfrom that region, not 
necessarily Syria. It's beendone very quietly. Places like Florida, Texas 
andMontana have been mentioned. Seems like others aswell. The UN has been 
responsible for the armtwisting to take them. One article that  I saw,just a 
few days ago, said the US is taking a veryhigh percentage of those seeking 
resettlement.Sorry I can't provide sources, just keep your eyesopen, they pop 
up all the time.

  From:"jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 
Sent:Thursday, September 3, 2015 11:40 AM
Subject:[FairfieldLife] Migrants in Hungary

 There's aproblem over there.  Many ofthem are displaced due to thewar in 
Syria.  The UN shouldstep in to help them settlesafely--perhaps anywhere 
With thecurrent foreign sentiment in theUS, it's not likely any of 
thesemigrants will be settled here.
Migrantsin Hungary

 | Migrantsin HungaryViewthe Migrants inHungary photogallery on YahooNews. 
Find more newsrelated pictures inour photo gal!leries. | 
|   View on   | Preview by ! Yahoo  |

  #yiv8821110908 #yiv8821110908 -- #yiv8821110908ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv8821110908 
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#yiv8821110908ygrp-mkp #yiv8821110908hd 
0;}#yiv8821110908 #yiv8821110908ygrp-mkp #yiv8821110908ads 
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4px;}#yiv8821110908 .yiv8821110908bold 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Migrants in Hungary

2015-09-03 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 One sad thing about Hungary and the countries near there is that they've 
become xenophobic because of their violent past with Muslims living among them. 
  Hence, we've seen cases of "ethnic cleansing" in Serbia during the recent 

---In,  wrote :


 From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2015 2:14 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Migrants in Hungary

 If the US should take any more migrants from Europe,  the government should 
settle them in cities/states with dwindling population or low population such 
as Detroit MI,  Oakland CA, New Orleans LA, Wyoming, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah 
and others.

 But would Trump and other Republican candidates make a public spectacle out of 

---In,  wrote :

  I've noticed over the past several months, from numerous sources over the 
internet, that the US has been settling a lot of refugees from that region, not 
necessarily Syria. It's been done very quietly. Places like Florida, Texas and 
Montana have been mentioned. Seems like others as well. The UN has been 
responsible for the arm twisting to take them. One article that  I saw, just a 
few days ago, said the US is taking a very high percentage of those seeking 
resettlement. Sorry I can't provide sources, just keep your eyes open, they pop 
up all the time.


 From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2015 11:40 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Migrants in Hungary
 There's a problem over there.  Many of them are displaced due to the war in 
Syria.  The UN should step in to help them settle safely--perhaps anywhere in 

 With the current foreign sentiment in the US, it's not likely any of these 
migrants will be settled here.

 Migrants in Hungary
 Migrants in Hungary
 View the Migrants in Hungary photo gallery on Yahoo News. Find more news 
related pictures in our photo galleries.

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 












Re: [FairfieldLife] Migrants in Hungary

2015-09-03 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 About a year ago, I was eating at a bar/restaurant (Lefty O'doul's)  near 
Powell St. in SF and was chatting with a guy from Iran.  He was asking me for a 
good Indian restaurant to dine in the city.  During the conversation, he 
mentioned that Iranians do not typically eat unleavened bread like the Arabs in 
the Middle East.  So, I asked, "Are you saying you don't consider yourself an 
Arab?"  He quietly shook his head.  Also, although not legal in Iran, you can 
have beer and liquor through the black market.  He said I'd like Iran if I 
visited there.


---In,  wrote :

 The SF Bay Area has a lot of Iranian emigrants because the latitude and hence 
weather is more like Tehran.  The ones I met were either Christians or into 
things that Islam didn't approve of.  Sad thing was that Iran just wanted their 
country back after the CIA installed the Shah not a Islamic government.
 On 09/03/2015 12:14 PM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

 If the US should take any more migrants from Europe,  the government should 
settle them in cities/states with dwindling population or low population such 
as Detroit MI,  Oakland CA, New Orleans LA, Wyoming, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah 
and others.

 But would Trump and other Republican candidates make a public spectacle out of 
 mailto:mdixon.6569@... wrote :
  I've noticed over the past several months, from numerous sources over the 
internet, that the US has been settling a lot of refugees from that region, not 
necessarily Syria. It's been done very quietly. Places like Florida, Texas and 
Montana have been mentioned. Seems like others as well. The UN has been 
responsible for the arm twisting to take them. One article that  I saw, just a 
few days ago, said the US is taking a very high percentage of those seeking 
resettlement. Sorry I can't provide sources, just keep your eyes open, they pop 
up all the time.

 From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" mailto:jr_esq@...[FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2015 11:40 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Migrants in Hungary
   There's a problem over there.  Many of them are displaced due to the war in 
Syria.  The UN should step in to help them settle safely--perhaps anywhere in 
 With the current foreign sentiment in the US, it's not likely any of these 
migrants will be settled here.
 Migrants in Hungary
 Migrants in Hungary View the Migrants in Hungary photo gallery on Yahoo News. 
Find more news related pictures in our photo gal! leries.

 View on 
 Preview by ! Yahoo 








Re: [FairfieldLife] Migrants in Hungary

2015-09-03 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
We also have Muslims in the SF Bay Area who are not pushy about their 
religion.  Like any religion, Muslims range from being fanatics to 
people who were born into Muslim families where the religion was never 
practiced and they know nothing about it.  A lot of Muslims in the Bay 
Area were probably fleeing Dodge. ;-)

On 09/03/2015 12:49 PM, Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife] 
Some groups assimilate well, others don't. Unfortunately, Muslims 
insist that we assimilate to them and accept Sharia.

*From:* "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Thursday, September 3, 2015 2:43 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Migrants in Hungary

The SF Bay Area has a lot of Iranian emigrants because the latitude 
and hence weather is more like Tehran.  The ones I met were either 
Christians or into things that Islam didn't approve of. Sad thing was 
that Iran just wanted their country back after the CIA installed the 
Shah not a Islamic government.

On 09/03/2015 12:14 PM,  
[FairfieldLife] wrote:


If the US should take any more migrants from Europe,  the government 
should settle them in cities/states with dwindling population or low 
population such as Detroit MI,  Oakland CA, New Orleans LA, Wyoming, 
New Mexico, Nevada, Utah and others.

But would Trump and other Republican candidates make a public 
spectacle out of it?

 wrote :

 I've noticed over the past several months, from numerous sources 
over the internet, that the US has been settling a lot of refugees 
from that region, not necessarily Syria. It's been done very quietly. 
Places like Florida, Texas and Montana have been mentioned. Seems 
like others as well. The UN has been responsible for the arm twisting 
to take them. One article that  I saw, just a few days ago, said the 
US is taking a very high percentage of those seeking resettlement. 
Sorry I can't provide sources, just keep your eyes open, they pop up 
all the time.

*From:* "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 


*Sent:* Thursday, September 3, 2015 11:40 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Migrants in Hungary

There's a problem over there.  Many of them are displaced due to the 
war in Syria.  The UN should step in to help them settle 
safely--perhaps anywhere in Europe.

With the current foreign sentiment in the US, it's not likely any of 
these migrants will be settled here.

Migrants in Hungary 


Migrants in Hungary 

View the Migrants in Hungary photo gallery on Yahoo News. Find more 
news related pictures in our photo gal! leries.

View on 

Preview by ! Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Migrants in Hungary

2015-09-03 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Some groups assimilate well, others don't. Unfortunately, Muslims insist that 
we assimilate to them and accept Sharia. 

  From: "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2015 2:43 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Migrants in Hungary
 The SF Bay Area has a lot of Iranian emigrants because the latitude and 
hence weather is more like Tehran.  The ones I met were either Christians or 
into things that Islam didn't approve of.  Sad thing was that Iran just wanted 
their country back after the CIA installed the Shah not a Islamic government.
 On 09/03/2015 12:14 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:
  If the US should take any more migrants from Europe,  the government should 
settle them in cities/states with dwindling population or low population such 
as Detroit MI,  Oakland CA, New Orleans LA, Wyoming, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah 
and others. 
  But would Trump and other Republican candidates make a public spectacle out 
of it?
 ---In,  wrote :
    I've noticed over the past several months, from numerous sources over the 
internet, that the US has been settling a lot of refugees  from that region, 
not necessarily Syria. It's been done very quietly. Places like Florida, Texas 
and Montana have been mentioned. Seems like others as well. The UN has been 
responsible for the arm twisting to take them. One article that  I saw, just a 
few days ago, said the US is taking a very high percentage of those seeking 
resettlement. Sorry I can't provide sources, just keep your eyes open, they pop 
up all the time.
  From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2015 11:40 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Migrants in Hungary
    There's a problem over there.  Many of them are displaced due to the 
war in Syria.  The UN should step in to help them settle safely--perhaps 
anywhere in  Europe. 
  With the current foreign sentiment in the US, it's not likely any of these  
migrants will be settled here. 
  Migrants in Hungary
  |   | 
  |   Migrants in Hungary  View the Migrants in Hungary photo gallery on 
Yahoo News. Find more news related pictures in  our photo gal! leries.| 
|  View on |Preview by ! Yahoo   |

  #yiv0411972620 #yiv0411972620 -- #yiv0411972620ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv0411972620 
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span {margin-right:10px;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv0411972620 
dd.yiv0411972620last p span.yiv0411972620yshortcuts 
{margin-right:0;}#yiv0411972620 div.yiv0411972620attach-table div div a 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Migrants in Hungary

2015-09-03 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
The SF Bay Area has a lot of Iranian emigrants because the latitude and 
hence weather is more like Tehran.  The ones I met were either 
Christians or into things that Islam didn't approve of.  Sad thing was 
that Iran just wanted their country back after the CIA installed the 
Shah not a Islamic government.

On 09/03/2015 12:14 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:


If the US should take any more migrants from Europe,  the government 
should settle them in cities/states with dwindling population or low 
population such as Detroit MI,  Oakland CA, New Orleans LA, Wyoming, 
New Mexico, Nevada, Utah and others.

But would Trump and other Republican candidates make a public 
spectacle out of it?

---In,  wrote :

 I've noticed over the past several months, from numerous sources over 
the internet, that the US has been settling a lot of refugees from 
that region, not necessarily Syria. It's been done very quietly. 
Places like Florida, Texas and Montana have been mentioned. Seems like 
others as well. The UN has been responsible for the arm twisting to 
take them. One article that  I saw, just a few days ago, said the US 
is taking a very high percentage of those seeking resettlement. Sorry 
I can't provide sources, just keep your eyes open, they pop up all the 

*From:* "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 
*Sent:* Thursday, September 3, 2015 11:40 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Migrants in Hungary

There's a problem over there.  Many of them are displaced due to the 
war in Syria.  The UN should step in to help them settle 
safely--perhaps anywhere in Europe.

With the current foreign sentiment in the US, it's not likely any of 
these migrants will be settled here.

Migrants in Hungary 


Migrants in Hungary 

View the Migrants in Hungary photo gallery on Yahoo News. Find more 
news related pictures in our photo gal! leries.

View on 

Preview by ! Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Migrants in Hungary

2015-09-03 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2015 2:14 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Migrants in Hungary
If the US should take any more migrants from Europe,  the government should 
settle them in cities/states with dwindling population or low population such 
as Detroit MI,  Oakland CA, New Orleans LA, Wyoming, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah 
and others.
But would Trump and other Republican candidates make a public spectacle out of 

---In,  wrote :

 I've noticed over the past several months, from numerous sources over the 
internet, that the US has been settling a lot of refugees from that region, not 
necessarily Syria. It's been done very quietly. Places like Florida, Texas and 
Montana have been mentioned. Seems like others as well. The UN has been 
responsible for the arm twisting to take them. One article that  I saw, just a 
few days ago, said the US is taking a very high percentage of those seeking 
resettlement. Sorry I can't provide sources, just keep your eyes open, they pop 
up all the time.

  From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2015 11:40 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Migrants in Hungary
 There's a problem over there.  Many of them are displaced due to the war in 
Syria.  The UN should step in to help them settle safely--perhaps anywhere in 
With the current foreign sentiment in the US, it's not likely any of these 
migrants will be settled here.
Migrants in Hungary

|  |
|  | |  | Migrants in Hungary View the Migrants in Hungary photo 
gallery on Yahoo News. Find more news related pictures in our photo galleries. 
|  |
| View on|   Preview by Yahoo  |
|  |

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div#yiv7452808843ygrp-mlmsg #yiv7452808843ygrp-msg p a 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Migrants in Hungary

2015-09-03 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 If the US should take any more migrants from Europe,  the government should 
settle them in cities/states with dwindling population or low population such 
as Detroit MI,  Oakland CA, New Orleans LA, Wyoming, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah 
and others.

 But would Trump and other Republican candidates make a public spectacle out of 

---In,  wrote :

  I've noticed over the past several months, from numerous sources over the 
internet, that the US has been settling a lot of refugees from that region, not 
necessarily Syria. It's been done very quietly. Places like Florida, Texas and 
Montana have been mentioned. Seems like others as well. The UN has been 
responsible for the arm twisting to take them. One article that  I saw, just a 
few days ago, said the US is taking a very high percentage of those seeking 
resettlement. Sorry I can't provide sources, just keep your eyes open, they pop 
up all the time.


 From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2015 11:40 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Migrants in Hungary
 There's a problem over there.  Many of them are displaced due to the war in 
Syria.  The UN should step in to help them settle safely--perhaps anywhere in 

 With the current foreign sentiment in the US, it's not likely any of these 
migrants will be settled here.

 Migrants in Hungary
 Migrants in Hungary
 View the Migrants in Hungary photo gallery on Yahoo News. Find more news 
related pictures in our photo galleries.

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 











Re: [FairfieldLife] Migrants in Hungary

2015-09-03 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
 I've noticed over the past several months, from numerous sources over the 
internet, that the US has been settling a lot of refugees from that region, not 
necessarily Syria. It's been done very quietly. Places like Florida, Texas and 
Montana have been mentioned. Seems like others as well. The UN has been 
responsible for the arm twisting to take them. One article that  I saw, just a 
few days ago, said the US is taking a very high percentage of those seeking 
resettlement. Sorry I can't provide sources, just keep your eyes open, they pop 
up all the time.

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2015 11:40 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Migrants in Hungary
    There's a problem over there.  Many of them are displaced due to the war in 
Syria.  The UN should step in to help them settle safely--perhaps anywhere in 
With the current foreign sentiment in the US, it's not likely any of these 
migrants will be settled here.
Migrants in Hungary
||||   Migrants in Hungary  View the Migrants in Hungary 
photo gallery on Yahoo News. Find more news related pictures in our photo 
|  View on  |Preview by Yahoo|


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[FairfieldLife] Migrants in Hungary

2015-09-03 Thread [FairfieldLife]
There's a problem over there.  Many of them are displaced due to the war in 
Syria.  The UN should step in to help them settle safely--perhaps anywhere in 

 With the current foreign sentiment in the US, it's not likely any of these 
migrants will be settled here.

 Migrants in Hungary
 Migrants in Hungary
 View the Migrants in Hungary photo gallery on Yahoo News. Find more news 
related pictures in our photo galleries.
 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 








[FairfieldLife] Re: The '93-'94 Survey of Meditating Fairfield

2015-09-03 Thread [FairfieldLife]
This is interesting but 20 years old. Is there anything more recent to compare 
this to? 

---In,  wrote :

 The Community Forum
 Community-wide Survey Results 
 (also saved as documents in the FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups files section.)
 Dear Meditator,
 In late spring (1994), the Community Forum sponsored a community-wide survey 
to sample opinion on a wide range of issues that affect our lives. Based on a 
compiled list of Fairfield-area meditators, we sent out approximately 2,000 
surveys. We received 659 completed surveys, for a response rate of about 33%. 
(The response rate may even be higher; since we used bulk mail, we do not know 
the exact number of surveys delivered.) In the field of written surveys, a 
response rate of 33% is considered outstanding. 
 Survey respondents come from a cross-section of our community: 84% have been 
meditating for 16 years or longer; 68% have lived in Fairfield for seven years 
or more; and 68% are registered for Super Radiance. Although not every 
meditator filled out a survey, we believe the results provide significant 
insights into how meditators feel about important issues and about our lives in 
 Survey Data
 This document provides the raw data for all questions except for the essays. 
For the essays, this document lists the more common suggestions and comments.
 Looking at the data, one can identify responses of general consensus and also 
responses reflecting widely diverse opinions. Where there is a clear need and 
desire in a particular area of concern, the Community Forum will hold open 
meetings so that interested people can come together, discuss options, and 
explore possible solutions. 
 The survey data can also be evaluated from a variety of different perspectives 
(e.g., age, gender, income, Movement status, etc.). We encourage anyone with 
statistical analytical skills to help us analyze the survey results more 
 Thank You!
 We would like to thank everyone who participated in the survey! We would also 
like to thank those who wrote to us with comments and suggestions about the 

 THE COMMUNITY FORUM, P.O. Box 1633, Fairfield, IA 52556 • 515-472-8132 (0ld)

 Summary of responses to..

 Of the 659 people who completed a survey, 548 wrote answers to the essay 
questions. Many people wrote multiple pages of comments and suggestions; one 
individual sent in 12 typed pages. We are committed to making available an 
unedited compilation of all essay responses, and we need volunteers to help us 
complete this project. Please call 472-7033 if you can help.
 Because we do not yet have an unedited compilation of the essay questions, 
volunteers read the surveys and categorized all answers. From these categories, 
they identified comments more commonly given. (Therefore, not every comment is 
listed here.) We have provided these comments in this section. 
 The summary to the essay questions necessarily involved a subjective 
evaluation. While the comments in this summary were commonly mentioned, it is 
difficult to determine whether they reflect a majority opinion or even a 
significant minority. They simply reflect the more common essay responses as 
interpreted by the volunteers who read them.

 25. My comments and recommendations regarding economic issues in Fairfield are:
 • Concern about limited job opportunities.
 • Need for affordable housing.
 • Products and programs too expensive.
 • Fairfield residents should get discounts on all products and programs.
 • Monies generated in this community should stay here.
 • Concern about prevalence of poverty consciousness.

 37. My comments and recommendations regarding social and family concerns are:
 • Need for more ethical conduct (most often mentioned were adultery and 
 • Strengthening family life (most often mentioned were neglect of children, 
weak parenting skills, and lack of recognition of the value of counseling).
 • Resentment of classism, elitism.
 • Need for less arrogance toward local residents.
 • Complaints about fatigue; no time for social activities, feeling of lack of 
balanced life, etc.

 47. To make Fairfield a more attractive place to raise a family, I would like:
 • More parental involvement in after-school activities, dances, teenage clubs, 
 • Fairfield is a wonderful place to raise children. Desire for more 
interaction between MSAE, MIU, and public schools. Desire for ice-skating rink, 
bike paths, etc.
 • MSAE: less emphasis on Sanskrit; more on Western traditional academics. Need 
for more openness and creativity; need to deal with drugs, alcohol, and sex 
 • Better pay for teachers.
 • Movement should subsidize poorer parents so all kids can attend MSAE.

 59&75. My comments and recommendations regarding TM or TM-Sidhi programs and 
to improve 
 superradiance are:
 • Treat participants with trust and respect.
 • Need experience meetings regularly.
 • It’

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The '93-'94 Survey of Meditating Fairfield

2015-09-03 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Let me rephrase that. Yes, everything's *f'ed* up.

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2015 9:39 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The '93-'94 Survey of Meditating Fairfield
    TheCommunity ForumCommunity-wideSurvey Results (also saved as documents in 
the FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups files section.)DearMeditator, Inlate spring 
(1994), the Community Forum sponsored a community-wide survey tosample opinion 
on a wide range of issues that affect our lives. Basedon a compiled list of 
Fairfield-area meditators, we sent outapproximately 2,000 surveys. We received 
659 completed surveys, for aresponse rate of about 33%. (The response rate may 
even be higher;since we used bulk mail, we do not know the exact number of 
surveysdelivered.) In the field of written surveys, a response rate of 33%is 
considered outstanding.  Surveyrespondents come from a cross-section of our 
community: 84% have beenmeditating for 16 years or longer; 68% have lived in 
Fairfield forseven years or more; and 68% are registered for Super 
Radiance.Although not every meditator filled out a survey, we believe 
theresults provide significant insights into how meditators feel aboutimportant 
issues and about our lives in Fairfield.SurveyDataThisdocument provides the raw 
data for all questions except for theessays. For the essays, this document 
lists the more commonsuggestions and comments. Lookingat the data, one can 
identify responses of general consensus and alsoresponses reflecting widely 
diverse opinions. Where there is a clearneed and desire in a particular area of 
concern, the Community Forumwill hold open meetings so that interested people 
can come together,discuss options, and explore possible solutions.  Thesurvey 
data can also be evaluated from a variety of differentperspectives (e.g., age, 
gender, income, Movement status, etc.). Weencourage anyone with statistical 
analytical skills to help usanalyze the survey results more thoroughly.  
ThankYou!Wewould like to thank everyone who participated in the survey! We 
wouldalso like to thank those who wrote to us with comments andsuggestions 
about the survey.
THECOMMUNITY FORUM, P.O. Box 1633, Fairfield, IA 52556 • 515-472-8132 (0ld)
Summary of responses to..ESSAYQUESTIONS

Ofthe 659 people who completed a survey, 548 wrote answers to the 
essayquestions. Many people wrote multiple pages of comments andsuggestions; 
one individual sent in 12 typed pages. We are committedto making available an 
unedited compilation of all essay responses,and we need volunteers to help us 
complete this project. Please call472-7033 if you can help. Becausewe do not 
yet have an unedited compilation of the essay questions,volunteers read the 
surveys and categorized all answers. From thesecategories, they identified 
comments more commonly given. (Therefore,not every comment is listed here.) We 
have provided these comments inthis section. The summary to the essay questions 
necessarily involved a subjectiveevaluation. While the comments in this summary 
were commonlymentioned, it is difficult to determine whether they reflect 
amajority opinion or even a significant minority. They simply reflectthe more 
common essay responses as interpreted by the volunteers whoread them.

25.My comments and recommendations regarding economic issues inFairfield are:• 
Concern about limited jobopportunities.• Need for affordable housing.• Products 
and programs tooexpensive.• Fairfield residents should getdiscounts on all 
products and programs.• Monies generated in thiscommunity should stay here.• 
Concern about prevalence ofpoverty consciousness.

37.My comments and recommendations regarding social and family concernsare:• 
Need for more ethical conduct(most often mentioned were adultery and divorce).• 
Strengthening family life (mostoften mentioned were neglect of children, weak 
parenting skills, andlack of recognition of the value of counseling).• 
Resentment of classism, elitism.• Need for less arrogance towardlocal 
residents.• Complaints about fatigue; no timefor social activities, feeling of 
lack of balanced life, etc.

47.To make Fairfield a more attractive place to raise a family, I wouldlike:• 
More parental involvement inafter-school activities, dances, teenage clubs, 
etc.• Fairfield is a wonderful place toraise children. Desire for more 
interaction between MSAE, MIU, andpublic schools. Desire for ice-skating rink, 
bike paths, etc.• MSAE: less emphasis on Sanskrit;more on Western traditional 
academics. Need for more openness andcreativity; need to deal with drugs, 
alcohol, and sex education.• Better pay for teachers.• Movement should 
subsidize poorerparents so all kids can attend MSAE.

59&75.My comments and recommendations regarding TM or TM-Sidhi programs andto 
improve  superradianceare:• Treat participants with trust andrespect.• Need 
experience meetingsregularly.• It’s perfect just the way itis.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The '93-'94 Survey of Meditating Fairfield

2015-09-03 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2015 9:39 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The '93-'94 Survey of Meditating Fairfield
    TheCommunity ForumCommunity-wideSurvey Results (also saved as documents in 
the FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups files section.)DearMeditator, Inlate spring 
(1994), the Community Forum sponsored a community-wide survey tosample opinion 
on a wide range of issues that affect our lives. Basedon a compiled list of 
Fairfield-area meditators, we sent outapproximately 2,000 surveys. We received 
659 completed surveys, for aresponse rate of about 33%. (The response rate may 
even be higher;since we used bulk mail, we do not know the exact number of 
surveysdelivered.) In the field of written surveys, a response rate of 33%is 
considered outstanding.  Surveyrespondents come from a cross-section of our 
community: 84% have beenmeditating for 16 years or longer; 68% have lived in 
Fairfield forseven years or more; and 68% are registered for Super 
Radiance.Although not every meditator filled out a survey, we believe 
theresults provide significant insights into how meditators feel aboutimportant 
issues and about our lives in Fairfield.SurveyDataThisdocument provides the raw 
data for all questions except for theessays. For the essays, this document 
lists the more commonsuggestions and comments. Lookingat the data, one can 
identify responses of general consensus and alsoresponses reflecting widely 
diverse opinions. Where there is a clearneed and desire in a particular area of 
concern, the Community Forumwill hold open meetings so that interested people 
can come together,discuss options, and explore possible solutions.  Thesurvey 
data can also be evaluated from a variety of differentperspectives (e.g., age, 
gender, income, Movement status, etc.). Weencourage anyone with statistical 
analytical skills to help usanalyze the survey results more thoroughly.  
ThankYou!Wewould like to thank everyone who participated in the survey! We 
wouldalso like to thank those who wrote to us with comments andsuggestions 
about the survey.
THECOMMUNITY FORUM, P.O. Box 1633, Fairfield, IA 52556 • 515-472-8132 (0ld)
Summary of responses to..ESSAYQUESTIONS

Ofthe 659 people who completed a survey, 548 wrote answers to the 
essayquestions. Many people wrote multiple pages of comments andsuggestions; 
one individual sent in 12 typed pages. We are committedto making available an 
unedited compilation of all essay responses,and we need volunteers to help us 
complete this project. Please call472-7033 if you can help. Becausewe do not 
yet have an unedited compilation of the essay questions,volunteers read the 
surveys and categorized all answers. From thesecategories, they identified 
comments more commonly given. (Therefore,not every comment is listed here.) We 
have provided these comments inthis section. The summary to the essay questions 
necessarily involved a subjectiveevaluation. While the comments in this summary 
were commonlymentioned, it is difficult to determine whether they reflect 
amajority opinion or even a significant minority. They simply reflectthe more 
common essay responses as interpreted by the volunteers whoread them.

25.My comments and recommendations regarding economic issues inFairfield are:• 
Concern about limited jobopportunities.• Need for affordable housing.• Products 
and programs tooexpensive.• Fairfield residents should getdiscounts on all 
products and programs.• Monies generated in thiscommunity should stay here.• 
Concern about prevalence ofpoverty consciousness.

37.My comments and recommendations regarding social and family concernsare:• 
Need for more ethical conduct(most often mentioned were adultery and divorce).• 
Strengthening family life (mostoften mentioned were neglect of children, weak 
parenting skills, andlack of recognition of the value of counseling).• 
Resentment of classism, elitism.• Need for less arrogance towardlocal 
residents.• Complaints about fatigue; no timefor social activities, feeling of 
lack of balanced life, etc.

47.To make Fairfield a more attractive place to raise a family, I wouldlike:• 
More parental involvement inafter-school activities, dances, teenage clubs, 
etc.• Fairfield is a wonderful place toraise children. Desire for more 
interaction between MSAE, MIU, andpublic schools. Desire for ice-skating rink, 
bike paths, etc.• MSAE: less emphasis on Sanskrit;more on Western traditional 
academics. Need for more openness andcreativity; need to deal with drugs, 
alcohol, and sex education.• Better pay for teachers.• Movement should 
subsidize poorerparents so all kids can attend MSAE.

59&75.My comments and recommendations regarding TM or TM-Sidhi programs andto 
improve  superradianceare:• Treat participants with trust andrespect.• Need 
experience meetingsregularly.• It’s perfect just the way itis. Just keep on the 
program.• Movement recommendi

[FairfieldLife] Re: The '93-'94 Survey of Meditating Fairfield

2015-09-03 Thread [FairfieldLife]
The Community Forum
 Community-wide Survey Results 
 (also saved as documents in the FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups files section.) 
 Dear Meditator,
 In late spring (1994), the Community Forum sponsored a community-wide survey 
to sample opinion on a wide range of issues that affect our lives. Based on a 
compiled list of Fairfield-area meditators, we sent out approximately 2,000 
surveys. We received 659 completed surveys, for a response rate of about 33%. 
(The response rate may even be higher; since we used bulk mail, we do not know 
the exact number of surveys delivered.) In the field of written surveys, a 
response rate of 33% is considered outstanding. 
 Survey respondents come from a cross-section of our community: 84% have been 
meditating for 16 years or longer; 68% have lived in Fairfield for seven years 
or more; and 68% are registered for Super Radiance. Although not every 
meditator filled out a survey, we believe the results provide significant 
insights into how meditators feel about important issues and about our lives in 
 Survey Data
 This document provides the raw data for all questions except for the essays. 
For the essays, this document lists the more common suggestions and comments.
 Looking at the data, one can identify responses of general consensus and also 
responses reflecting widely diverse opinions. Where there is a clear need and 
desire in a particular area of concern, the Community Forum will hold open 
meetings so that interested people can come together, discuss options, and 
explore possible solutions. 
 The survey data can also be evaluated from a variety of different perspectives 
(e.g., age, gender, income, Movement status, etc.). We encourage anyone with 
statistical analytical skills to help us analyze the survey results more 
 Thank You!
 We would like to thank everyone who participated in the survey! We would also 
like to thank those who wrote to us with comments and suggestions about the 

 THE COMMUNITY FORUM, P.O. Box 1633, Fairfield, IA 52556 • 515-472-8132 (0ld)

 Summary of responses to..

 Of the 659 people who completed a survey, 548 wrote answers to the essay 
questions. Many people wrote multiple pages of comments and suggestions; one 
individual sent in 12 typed pages. We are committed to making available an 
unedited compilation of all essay responses, and we need volunteers to help us 
complete this project. Please call 472-7033 if you can help.
 Because we do not yet have an unedited compilation of the essay questions, 
volunteers read the surveys and categorized all answers. From these categories, 
they identified comments more commonly given. (Therefore, not every comment is 
listed here.) We have provided these comments in this section. 
 The summary to the essay questions necessarily involved a subjective 
evaluation. While the comments in this summary were commonly mentioned, it is 
difficult to determine whether they reflect a majority opinion or even a 
significant minority. They simply reflect the more common essay responses as 
interpreted by the volunteers who read them.

 25. My comments and recommendations regarding economic issues in Fairfield are:
 • Concern about limited job opportunities.
 • Need for affordable housing.
 • Products and programs too expensive.
 • Fairfield residents should get discounts on all products and programs.
 • Monies generated in this community should stay here.
 • Concern about prevalence of poverty consciousness.

 37. My comments and recommendations regarding social and family concerns are:
 • Need for more ethical conduct (most often mentioned were adultery and 
 • Strengthening family life (most often mentioned were neglect of children, 
weak parenting skills, and lack of recognition of the value of counseling).
 • Resentment of classism, elitism.
 • Need for less arrogance toward local residents.
 • Complaints about fatigue; no time for social activities, feeling of lack of 
balanced life, etc.

 47. To make Fairfield a more attractive place to raise a family, I would like:
 • More parental involvement in after-school activities, dances, teenage clubs, 
 • Fairfield is a wonderful place to raise children. Desire for more 
interaction between MSAE, MIU, and public schools. Desire for ice-skating rink, 
bike paths, etc.
 • MSAE: less emphasis on Sanskrit; more on Western traditional academics. Need 
for more openness and creativity; need to deal with drugs, alcohol, and sex 
 • Better pay for teachers.
 • Movement should subsidize poorer parents so all kids can attend MSAE.

 59&75. My comments and recommendations regarding TM or TM-Sidhi programs and 
to improve 
 superradiance are:
 • Treat participants with trust and respect.
 • Need experience meetings regularly.
 • It’s perfect just the way it is. Just keep on the program.
 • Movement recommending programs for evolution, such as Jyotish, Ayurveda 